All Classes and Interfaces

Accessibility / Section 508 compliance
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
ISC Abstraction for ActiveX controls
A menu that can either show its menu options inline, or show them via a drop-down, depending on available space in the surrounding Layout or ToolStrip.
Adds a new screen instance to a Layout, as a new Tab in a TabSet or as a new Section in a SectionStack.
Admin Console
Policy for choosing between admin searches fetched from the DataSource vs.
AdvancedCriteria is a format for representing search criteria which may include operators on field values such as "less than", or may include sub-clauses such as several criteria applied to fields joined by an "OR" operator.
AdvancedCriteria is a format for representing search criteria which may include operators on field values such as "less than", or may include sub-clauses such as several criteria applied to fields joined by an "OR" operator.
A specialized subclass of DSRequest that you use to declare the properties of a subquery (a fieldQuery or valueQuery) to be used in AdvancedCriteria.
A specialized subclass of DSRequest that you use to declare the properties of a subquery (a fieldQuery or valueQuery) to be used in AdvancedCriteria.
Advanced Filtering
A widget for editing a single, advanced hilite rule for use by dataBoundComponents.
The following APIs are all related to Ai.
Provides class methods for enabling and disabling the use of AI technology, registering and unregistering AI engines, and performing high-level operations using installed AI engines.
Context object for an AI process.
Provides access to a particular generative AI model.
Settings that configure requests to AI to generate the values for a field.
Settings that configure requests to AI to generate the contents of hovers.
An individual message in the list of AIRequest.messages of an AI request.
A message relating to progress made in an ongoing build-via-AI operation.
Represents a request to AI for a response.
Represents a response from AI.
For an AIResponse of type ERROR, the type of error, if known.
The mode for how AI should respond to AI-powered component view requests, such as filering, sorting, and hiliting via AI.
Dialog informing user of the progress when doing an AI sort.
Window subclass used by the "Filter via AI…" and "Hilite via AI…" ListGrid header context menu items to allow the user to filter or hilite by a natural language description of a filter or hilite, respectively.
The following APIs are all related to AllowedOperations.
Parent/child relationships
Configuration object for effect to apply during an animated show or hide.
The following APIs are all related to Animation.
Acceleration effect for animations.
String specifying effect to apply during an animated show or hide.
During a size animation.
Answer Engine
Properties defining an object's appearance
Application Declaration Files
Represents a request to AI to evaluate an "aiFilter" AdvancedCriteria on a list of records.
Represents the result of a request to evaluate an "aiFilter" AdvancedCriteria on a list of records.
What to do if the user hits Up or Down arrow key while editing a cell.
Supported styles for arrowheads.
Ask the user to input a value.
Context for an asynchronous data-bound operation.
Parameters to an asynchronous data-bound operation.
The result of an asynchronous operation to generate multiple values.
Context for an asynchronous operation.
Parameters to an asynchronous operation.
An object containing information about the result of an asynchronous operation.
The type of result of an asynchronous operation.
The result of an asynchronous operation to generate a value.
Contains utilities and constants to support asynchronous code.
The following APIs are all related to Auth.
The Authentication or Auth class represents a convenient, standard place to keep information about the currently logged in user and their assigned user roles.
An autoChild is an automatically generated subcomponent that a component creates to handle part of its presentation or functionality.
A string with the format "autoChild:autoChildName" passed as a Tab.pane or section item instead of an actual Canvas or ID.
Using AutoChildren
AutoComplete behavior for FormItems.
Possible values to change the behavior of how data will fill the ListGrid.
The following APIs are all related to AutoFitData.
Event on a listGrid header to trigger auto-fit of the listgrid field.
The following APIs are all related to AutoFitFields.
How should fields of type:"icon" be sized by default?
Class for editable multi-line text areas (uses HTML <TEXTAREA> object) automatically expands to accommodate its content
How should field width be determined when ListGridField.autoFitWidth is true?
Automated Testing
What should drive the automatic expansion of the chart?
Selection model for CubeGrid indicating which cells in the body should be selected when row or column headers are selected.
The following APIs are all related to AutoTest.
Standalone class providing a general interface for integration with Automated Testing Tools
An AutoTestLocator is a string generated by the AutoTest class to reliably identify an interactive element in a Smart GWT application.
An axis or "side" of a table.
Background Download
Mockup Importer
The following APIs are all related to BarChart.
The baseLine is StretchImg that is placed along the edge of the TabBar that borders on the pane, occluding the pane's actual border but matching it exactly.
Base class for Canvas and DrawItem.
The following APIs are all related to Basics.
The BatchUploader handles the upload, validation, review and saving of a dataset expressed in CSV or other upload formats.
This class has been moved to the com.smartgwt.client.widgets package.
This class has been moved to the com.smartgwt.client.widgets package.
Utility class for creating objects and setting properties at run-time via reflection-like mechanisms.
Interface used to trigger the generation and registration of reflection metadata for Canvas and all its subclasses found in the classpath (including your custom subclasses).
Interface used to trigger the generation and registration of reflection metadata for FormItem and all its subclasses found in the classpath (including your custom subclasses).
Annotation which will trigger the generation of BeanFactories.
An interface which you can extend in order to register classes with the BeanFactory reflection mechanism.
Class with static methods that help with various reflection-like tasks with respect to values used by BeanFactories (that is, the return types of getters, and the parameter types of setters).
An enum used to indicate how well a BeanValueType can handle a conversion.
Interface used to trigger the generation and registration of reflection metadata for argument types.
Binary Fields
FormItem intended for inserting blurbs of instructional HTML into DynamicForms.
Boolean form item, implemented with customizable checkbox images
The Browser class contains various class attributes that indicate basic properties of the browser and whether certain features are enabled.
Container for a Browser Plugin.
Supported Browsers
Allows specifying additional browser window settings when calling the underlying JavaScript or OpenFin call to create the child window in
Native Browser Zoom Support
Builds an AIFieldRequest from a UserAIRequest containing a natural language description of the per-record values to generate for a new AI-generated field.
Represents a response to a request to build an AIFieldRequest from a natural language description of the per-record values to generate for a new AI-generated field.
Builds an AdvancedCriteria object from a UserAIRequest containing a natural language description of a filter.
Represents a response to a request to build an AdvancedCriteria object from a natural language description of a filter.
Represents a request to AI for data-bound UI elements.
Represents a request to AI for creation of one or more Hilite objects from a natural language description of hilite criteria and styling to apply.
Represents a response from AI to a request to build one or more Hilite objects.
Context for an ongoing build-UI-via-AI operation.
Represents a request to AI for UI elements.
Represents a response from AI to a user's request to build UI element(s).
A dialog that can be used to inform the user of progress made on a build-via-AI process.
Base class for a representation of a high-level request to AI to build something.
Base class for a representation of a response to a high-level request to AI to build something.
SimpleTypes support a mechanism for arranging values into groups.
The following APIs are all related to Button.
The Button widget class implements interactive, style-based button widgets.
Button Icon
FormItem for adding a Button to a form.
The following APIs are all related to Buttons.
The following APIs are all related to CacheSync.
Automatic Cache Synchronization
Indicates the strategy to be used for automatic cache synchronization, for a given DataSource, OperationBinding or DSRequest.
Indicates the timing strategy to be used for automatic cache synchronization, for a given DataSource, OperationBinding or DSRequest.
The following APIs are all related to CalculatedDataSourceFields.
The Calendar component provides several different ways for a user to view and edit a set of events.
The following APIs are all related to CalendarEvent.
A type of Record which represents an event to occur at a specific time, displayed within the calendar.
Indicates how a given Calendar Save was initiated - values are dialog, editor and mouse.
CalendarView is a base class, extended by the various views available in a Calendar.
A Callback is an arbitrary action to be fired - usually passed into a method to be fired asynchronously as a notificaction of some event.
The callback can be defined in the following formats: a function A string containing an expression to evaluate An object with the following properties:
- target: fire in the scope of this target - when the action fires, the target will be available as this.
- methodName: if specified we'll check for a method on the target object with this name.
Callbacks are fired via the Class.fireCallback() method, which allows named parameters to be passed into the callback at runtime.
Button that cancels any changes in the form, by calling DynamicForm.cancelEditing when clicked.
Provides a mechanism for canceling asynchronous operations.
Called to determine whether a given record can be selected in a grid.
Base class for all Smart GWT visual components (except FormItems).
EditProxy that handles Canvas objects when editMode is enabled.
FormItem which renders a Canvas inline in a DynamicForm instance.
Returns additional CSS to apply to a cell, on top of the grid's cell-styling
Defines the HTML that's displayed in the cells of a ListGridField or entire ListGrid.
Called to determine the hover text for a given cell in a CalendarView
A CellRecord represents the data for one cell of the body area.
Maintains a representation of selection over a 2-dimensional grid of objects.
Automatically created to manage cell-selection on CubeGrid widgets.
As with stateful canvases, grid cells support being styled to reflect the current state of the cell by generating a css styleName from the specified baseStyle, plus stateful suffixes.
The following APIs are all related to CellStyling.
The following APIs are all related to ChangeHandling.
The following APIs are all related to ChartFeatures.
The following APIs are all related to ChartProperties.
The following APIs are all related to ChartTitle.
The following APIs are all related to ChartType.
Known chart types.
The following APIs are all related to CheckboxField.
Checkbox form item, implemented with customizable checkbox images.
EditProxy that handles CheckboxItem when editMode is enabled.
when heuristically finding a property that appears to contain child objects, the ChildrenPropertyMode determines how to chose the property appears to contain child objects
Command to draw a segment of a specified circle.
