Interface HasDragResizeStopHandlers

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AceEditor, ActiveXControl, AdaptiveMenu, AdvancedHiliteEditor, AISortProgressDialog, AIWindow, BatchUploader, BatchUploader, BatchUploader, BrowserPlugin, BuildUIViaAIProgressDialog, BuildViaAIProgressDialog, Button, Calendar, CalendarView, Canvas, ColorPicker, ColumnTree, CSSEditor, CubeGrid, DataView, DateChooser, DateGrid, DateRangeDialog, Deck, DetailViewer, Dialog, DrawKnob, DrawPane, DynamicForm, EdgedCanvas, EditPane, EditSearchWindow, EditTree, EventCanvas, FacetChart, FieldPicker, FieldPickerWindow, FilterBuilder, FilterClause, FilterViaAIProgressDialog, Flashlet, FlowLayout, Gauge, GradientEditor, GridRenderer, HeaderControl, HiliteEditor, HiliteRule, HiliteViaAIProgressDialog, HLayout, HStack, HTMLFlow, HTMLPane, IButton, IconButton, IconMenuButton, IMenuButton, Img, ImgButton, ImgSectionHeader, ImgSplitbar, ImgTab, IndicatorCanvas, Label, Layout, LayoutSpacer, ListGrid, ListPalette, ListPropertiesDialog, ListPropertiesPane, Menu, MenuBar, MenuButton, MenuPalette, MiniNavControl, MultiFilePicker, MultiGroupDialog, MultiGroupPanel, MultiSortDialog, MultiSortPanel, NavigationBar, NavigationButton, NavPanel, PickListMenu, PortalLayout, Portlet, PrintCanvas, PrintWindow, Progressbar, PropertySheet, RangeSlider, RecordEditor, Reify, RibbonBar, RibbonButton, RibbonGroup, RibbonMenuButton, RichTextEditor, RowRangeDisplay, SavedSearchEditor, ScreenLoader, Scrollbar, SearchForm, SectionHeader, SectionStack, SelectionTreeMenu, SeleneseRecorder, Shuttle, SimpleTile, Slider, Snapbar, Splitbar, SplitPane, StatefulCanvas, StretchImg, StretchImgButton, SVG, TabBar, TableView, TabSet, TileGrid, TileLayout, TilePalette, Timeline, ToggleSwitch, Toolbar, ToolStrip, ToolStripButton, ToolStripGroup, ToolStripMenuButton, ToolStripResizer, ToolStripSeparator, ToolStripSpacer, TourWindow, TransferImgButton, TreeGrid, TreeMenuButton, TreePalette, ViewLoader, VLayout, VStack, WidgetCanvas, Window, ZoneCanvas

public interface HasDragResizeStopHandlers extends HasHandlers
  • Method Details

    • addDragResizeStopHandler

      HandlerRegistration addDragResizeStopHandler(DragResizeStopHandler handler)
      Executed when the mouse button is released at the end of the drag resize. Your widget can use this opportunity to fire custom code based upon where the mouse button was released, etc.

      Returning true from this handler will cause the dragTarget (or outline if dragAppearance is set to "outline") to be left at its current size. Returning false from this handler will cause it to snap back to its original location size

      handler - the dragResizeStop handler
      HandlerRegistration used to remove this handler