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acceptInvalidAndExpiredSSLCertificates - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
As of release 12, replaced by HttpProxyServlet.sslTrustStrategy
add(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "add", calling setValues() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
add(Object, RPCManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "add", calling setValues() and setRPCManager() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
addAll(List, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Adds the contents of one List to another.
addAll(List, Iterator) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Adds all the elements of an Iterator to a List.
addAsList(List, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Add either a single object or List to another List.
addCriteria(Criterion) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Adds the passed criteria to the existing list of Criterion if the outermost operator is a logical "and".
addCriteria(String, OperatorBase, Object, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Creates and adds a new Criterion to the AdvancedCriteria via AdvancedCriteria.addCriteria(Criterion).
addCriteria(String, OperatorBase, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Creates and adds a new Criterion to the AdvancedCriteria via AdvancedCriteria.addCriteria(Criterion).
addDisjunctionToSet(List, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Adds elements of the second List that are missing in the first.
addDSLocaleMessageProvider(LocaleMessageProvider) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Registers LocaleMessageProvider for all data sources.
addDSLocaleMessageProvider(LocaleMessageProvider, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Registers LocaleMessageProvider for data sources which names start with prefix.
addDSLocaleMessageProvider(LocaleMessageProvider, Pattern) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Registers LocaleMessageProvider for data sources which names match the regex.
addDynamicDSGenerator(DynamicDSGenerator) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Registers the parameter DynamicDSGenerator with the DataSource system by placing it at the top of a stack of DynamicDSGenerators.
addDynamicDSGenerator(DynamicDSGenerator, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Registers the parameter DynamicDSGenerator with the DataSource system.
addDynamicDSGenerator(DynamicDSGenerator, Pattern) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Registers the parameter DynamicDSGenerator with the DataSource system.
addDynamicScreenGenerator(DynamicScreenGenerator) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Registers the parameter DynamicScreenGenerator with the ScreenLoaderServlet system.
addDynamicScreenGenerator(DynamicScreenGenerator, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Registers the parameter DynamicScreenGenerator with the ScreenLoaderServlet system.
addDynamicScreenGenerator(DynamicScreenGenerator, Pattern) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Registers the parameter DynamicScreenGenerator with the ScreenLoaderServlet system.
addError(String, ErrorMessage) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Adds an ErrorMessage to the ErrorReport for this DSResponse.
addError(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Adds an ErrorMessage to the ErrorReport for this DSResponse.
addError(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorReport
Convenience method - creates an ErrorMessage from the passed params and calls addError(fieldName, error).
addError(String, String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorReport
Convenience method - creates an ErrorMessage from the passed params and calls addError(fieldName, error).
addError(String, ErrorMessage) - Method in class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorReport
Add a validation error for a field.
addErrorMessageVariable(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Adds a variable to the context used when building error messages for this Validator.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a header to the email.
addHeaders(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a set of headers to the email.
additionalFields - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Holds list of additional fields requested by specific DSRequest.
additionalFields - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds list of additional fields requested by specific DSRequest.
addLocaleMessageProvider(LocaleMessageProvider) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Registers LocaleMessageProvider for all sources.
addLocaleMessageProvider(LocaleMessageProvider, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Registers LocaleMessageProvider for sources which names start with prefix.
addLocaleMessageProvider(LocaleMessageProvider, Pattern) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Registers LocaleMessageProvider for sources which names match the regex.
addMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Add a mapping between an audit DataSource and audited DataSource
addRecipient(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a recipient to the email.
addRecipient(String, Message.RecipientType) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a recipient of the specified type to the email.
addRecipient(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.TemplatedMailMessage
Adds a recipient to the email.
addRecipients(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a list of recipients to the email.
addRecipients(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a comma-delimited list of recipients to the email.
addRecipients(List, Message.RecipientType) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a list of recipients of the specified type to the email.
addRecipients(String, Message.RecipientType) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a comma-delimited list of recipients of the specified type to the email.
addRecipients(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.TemplatedMailMessage
Adds a list of recipients to the email.
addRelatedUpdate(DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Causes client-side components to react as though the provided DSResponse had just successfully completed.
addReplyTo(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a "reply to" address to the email.
addSearchOperator(Operator) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Adding custom operator for using in evaluations.