The following APIs are all related to ClickMask.
Passed as a parameter to Canvas.showClickMask() to determine the masks behavior when clicked.
The following APIs are all related to ClientData.
Client-side Data Integration
Client Only DataSources
Client-Server Integration
For a validator of type isUnique in a component listing multiple records such as a ListGrid, can we use the component's fetched data set to check for uniqueness? Used by Validator.checkComponentData.
The following APIs are all related to Clipping.
Command to close the current sub-path.
Form item for selecting a color via a pop-up ColorPicker.
The ColorPicker widget allows the user to select a color from anywhere in the color spectrum.
Form item for selecting a color via a pop-up ColorPicker.
An object containing properties that is used in Gradient types
The Smart GWT system supports hierarchical data (also referred to as tree data due to its "branching" organization) with: the Tree class, which manipulates hierarchical data sets the TreeGrid widget class, which extends the ListGrid class to visually present tree data in an expandable/collapsible format.
ComboBoxItem PickList Filtering
The Combobox is a text input field which can show a list of options via a drop-down PickList.
ComboBoxItem criteria
The following APIs are all related to Communication.
Component Binding
Component Schema
Base class for tasks that target SmartGWT UI-specific operations.
Component XML
When skinning basic FormItems like SelectItem and TextItem, consider that compound form items like DateItem and ComboBox reuse simpler items like SelectItem and TextItem, so adding a border to SelectItem would also apply a border to each select item within DateItem.
To avoid such side-effects, if you want to add styling to all SelectItems used in your application, you can create an application-specific subclass like MySelectItem and apply properties there.
Handling concurrent edits in Smart GWT DataSources
Supported styles of connector orientations.
Supported styles of connector styles.
The following APIs are all related to Constant.
Component Containment and Hierarchy
Determine whether a string value contains some substring specified via substring.
Policy controlling how the window will manage content within its body.
The following APIs are all related to ContentLoading.
The following APIs are all related to Contents.
What type of content is being displayed within the HTMLFlow? This content may come from the contentsURL or be directly specified as HTMLFlow.contents.
Names for the standard controls built into the RichTextEditor.
This object contains all of the methods for converting from a JavaScriptObject to an array of specific SmartGWT class types.
The following APIs are all related to Corner.
Controls what class and instance substitutions, if any, are applied during a call to RPCManager.createScreen().
Criteria for selecting only a matching set of records from a DataSource.
Criteria for selecting only a matching set of records from a DataSource.
The logical operator to use when combining criteria objects with the DataSource.combineCriteria() method.
Criteria Editing
Settings for generation of AdvancedCriteria descriptions.
An object representing a criterion to apply to a record.
An object representing a criterion to apply to a record.
CSS color specification applied to a specific HTML element on this page.
A Layout-based component for editing groups of styling settings.
CSS class name to apply to some HTML element on this page.
A String of CSS that can be added directly to a style attribute.
The CubeGrid is an interactive grid component that presents very large, multi-dimensional data sets (also known as data cubes) for reporting or analytic applications.
Visual hints for the user that something can be done to this object
Possible values for the current pane showing in a SplitPane.
The following APIs are all related to Cursor.
You can use whatever cursors are valid for your deployment platforms, but keep in mind that visual representation may vary by browser and OS.
Custom Querying Overview
Customizing Sass-based Skins
Including custom elements in the tab order
The following APIs are all related to Data.
A DataBoundComponent is a widget that can configure itself for viewing or editing objects which&#010 share a certain schema by "binding" to the schema for that object (called a "DataSource").
DataBound Component Methods
The following APIs are all related to DataContext.
A mapping from DataSource IDs to specific Records.
Identical to a DataContext but in addition to fixed values, ruleContext values can be specified by prefixing the ruleContext path with $ruleScope. as shown below:
Algorithms for drawing lines between points.
String specifying a nested data field structure.
The following APIs are all related to DataPoints.
Represents a data question and either the steps taken in attempting to answer it or the result.
The result of the data question.
Settings for a data question.
An object that contains information about a step in an Answer Engine operation.
A DataSource is data-provider-independent description of a set of objects that will be loaded, edited and saved within the user interface of your application.
A DataSource is data-provider-independent description of a set of objects that will be loaded, edited and saved within the user interface of your application.
Creating DataSources
Metadata about a DataSourceField, including its type and validators.
Metadata about a DataSourceField, including its type and validators.
DataSource and Component XML Localization
DataSource Operations
A DataSourceField that is based on a user created SimpleType.
DataSources Tab
Indicates the mode to use for resolving templated references in a DataSource's configuration file.
The following APIs are all related to DataType.
The data URL MIME type to use when DrawPane.getDataURL() is called to convert the drawing to a data URL.
A DataView coordinates the asynchronous loading of WSDL WebService and XML Schema definitions in applications created by Reify.
The following APIs are all related to Date.
Called to determine the horizontal Alignment of the content in s given date cell in a CalendarView
Called to determine the vertical Alignment of the content in s given date cell in a CalendarView
Simple interactive calendar interface used to pick a date.
A customizer that allows you to alter the year representations used in various places in the DateChooser widget.
Called to determine additional CSS text for a given date in a given view
Valid display formats for dates.
DateDisplayFormatter interface.
The type of date/time editing style to use when editing an event.
The direction in which an item should lay out it's fields.
Date and Time Format and Storage
A ListGrid subclass that manages calendar views.
Called to determine the HTML to be displayed in the header for a given date column in a CalendarView
Called to determine the HTML to be displayed in a given date cell in a CalendarView
3 character string containing the "M", "D" and "Y" characters to indicate the format of strings being parsed into Date instances via DateUtil.parseInput().
A FormItem for editing logical-Date values, where times are ignored.
The following APIs are all related to DateItemAppearance.
EditProxy that handles DateItem when editMode is enabled.
Order of pickers and which pickers are present when using a DateItem with DateItem.useTextField false.
Custom parser for converting formatted date strings to live Date objects.
A class specifying a range of dates.
Simple modal dialog for collecting a date range from the end user.
Allows a user to select an absolute or relative range of dates via two RelativeDateItems (if allowRelativeDates is true) or two DateItems.
Tests whether the value for a date field is within the range specified by validator.min and validator.max, which should be dates.
Called to determine the CSS class name for a given date in a given view
A simple DateItem subclass for editing regular datetime values, where date and time elements are relevant.
Static singleton class containing APIs for interacting with Dates.
Represents a field in a DataBoundComponent.
Database Configuration
Using the Debug Modules
Configuration to control how excessive overflow is reported when you're debugging overflow.
Identifies a potential branch within a MultiDecisionTask.
Chooses a next element in a Process by evaluating a series of criteria against the Process.state and choosing the element associated with the criteria that matched, or a defaultElement if none of the criteria match.
Chooses one or another next process element based on AdvancedCriteria applied to Process.state.
A simple container that implements the policy that at most one of its contained components is visible at any given time.
Declarative Security
Some interfaces, for example the FieldPicker and HiliteEditor widgets, can use data from an associated DataBoundComponent to express live sample values at runtime.
Deployment Management Console
Displays one or more records "horizontally" with one property per line.
EditProxy that handles DetailViewer components when editMode is enabled.
An object literal with a particular set of properties used to configure the display of and interaction with the rows of a DetailViewer.
A DetailViewerRecord is an object literal with properties that define the values for the various fields of a DetailViewer.
An object containing the stored grouping information for a detailViewer.
The Developer Console RPC Tab
Possible layout modes for UI components that are sensitive to the device type being used (a.k.a.
Dashboards & Tools Framework Overview
Dialogs are a specialized version of Window used for small windows that contain just a text message or a text mesage with some standard buttons.
Called to determine whether the passed date should be considered disabled in the passed view
Defines a set of properties that specify how the tree will be explored by Tree.discoverTree()
The following APIs are all related to Display.
Flag passed to functions as displayNodeType, telling the function whether it should work on folders, leaves or both at once.
This class provides static methods to call server-side DMI methods exposed via a ApplicationDeclaration file.
Direct Method Invocation
Determine whether a string value does not contain some substring specified via validator.substring.
DOM Integration & Third-party Components
DOM related helper methods.
TextForm item for managing a text field that displays a decimal value.
The following APIs are all related to Drag.
Different types of effects for showing dragging behavior.
What do we do with data that's been dropped into another list?
Drag and Drop
The following APIs are all related to Dragging.
The following APIs are all related to DragHandleField.
Called to determine the hover text to show during drag operations in Calendars
Different styles of determining intersection: with mouse or entire rect of target
What kind of mask to use for masking dragged element.
The following APIs are all related to Dragndrop.
The following APIs are all related to DragResize.
The following APIs are all related to DragTracker.
Hover customizer object for returning a different icon when a user has selected record(s) and is dragging them.
When records are being dragged from within a ListGrid, what sort of drag-tracker should be displayed?
Hover customizer object for returning a different icon when a user has selected record(s) and is dragging them.
DrawItem subclass to render multi-segment, orthogonal-routing paths.
The following APIs are all related to DrawContext.
DrawItem that renders cubic bezier curves.
DrawItem subclass to render diamond shapes
DrawItem subclass to manage a group of other DrawItem instances.
DrawItem subclass to render embedded images.
Rendering an object on the page.
The type of drawing back-end used by a DrawPane to draw its draw items on screen.
Base class for graphical elements drawn in a DrawPane.
EditProxy that handles DrawItems except for DrawLabels when editMode is enabled.
