Package com.smartgwt.client.types
package com.smartgwt.client.types
ClassDescriptionPolicy for choosing between admin searches fetched from the DataSource vs.For an
ERROR, the type of error, if known.The mode for how AI should respond to AI-powered component view requests, such as filering, sorting, and hiliting via AI.Acceleration effect for animations.String specifying effect to apply during an animated show or hide.During asize animation
.What to do if the user hits Up or Down arrow key while editing a cell.Supported styles for arrowheads.The type of result of an asynchronous operation.AutoComplete behavior forFormItems
.Possible values to change the behavior of how data will fill the ListGrid.Event on a listGrid header to trigger auto-fit of the listgrid field.How should fields oftype:"icon"
be sized by default?How should field width be determined whenListGridField.autoFitWidth
is true?What should drive the automatic expansion of the chart?Selection model forCubeGrid
indicating which cells in the body should be selected when row or column headers are selected.An axis or "side" of a table.Indicates the strategy to be used forautomatic cache synchronization
, for a givenDataSource
.Indicates the timing strategy to be used forautomatic cache synchronization
, for a givenDataSource
.Indicates how a given Calendar Save was initiated - values are dialog, editor and mouse.Known chart types.when heuristically finding a property that appears to contain child objects, the ChildrenPropertyMode determines how to chose the property appears to contain child objectsPassed as a parameter toCanvas.showClickMask()
to determine the masks behavior when clicked.For a validator of typeisUnique
in a component listing multiple records such as a ListGrid, can we use the component's fetched data set to check for uniqueness? Used byValidator.checkComponentData
.Supported styles of connector orientations.Supported styles of connector styles.Policy controlling how the window will manage content within its body.What type of content is being displayed within theHTMLFlow
? This content may come from thecontentsURL
or be directly specified asHTMLFlow.contents
.Names for the standard controls built into the RichTextEditor.The logical operator to use when combining criteria objects with theDataSource.combineCriteria()
method.Possible values for the current pane showing in aSplitPane
.You can use whatever cursors are valid for your deployment platforms, but keep in mind that visual representation may vary by browser and OS.Algorithms for drawing lines between points.Indicates the mode to use for resolving templated references in a DataSource's configuration file.The data URL MIME type to use whenDrawPane.getDataURL()
is called to convert the drawing to a data URL.Valid display formats for dates.The type of date/time editing style to use when editing an event.The direction in which an item should lay out it's fields.Order of pickers and which pickers are present when using a DateItem withDateItem.useTextField
false.The Velocity variable names of the "pieces" of SQL that Smart GWT generates to form a complete fetch or update query.Some interfaces, for example theFieldPicker
widgets, can use data from an associated DataBoundComponent to express live sample values at runtime.Possible layout modes for UI components that are sensitive to the device type being used (a.k.a.Flag passed to functions as displayNodeType, telling the function whether it should work on folders, leaves or both at once.Different types of effects for showing dragging behavior.What do we do with data that's been dropped into another list?Different styles of determining intersection: with mouse or entire rect of targetWhat kind of mask to use for masking dragged element.When records are being dragged from within a ListGrid, what sort of drag-tracker should be displayed?The type of drawing back-end used by aDrawPane
to draw itsdraw items
on screen.Indicates the format to be used for HTTP requests and responses when fulfilling DSRequests (eg, whenDataSource.fetchData()
is called).For DataSources of type "sql" and "hibernate", specifies the kind of inheritance to use when a dataSource specifiesinheritsFrom
.One of the four basic operations that can be performed on DataSource data: "fetch", "add", "update", "remove".OperationBinding.dataProtocol
affects how the data in the DSRequest (
) is sent to theDataSource.dataURL
.Indicates what Smart GWT Server will do with a DataSource request if you call dsRequest.execute() in server code.An edge or corner of a rectange, or it's center.What event / user interaction type caused cell editing to complete.How shouldAutoTest.waitForElement()
determine that the application is ready to retrieve the element?How a component should be embedded within its record or cellForm encoding types - these translate to Form ENCTYPE parameters.What to do when a user hits enter while editing a cellDetermines how Java enums are translated to and from Javascript by the Smart GWT server.What to do if the user hits escape while editing a cell.Mode for escaping text values when usingDataSource.recordsAsText()
.The method of pooling to employ forexpansionComponents
is true, ExpansionMode dictates the type of UI to be displayed in the expanded portion of the row.Method to use for displaying the exported data.One of the supported formats for data-export.One of the supported formats for image export.Specifies the direction of facet indenting for ahierarchical
facet.Mode of fetching records from the server.Indicates where a given field can be legally filtered.Options for how values in the import dataset (for example, the CSV file) are transformed during import if the field is aforeignKey
