See: Description
Interface | Description |
Accessibility |
Accessibility / Section 508 compliance
AdminConsole |
Admin Console
AdvancedFilter |
Advanced Filtering
Ai |
The following APIs are all related to Ai.
AllowedOperations |
The following APIs are all related to AllowedOperations.
Ancestry |
Parent/child relationships
Animation |
The following APIs are all related to Animation.
Appearance |
Properties defining an object's appearance
ApplicationDeclaration |
Application Declaration Files
Auth |
The following APIs are all related to Auth.
AutoChild |
An autoChild is an automatically generated subcomponent that a component creates to handle part of its presentation or
AutoChildShortcut |
A string with the format "autoChild:autoChildName" passed as a
Tab.pane or section item instead of an actual
Canvas or ID. |
AutoChildUsage |
Using AutoChildren
AutoFitData |
The following APIs are all related to AutoFitData.
AutoFitFields |
The following APIs are all related to AutoFitFields.
AutomatedTesting |
Automated Testing
AutoTest |
The following APIs are all related to AutoTest.
AutoTestLocator |
An AutoTestLocator is a string generated by the
AutoTest class to reliably identify an
interactive element in a Smart GWT application. |
BackgroundDownload |
Background Download
BalsamiqImport |
Mockup Importer
BarChart |
The following APIs are all related to BarChart.
BaseLine |
The baseLine is StretchImg that is placed along the edge of the TabBar that borders on the
pane, occluding the pane's actual border but matching it exactly.
Basics |
The following APIs are all related to Basics.
BinaryFields |
Binary Fields
BrowserSupport |
Supported Browsers
BrowserZoom |
Native Browser Zoom Support
BuiltinGroupingModes |
SimpleTypes support a mechanism for arranging
values into groups. |
Button |
The following APIs are all related to Button.
ButtonIcon |
Button Icon
Buttons |
The following APIs are all related to Buttons.
CacheSync |
The following APIs are all related to CacheSync.
CacheSynchronization |
Automatic Cache Synchronization
Caching |
CalculatedDataSourceFields |
The following APIs are all related to CalculatedDataSourceFields.
CalendarEvent |
The following APIs are all related to CalendarEvent.
Callback |
Callback is an arbitrary action to be fired - usually passed into a method to be fired asynchronously as
a notificaction of some event.The callback can be defined in the following formats: a
function A string containing an expression to evaluate An object with the following properties:- target: fire in the scope of this target - when the action fires, the target will be available as this .- methodName: if specified we'll check for a method on the target object with this name. Callbacks are fired via the Class.fireCallback() method, which allows named
parameters to be passed into the callback at runtime. |
CellStyleSuffixes |
As with
stateful canvases ,
grid cells support being styled to reflect the current state of the cell by generating a css
styleName from the specified baseStyle , plus stateful suffixes. |
CellStyling |
The following APIs are all related to CellStyling.
ChangeHandling |
The following APIs are all related to ChangeHandling.
ChartFeatures |
The following APIs are all related to ChartFeatures.
ChartProperties |
The following APIs are all related to ChartProperties.
ChartTitle |
The following APIs are all related to ChartTitle.
ChartType |
The following APIs are all related to ChartType.
CheckboxField |
The following APIs are all related to CheckboxField.
ClickMask |
The following APIs are all related to ClickMask.
ClientData |
The following APIs are all related to ClientData.
ClientDataIntegration |
Client-side Data Integration
ClientOnlyDataSources |
Client Only DataSources
ClientServerIntegration |
Client-Server Integration
Clipping |
The following APIs are all related to Clipping.
ComboBoxFiltering |
ComboBoxItem PickList Filtering
ComboBoxItemCriteria |
ComboBoxItem criteria
Communication |
The following APIs are all related to Communication.
ComponentBinding |
Component Binding
ComponentSchema |
Component Schema
ComponentXML |
Component XML
CompoundFormItem_skinning |
When skinning basic FormItems like SelectItem and TextItem, consider that compound form items
like DateItem and ComboBox reuse simpler items like SelectItem and TextItem, so adding a border
to SelectItem would also apply a border to each select item within DateItem.
To avoid such side-effects, if you want to add styling to all SelectItems used in your application, you can create an application-specific subclass like MySelectItem and apply properties there. |
Compression |
ConcurrentEdits |
Handling concurrent edits in Smart GWT DataSources
Constant |
The following APIs are all related to Constant.
