• Freeze Columns

    SmartClient provides powerful data grids with advanced features.
    • Freeze columns to fix in place as you scroll horizontally
    • Reorder and sort by frozen columns
    • Right click to unfreeze
    Live Hands on Demo >
  • Group Data

    SmartClient provides powerful data grids with advanced features.
    • Right click to group
    • Group by multiple columns
    • Summarize grouped data
    Live Hands on Demo >
  • Edit Inline

    SmartClient provides powerful data grids with advanced features.
    • Edit rows or cells within the data grid
    • Add new rows
    • Automatically validate data
    Live Hands on Demo >
  • Highlight Values

    SmartClient provides powerful data grids with advanced features.
    • Visually define data hiliting rules
    • Surface high, low and data range values
    • Drive hiliting based on formulas
    Live Hands on Demo >
  • Drag & Drop

    SmartClient provides powerful data grids with advanced features.
    • Drag from lists, tree structures, data grids & tiles
    • Drag to create, remove, reorder, resize
    • Validate dragged object types on the fly
    Live Hands on Demo >

Explore Data Grid Features

  • Freeze Columns
  • Grouping
  • Inline Edit
  • Hiliting
  • Drag & Drop
SmartClient is the most advanced and complete platform
for building web applications.

Intelligent Data Management
Unprecedented Scalability & Responsiveness

Deep Server Integration
Fast, efficient development and maintenance

Built-in Mobile Adaption
Code once for all devices

UI Component Set
Broadest, deepest set of device aware UI Components

If your data grid can't do all this, it is underpowered
  • Tree behaviors for grouping and drilling down
  • Customizable menus
  • Edit inline with data pickers, value selection and related field search
  • Advanced filtering including relative date searches
  • Multi-level sorting
  • Advanced higlight editor
Every Data Grid Capability You'll Ever Need
(Click any feature below to see a live, interactive sample in our showcase)