mapped to adisplayField
The strategy to use when generating field names - for example, for new formula or summary fields created using the built-in editors.The types listed below are built-in types thatdatabound\n components
understand and treat specially (using type-specific form controls, validators, formatters, sorting logic, etc).Governs how theMultiPickerItem
"Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons should act when the user has filtered the set of visible options in the list.Flags to set automatic removal of events from the page event registry.Strategies for calculating the FiscalYear within aFiscalCalendar
from the specifiedFiscalCalendar.defaultDate
If the specified fiscal year date starts in one calendar year and ends in the next.Approach to force a text value to be interpreted as text rather than parsed as a date, time or other structured types, as can happen with Microsoft Excel.The context for which a data-value is being formatted.HTML elements that make up a complete FormItem (note, not all FormItems use all of these elements)Form METHOD parameters - how the form fields are submitted to the serverPossible values for the state of ListGrid groups when groupBy is calledType of change to theListGrid.groupTree
.Algorithms to use when hashing field values (seeDataSourceField.storeWithHash
).Where ahilite icon
will be placed relative to normal cell content.Hoop selection modes.WhencanHover
are both true, HoverMode dictates the type of UI to be displayed when a user hovers over a row or cell.Customizes how users can interact with hovers.Property to govern when the 'over' styling is applied to a formItemIcon.Event that will trigger inline editing.The type of join to make between two SQL tables when resolvingincludeFrom
fields.What theJSONEncoder
should do when it encounters a circular reference in an object structure.Format for encoding dates in JSON.Controls the output of the JSONEncoder when instances of Smart GWT classes (eg a ListGrid) are included in the data to be serialized.Entries for theDrawItem.knobs
array.Strategy to apply when there is too little room for labels to be shown for all data points with comfortable padding (FacetChart.minLabelGap
).Strategy for determining whether and when to rotate certain labels.Policy controlling how the Layout will manage member sizes on this axis.Policy for whether resize bars are shown on members by default.Supported positioning of the chart Legend.The style of line-breaks to use when exporting dataSupported styles of drawing the endpoints of a lineSupported styles of drawing lines.Standard component-type displayed within a ListGrid, as contained byListGrid.gridComponents
.Event that will trigger inline editing.ListGrids format data for viewing and editing based on the type attribute of the field.The style of list item marker for a list.Trees that dynamically load nodes keep track of whether each node has loaded its children.The AutoTest subsystem relies on generating and parsing identifier strings to identify components on the page.When attempting to identify a component from within a list of possible candidates as describedhere
, if we are unable to find a unique match by name or title, we will use the recorded "type" of the component to verify an apparent match.Operators that can evaluate a set of criteria and produce a combined result.Priority levels for log messages.How should a canvas match its targetCanvas.htmlElement
size?Simple string identifiers for standard menu fields.Specifies the format of the mock data.Whether the mock data is for a flat grid-like dataset or for a tree.Specifies the starting point of a move knob with respect to its draw item.Specifies the layout of the combo box and buttons in a MultiComboBoxItem.ForSQLDataSource
only, the strategy to use to harmonize multiple records whenaddData()
is called with a list of records, andmultiInsertStrategy
"multipleValues" is in force, and the supplied records do not all contain exactly the same fields.ForSQLDataSource
only, the strategy to use to insert multiple records whenaddData()
is called with a list of records.Governs whether aMultiPickerItem
displays selected and unselected option in a drop down pickList, or uses ashuttle interface
Appearance for a SelectItem that allows multiple selectionOptions for how values are stored for a field that ismultiple:true
.Controls when primary keys are required for "update" and "remove" server operations, when allowMultiUpdate has not been explicitly configured on either theoperationBinding.allowMultiUpdate
or via the server-side APIDSRequest.setAllowMultiUpdate()
.Various events triggered by any window in the current application.Navigation direction.Method of, or reason for, navigation between panes.Controls the navigation mode of records.The possible access types for records with a nullownerIdField
(only applicable ifownerIdField
is specified)An operator is used as part of aCriterion
when specifyingAdvancedCriteria
.Indicates the kind of value expected in aCriterion
that uses this operator.The type of condition field must match in order to be fetched from underlying source of data and delivered the client.Events registerable viaPage.setEvent()
Is this page being viewed in landscape or portrait orientation? Typically used with mobile devices.Possible placements for pop-up choosers, menus, dialogs or other temporary UIs, which may need to expand to take up additional room for smaller screens.Action to take if a user attempts to save the dataset produced by aBatchUploader
whilst it still contains errors.Determines sizing model when sizing / positioning a canvas relative to itspercentBox