Containment |
Component Containment and Hierarchy
ContentLoading |
The following APIs are all related to ContentLoading.
Contents |
The following APIs are all related to Contents.
Corner |
The following APIs are all related to Corner.
Criteria |
Criteria for selecting only a matching set of records from a DataSource.
CriteriaEditing |
Criteria Editing
CSSColor |
CSS color specification applied to a specific HTML element on this page.
CSSStyleName |
CSS class name to apply to some HTML element on this page.
CSSText |
A String of CSS that can be added directly to a
style attribute. |
Cues |
Visual hints for the user that something can be done to this object
Cursor |
The following APIs are all related to Cursor.
CustomQuerying |
Custom Querying Overview
CustomSassSkins |
Customizing Sass-based Skins
CustomTabElements |
Including custom elements in the tab order
Data |
The following APIs are all related to Data.
Databinding |
DataBoundComponentMethods |
DataBound Component Methods
DataContext |
The following APIs are all related to DataContext.
DataPath |
String specifying a nested data field structure.
DataPoints |
The following APIs are all related to DataPoints.
DataSourceDeclaration |
Creating DataSources
DataSourceLocalization |
DataSource and Component XML Localization
DataSourceOperations |
DataSource Operations
DataSourceRelations |
DataSourcesTab |
DataSources Tab
DataType |
The following APIs are all related to DataType.
Date |
The following APIs are all related to Date.
DateFormatAndStorage |
Date and Time Format and Storage
DateInputFormat |
3 character string containing the
"M" , "D" and "Y" characters to indicate the
format of strings being parsed into Date instances via DateUtil.parseInput() . |
DateItemAppearance |
The following APIs are all related to DateItemAppearance.
DbConfigTool |
Database Configuration
Debugging |
DebugModules |
Using the Debug Modules
DeclarativeSecurity |
Declarative Security
DeploymentManagement |
Deployment Management Console
DetailViewerViewState |
An object containing the stored grouping information for a detailViewer.
DevConsoleRPCTab |
The Developer Console RPC Tab
DevTools |
Dashboards & Tools Framework Overview
Display |
The following APIs are all related to Display.
DmiOverview |
Direct Method Invocation
DomIntegration |
DOM Integration & Third-party Components
Drag |
The following APIs are all related to Drag.
Dragdrop |
Drag and Drop
Dragging |
The following APIs are all related to Dragging.
DragHandleField |
The following APIs are all related to DragHandleField.
Dragndrop |
The following APIs are all related to Dragndrop.
DragResize |
The following APIs are all related to DragResize.
DragTracker |
The following APIs are all related to DragTracker.
DrawContext |
The following APIs are all related to DrawContext.
Drawing |
Rendering an object on the page.
DsFacade |
DataSource Facade pattern
DsRequestBeanTypes |
DSRequest data auto-converted to bean types
DsRequestEquivalence |
Various subsystems have a need to compare DataSource requests and understand if they are
equivalent or affect the same data (examples include
automatic cache synchronization and offline caching and synchronization ). |
DsResponse |
The following APIs are all related to DsResponse.
DsSpecialFields |
A DataSource allows you to declare that certain fields are the most important fields to show
to a user in situations where space is limited, and only one or a few fields can be reasonably
DynamicCriteria |
If a property indicates it has support for "dynamic criteria" it means that values in the
criteria may be dynamically derived from the current
Canvas.ruleScope using
Criterion.valuePath . |
DynamicLoading | |
DynamicMenuItem |
The following APIs are all related to DynamicMenuItem.
EdgeSizes |
Object used to specify custom edge sizes or offsets.
Editing |
Grid Editing
Elements |
Manipulating native form elements
EmptyMessage |
The following APIs are all related to EmptyMessage.
Enable |
Enabling and Disabling
ErrorHandling |
Error Handling Overview
ErrorIcon |
The following APIs are all related to ErrorIcon.
Errors |
Validation errors and how they are shown
EventRegistry |
The following APIs are all related to EventRegistry.
ExcelPasting |
Copy and Paste with Excel
ExpansionField |
The following APIs are all related to ExpansionField.