addToCriteria(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If the criteria is currently simple, this method just adds the provided fieldName and value as an extra key/value pair to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
addToCriteria(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Adds a criterion of the form { fieldName operator value } to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
addToCriteria(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Creates a SetCriterion with the provided values, then this SetCriterion is added to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
addToCriteria(String, OperatorBase, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Adds a criterion of the form { fieldName operator value } to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
addToCriteria(String, OperatorBase, Object[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Creates a SetCriterion with the passed parameters, then this SetCriterion is added to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
This is a convenience method; it is equivalent to calling the DSRequest.addToCriteria(Criterion), but passing criterion data as individual parameters.
addToCriteria(String, String, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Adds a criterion to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
addToCriteria(Criterion) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Adds a Criterion instance to this DSRequest's existing criteria.
addToIntInMap(Map, Object, int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Add to the value of an Integer instance stored in the map "map" under key "key".
addToScriptContext(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If you're using any of the script-based, server-side request or response transformation features - transformRequestScript, transformResponseScript or fieldValueScript - you can make additional Java objects available to the script, for this request only, by calling this method.
addToScriptContext(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
If you're using any of the script-based, server-side request or response transformation features - transformRequestScript, transformResponseScript or fieldValueScript - you can make additional Java objects available to the script for every request in the current queue by calling this method.
addToTemplateContext(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Same as the three-argument version, but the third argument (isSnippet) is always false.
addToTemplateContext(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If you're using the Velocity-based SQL Templating, you can make additional Java objects available to the the template context for this request only by calling this method.
addToTemplateContext(Object, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Same as the three-argument version, but the third argument (isSnippet) is always false.
addToTemplateContext(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Adds an attribute to the template context which makes it available when using Velocity templates.
AdvancedCriteria - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
AdvancedCriteria is a format for representing search criteria which may include operators on field values such as "less than", or may include sub-clauses such as several criteria applied to fields joined by an "OR" operator.
AdvancedCriteria(Criterion) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Convert existing Criterion to AdvancedCriteria.
AdvancedCriteria(Operator, Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Combine an array of criterion into AdvancedCriteria instance using operator.
AdvancedCriteria(String, Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Combine an array of criterion into AdvancedCriteria instance using operator in the format of String.
AIDataSource - Class in
The AIDataSource class provides APIs to integrate with Artificial Intelligence services.
ALL - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TransactionPolicy
All - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessageParseMode
Parse the entire message body for header values like "To:" and "From:".
All - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
alwaysToString() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the translater to output the Java objects that aren't specifically handled by the translater as strings, using the toString method on those objects.
And - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
All subcriteria (criterion.criteria) are true.
AndCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Logical criterion for checking that all subcriteria (criterion.criteria) are true.
AndCriterion(List) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.AndCriterion
Construct AndCriterion using criteria given as List.
AndCriterion(Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.AndCriterion
Construct AndCriterion using criteria given as array.
AnsiJoin - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
ANY_CHANGE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TransactionPolicy
appendToFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Appends the supplied contents to a file under webroot.
applyEarlierResponseValues(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Applies values from earlier responses in this transaction to the supplied DSRequest, in accordance with the and tags on the DSRequest's operationBinding.
arrayToList(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a List containing a subset of an array.
arrayToList(Object[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a List from an array.
arrayUnion(T[], T[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a new array containing all the elements of two arrays.
asCriterion() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Convert AdvancedCriteria into Criterion format.
assertEval(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Assert that the specified JavaScript script evaluates to empty String or null.
assertEval(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Assert that the specified JavaScript script evaluates equal to the expected value.
assertEval(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Assert that the specified JavaScript script evaluates equal to the expected value.
assertEval(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Assert that the specified JavaScript script evaluates equal to the expected value.
assertEval(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Assert that the specified JavaScript script evaluates equal to the expected value.
AuditDSGenerator - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
This class implements a DynamicDSGenerator which generates an audit DataSource based on a DataSource which has auditing enabled.
AUTO_DERIVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Name of the data source definition property holding should data source be auto derived.
AVG - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Iterates through the set of records, picking up all numeric values for the specified field and determining the mean value.


BaseRequest - Class in com.isomorphic.rpc
This is the base for all requests going through the rpc and DataSource layer in Smartclient Server.
BaseRequestHandler - Interface in com.isomorphic.datasource
This class handles execution of BaseRequest, mainly inside DSTransaction.processQueue().
BaseResponse - Class in com.isomorphic.rpc
This is the base for all responses going through the rpc and DataSource layer in Smartclient Server.
BaseServlet - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
BaseServlet is extended by most servlets in the Isomorphic Framework, as it provides: standard global variables in a safe manner to subclasses support for servlet container-based filesystem access
BasicDataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
A BasicDataSource is a DataSource that can create itself from configuration information expressed in XML.
