Enum DataQuestionStepType

All Implemented Interfaces:
ValueEnum, Serializable, Comparable<DataQuestionStepType>, Constable

public enum DataQuestionStepType extends Enum<DataQuestionStepType> implements ValueEnum
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final DataQuestionStepType SUMMARIZEUSERAIREQUEST
      Prepares a summarization of the UserAIRequest containing the end user's data question, if necessary.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "summarizeUserAIRequest".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType DETERMINENEXTSTEP
      Asks AI to determine a next step. Only a subset of step types are offered as choices to AI.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "determineNextStep".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType MAKEQUERY
      Asks AI to construct a DSRequest query.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "makeQuery".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType VALIDATEQUERY
      Validates an AI-generated DSRequest against schema, identifying potential errors.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "validateQuery".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType FIXQUERY
      Asks AI to fix a query, given the list of validation errors.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "fixQuery".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType EXECUTEQUERY
      Executes a validated DSRequest query.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "executeQuery".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType SUMMARIZEPREVSTEPRESULTS
      Asks AI to summarize the results of previous steps in the context of the end user's data question and AI's described purpose for each query made.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "summarizePrevStepResults".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType CREATEDASHBOARD
      Asks AI to describe the components of a dashboard to visualize the answer to a data question.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "createDashboard".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType CREATEDASHBOARDCOMPONENT
      Asks AI to create a dashboard component.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "createDashboardComponent".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType VALIDATEDASHBOARDCOMPONENT
      Validates an AI-generated component against schema, identifying potential errors.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "validateDashboardComponent".


      public static final DataQuestionStepType FIXDASHBOARDCOMPONENT
      Asks AI to fix a dashboard component, given the list of validation errors.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "fixDashboardComponent".

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static DataQuestionStepType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DataQuestionStepType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getValue

      public String getValue()
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ValueEnum