Experimental |
Experimental Features
ExportBackgroundColor |
The following APIs are all related to ExportBackgroundColor.
ExportBGColor |
Exports & Cell Background Color
ExportFormatting |
Exports & Formatting
FeaturesCustomPersistence |
Server Features and Custom Persistence
Fetching |
The following APIs are all related to Fetching.
FieldGeneration |
The following APIs are all related to FieldGeneration.
FieldLevelAuth |
Field-Level Security
FieldName |
Name for a field.
Fields |
The following APIs are all related to Fields.
FieldState |
An object containing the stored presentation information for the fields of some dataBoundComponent.
FileAssembly |
File Assembly
Files |
Referring to and loading other files.
FileSource |
FileSource Operations
FilterEditor |
The following APIs are all related to FilterEditor.
FlatFields |
The following APIs are all related to FlatFields.
Focus |
FormatString |
A String to be used as a format specifier for a date, datetime, time or numeric field, via the
format and exportFormat properties. |
FormIcons |
The following APIs are all related to FormIcons.
FormItemBaseStyle |
This string is the base CSS class name applied to a FormItem (or some part of a form item).
FormItemClassName |
Name of a Smart GWT Class that subclasses
FormItem . |
FormItemStyling |
FormItem Styling
FormLayout |
Form Layout
FormTitles |
Form Titles
FormulaFields |
Fields with values calculated from other fields in the grid.
FormValues |
The following APIs are all related to FormValues.
FormValuesManager |
Values Manager
FrozenFields |
Frozen Fields
GaeIntegration |
Google Application Engine (GAE)
GettingCanvasSize |
Determining the size of a drawn canvas
GlobalId |
Identifier that's unique in the global scope. |
Gradations |
The following APIs are all related to Gradations.
GridFiltering |
Grid Filtering Overview
GridHeader |
Properties and methods related to the ListGrid header.
GridValidation |
ListGrids support automatic validation of edited cells / records.
Grip |
The following APIs are all related to Grip.
Grouping |
The following APIs are all related to Grouping.
GwtFloatVsDouble |
Float vs Double
HbBeans |
Beans and the DSRequest / DSResponse
HeaderMenuButton |
The following APIs are all related to HeaderMenuButton.
HeaderSpan |
The following APIs are all related to HeaderSpan.
HibernateIntegration |
Integration with Hibernate
Hiliting |
HistogramChart |
The following APIs are all related to HistogramChart.
HoverComponents |
The following APIs are all related to HoverComponents.
Hovers |
The following APIs are all related to Hovers.
A synonym for
HTMLString . |
HtmlElement |
The following APIs are all related to HtmlElement.
HTMLString |
A String of HTML, such as "text".
I18n |
Internationalization and Localization
Icon |
The following APIs are all related to Icon.
Identifier |
A string which is a valid Java and JavaScript identifier, as specified by ECMA-262 Section 7.6.
Identity |
The following APIs are all related to Identity.
IEFilters |
Internet Explorer "filter" effects
Image |
Utilities to render images
ImageColumns |
Columns that show images either as their only appearance or in addition to text.
ImageEdges |
The following APIs are all related to ImageEdges.
ImageEdgeStyles |
The following APIs are all related to ImageEdgeStyles.
Images |
Referring to and loading images.
InlineFormItems |
The following APIs are all related to InlineFormItems.
IntegratingAI |
Integrating AI Technology
IscServer |
Smart GWT Server Summary
Items |
The following APIs are all related to Items.
JavaModuleDependencies |
Java Module Dependencies
JavaScriptToJavaConversion |
Converting JavaScript objects to Java
JavaToJavaScriptConversion |
Converting GWT Java objects to JavaScript
JpaHibernateRelations |
JPA & Hibernate Relations
JpaIntegration |
Integration with JPA
JUnitWebDriver |
JUnit + Selenium WebDriver
KeyboardEvents |
Keyboard Events
KeyName |
Strings to identify the various keys on the keyboard.
KeyRegistry |
The following APIs are all related to KeyRegistry.
Labels |
The following APIs are all related to Labels.
LabelsAndTitles |
The following APIs are all related to LabelsAndTitles.
Layout |
The following APIs are all related to Layout.
LayoutMargin |
The following APIs are all related to LayoutMargin.