BatchUpload - Class in
This class implements the server side of the BatchUploader tool.
batchUpload(DSRequest) - Method in class
Takes an DSRequest sent by the BatchUploader UI component, which contains an uploaded CSV file and target DataSource, and returns a DSResponse containing the rows validated against the target DataSource.
bcrypt(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the hash of the passed-in string, encrypted using the bcrypt algorithm
BEAN_CLASS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Name of the data source definition property holding fully-qualified class name.
beanClass - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds class from the DataSource definition.
beanName - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds bean name - simple class name with preceding underscore.
Between - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Shortcut for greaterThan + lessThan + and.
BetweenInclusive - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Shortcut for greaterOrEqual + lessOrEqual + and.
BIGTABLE_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
Holds true if running under Google Application Engine BigTable; false if running under relational database.
blur(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Blurs the target element or canvas.
buildList(T[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a List containing the passed in objects
buildMap(Object[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a Map of key/value pairs.
BuiltinRPC - Class in com.isomorphic.rpc
This class implements a set of "built-in" RPC methods that are available to all applications as part of all standard SmartClient distributions.
BuiltinRPC - Class in
This class implements an extra set of "built-in" RPC methods over and above the ones implemented in com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC.
ByIdentifier - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
This class is provided for backcompat with the Selenium v1 "identifier" locator strategy, which first does a lookup against IDs, and then if nothing is found, Names.
ByScLocator - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
A custom implementation of By which understands SmartClient locator names findElements() is delegated to AutoTest.js


CachePolicy - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
Provides all standard Cache-Control HTTP header response directives and some presets for most common usages.
call() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Calls through to execute().
call() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
Calls through to execute()
canCompressContext(RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CompressionFilter
Is a specific request context compressable? Default implementation will disallow compression for messaging requests (determined by looking at the target request path).
CanParseCriterion - Interface in com.isomorphic.criteria
An interface that should be implemented by all criteria that need to be converted from Map.
castValue(Object, Class, DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Converts specified value to targetType.
charsets - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.FileDownload
This is a comma separated expiration mapping of the form: mimeType:charset This allows you to specify a character encoding for a given mimeType.
checkSize(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Obtains the size of a Map, List or String.
clearAttributes(HttpSession) - Method in class
Clears any attributes previously stored by the setAttributes method.
clearCanvasProperty(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Clears the specified canvas property by setting it null.
clearDynamicDSGenerators() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Removes all user-added DynamicDSGenerators from the system
clearDynamicScreenGenerators() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Removes all DynamicScreenGenerators from the system
clearPooledInstances(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Clears all instances of the named DataSource from the pool
clearRelatedUpdates() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This can be used to clear any automatically-generated related updates
clearTolerances() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Resets all tolerances to their default values.
clearUploadedFiles() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Clears any uploaded files from this DSRequest.
click(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a single click to the locator target.
clickAndHold(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Equivalent of our "mouseDown", sent to locator target.
clickAndHoldAt(By, int, int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Equivalent of our "mouseDown", sent to an offset from locator target's left, top corner.
ClientMustResubmitException - Exception in com.isomorphic.rpc
This exception exists to work around a bug in IE cause by hotfix Q832894 which occasionally causes the browser to fail to send data filled into a form when the form is submitted.
collapseSmallContainers(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Enables or disables the option to print the contents of containers (maps or collections) on one line if they don't contain other containers. - package
com.isomorphic.autotest - package com.isomorphic.autotest
com.isomorphic.base - package com.isomorphic.base
com.isomorphic.contentexport - package com.isomorphic.contentexport
com.isomorphic.criteria - package com.isomorphic.criteria
com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion - package com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
com.isomorphic.datasource - package com.isomorphic.datasource
com.isomorphic.hibernate - package com.isomorphic.hibernate
com.isomorphic.jpa - package com.isomorphic.jpa
com.isomorphic.js - package com.isomorphic.js
com.isomorphic.log - package com.isomorphic.log
com.isomorphic.mail - package com.isomorphic.mail
com.isomorphic.messaging - package com.isomorphic.messaging
com.isomorphic.rpc - package com.isomorphic.rpc
com.isomorphic.servlet - package com.isomorphic.servlet
com.isomorphic.spring - package com.isomorphic.spring
com.isomorphic.sql - package com.isomorphic.sql - package
com.isomorphic.util - package com.isomorphic.util - package
com.isomorphic.velocity - package com.isomorphic.velocity
com.isomorphic.webdriver - package com.isomorphic.webdriver
com.isomorphic.xml - package com.isomorphic.xml
combineAsLists(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Combine two single objects or Lists into one new List, or return a single Object if one argument is single and the other argument is null.
commit() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Commits the current transaction.