Canvas that renders a DrawItem into a DrawPane and provides interactivity for that drawItem, including drag and drop.
DrawItem subclass to render a single-line text label.
EditProxy that handles DrawLabels when editMode is enabled.
DrawItem subclass to render line segments.
DrawItem subclass to render a connector between two points.
Returns information about how a data value is rendered in a chart.
DrawItem subclass to render oval shapes, including circles.
A DrawPane is a container for drawing bitmap and vector graphics using browser's built-in freeform drawing capabilities.
EditProxy that handles DrawPanes when editMode is enabled.
Draws a multi-segment line.
DrawItem subclass to render polygons
DrawItem subclass to render rectangle shapes, optionally with rounded corners.
DrawItem subclass to render Pie Slices.
DrawItem to render a shape defined by executing the series of drawing commands in the commands array.
Holds the information of a drawing command.
DrawItem subclass to render triangles
A ServiceTask configured to perform an add.
Indicates the format to be used for HTTP requests and responses when fulfilling DSRequests (eg, when DataSource.fetchData() is called).
DataSource Facade pattern
A ServiceTask configured to perform a fetch.
For DataSources of type "sql" and "hibernate", specifies the kind of inheritance to use when a dataSource specifies inheritsFrom.
Settings to control optional DataSource loading features.
One of the four basic operations that can be performed on DataSource data: "fetch", "add", "update", "remove".
OperationBinding.dataProtocol affects how the data in the DSRequest ( is sent to the DataSource.dataURL.
A ServiceTask configured to perform a remove.
Request sent to the server to initiate a DataSource operation.
DSRequest data auto-converted to bean types
Various subsystems have a need to compare DataSource requests and understand if they are equivalent or affect the same data (examples include automatic cache synchronization and offline caching and synchronization).
An object that modifies a dsRequest based on several available values, including preceding responses from the same queue.
The following APIs are all related to DsResponse.
Response sent by the server in response to a DataSource request.
Indicates what Smart GWT Server will do with a DataSource request if you call dsRequest.execute() in server code.
A DataSource allows you to declare that certain fields are the most important fields to show to a user in situations where space is limited, and only one or a few fields can be reasonably shown.
A ServiceTask configured to perform a update.
If a property indicates it has support for "dynamic criteria" it means that values in the criteria may be dynamically derived from the current Canvas.ruleScope using Criterion.valuePath.
The DynamicForm manages a collection of FormItems which represent user input controls.
The following APIs are all related to DynamicMenuItem.
EdgedCanvas acts as a decorative, image-based frame around another single Canvas.
An edge or corner of a rectange, or it's center.
Object used to specify custom edge sizes or offsets.
What event / user interaction type caused cell editing to complete.
An EditContext provides an editing environment for a set of components.
Grid Editing
An object representing a component that is currently being edited within an EditContext.
A container that allows drag and drop instantiation of visual components from a Palette, and direct manipulation of the position and size of those components.
An EditProxy is attached to an editable component when editMode is enabled.
Window that simply contains a SavedSearchEditor as the com.smartgwt.client.types.AutoChild savedSearchEditor.
A TreeGrid that allows drag and drop creation and manipulation of a tree of objects described by DataSources.
Manipulating native form elements
Configuration object for AutoTest.waitForElement()
How should AutoTest.waitForElement() determine that the application is ready to retrieve the element?
How a component should be embedded within its record or cell
The following APIs are all related to EmptyMessage.
Enabling and Disabling
Form encoding types - these translate to Form ENCTYPE parameters.
Task that ends a workflow.
What to do when a user hits enter while editing a cell
Determines how Java enums are translated to and from Javascript by the Smart GWT server.
Utils for manipulate with a Enum.
Determine whether a value matches a value specified via value.
Error Handling Overview
The following APIs are all related to ErrorIcon.
Validation errors and how they are shown
What to do if the user hits escape while editing a cell.
Mode for escaping text values when using DataSource.recordsAsText() or DataSource.recordsFromText().
Called to determine the body/description HTML to be displayed in an event's EventCanvas
The EventCanvas component is a lightweight layout subclass for displaying a CalendarEvent in a CalendarView.
Called to create and update the components shown in EventCanvas instances when Calendar.showEventCanvasComponents is true.
Called to determine the CSS class name for a given event in a given view
Called to determine the hover HTML to be displayed when the user hovers over an eventCanvas in a calendar.
Called to determine the hover HTML to be displayed when the user hovers over an eventCanvas in a calendar.
Called whenever a Calender needs to show the EventDialog, to view or create a CalendarEvent
Called whenever a Calender needs to show an EventEditor, to edit or create a CalendarEvent
SmartGWT provides a predictable cross-browser event-handling mechanism for SmartGWT widgets, and the EventHandler class provides various static APIs for retrieving details about events which have occurred.
Called to determine the header/title HTML to be displayed in an event's EventCanvas
The following APIs are all related to EventRegistry.
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Called to determine the CSS class name for a given event in a given view
Copy and Paste with Excel
The method of pooling to employ for expansionComponents.
The following APIs are all related to ExpansionField.
When canExpandRecords is true, ExpansionMode dictates the type of UI to be displayed in the expanded portion of the row.
Experimental Features
The following APIs are all related to ExportBackgroundColor.
Exports & Cell Background Color
Method to use for displaying the exported data.
One of the supported formats for data-export.
Exports & Formatting
One of the supported formats for image export.
Extends an arbitrary DataSource with the ability to queue requests made on it and dispatch the queued requests on demand.
Facet definition object made use of by the CubeGrid and FacetChart classes.
HTML5-based charting engine, implementing all chartTypes of the Chart interface.
EditProxy that handles FacetCharts when editMode is enabled.
Specifies the direction of facet indenting for a hierarchical facet.
Facet value definition object made use of by the CubeGrid and FacetChart classes (contained by facets).
Hover customizer object for returning custom HTML to display in a hover prompt for CubeGrid facetValues
An object mapping facet ids to facetValue ids within a facet
Server Features and Custom Persistence
The following APIs are all related to Fetching.
Mode of fetching records from the server.
Fetch data related to a record in another component.
Base type representing a field.
Indicates where a given field can be legally filtered.
The following APIs are all related to FieldGeneration.
Options for how values in the import dataset (for example, the CSV file) are transformed during import if the field is a foreignKey mapped to a displayField
Field-Level Security
Name for a field.
The strategy to use when generating field names - for example, for new formula or summary fields created using the built-in editors.
Customizer that returns the list of OperatorIds applicable to a given field.
FieldPicker provides a configuration dialog that displays, side-by-side, the available and currently-displayed fields of a DataBoundComponent.
Customizer called when the settings in a FieldPicker are accepted.
A dialog for picking fields to display from among the available fields.
The following APIs are all related to Fields.
An object containing the stored presentation information for the fields of some dataBoundComponent.
The types listed below are built-in types that databound\n components understand and treat specially (using type-specific form controls, validators, formatters, sorting logic, etc).
File Assembly
Binary data interface for use in DynamicForms.
EditProxy that handles FileItems when editMode is enabled.
Helper class to preload skin images.
Referring to and loading other files.
FileSource Operations
A record which specifies files for use with FileSource Operations.
A form that allows the user to input advanced search criteria, including operators on field values such as "less than", and sub-clauses using "AND" and "OR" operators.
A horizontal, Layout-based widget that allows a user to input a single criterion based on one field and one operator.
Criteria function for pick lists.
The following APIs are all related to FilterEditor.
A subclass of ResultSet designed to provide a synchronously filterable List interface for an array of data.
Governs how the MultiPickerItem "Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons should act when the user has filtered the set of visible options in the list.
Flags to set automatic removal of events from the page event registry.
An object representing the start date for fiscal years in the current locale.
An object representing the start of a given Fiscal Year in the current locale.
Strategies for calculating the FiscalYear within a FiscalCalendar from the specified FiscalCalendar.defaultDate and FiscalCalendar.defaultMonth If the specified fiscal year date starts in one calendar year and ends in the next.
ISC abstraction for Flashlets.
The following APIs are all related to FlatFields.
A TextItem for managing a text field that displays a floating point value.
Tests whether the value for this field is a floating point number with the appropriate number of decimal places - specified in validator.precision If the value is of higher precision, if validator.roundToPrecision is specified, the value will be rounded to the specified number of decimal places and validation will pass, otherwise validation will fail.
Tests whether the value for this field is a floating point number within the range specified by validator.min and validator.max.
Arranges a set of Canvas components into rows, flowing into available space so that different numbers of components may appear in each row.
Force-loads the custom fonts declared in the current skin's CSS file and updates any potentially-affected, already-drawn canvii when loading completes.
Approach to force a text value to be interpreted as text rather than parsed as a date, time or other structured types, as can happen with Microsoft Excel.
A String to be used as a format specifier for a date, datetime, time or numeric field, via the format and exportFormat properties.
The context for which a data-value is being formatted.
Clear form values and errors.
Disable or enable a form field.
Start editing a new record.
EditProxy that handles DynamicForms when editMode is enabled.
Edit a record currently showing in some other component.
Edit a record currently selected in some other component.
The following APIs are all related to FormIcons.
A UI component that can participate in a DynamicForm, allowing editing or display of one of the values tracked by the form.
This string is the base CSS class name applied to a FormItem (or some part of a form item).
Name of a Smart GWT Class that subclasses FormItem.
Interface containing a method to return filter criteria for use by some form item.
EditProxy that handles FormItems when editMode is enabled.
HTML elements that make up a complete FormItem (note, not all FormItems use all of these elements)
Formatter to customize the error message of a FormItem
A class containing details for mouse events occurring over a FormItem.
