More Power For Your Users. Instantly.

Our free LGPL version of SmartClient provides incredible capabilities. In fact, thousands of developers have used it to build cutting-edge web apps.

However, if you need just one of the capabilities available in the Pro edition, the buy versus build decision is a no-brainer.

See what the Pro Edition has to offer below.

Get the Pro Edition

Share Data and Charts

The Pro Edition's Excel Export capabilities allow grid components to export to a spreadsheet or CSV without writing any server code.

Exported data respects column order, sort, search criteria, shown vs. hidden fields, data types (e.g. dates) and hiliting rules. Works with any DataSource type: SQL, JPA, Hibernate, or custom. Read More

Share Data and Charts
Upload Data to Grids

Upload Data to Grids

Pro Edition allows single and multi-file uploads to be handled as normal DataSource operations, including normal handling of validation errors.

Optional automatic storage to SQL, Hibernate or JPA (no server code required).

Insightful HTML5 Charts

Transform your mockups into working screens backed by clean, clear code.

Design in a wireframe mockup tool such as Balsamiq, then instantly transform exported mockups into interactive applications backed by simple code that follows our best practices. Read More

Our Pro Edition Has Even More

  • Server Data Binding
    Server Data Binding
  • Server-side Validation
    Server-side Validation
  • UI Generation
    UI Generation
  • Component XML
    Component XML
  • Declarative Security
    Declarative Security
  • Basic Connectors
    Basic Connectors
  • Queuing
  • HTTP Proxying
    HTTP Proxying
  • Reify Visual Designer
    Reify Visual Designer

Server Data Binding

Provides a simple Java API for handling requests for data from SmartClient visual components. Automatically parses complex nested search criteria, multi-level sorts, batch requests (multiple operations in one request). Read More

Server Data Binding

Server-side Validation

Both client and server validation are driven from a single XML declaration, with a built-in set of validators similar to XML Schema or JPA restrictions. Read More

Server-side Validation

UI Generation

Automatic generation of grid, form, detail and tiled views from Java Beans or SQL tables. Unlike "scaffolding" approaches that leave you maintaining generated code, generation is dynamic, and you can customize any detail of the generated components without losing automatic generation. Read More

UI Generation

Component XML

Component XML is a format for specifying UI components declaratively in XML. Using Component XML, you can separate the layout of your application from its business logic, so that less technical users can edit the layout while Java developers implement business logic. Read More

Component XML

Declarative Security

Attach role-based security declaratively to DataSource operations. UI components are security-aware and automatically disable UI for disallowed functions. Zero code integration with J2EE Security, Spring Security, or JAAS. Read More

Declarative Security

Basic Connectors

Basic Connectors (SQL, JPA & Hibernate): A one-line declaration enables all CRUD operations (create, retrieve, update, delete) against any SQL table, SQL View, JPA entity or Hibernate entity. No server code is required. Java business logic may be added to modify requests before they are executed by the connector, modify responses, or take any other action. Read More

Basic Connectors


Queuing allows multiple data load or save requests from different UI components to be transparently combined into a single HTTP request with guaranteed in-order execution. Read More


HTTP Proxying

The HTTP Proxy allows an application to access to web services hosted on remote servers, which are normally inaccessible to web applications due to the same origin policy. Read More

HTTP Proxying

Reify Visual Designer

Reify is a Low Code visual designer based on SmartClient technology. Reify allows non-programmers to build and deploy enterprise applications, or allows programmers and designers to collaborate to build applications which are partly visually designed, and partly IDE-coded. Read More

Reify Visual Designer

More Power For Your Users. Instantly.