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(String, Transaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBProviderInterface
Commits specified transaction.

commitTransaction(Transaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
commitTransaction(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(String, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Does nothing - container will commit transaction.
commitTransaction(Object) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Commits specified transaction.

commitTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderNoTransactions
Does nothing - transactions are not used.
commitTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Commits specified transaction.
commitTransaction(RPCManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Commit the current transaction
commitTransaction(DSTransaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Commit the current transaction
complete() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Commits or rolls back the current transaction and frees the DSTransaction's resources.
compressableMimeTypes - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CompressionFilter
Comma separated list of mime types that are compressable.
CompressionFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This CompressionFilter is part of the optional Network Performance package.
compressThreshold - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CompressionFilter
Minimum size of the dynamically captured buffer (in bytes) for compression to kick in.
CONCAT - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Implemented as SQL CONCAT function.
condition(Map, Criterion, Evaluator) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Operator
Check if passed record matches passed criterion.
Config - Class in com.isomorphic.base
This class provides config parameters to all the Java classes in the SmartClient Framework by reading a series of .properties files including
CONFIG - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB4Provider
Name of sub property for hibernate configuration file.
CONFIG_BEAN - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.SpringHB4Provider
Name of sub property for Spring bean name for hibernate configuration.
CONFIG_LOOKUP_STYLE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Name of sub property for hibernate configuration lookup style.
configBean - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.SpringHB4Provider
Holds Spring bean name.
configFile - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.FileAssembly
Sets the configuration file for this servlet instance.
configName - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Holds config name - can be configured with "jpaConfig" parameter.
configName - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds config name - can be configured with "jpaConfig" parameter.
configuration - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB4Provider
Holds Configuration.
configuration - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.SpringHB4Provider
Holds Configuration.
connectionHolder - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds connection information for Automatic Transactions.
CONSTRUCTOR_NAME - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
_constructor attribute value
Contains - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Contains as sub-string (match case).
contains(String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Tests if the specified substring is present in the specified string.
ContainsField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Contains as sub-string (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
ContainsPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression match.
contextClick(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a context (right) click to the locator target.
ContextLoaderListener - Class in com.isomorphic.spring
Wraps the class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener so that any exceptions generated by Spring can be caught, rather than escaping and preventing server initialiation from completing.
controlKeyDown() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
To Support Selenese.
controlKeyUp() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
To Support Selenese.
convertRelativeDates() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Converts any relative dates in this AdvancedCriteria into absolute dates with now as the relative point in time.
convertRelativeDates(DataSource) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Converts any relative dates in this AdvancedCriteria into absolute dates with now as the relative point in time.
convertRelativeDates(Date) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Converts any relative dates in this AdvancedCriteria into absolute dates with now as the relative point in time.
convertRelativeDates(Date, DataSource) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Converts any relative dates in this AdvancedCriteria into absolute dates with now as the relative point in time.
convertRelativeDates(Date, DataSource, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Converts any relative dates in this AdvancedCriteria into absolute dates with now as the relative point in time.
convertRelativeDates(AdvancedCriteria) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Converts all relative dates in a critierion to absolute dates relative to the time when this method is called.
convertRelativeDates(AdvancedCriteria, Date) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Converts all relative dates in a critierion to absolute dates relative to the time when this method is called.
convertRelativeDates(Criterion) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Converts all relative dates in a critierion to absolute dates relative to the time when this method is called.
convertRelativeDates(Criterion, Date, DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Converts all relative dates in a critierion to absolute dates relative to the time provided as base date.
convertRelativeDates(Criterion, Date, DataSource, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Converts all relative dates in a critierion to absolute dates relative to the time provided as base date.
convertRelativeDates(Map, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
convertRelativeDates() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Converts any relative dates found in this requests criteria into absolute dates relative to when this method is run.
convertToMap(Criterion) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.OperatorBase
Convert criterion to map representation.
COUNT - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Returns a numeric count of the total number of records passed in.
createLogicalDate(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Creates a logical date for the year, month and day provided.
createLogicalDate(int, int, int, Locale) - Static method in class
Creates a logical date for the locale, year, month and day provided.
createLogicalDate(long) - Static method in class
Creates a logical date for the locale and timestamp in milliseconds provided.
createLogicalDate(long, Locale) - Static method in class
Creates a logical date for the locale and timestamp in milliseconds provided.