Context object passed to FormItemFunctions containing information about the form item on which the function was fired
If defined, this method should return the HTML to display in a hover canvas when the user holds the mousepointer over this item.
Form item icon descriptor objects used by Form Items to specify the appearance and behavior of icons displayed after the item in the page flow.
FormItem Styling
Form Layout
Form METHOD parameters - how the form fields are submitted to the server
Revert unsaved changes in a form.
Saves changes made in a form (validates first).
Put a value in just one field of a form.
Set form values.
Form Titles
Fields with values calculated from other fields in the grid.
DataSourceField formula functions
Validate a form and show errors to user.
The following APIs are all related to FormValues.
Values Manager
Frozen Fields
Google Application Engine (GAE)
The Gauge widget class implements a graphical speedometer-style gauge for displaying a measurement by means of a needle on a dial.
Represents a sector on the gauge.
Gets the value properties from a component and makes them available within the workflow as the last task output.
Determining the size of a drawn canvas
An Identifier that's unique in the global scope.
The following APIs are all related to Gradations.
Defines a simple gradient vertical gradient between two colors, or using colorStops.
A widget for visually editing CSS gradients.
EditProxy that handles ListGrid and TreeGrid components when editMode is enabled.
Edit an existing record in a grid or start editing a new one.
Export data currently shown in a grid keeping all grid-specific formatting.
Export data currently shown in a grid.
Fetch data matching specified criteria into grid.
Grid Filtering Overview
Properties and methods related to the ListGrid header.
Remove data that is selected in a grid.
A flexible, high-speed table that offers consistent cross-platform sizing, clipping, and events.
Save all changes in a grid which has auto-saving disabled.
Select or deselect one or more records as specified by criteria.
Sets the edit value of a given field.
If ListGrid.showGridSummary is true, and this method is specified it will be called to generate the summary value to be displayed in the grid summary row.
Transfer selected records from one grid to another.
ListGrids support automatic validation of edited cells / records.
View a record currently selected in some other component.
The following APIs are all related to Grip.
The following APIs are all related to Grouping.
An auto-generated class representing the group nodes in a grouped listgrid.
Class defining the details of a single group operation
Possible values for the state of ListGrid groups when groupBy is called
Group Summary.
If ListGrid.getShowGroupSummary() is true, and this method is specified it will be called to generate the field summary value to be displayed for each group level summary row.
Provides a way to override the default behavior of SimpleType.getGroupTitle().
Group title renderer function.
Type of change to the ListGrid.groupTree.
Provides a way to override the default behavior of SimpleType.getGroupValue().
Function to return the value which records should be grouped by.
Float vs Double
Algorithms to use when hashing field values (see DataSourceField.storeWithHash).
Beans and the DSRequest / DSResponse
Convenience class for icons that are placed in as header controls in a Window Header, or SectionStackSection.
Formatter object for providing a custom implementation of ListGrid.headerHoverHTML(int,java.lang.String).
FormItem for showing a header within a DynamicForm.
Defines one level of headers shown above the event area in a Timeline.
Called to determine the hover text for a given span in a HeaderLevel in Timeline views
Called to determine the Title text for a given span in a HeaderLevel in Timeline views
The following APIs are all related to HeaderMenuButton.
The following APIs are all related to HeaderSpan.
A header span appears as a second level of headers in a ListGrid, spanning one or more ListGrid columns and their associated headers.
Integration with Hibernate
HiddenItems track a value but have no visible appearance and do not take up space in the form layout.
A Palette with no visible representation that handles programmatic creation of components.
An object representing a user-created and user-modifiable hilite, which can be created and edited with a HiliteEditor either directly or via the ListGrid.canEditHilites behavior.
A widget for defining and editing a set of hilite rules for use by dataBoundComponents.
Where a hilite icon will be placed relative to normal cell content.
A widget for editing the criteria of a single DataBoundComponent hilite.
The following APIs are all related to HistogramChart.
A subclass of Layout that applies a sizing policy along the horizontal axis, interpreting percent and "*" sizes as proportions of the width of the layout.
Hoop selection modes.
Utility methods related to hover / tooltips / prompts.
The Hover class handles showing a simple Smart GWT canvas containing arbitrary HTML, or triggering some other action in response to a user holding the mouse-pointer (or hovering) over a specific widget.
The following APIs are all related to HoverComponents.
Hover customizer object for returning custom HTML to display in a hover prompt for ListGrid cells
Called to determine the hover HTML.
When canHover and showHoverComponents are both true, HoverMode dictates the type of UI to be displayed when a user hovers over a row or cell.
Customizes how users can interact with hovers.
The following APIs are all related to Hovers.
A subclass of Layout that simply stacks members on the horizontal axis without trying to manage their width.
A synonym for HTMLString.
The following APIs are all related to HtmlElement.
Use the HTMLFlow component to display HTML content that should expand to its natural size without scrolling.
Subclass of HTMLFlow configured to display HTML content in a pane of specified size.
A String of HTML, such as "text".
Internationalization and Localization
The IButton widget class is a class that implements the same APIs as the Button class.
The following APIs are all related to Icon.
A simple subclass of RibbonButton.
A simple subclass of RibbonMenuButton.
Property to govern when the 'over' styling is applied to a formItemIcon.
A string which is a valid Java and JavaScript identifier, as specified by ECMA-262 Section 7.6.
The following APIs are all related to Identity.
Internet Explorer "filter" effects
Utilities to render images
Columns that show images either as their only appearance or in addition to text.
The following APIs are all related to ImageEdges.
The following APIs are all related to ImageEdgeStyles.
Referring to and loading images.
IMenuButton based version of the MenuButton class.
The Img widget class implements a simple widget that displays a single image.
A Img that behaves like a button, going through up/down/over state transitions in response to user events.
EditProxy that handles Img objects when editMode is enabled.
A set of properties that define settings for use in image HTML.
A set of properties that can be used to create an image.
SectionHeader class based on an HLayout with StretchImg background.
Resize bar for use in Layouts, based on the Img class.
Specialized StretchImgButton used by TabSet/TabBar for tabs
A subclass of EventCanvas, used to render indicator lines at important points in calendar views.
Called to determine the hover HTML to be displayed when the user hovers over an IndicatorCanvas in a calendar.
Event that will trigger inline editing.
The following APIs are all related to InlineFormItems.
Tests whether the value for this field matches any value from an arbitrary list of acceptable values.
FormItem intended for inputting integer numbers.
Tests whether the value for this field is a whole number within the range specified by validator.min and validator.max.
Integrating AI Technology
Subclass of PickTreeItem which shows an IMenuButton rather than a simple MenuButton as it's main button.
Validation will fail if this field is non-empty and has a non-boolean value.
Smart GWT Server Summary
Tests whether the value for this field is a valid floating point number.
Tests whether the value for this field is a whole number.
Tests whether the value for this field matches any value from an arbitrary list of acceptable values.
Validation will fail if the value is not a string value.
The following APIs are all related to Items.
Java Module Dependencies
Converting JavaScript objects to Java
Converting GWT Java objects to JavaScript
The type of join to make between two SQL tables when resolving includeFrom fields.
JPA & Hibernate Relations
Integration with JPA
Utility class containing many useful static helper methods.
Utilities for working with JSON data.
What the JSONEncoder should do when it encounters a circular reference in an object structure.
Format for encoding dates in JSON.
Class for encoding objects as JSON strings.
Controls the output of the JSONEncoder when instances of Smart GWT classes (eg a ListGrid) are included in the data to be serialized.
Regular expression-based source code colorizer for JS source.
JUnit + Selenium WebDriver
Keyboard Events
Identifier for a key pressed by the user, optionally specifying whether the Shift, Control, and/or Alt keys should be held or not held when the key is pressed, used by various methods.
Strings to identify the various keys on the keyboard.
The following APIs are all related to KeyRegistry.
Entries for the DrawItem.knobs array.
Labels display a small amount of alignable text with optional icon and autoFit.
Strategy to apply when there is too little room for labels to be shown for all data points with comfortable padding (FacetChart.minLabelGap).
EditProxy that handles Label objects when editMode is enabled.
Strategy for determining whether and when to rotate certain labels.
The following APIs are all related to Labels.
The following APIs are all related to LabelsAndTitles.
Lane shown in a Timeline view, or in a day view when showDayLanes is true.
The following APIs are all related to Layout.
Arranges a set of "member" Canvases in horizontal or vertical stacks, applying a layout policy to determine member heights and widths.
EditProxy that handles Layout objects when editMode is enabled.
The following APIs are all related to LayoutMargin.
Properties that can be set on members of a layout to control how the layout is done
The following APIs are all related to LayoutPolicy.
Policy controlling how the Layout will manage member sizes on this axis.
Policy for whether resize bars are shown on members by default.
Add a spacer to a Layout that takes up space just like a normal member, without actually drawing anything.
The following APIs are all related to Legend.
Supported positioning of the chart Legend.
This validator type applies to string values only.
The following APIs are all related to Lifecycle.
The following APIs are all related to Line.
Definition of a linear gradient between two points, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
The style of line-breaks to use when exporting data
Supported styles of drawing the endpoints of a line
Supported styles of drawing lines.
Command to draw a multi-segment line.
A form item that displays a URL.
A ListGrid is a DataBoundComponent that displays a list of objects in a grid, where each row represents one object and each cell in the row represents one property.
Standard component-type displayed within a ListGrid, as contained by ListGrid.gridComponents.