LayoutMember |
Properties that can be set on members of a layout to control how the layout is done
LayoutPolicy |
The following APIs are all related to LayoutPolicy.
Legend |
The following APIs are all related to Legend.
Lifecycle |
The following APIs are all related to Lifecycle.
Line |
The following APIs are all related to Line.
ListGridFieldState |
An object containing the stored presentation information for the fields of a listGrid.
ListGridGroupState |
An object containing the stored grouping information for a listGrid.
ListGridSelectedState |
An object containing the stored selection information for a listGrid.
ListGridSortState |
An object containing the stored sort information for a listGrid.
ListGridUserCriteriaState |
An object containing the stored criteria as applied by the user.
ListGridViewState |
An object containing the "view state" information for a listGrid.
LoadAssemblyTag |
LoadingDataMessage | |
LoadingIndicator |
The following APIs are all related to LoadingIndicator.
LoadingOptionalModules |
Loading Optional Modules
LoadProjectTag |
LoadState |
The following APIs are all related to LoadState.
LocalizedNumberFormatting |
Localized Number Formatting
Location |
The following APIs are all related to Location.
LoggingMigration |
Logging migration
The following APIs are all related to Mail.
ManualJpaHibernate |
Manual JPA & Hibernate Integration
MavenSupport |
Maven Support
Media |
The following APIs are all related to Media.
Members |
The following APIs are all related to Members.
MemoryLeaks |
Memory Leaks
Menu |
The following APIs are all related to Menu.
MenuBasic |
The following APIs are all related to MenuBasic.
MenuIcons |
The following APIs are all related to MenuIcons.
MenuItems |
The following APIs are all related to MenuItems.
MenuKeys |
The following APIs are all related to MenuKeys.
Messaging |
Real-Time Messaging
Minimize |
The following APIs are all related to Minimize.
MobileDevelopment |
Mobile Application Development
Modal |
The following APIs are all related to Modal.
MonthViewEvents |
The following APIs are all related to MonthViewEvents.
MonthViewFormatting |
The following APIs are all related to MonthViewFormatting.
MouseEvents |
The following APIs are all related to MouseEvents.
MultiAutoChildren |
A MultiAutoChild is an
com.smartgwt.client.types.AutoChild where the creating component
usually creates more than one, hence, unlike a normal AutoChild, the AutoChild is not
accessible as creator.[autoChildName] . |
MultiLinkTree |
The following APIs are all related to MultiLinkTree.
MultipleField |
The following APIs are all related to MultipleField.
NetworkPerformance |
Network Performance
NoFrames |
Don't Misuse Frames
NonJavaBackend |
.NET, PHP, Serverless Integration
NotifyType |
An identifier passed to
Notify APIs to group related messages together so
that they all use the same behavior and display settings. |
Npmjs |
NPMJS Support
OdataDataSource |
Server-side OData DataSource
Offline |
The following APIs are all related to Offline.
OfflineGroup |
The following APIs are all related to OfflineGroup.
OpenapiSupport |
OpenAPI Specification (OAS) Support
Operations |
Operations Overview
Orientation |
The following APIs are all related to Orientation.
Paging |
The following APIs are all related to Paging.
PanelPlacement |
The following APIs are all related to PanelPlacement.
PatternOperators |
search operators use patterns like "foo*txt"
to match text values. |
PercentSizing |
Canvas Percentage sizing
Performance |
The following APIs are all related to Performance.
PhonegapIntegration |
Integration with PhoneGap
PickerIcon |
The following APIs are all related to PickerIcon.
PickList |
Properties and methods related to the pickList, which is the drop-down list of options that
appears under a SelectItem or ComboBoxItem.
PieChart |
The following APIs are all related to PieChart.
PlatformDependencies |
Platform Dependencies
PortableAutoTests |
Writing AutoTests for multiple environments
Positioning |
Horizontal and vertical location on the page
Printing |
ProgressiveLoading |
Progressive Loading
Prompt |
The following APIs are all related to Prompt.
Prompting |
Objects / methods used for displaying prompts and warnings to the user via (possibly modal)
isc Dialog objects.
PseudoFieldGeneration |
The following APIs are all related to PseudoFieldGeneration.
QuartzAdapters |
Quartz DataSources
RadarChart |
The following APIs are all related to RadarChart.