Criterion - Interface in com.isomorphic.criteria
An object representing a criterion to apply to a record.
CustomCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Custom criterion based on key-value pairs and logic determined by operator.


DataImport - Class in
DataImport contains methods that can be used to import data from a test data file to the List of Maps format commonly used for DataSource records (importToRows()), or directly into a DataSource (importToDataSource()).
DataImport() - Constructor for class
Create a DataImport configured for CSV import with default quote string.
DataImport(DataImport.ImportFormat, String) - Constructor for class
Create a DataImport configured for the specified import format.
DataImport(DataImport.ImportFormat, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a DataImport configured for the specified import format and quote string.
DataImport(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a DataImport configured for the specified import format and quote string.
DataImport.ImportFormat - Class in
DataImport.ParseBoolean - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataImport.ParseDate - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataImport.ParseDateTime - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataImport.ParseFloat - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataImport.ParseNumber - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataImport.ParseText - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataImport.ParseTime - Class in
Implements the translate method of the DataTranslator interface.
DataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
A DataSource is metadata that provides a high-level, implementation independent description of a set of permanently stored objects that will be manipulated within a SmartClient application.
DataSourceBeanFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
An IBeanFilter that applies DataSource.getProperties() to all bean values (e.g.
DataSourceBeanFilter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
Creates a new DataSourceBeanFilter
DataSourceBeanFilter(DataSource, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
Creates a new DataSourceBeanFilter
DataSourceBeanFilter(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
Creates a new DataSourceBeanFilter
DataSourceBeanFilter(DataSource, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
Creates a new DataSourceBeanFilter
DataSourceBeanFilter(String, Collection) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
Creates a new DataSourceBeanFilter
DataSourceBeanFilter(DataSource, Collection) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
Creates a new DataSourceBeanFilter
DataSourceLoader - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This servlet returns the Javascript representation of a list of DataSources or SimpleTypes passed as parameter "dataSource".
DataSourceManager - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
This class contains static utility methods for obtaining a DataSource instance from the pool, and returning those instances.
DataSourceTools - Class in
DataSourceTools provides a number of static utility methods for generating DataSource information from other metadata (database tables, Hibernate mappings and Reflection on existing Java classes)
DataTools - Class in com.isomorphic.util
DataTools is a utility class with the following facilities: getProperties() and setProperties(): getProperties() allow the properties of any Java object to be extracted as a Map, and setProperties allows any Map to be applied to a Java object, calling setter methods named after the keys of the Map.
DateRangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of dates.
DateRangeCriterion(String, String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.DateRangeCriterion
Construct DateRangeCriterion using parameters:
DateRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Date, Date) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.DateRangeCriterion
Construct DateRangeCriterion using parameters:
DateUtil - Class in
A utility class with various methods for dealing with dates, calendars and time.
debug(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Logs a message with "debug" status.
decodeClientCriteria(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Decodes a client side criteria which has been serialized for storage.
deepMerge(Object, Object, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Merges one collections data structure into another.
deepRemoveEmptyCollections(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Walks a nested Collection-based datastructure and removes all Collections entities that are zero-sized.
deepRemoveKey(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Walks a nested Collection-based datastructure and removes all instances of keyToRemove (and its associated value) from any Map objects found in the data structure.
deepRemoveNullValues(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Walks a nested Collection-based datastructure and removes all entities that have a null value.
DEFAULT_HB_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Default Hibernate provider class name.
DEFAULT_SPRING_HB_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Default Spring Hibernate provider class name.
DefaultOperators - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Helper class for accessing operators that needs for working with Criteria.
deleteFile(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Deletes an arbitrary file under webRoot.
deriveDS(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
deriveDS(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPA2DataSource
deriveDS(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Creates data source configuration from specified fully qualified class name.
divideMap(Map, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Alters a Map so that it retains only the specified keys, returning a Map with any keys not retained.
doCustomResponse() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
If you're using Direct Method Invocation, you can call doCustomResponse() to suppress the normal RPCManager response so that you can send your own custom response via the servletResponse output stream.
doubleClick(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a double click to the locator target.
DoubleRangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of doubles.