Event that will trigger inline editing.
Context object holding information about the cell being edited as part of a listGrid edit event.
Customizer for the edit FormItem shown in a ListGrid cell
An ordinary JavaScript object containing properties that configures the display of and interaction with the columns of a ListGrid.
An object containing the stored presentation information for the fields of a listGrid.
ListGrids format data for viewing and editing based on the type attribute of the field.
An object containing the stored grouping information for a listGrid.
ListGridRecord represents a JavaScript Object whose properties contain values for each ListGridField.
An object containing the stored selection information for a listGrid.
An object containing the stored sort information for a listGrid.
This class represents a List Grid field that is used as a Summary Field.
An object containing the stored criteria as applied by the user.
An object containing the "view state" information for a listGrid.
A ListGrid that implements the Palette behavior, so it can be used as the source for drag and drop instantiation of components when combined with an EditContext as the drop target.
Configuration of an HTML list in a RichTextEditor.
Dialog shown for editing properties of HTML lists in a RichTextEditor.
Pane containing controls for editing the style of HTML lists in a RichTextEditor.
The style of list item marker for a list.
The following APIs are all related to LoadingIndicator.
Loading Optional Modules
LoadProjectSettings is the bundle of settings that can be passed to loadProject() as the "settings" argument, including optional http parameters for the request to ProjectLoaderServlet.
This is the bundle of settings that can be passed to RPCManager.loadScreen() as the "settings" argument.
The following APIs are all related to LoadState.
Trees that dynamically load nodes keep track of whether each node has loaded its children.
Localized Number Formatting
The following APIs are all related to Location.
The AutoTest subsystem relies on generating and parsing identifier strings to identify components on the page.
When attempting to identify a component from within a list of possible candidates as described here, if we are unable to find a unique match by name or title, we will use the recorded "type" of the component to verify an apparent match.
Logging migration
Operators that can evaluate a set of criteria and produce a combined result.
SmartGWT classes implementing
Logs out the current user by opening the Auth.logOutURL in another tab or window.
Priority levels for log messages.
When events fill a day or span multiple days, it becomes impractical to view and interact with them in normal Calendar views.
The following APIs are all related to Mail.
A Mail object describes an email that will be sent automatically by the Smart GWT Server as part of a normal DataSource operation.
Manual JPA & Hibernate Integration
Validate against a regular expression mask, specified as validator.mask.
How should a canvas match its target Canvas.htmlElement size?
Tests whether the value for this field matches the value of some other field.
Maven Support
The following APIs are all related to Media.
The following APIs are all related to Members.
Memory Leaks
The following APIs are all related to Menu.
The Menu widget class implements interactive menu widgets, with optional icons, submenus, and shortcut keys.
A MenuBar is a bar of buttons used to show a set of menus.
The following APIs are all related to MenuBasic.
Simple subclass of button associated with a menu widget (gets shown below the button).
EditProxy that handles MenuButton and MenuBar objects when editMode is enabled.
Simple string identifiers for standard menu fields.
The following APIs are all related to MenuIcons.
Object specifying an item in a Menu.
The following APIs are all related to MenuItems.
The following APIs are all related to MenuKeys.
A Menu that implements the Palette behavior, so it can be used as the source for drag and drop instantiation of components when combined with an EditContext as the drop target.
Real-Time Messaging
The Messaging class provides APIs to make use of SmartGWT Real-Time Messaging module, an optional module available with SmartGWT Power or Enterprise Edition which allows browser based web applications to publish and subscribe to HTTP Messaging channels, allowing the application to receive (and send) messages delivered via server push for "real-time" updates from the server without polling.
Defines a set of properties that are applicable to additional value axes of a FacetChart.
Provides a compact interface for editing a date range, by providing a formatted, read-only display of the current selected date range with an icon to launch a DateRangeDialog to edit the range.
The following APIs are all related to Minimize.
Compact control for up/down navigation that roughly looks like an up arrowhead next to a down arrowhead.
Mobile Application Development
Specifies the format of the mock data.
A special kind of client-only DataSource that can be configured with "mock data" - a simple text format for table or tree data.
Whether the mock data is for a flat grid-like dataset or for a tree.
Settings used to control the export or serialization of a DataSource by Reify.getMockDS().
The following APIs are all related to Modal.
The following APIs are all related to MonthViewEvents.
The following APIs are all related to MonthViewFormatting.
Called to determine the hover HTML to be displayed when the user hovers over a cell displayed in the calendar month view tab.
The following APIs are all related to MouseEvents.
Specifies the starting point of a move knob with respect to its draw item.
Command to start a new sub-path.
A MultiAutoChild is an com.smartgwt.client.types.AutoChild where the creating component usually creates more than one, hence, unlike a normal AutoChild, the AutoChild is not accessible as creator.[autoChildName].
A MultiComboBoxItem is a combo box that allows the user to select multiple options.
Specifies the layout of the combo box and buttons in a MultiComboBoxItem.
Chooses a next element in a Process by evaluating a series of criteria against the Process.state and choosing the element associated with the criteria that matched, or a defaultElement if none of the criteria match.
The MultiFileItem provides an interface for a user to save one or more files that are related to a DataSource record, where each file is represented by a record in a related DataSource.
The MultiFilePicker is a pop-up picker used by the MultiFileItem to allow the user to enter several files for upload.
A dialog that allows the user to set up complex grouping arrangements by defining a group of GroupSpecifiers.
A widget that allows the user to set up complex grouping arrangements by defining a group of GroupSpecifiers.
For SQLDataSource only, the strategy to use to harmonize multiple records when addData() is called with a list of records, and multiInsertStrategy "multipleValues" is in force, and the supplied records do not all contain exactly the same fields.
For SQLDataSource only, the strategy to use to insert multiple records when addData() is called with a list of records.
The following APIs are all related to MultiLinkTree.
MultiPickerItem provides an interface to edit data involving whether a record has membership in a certain set, for example, where specific Employees are part of specific Teams.
Governs whether a MultiPickerItem displays selected and unselected option in a drop down pickList, or uses a shuttle interface
Appearance for a SelectItem that allows multiple selection
The following APIs are all related to MultipleField.
Options for how values are stored for a field that is multiple:true.
Called when the user defines and accepts one or more SortSpecifiers in the MultiSortDialog.
In favor of MultiSortDialog, from the "widgets" packags
A dialog that allows the user to set up complex sorting arrangements by defining a group of SortSpecifiers.
A widget that allows the user to set up complex sorting arrangements by defining a group of SortSpecifiers.
Transparent Multi-Tenancy
Controls when primary keys are required for "update" and "remove" server operations, when allowMultiUpdate has not been explicitly configured on either the operationBinding.allowMultiUpdate or via the server-side API DSRequest.setAllowMultiUpdate().
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Various events triggered by any window in the current application.
Allows specifying settings to apply to the MultiWindow of a child window.
A checkbox for manipulating 2-valued fields based on the native checkbox element.
Smart GWT debugging in Eclipse with logical structures
Causes the list pane component to load data and update its title based on the current selection in the source pane.
Navigation control implemented as a horizontal layout showing back and forward controls and a title.
Encapsulates state of a NavigationBar's view.
Specially styled Button subclass used by the NavigationBar class.
Navigation direction.
Method of, or reason for, navigation between panes.
Controls the navigation mode of records.
Properties for a navigation item in a NavPanel.
Provides a list or tree of navigation items, each of which specifies a component to be displayed in a mutually exclusive fashion in the navDeck.
Network Performance
An object containing sufficient context to unambiguously identify a single node in the tree.
Don't Misuse Frames
.NET, PHP, Serverless Integration
Determine whether a value does not match a value specified via value.
Notify provides a means to display on-screen messages that are automatically dismissed after a configurable amount of time, as an alternative to modal notification dialogs that can lower end user productivity.
Represents an action that's associated with a message.
An object used to configure how messages shown by Notify.addMessage() are drawn and behave.
An identifier passed to Notify APIs to group related messages together so that they all use the same behavior and display settings.
Tests whether the value for this field matches any value from an arbitrary list of acceptable values.
NPMJS Support
The possible access types for records with a null ownerIdField (only applicable if ownerIdField is specified)
Static singleton class containing APIs for interacting with Numbers.
This class contains static utility methods to map between SmartClient objects/types and Smart GWT objects/classes.
Server-side OData DataSource
The following APIs are all related to Offline.
The Offline class provides features for storing and retrieving values in persistent browser storage.
The following APIs are all related to OfflineGroup.
OpenAPI Specification (OAS) Support
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
An operationBinding tells a DataSource how to execute one of the basic DS operations: fetch, add, update, remove.
An operationBinding tells a DataSource how to execute one of the basic DS operations: fetch, add, update, remove.
Operations Overview
Specification of an operator for use in filtering, for example "equals".
Specification of an operator for use in filtering, for example "equals".
An operator is used as part of a Criterion when specifying AdvancedCriteria.
Indicates the kind of value expected in a Criterion that uses this operator.
The following APIs are all related to Orientation.
The type of condition field must match in order to be fetched from underlying source of data and delivered the client.
Provides information about the page you're loaded in.
Events registerable via Page.setEvent()
Is this page being viewed in landscape or portrait orientation? Typically used with mobile devices.
The following APIs are all related to Paging.
An interface that provides the ability to create components from a PaletteNode.
An object representing a component which the user may create dynamically within an application.
The following APIs are all related to PanelPlacement.
Possible placements for pop-up choosers, menus, dialogs or other temporary UIs, which may need to expand to take up additional room for smaller screens.