.Standard pickersFor PickList items withPickListItemIconPlacement
set such that the pickList does not render near-origin, possible location for rendering formItemIcons.Supported data point shapes forFacetChart.pointShapes
are:A means of identifying the properties in an exported dataset - either the property name or its title.Dictates the appearance of form items whenFormItem.canEdit
is set tofalse
.Type for controlling when a "recategorize" is applied to records being dropped on a databound component from another databound component.The method of component-pooling to employ forrecordComponents
.Controls how ListGrid record drop events report theirdropPosition
, and where the drop indicator will be displayed if appropriate.Position of aListGrid.recordDrop()
operation with respect to the target record.Controls the style of TableView record displayFunction to produce a summary value based on field values within a record.Defines the various types of record that can be present in aListGrid
.Supported regression algorithms for fitting the data points of a scatter plot.When relative dates are specified in a date range, typically in a RelativeDateItem or DateRangeItem, in order to make the range inclusive or exclusive, it is useful to be able to specify whether we're referring to the start or end of the date in question.Controls where a drag-item should be dropped in relation to the target rowSpecifies the position of a resize knob with respect to its draw item.Enumeration of the supported authentication types for theRestConnector
implementation.Indicates the request format to be used for a REST operation.Indicates the response format to be used for a REST operation.Enumerated status indicating whether a ResultSet has an accurateResultSet.getRowCount()
row count for the data set.While editing a ListGrid, what cell should we edit when the user attempts to navigate into a cell past the end of an editable row, via a Tab keypress, or a programmatic saveAndEditNextCell() call?Governs howListGrid.getRowRangeDisplayValue()
formats the row range and row count for displayWhenListGrid.allowRowSpanning
is enabled, certain cells may span multiple rows.Behavior of selection when row spanning is active.Smart GWT supports multiple RPC transports for maximum compatibility and feature richness.What should be stored by a saved search?When discovering a tree, the scanMode determines how to scan for the childrenProperty "node": take each node individually "branch": scan direct siblings as a group, looking for best fit "level": scan entire tree levels as a group, looking for best fitAffects the appearance and behavior of the builtinSavedSearchEditor
.Appearance when a component is inedit mode
and is selected.How data selection should be presented to the user.Boundary type for limiting where contiguous selection (via shift+click or drag selection) can be applied acrossfacets
.Enum to indicate selection change notification types.Different styles of selection that a list, etc.Controls how an object changes state when clickedControls whether and when individual items are selected when clicking on a form in editMode.The possible types of sequence handling Smart GWT Server can apply.The eventual state of a settled Promise.Strategy for determining whether and when to showformatted text labels
for data-values.Type of message to display inShowMessageTask
.Side of a component.Do we display an arrow for the sorted field ?The technique Smart GWT Server's SQL DataSource should use to select a "page" of data from a table.The types of custom query that can be handled by Smart GWT's built-in "sql" and "hibernate" DataSources.Constants for the standard states for a StatefulCanvas.This is used for client-side or server-side summaries Client-side: Function to produce a summary value based on an array of records and a field definition.Controls the display mode of TableView record displayAn event that triggers title editing in a TabSet.For "fetch" operations, how simple search criteria should be interpreted for text fields (and to some extent numeric fields, see the notes below).what to do if there is more than one possible childrenProperty when using scanMode "branch" or "level" "node": continue, but pick childrenProperty on a per-node basis (will detect mixed) "highest": continue, picking the childrenProperty that occurred most as the single choice "stop": if there's a tie, stop at this level (assume no further children)Policy for laying out tiles.String designating a standard time format for displaying the times associated with dates strings.Deprecated.Supported positioning of the chart Title.Strategy for determining how to place maximum-sized labels forDrawItem.titleAutoFit
.Orientation of titles relative to the FormItem being labeled.The different ways in which thetitleLabel
of aDrawItem
can be rotated with the item.Interface to use for showing and editing thetop-level operator
of a FilterBuilder.Policy for howinputValidation
is performed foractionType
:"change".Mode for applying criteria to a tree.The strategy used when auto-deriving the fields that make up a UnionDataSource, if nounionFields
setting is provided.Mode of validation used for running validation on partially entered data.Used to name a validator or reference a standard, built-inValidator
- see list below.Enum used within theFilterBuilder
class to indicate the role of a particular value-field form item within a filter clause.The names of the Calendar views.Settings for whether multiple sections can be in the expanded state simultaneously.Indicates the category of "generated fields" the Smart GWT Server should write values to, if defined on aDSRequest
- seewriteToGeneratedFields