ReadOnly |
The following APIs are all related to ReadOnly.
RecordComponents |
The following APIs are all related to RecordComponents.
Rects |
The following APIs are all related to Rects.
Reflection |
Registering Classes for Reflection
Reify |
Reify Overview
ReifyAddWorkflowTask |
Reify OnSite: Adding Custom Workflow Tasks
ReifyCustomComponents |
Adding Custom Components to Reify
ReifyCustomDataSources |
Adding Custom DataSources to Reify
ReifyForDevelopers |
Reify for Developers
ReifyMaven |
Importing from Reify
ReifyMessaging |
Reify Messaging
ReifyOnSite |
Reify OnSite
RelativeDateShortcut |
A RelativeDateShortcut is a special string that represents a shortcut to a date phrase that can be automatically mapped
to a
RelativeDateString for use in widgets that leverage relative-dates, such as the
RelativeDateItem . |
RelativeDateString |
A string of known format used to specify a datetime offset.
ReliableLocators |
Generating Reliable AutoTestLocators
Relogin |
RemoteDebugging |
Remote Debugging
Resizing |
The following APIs are all related to Resizing.
RibbonGroup |
The following APIs are all related to RibbonGroup.
RowCountDisplay |
The following APIs are all related to RowCountDisplay.
RowEffects |
The following APIs are all related to RowEffects.
RowNumberField |
The following APIs are all related to RowNumberField.
RowRangeDisplay |
Grid row-range and row-count display
RpcPrompt |
The properties in this group all deal with setting and styling a modal prompt during an RPC
call to the server.
The following APIs are all related to RTL.
RuleCriteria |
Dynamic Rules
SafeSkinning |
Safe Skinning
SCClassName |
Name of a SmartGWT class, including framework classes such as "ListGrid", or custom subclasses you have created.
For properties that refer to images by URL, such as
Img.src and Button.icon ,
Smart GWT provides various capabilities to allow for simpler and more uniform settings,
and to allow applications to be restructured more easily. |
Scroll |
The following APIs are all related to Scroll.
Scrolling |
Scrolling and clipping of objects when part of the object is obscured
SCSpriteConfig |
Using Sprites
SdkInstall |
Deploying the Smart GWT SDK
Search |
The following APIs are all related to Search.
SearchCriteria |
The following APIs are all related to SearchCriteria.
Selection |
Server_properties | file |
ServerDataIntegration |
Server DataSource Integration
ServerDataSourceImplementation |
Notes on Server-side DataSource Implementations
ServerInit |
Server Framework Initialization
ServerLogging |
Server logging
ServerRestConnector |
Server-side REST Connector
ServerScript |
Server Scripting
ServerSummaries |
Server Summaries
ServletDetails |
The Core and Optional Smart GWT servlets
SgwtEEManualSetup |
Manual Setup & Deployment of Smart GWT Pro/EE
SgwtEESetup |
Smart GWT Pro/EE Project Setup
SGWTProperties |
Shadow |
The following APIs are all related to Shadow.
SharingNodes |
Sharing Nodes
SimpleNamesMode |
Simple Names mode
Sizing |
Width and height of an object
SkinEditor |
Skin Editor
Skinning |
Skinning / Theming
Skins |
Skins are a collection of styles, images and other settings used to manage the overall
appearance of an application.
SmartArchitecture |
Smart GWT Architecture
SmartClientCypress |
Integrating Smart GWT with Cypress
SnapGridDragging |
Canvas.childrenSnapToGrid and
related properties, which causes snap-to-grid behavior during drag and drop. |
SnapPositioning |
Canvas.snapTo and related properties for
positioning widgets relative to other widgets edges and corners. |
Sorting |
The following APIs are all related to Sorting.
SpringIntegration |
Integration with Spring
SqlConnectionPooling |
SQL Connection Pooling
SqlDataSource |
SQL DataSources
SqlPaging |
The following APIs are all related to SqlPaging.
SqlSettings |
SQL Database Settings in |
SqlVsJPA |
SQL DataSource vs JPA, EJB, MyBatis and other technologies
StandaloneDataSourceUsage |
Standalone DataSource Usage
State |
Change of state and it's consequences for presentation.
StatefulImages |
Stateful Images
Statistics |
The following APIs are all related to Statistics.