Action to take if a user attempts to save the dataset produced by a BatchUploader whilst it still contains errors.
FormItem for password fields, where text input by the user should not be shown in readable text.
The search operators use patterns like "foo*txt" to match text values.
Determines sizing model when sizing / positioning a canvas relative to its percentBox.
Canvas Percentage sizing
The following APIs are all related to Performance.
Integration with PhoneGap
The following APIs are all related to PickerIcon.
Convenience class for setting pickers for form fields.
Standard pickers
Properties and methods related to the pickList, which is the drop-down list of options that appears under a SelectItem or ComboBoxItem.
Interface to show a drop-down list of pickable options.
For PickList items with PickListItemIconPlacement set such that the pickList does not render near-origin, possible location for rendering formItemIcons.
ListGrid subclass used, by default, by FormItems which implement PickList to display a flat list of selectable options.
FormItem that allows picking a value from a hierarchical data model.
The following APIs are all related to PieChart.
Platform Dependencies
X/Y position in pixels, specified as an Array with two members, for example: [30, 50]
A set of properties that can be used to configure a canvas pointer.
Supported data point shapes for FacetChart.pointShapes are:
Writing AutoTests for multiple environments
A PortalLayout is a special subclass of Layout designed to display Portlet windows.
Represents the position of a Portlet within a PortalLayout, indicating the column, row, and position within the row.
Custom subclass of Window configured to be embedded within a PortalLayout.
Horizontal and vertical location on the page
A FormItem for use with the FilterBuilder, allows the user to pick from a set of pre-configured search criteria such as specific ranges in numeric or date data, and provide user friendly titles for such criteria, such as "within the next two weeks" or "High (0.75 - 0.99)".
Allows the user to pick from pre-set date ranges or choose a custom date range via a DateRangeDialog.
PrintCanvas is a subclass of canvas which renders printable content HTML and provides APIs for printing this content as a separate document.
Print canvas by showing print preview.
Settings for generating printable HTML for components.
Subclass of Window used for displaying a printable view.
A instance of Process represents a stateful process executing a series of Tasks, which may be: user interactions calls to DataSources (hence: any database or web service) arbitrary code other Processes A Process is stateful in the sense that it maintains state across the different tasks that are executed.
A ProcessElement is an abstract superclass for elements involved in a Process, such as a Task or DecisionTask.
An Array of ProcessElements involved in a Process.
The Progressbar widget class extends the StretchImg class to implement image-based progress bars (graphical bars whose lengths represent percentages, typically of task completion).
EditProxy that handles Progressbar objects when editMode is enabled.
Progressive Loading
Represents a Reify project loaded from the server via RPCManager.loadProject().
Holds information about the outcome of a settled Promise.
The following APIs are all related to Prompt.
Objects / methods used for displaying prompts and warnings to the user via (possibly modal) isc Dialog objects.
A means of identifying the properties in an exported dataset - either the property name or its title.
Editor with a minimalist appearance, tuned for editing large numbers of properties in a constrained space.
Identifies a property name and value to be assigned to a component by the SetPropertiesTask.
The following APIs are all related to PseudoFieldGeneration.
An object returned from AutoTest.getLocatorWithIndicators() that includes the locator and properties that describe the quality of the locator.
Quartz DataSources
The following APIs are all related to RadarChart.
Definition of a radial gradient.
FormItem that shows a set of mutually exclusive options as a group of radio buttons.
A "double slider" allowing the user to select a range via two draggable thumbs.
The following APIs are all related to ReadOnly.
Dictates the appearance of form items when FormItem.canEdit is set to false.
Represents a request to AI to re-evaluate an "aiFilter" AdvancedCriteria on a list of updated records.
Represents the result of a request to re-evaluate an "aiFilter" AdvancedCriteria on a list of updated records.
Type for controlling when a "recategorize" is applied to records being dropped on a databound component from another databound component.
A Record contains attributes that are displayed and edited by a DataBoundComponent.
The method of component-pooling to employ for recordComponents.
The following APIs are all related to RecordComponents.
Controls how ListGrid record drop events report their dropPosition, and where the drop indicator will be displayed if appropriate.
Position of a ListGrid.recordDrop() operation with respect to the target record.
Component for editing a single record.
RecordEditors are implemented as a subclass of ListGrid, showing no header and a single row always drawn in the editable state, allowing the user to modify the values at any time.
Controls the style of TableView record display
An an ordered collection of Records.
Function to produce a summary value based on field values within a record.
Function to produce a summary value based on field values within a record.
Defines the various types of record that can be present in a ListGrid.
The following APIs are all related to Rects.
Registering Classes for Reflection
Regexp type validators will determine whether the value specified matches a given regular expression.
Supported regression algorithms for fitting the data points of a scatter plot.
Reify Overview
An application available within Reify OnSite that allows developers to create and manage Smart GWT screens and datasources.
Reify OnSite: Adding Custom Workflow Tasks
Adding Custom Components to Reify
Adding Custom DataSources to Reify
Reify for Developers
Importing from Reify
Reify Messaging
Reify OnSite
A simple object representing the path for navigation from source to target DataSources via foreign key declarations defined between each.
This class is used used to specify a datetime offset within SmartGWT, for example for use in the RelativeDateItem class.
A FormItem for entering a date relative to today or relative to some other date, or a specific absolute date.
When relative dates are specified in a date range, typically in a RelativeDateItem or DateRangeItem, in order to make the range inclusive or exclusive, it is useful to be able to specify whether we're referring to the start or end of the date in question.
A RelativeDateShortcut is a special string that represents a shortcut to a date phrase that can be automatically mapped to a RelativeDateString for use in widgets that leverage relative-dates, such as the RelativeDateItem.
A string of known format used to specify a datetime offset.
Generating Reliable AutoTestLocators
Remote Debugging
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Controls where a drag-item should be dropped in relation to the target row
The RequestTransformer provides the equivalent functionality of overriding DataSource.transformRequest(DSRequest) when instantiating a DataSource on the client.
The RequestTransformer provides the equivalent functionality of overriding RPCManager.transformRequest(RPCRequest).

RequiredIf type validators should be specified with a RequiredIfFunction, which has to be passed to setExpression(), and takes two parameters: item - the DynamicForm item on which the error occurred (may be null) value - the value of the field in question
Button that resets the form to default values, by calling DynamicForm.resetValues() If you define a click handler on this item, you can return false to cancel the reset.
Show user password reset dialog by opening the Auth.resetPasswordURL in another tab or window.
Specifies the position of a resize knob with respect to its draw item.
The following APIs are all related to Resizing.
The ResponseTransformer provides the equivalent functionality of overriding DataSource.transformResponse(DSResponse, DSRequest, Object) } when instantiating a DataSource on the client.
Authentication settings, applicable only to the RestConnector
Enumeration of the supported authentication types for the RestConnector implementation.
NOTE: This article discusses Smart GWT's client-side REST client implementation.
Indicates the request format to be used for a REST operation.
Indicates the response format to be used for a REST operation.
ResultSets are an implementation of the interface that automatically fetches DataSource records when items are requested from the List.
ResultTrees are an implementation of the Tree API, used to handle hierarchical data, whose nodes are DataSource records which are retrieved from a server.
A ToolStrip-based class for showing groups of RibbonButtonss.
A Button subclass that displays an icon, title and optional menuIcon and is capable of horizontal and vertical orientation.
The following APIs are all related to RibbonGroup.
A widget that groups RibbonButtonss for use in RibbonBars.
A simple subclass of RibbonButton that shows a menuIcon by default and implements showMenu().
RichTextEditing component.
FormItem for rich text (HTML) editing.
The following APIs are all related to RowCountDisplay.
Enumerated status indicating whether a ResultSet has an accurate ResultSet.getRowCount() row count for the data set.
The following APIs are all related to RowEffects.
While editing a ListGrid, what cell should we edit when the user attempts to navigate into a cell past the end of an editable row, via a Tab keypress, or a programmatic saveAndEditNextCell() call?
The following APIs are all related to RowNumberField.
Grid row-range and row-count display
Specialized Label for showing the currently visible row range and row count for a source listGrid.
Governs how ListGrid.getRowRangeDisplayValue() formats the row range and row count for display
Form item that renders as a blank row in the form layout.
Set startRow to false to create a rowSpacer that simply takes up every remaining column in the current row rather than starting a new row.
When ListGrid.allowRowSpanning is enabled, certain cells may span multiple rows.
Behavior of selection when row spanning is active.
RPCManager is a static singleton class that manages transparent client/server RPC (remote procedure call).
The properties in this group all deal with setting and styling a modal prompt during an RPC call to the server.
Encapsulates a client/server RPC request.
Encapsulates an RPC response from the server.
Smart GWT supports multiple RPC transports for maximum compatibility and feature richness.
The following APIs are all related to RTL.
Dynamic Rules
Safe Skinning
User Interface component allowing a user to add a new saved search or edit an existing search.
Data components such as ListGrid or TileGrid may allow users to set up their own search criteria within an application, either via an external SearchForm, or through built in UI such as the ListGrid.filterEditor.
(SSI for short) Provides a UI for creating, editing and applying saved searches for a target using the SavedSearches system.
EditProxy that handles SavedSearchItems when editMode is enabled.
What should be stored by a saved search?
When discovering a tree, the scanMode determines how to scan for the childrenProperty "node": take each node individually "branch": scan direct siblings as a group, looking for best fit "level": scan entire tree levels as a group, looking for best fit
Name of a SmartGWT class, including framework classes such as "ListGrid", or custom subclasses you have created.
For properties that refer to images by URL, such as Img.src and Button.icon, Smart GWT provides various capabilities to allow for simpler and more uniform settings, and to allow applications to be restructured more easily.
The ScreenLoader component can be used to load ComponentXML Screens into a running application.
Task that executes arbitrary code, either synchronous or asynchronous.
The following APIs are all related to Scroll.
The Scrollbar widget implements cross-platform, image-based scrollbars that control the scrolling of content in other widgets.
Scrolling and clipping of objects when part of the object is obscured
Using Sprites
A configuration object containing image URLs for a set of possible images to display based on the state of some components.
Deploying the Smart GWT SDK
The following APIs are all related to Search.
The following APIs are all related to SearchCriteria.
Affects the appearance and behavior of the builtin SavedSearchEditor.
A SearchForm is a DynamicForm specialized for a user to enter search criteria.
Simple SectionHeader class based on a Label with an icon, skinnable via CSS.
Header item for a collapsible section in a DynamicForm.
A container that manages a list of sections of widgets, each with a header.
EditProxy that handles SectionStack objects when editMode is enabled.
Section descriptor used by a SectionStack to describe a section of items which are shown or hidden together along with their associated header.
EditProxy that handles SectionStackSection objects when editMode is enabled.
Appearance when a component is in edit mode and is selected.
How data selection should be presented to the user.
Boundary type for limiting where contiguous selection (via shift+click or drag selection) can be applied across facets or facetValues.
Enum to indicate selection change notification types.
This static singleton class implements a component that can be used to highlight any other Canvas or FormItem by drawing a line around it and optional label.
Different styles of selection that a list, etc.
A simple subclass of Menu created by TreeMenuButton.
Controls how an object changes state when clicked
FormItem that allows picking between several mutually exclusive options via a select list.
EditProxy that handles SelectItems and ComboBoxItems when editMode is enabled.
Controls whether and when individual items are selected when clicking on a form in editMode.
FormItem that shows a list of options, plus an "Other..." option that allows them to enter another value.
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Note: this is currently an experimental feature and not covered by normal support guarantees.
Sends any currently queued DataSource operations, as a single transactional request to the server.
The possible types of sequence handling Smart GWT Server can apply.
Settings to control EditContext serialization. file
Server DataSource Integration
Notes on Server-side DataSource Implementations
Server Framework Initialization
Server logging
The ServerObject tells the ISC server how to find or create a server-side object involved in DMI (Direct Method Invocation).
Server-side REST Connector
Server Scripting
Server Summaries
A ServiceTask is an element of a Process which calls a DataSource operation, optionally using part of the process state as inputs or storing outputs in the process state.
The Core and Optional Smart GWT servlets
Specialized MultiPickerItem used for generating search criteria in the FilterEditor and in SearchForms.
Gets the value properties from a component and makes them available within the workflow as the last task output.
Sets an embedded screen's dataContext with the dataContextBinding evaluated in the scope of this task.
Sets the title of a tab, section, window, label, button, form control or facet chart.
The eventual state of a settled Promise.
Manual Setup & Deployment of Smart GWT Pro/EE
Smart GWT Pro/EE Project Setup
The following APIs are all related to Shadow.
A class used to define a shadow used in a Draw<Shape> Types.
Sharing Nodes
Show a currently hidden component.
Strategy for determining whether and when to show formatted text labels for data-values.
Called to determine whether a particular date should be visible in the passed view
Called to determine whether a particular event should be visible in the passed view
Show or hide a component.
Called to determine a particular lane should be visible in the passed view
Show an informational message and wait for the user to acknowledge.
Type of message to display in ShowMessageTask.
Show a component next to some other component.
Show a message which fades out automatically using Notify.
Shuttle-style selection component allowing uses to select records by moving them from a set of source records to a set of target records
Shuttle-based form item for choosing values from a list of options.
Side of a component.
Definition of a simple linear gradient defined by 2 colors and a direction.
Simple Names mode
Default class used by a TileGrid to render each tile.
An atomic type such as a string or number, that is generally stored, displayed and manipulated as a single value.
An atomic type such as a string or number, that is generally stored, displayed and manipulated as a single value.
Formatter for values of a SimpleType.
Parser for edited values of a SimpleType.
Represents a request to AI from a single source in some context.
Width and height of an object
Skin Editor
Skinning / Theming
Skins are a collection of styles, images and other settings used to manage the overall appearance of an application.
The Slider class implements a GUI slider widget allowing the user to select a numeric value from within a range by dragging a visual indicator up and down a track.
FormItem that uses a Slider component to present an interface for picking from either a continuous range or a range with a small number of discrete values.
Smart GWT Architecture
Integrating Smart GWT with Cypress
Linker that inject domain sync Javascript to bypass same-origin policy restrictions on scripts deployed on different subdomains under the same parent domain (eg.
Internal Smart GWT Entry point class where framework level initialization code executes before the users EntryPoint is run.
Interface to represent the messages contained in resource bundle: /Users/sjivan/java/smartgwt-svn/trunk/main/src/com/smartgwt/client/i18n/'.
SmartGwtTimer is an alternative to GWT's built-in Timer class that may allow code to be executed more efficiently.
Subclass of the Splitbar class that uses the grip functionality to show a stateful open / close indicator.
Canvas.childrenSnapToGrid and related properties, which causes snap-to-grid behavior during drag and drop.
Canvas.snapTo and related properties for positioning widgets relative to other widgets edges and corners.
Do we display an arrow for the sorted field ?
The following APIs are all related to Sorting.
Sort Normalizer
This customizer is called to generate the HTML for the sortNumeral displayed next to a field's title when it is included in the current sort specification.
Class defining the details of a single sort operation
Smart GWT class for loading and playing audio files using the HTML5 <AUDIO> element.
A SpacerItem takes up a single cell in the FormLayout, of arbitrary size.
Item for picking a number.
Resize bar for use in Layouts, based on the StretchImg class.
A device- and orientation-sensitive layout that implements the common pattern of rendering two panes side-by-side on desktop machines and on tablets in landscape orientation, while switching to showing a single pane for handset-sized devices or tablets in portrait orientation (this type of behavior is sometimes called "responsive design").
EditProxy that handles SplitPane objects when editMode is enabled.
Integration with Spring
SQL Connection Pooling
SQL DataSources
The following APIs are all related to SqlPaging.
The technique Smart GWT Server's SQL DataSource should use to select a "page" of data from a table.
SQL Database Settings in
The types of custom query that can be handled by Smart GWT's built-in "sql" and "hibernate" DataSources.
SQL DataSource vs JPA, EJB, MyBatis and other technologies
Standalone DataSource Usage
Task that executes another Process inside the current one.
Starts queuing all DataSource operations so they can be sent to the server all together as a transaction.
Change of state and it's consequences for presentation.
Constants for the standard states for a StatefulCanvas.
A component that has a set of possible states, and which presents itself differently according to which state it is in.
EditProxy that handles StatefulCanvas objects when editMode is enabled.
Stateful Images
StateTask can either copy fields of Process.state to other fields, or apply hardcoded values to Process.state via value.
A FormItem that displays an uneditable value.
The following APIs are all related to Statistics.
Status codes returned by the server as rpcResponse.status.
See the error handling doc section in RPCManager for more information on these codes
StockIcons Overview
The StretchImg widget class implements a widget type that displays a list of multiple images that make up a single image.
A StretchImg that behaves like a button, going through up/down/over state transitions in response to user events.
An object representing one of the image segments displayed by a StretchImg.
Strict Mode
Determine whether a string value contains some substring multiple times.
A String containing a valid JavaScript expression that's automatically converted to a function with a return value matching the value of the last statement.
String Methods Overview
An ordinary JavaScript object with properties that define an editable group of settings for use in CSSEditors.
An ordinary JavaScript object with properties that configure a setting for use in a CSS-editor.
Button that saves the data in the form, by calling DynamicForm.submit() when clicked.
Direct submission of forms to a target URL
Represents a request to AI to suggest an appropriate title for a new field that will contain AI-generated record summaries.
Context for an ongoing record summarization operation.
The result for a batch of records in a record summarization operation.
Represents a request to AI to generate summaries of records, using data in the records, relevant general knowledge, and reasonable inferences from the data.
The result of a record summarization operation.
An example to provide to AI.
Represents a request to AI to generate a summary of an individual value.
The result of a value summarization operation.
Function to produce a summary value based on an array of records and a field definition.
This is used for client-side or server-side summaries Client-side: Function to produce a summary value based on an array of records and a field definition.
Sun's java-engine implementation - Notice and Disclaimer
Troubleshooting GWT Development Mode (formerly Super Dev Mode)
ISC Abstraction for SVG controls
SVG Symbols Overview
Abstract base class for regular expression-based source code colorizer.
Represents a programmer-specified request to AI in some context.
Configuration object for AutoTest.isSystemDone().
Configuration object for AutoTest.waitForSystemDone()
Tab instances for use with TabSet.
The following APIs are all related to TabBar.
Shows a set of Tabs.
The following APIs are all related to TabBarControls.
The following APIs are all related to TabBarScrolling.
Singleton class with static APIs for managing automatically assigned tab order for Smart GWT components and other focusable elements.
The following APIs are all related to TableLayout.
Controls the display mode of TableView record display
Shows a listing of records with one or more fields from each record, with built-in support for navigation and editing of lists of records.
An Identifier that must be locally unique within the containing TabSet.
Tab Order Overview
The TabSet class allows components on several panes to share the same space.
EditProxy that handles TabSet objects when editMode is enabled.