StatusCodes |
Status codes returned by the server as rpcResponse.status.
See the error handling doc section in RPCManager for more information on these
codes |
StrictMode |
Strict Mode
StringMethod |
A String containing a valid JavaScript expression that's automatically converted to a function with a return value
matching the value of the last statement.
StringMethods |
String Methods Overview
Submitting |
Direct submission of forms to a target URL
SunNotice |
Sun's java-engine implementation - Notice and Disclaimer
SuperDevModeTroubleshooting |
Troubleshooting GWT Development Mode (formerly Super Dev Mode)
SvgSymbols |
SVG Symbols Overview
TabBar |
The following APIs are all related to TabBar.
TabBarControls |
The following APIs are all related to TabBarControls.
TabBarScrolling |
The following APIs are all related to TabBarScrolling.
TableLayout |
The following APIs are all related to TableLayout.
TabName |
Identifier that must be locally unique within the containing TabSet . |
TabOrderOverview |
Tab Order Overview
TaskInputExpression |
Task Input Expressions
TaskIO |
Task Input / Output
TestData |
Test Data
TestRunner |
TextDirection |
Text Direction
Thumb |
The following APIs are all related to Thumb.
Ticks |
The following APIs are all related to Ticks.
TileLayout |
The following APIs are all related to TileLayout.
TitaniumIntegration |
Integration with Titanium
Title |
The following APIs are all related to Title.
Titles |
The following APIs are all related to Titles.
Toolbar |
The following APIs are all related to Toolbar.
ToolsDeployment |
Tools Deployment
Track |
The following APIs are all related to Track.
TransactionChaining |
Transaction Chaining
TreeDataBinding |
Tree DataBinding
TreeField |
The following APIs are all related to TreeField.
TreeFilter |
The following APIs are all related to TreeFilter.
TreeGridDrop |
TreeGrid drag and drop
TreeGridOpenState |
An object containing the open state for a treeGrid.
TreeGridViewState |
An object containing the "view state" information for a treeGrid.
TreeIcons |
The following APIs are all related to TreeIcons.
TroubleshootingServerDeadlocks |
Troubleshooting thread deadlocks on the server
UnionDataSource |
Union DataSources
UnsavedRecords |
Handling Unsaved Records
Upload |
Uploading Files
A Uniform Resource Identifier string, as defined by
A Uniform Resource Locator string, as defined by
UsingSelenium |
Using Selenium Scripts (Selenese)
Validation |
ValidatorExecution |
Explicitly defined validators on the dataSource field are run in the order in which
they are defined on the client and on the server.
ValueIcons |
The following APIs are all related to ValueIcons.
ValueMap |
A ValueMap defines the set of legal values for a field, and optionally allows you to provide a mapping from stored
values to values as seen by the end user.
VelocityExpression |
An expression in the Velocity Template
Language (VTL).
VelocitySupport |
Velocity context variables
ViewFile |
The following APIs are all related to ViewFile.
ViewLoading |
The following APIs are all related to ViewLoading.
ViewState |
The following APIs are all related to ViewState.
Visibility |
Whether an object can be seen
VisualBuilder |
Visual Builder
WebService |
The following APIs are all related to WebService.
WindowHeader |
Window Header
WindowMembers |
The following APIs are all related to WindowMembers.
Workday |
The following APIs are all related to Workday.
WriteCustomDataSource |
Custom Server DataSources
WsdlBinding |
WSDL Binding
XmlClientVsServer |
Server benefits - faster client-side processing Server neutral - heavy customization of XML
transform, if any, written in Java Client benefits - faster server-side processing Client
neutral - heavy customization of XML transform, if any, written in JavaScript
XmlCriteriaShorthand |
All rules described in this topic are applied any time a property is of type
AdvancedCriteria (in both Component XML and JavaScript
component creation)
and any API declares an AdvancedCriteria param. |
XmlSchema |
The following APIs are all related to XmlSchema.
XmlSerialize |
The following APIs are all related to XmlSerialize.
XmlTag |
XmlTransform |
The following APIs are all related to XmlTransform.
XPathExpression |
A standard XPath expression as a string.
XssAndCSRFSecurity |
XSS and CSRF Security
ZIndex |
Object's "stacking order" above or below other objects
Zoom |
The following APIs are all related to Zoom.