An event that triggers title editing in a TabSet.
A Task is an abstract superclass for Process and for all Task types that can be involved in a Process, such as a ServiceTask.
Identifies a potential decision (branch) within a MultiDecisionTask.
Task Input Expressions
Task Input / Output
Test Data
Class for editable multi-line text areas (uses HTML <TEXTAREA> object)
EditProxy that handles TextAreaItems when editMode is enabled.
Text Direction
Settings for use with DataSource.recordsAsText().
Settings for use with DataSource.recordsFromText().
FormItem for managing a text field.
EditProxy that handles TextItems and StaticTextItems when editMode is enabled.
For "fetch" operations, how simple search criteria should be interpreted for text fields (and to some extent numeric fields, see the notes below).
Common base class of TextImportSettings.
The following APIs are all related to Thumb.
The following APIs are all related to Ticks.
what to do if there is more than one possible childrenProperty when using scanMode "branch" or "level" "node": continue, but pick childrenProperty on a per-node basis (will detect mixed) "highest": continue, picking the childrenProperty that occurred most as the single choice "stop": if there's a tie, stop at this level (assume no further children)
A TileGrid is a DataBoundComponent that displays a list of objects as a set of "tiles", where each tile represents one object, and the tiles are laid out in a grid with multiple tiles per row.
The following APIs are all related to TileLayout.
Lays out a series of components, called "tiles", in a grid with multiple tiles per row.
Policy for laying out tiles.
A TileGrid that implements the Palette behavior, so it can be used as the source for drag and drop instantiation of components when combined with an EditContext as the drop target.
A TileRecord is a JavaScript Object whose properties contain values for each TileField.
String designating a standard time format for displaying the times associated with dates strings.
A FormItem for editing logical-time values, which are Date instances where only the time-portion is relevant.
Timeline is a trivial subclass of Calendar that configures the Calendar with settings typical for a standalone timeline view: hides the day, week and month tabs and the controls bar by default.
An enum of time-units available for use with the RelativeDateItem, TimeItem and Calendar widgets.
Integration with Titanium
The following APIs are all related to Title.
Supported positioning of the chart Title.
Strategy for determining how to place maximum-sized labels for DrawItem.titleAutoFit.
Orientation of titles relative to the FormItem being labeled.
The different ways in which the titleLabel of a DrawItem can be rotated with the item.
The following APIs are all related to Titles.
FormItem that uses a ToggleSwitch component to present an interface for picking from either a continuous range or a range with a small number of discrete values.
A simple control that presents a Boolean value as a toggle-switch, where the value can be toggled by clicking with the mouse, or with the Spacebar and left/right arrow-keys when toggleOnKeypress is true.
The following APIs are all related to Toolbar.
A Toolbar creates a vertical or horizontal strip of similar components (typically Buttons) and provides managed resizing and reordering behavior over those components.
Set of horizontally arranged buttons.
EditProxy that handles ToolbarItems when editMode is enabled.
Tools Deployment
Base class for creating toolstrips like those found in browsers and office applications: a mixed set of controls including icon buttons, radio button groups, menus, comboBoxes, spacers, status displays and drop-down selects.
Simple subclass of Button with appearance appropriate for a ToolStrip button.
A simple subclass of RibbonGroup, which groups other controls for use in ribbon-bars.
Simple subclass of MenuButton with appearance appropriate for a ToolStrip menu button.
Simple subclass of ImgSplitbar with appearance appropriate for a ToolStrip resizer.
Simple subclass of Img with appearance appropriate for a ToolStrip separator
Simple subclass of LayoutSpacer with appearance appropriate for a ToolStrip spacer
Interface to use for showing and editing the top-level operator of a FilterBuilder.
The Tour class allows you to build tours and tutorials for end users, highlighting specific components on the page and prompting for specific user-interactions.
Chooses one or another next process element based on confirmation of a message shown to user.
Policy for how inputValidation is performed for actionType:"change".
User task configuration for a step within a Tour.
A specific purpose Window class for showing individual steps in a tour.
The following APIs are all related to Track.
Transaction Chaining
Convenience ImgButton subclass for various transfer icons typically used in a dual list for transferring items or reordering them within a list.
Called when the transferNodes() method completes.
Called when the transferRecords() method completes.
A Tree is a data model representing a set of objects linked into a hierarchy.
Tree DataBinding
The following APIs are all related to TreeField.
The following APIs are all related to TreeFilter.
Mode for applying criteria to a tree.
The Smart GWT system supports hierarchical data (also referred to as tree data due to its "branching" organization) with: the Tree class, which manipulates hierarchical data sets the TreeGrid widget class, which extends the ListGrid class to visually present tree data in an expandable/collapsible format.
TreeGrid drag and drop
An object literal with a particular set of properties used to configure the display of and interaction with the columns of a TreeGrid.
An object containing the open state for a treeGrid.
An object containing the "view state" information for a treeGrid.
The following APIs are all related to TreeIcons.
Button used to display a hierarchical Menu group for representing / selecting tree data.
Every node in the tree is represented by a TreeNode object which is an object literal with a set of properties that configure the node.
A TreeGrid that implements the Palette behavior, so it can be used as the source for drag and drop instantiation of components when combined with an EditContext as the drop target.
Troubleshooting thread deadlocks on the server
The Tutorial class is a specialized version of the Tour class with Tour.mode set to "tutorial".
Union DataSources
The strategy used when auto-deriving the fields that make up a UnionDataSource, if no unionFields setting is provided.
Handling Unsaved Records
Uploading Files
FormItem that creates an HTML <input type="file"> control, with an interface that allows a user to pick a file from his machine to upload to the server.
A Uniform Resource Identifier string, as defined by
A Uniform Resource Locator string, as defined by
Represents a user-specified and user-modifiable request to AI in some context.
Chooses one or another next process element based on confirmation of a message shown to user.
Chooses one or another next process element based on confirmation of a message shown to user.
An object representing a user-created formula.
An object representing a user-created summary.
A task that involves showing a user interface to the end user allowing the user to view and input data and press a button (or do some other UI gesture) to complete the task.
Using Selenium Scripts (Selenese)
Mode of validation used for running validation on partially entered data.
A validator describes a check that should be performed on a value the user is trying to save.
A validator describes a check that should be performed on a value the user is trying to save.
Explicitly defined validators on the dataSource field are run in the order in which they are defined on the client and on the server.
Used to name a validator or reference a standard, built-in Validator - see list below.
FormItem Value Icon mapper that allows the developer to specify the image source for an icon to be displayed for the current form item value.
The following APIs are all related to ValueIcons.
Enum used within the FilterBuilder class to indicate the role of a particular value-field form item within a filter clause.
A ValueMap defines the set of legal values for a field, and optionally allows you to provide a mapping from stored values to values as seen by the end user.
The ValuesManager manages data from multiple member forms.
An expression in the Velocity Template Language (VTL).
Velocity context variables
Class that returns meta information like version number, major version, minor version and build date.
The following APIs are all related to ViewFile.
A simple subclass of FileItem for displaying the contents of "imageFile" fields in DynamicForms.
The ViewLoader component can be used to load new Smart GWT-based user interfaces into a running application.
The following APIs are all related to ViewLoading.
The names of the Calendar views.
The following APIs are all related to ViewState.
Whether an object can be seen
Settings for whether multiple sections can be in the expanded state simultaneously.
Defines the method of the ServerObject if it appears in an Application declaration file.
Visual Builder
A subclass of Layout that applies a sizing policy along the vertical axis, interpreting percent and "*" sizes as proportions of the height of the layout.
A subclass of Layout that simply stacks members on the vertical axis without trying to manage their height.
Class representing a WebService definition derived from a WSDL file.
The following APIs are all related to WebService.
A general purpose Window class for implementing dialogs, portlets, alerts, prompts, wizards and desktop-like windowing interfaces.
EditProxy that handles Window objects when editMode is enabled.
Window Header
The following APIs are all related to WindowMembers.
The following APIs are all related to Workday.
Custom Server DataSources
Indicates the category of "generated fields" the Smart GWT Server should write values to, if defined on a DSRequest - see writeToGeneratedFields.
A WSDataSource is a DataSource that is preconfigured to contact the WSDL web service built into the SDK (see isomorphic/system/schema/SmartClientOperations.wsdl).
WSDL Binding
A WSRequest (or "web service request") is an extended RPCRequest will additional properties application to WSDL/SOAP web services.
A DataSource preconfigured to use the "scriptInclude" transport (sometimes called "JSONP") for cross-domain calls to JSON services.
Server benefits - faster client-side processing Server neutral - heavy customization of XML transform, if any, written in Java Client benefits - faster server-side processing Client neutral - heavy customization of XML transform, if any, written in JavaScript
All rules described in this topic are applied any time a property is of type AdvancedCriteria (in both Component XML and JavaScript component creation) and any API declares an AdvancedCriteria param.
The following APIs are all related to XmlSchema.
The following APIs are all related to XmlSerialize.
Regular expression-based source code colorizer for XML source.
Utility methods for dealing with XML elements, XML Schema, WSDL files, XSLT, and other XML-related functionality.
The following APIs are all related to XmlTransform.
Chooses one or another next process element based on AdvancedCriteria applied to Process.state.
A standard XPath expression as a string.
XSS and CSRF Security
Object's "stacking order" above or below other objects
A subclass of EventCanvas, used to render styled areas in calendar views.
Called to determine the hover HTML to be displayed when the user hovers over an ZoneCanvas in a calendar.
The following APIs are all related to Zoom.