DoubleRangeCriterion(String, String, Double, Double) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.DoubleRangeCriterion
Construct DoubleRangeCriterion using parameters:
DoubleRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Double, Double) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.DoubleRangeCriterion
Construct DoubleRangeCriterion using parameters:
downloadClientContent(String, String, String, RPCManager, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Accepts string content and streams it back as a file to the requester via content-disposition: attachment.
downloadClientExport(List, String, String, String, Map, HttpServletResponse, RPCManager, RPCRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Accepts a List of formatted Record-data, exports it to the specified format and streams it back as a file with the specified fileName to the requester via content-disposition: attachment.
downloadWSDL(String, String, String, RPCManager, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Loads a WSDL file from the specified URL, optionally translates it to SmartClient-compatible JS format and streams the file back to the requester via content-disposition: attachment.
downloadZip(Map, RPCManager, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
This method is used by the Export Project feature in Reify.
dragAndDrop(By, By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Simulate a drag-and-drop from the source locator to the target locator.
dragAndDrop(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
use the variant that takes separate coordinate offsets
dragAndDropBy(By, int, int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Simulate a drag-and-drop from the source locator by the horizontal and vertical offsets.
DriverConfiguration - Interface in com.isomorphic.autotest
Defines the setters available to configure how TestRunner is run when invoked via the wrapper class TestRunnerDriver.
DSField - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Server-side representation of a DataSource Field.
DSFileSpec - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Specifies a file stored in a DataSource.
DSFileSpec(String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file with the given DataSource name and filename, without specifying a fileType or fileFormat.
DSFileSpec(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file with the given DataSource name, filename, and fileType, without specifying a fileFormat.
DSFileSpec(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file with the given DataSource name, filename, fileType, and fileFormat.
DSFileSpec(String, String, String, String, DSRequest) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file with the given DataSource name, filename, fileType, fileFormat and requestContext.
DSFileSpec(Map) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file from a Map specifying one or more of fileName, fileType and fileFormat.
DSFileSpec(String, Map) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file from a dsName and a Map specifying one or more of fileName, fileType and fileFormat.
DSFileSpec(String, Map, DSRequest) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Specify a file from a dsName and a Map specifying one or more of fileName, fileType and fileFormat.
DSFileSpec(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Construct a DSFileSpec from a URL-like string.
DSFileSpec(String, DSRequest) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
Construct a DSFileSpec from a URL-like string.
DSRequest - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Server-side representation of a DataSource request initiated by a client-side DataBoundComponent or programmatically by custom client-side JavaScript.
DSRequest(String, String, ValidationContext) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Creates an empty DSRequest bound to the named datasource with the specified operationType.
DSRequest(String, String, RPCManager) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Creates an empty DSRequest bound to the named datasource with the specified operationType, and associated with the specified RPCManager.
DSResponse - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Response object to be populated by server-side code responding to a DSRequest.
DSResponse() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates an empty DSResponse.
DSResponse(int) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified status code.
DSResponse(Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified data payload.
DSResponse(Object, int) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified data payload and status code.
DSResponse(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified dataSource.
DSResponse(DataSource, int) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified dataSource and status code.
DSResponse(DataSource, Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified dataSource and data payload
DSResponse(DataSource, Object, int) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Creates a DSResponse with the specified dataSource, data payload and status code.
DSTransaction - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Manages a transaction that involves multiple DSRequest or RPCRequest objects.
DynamicDSGenerator - Interface in com.isomorphic.datasource
DynamicDSGenerators can be registered with the SmartClient Server framework via the DataSource.addDynamicDSGenerator(DynamicDSGenerator) method.
DynamicScreenGenerator - Interface in com.isomorphic.servlet
DynamicScreenGenerators can be registered with the SmartClient Server framework via the ScreenLoaderServlet.addDynamicScreenGenerator(DynamicScreenGenerator) method.


em - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds entity manager for operations with underlying data.
EMF - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Singleton factory for EntityManager and transaction with helper methods.
emf - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Holds EntityManagerFactory.
emf - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Holds EntityManagerFactory.
EMF_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Name of sub property for JPA EMF provider implementation.
EMFProviderBMT - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
EMF provider for Bean Managed Transactions (BMT).
EMFProviderBMT() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderBMT(Properties) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderBMT(String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Creates new EMF provider with specified context reference names.
EMFProviderCMT - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
EMF provider for Container Managed Transactions (CMT).

Use this provider if you want to use JPA data source in EJB environment (accessing JPA data source from enterprise bean).

EMFProviderCMT() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderCMT(Properties) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderCMT(String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Creates new EMF provider with specified context reference names.
EMFProviderInterface - Interface in com.isomorphic.jpa
Interface used to provide specific implementation of EntityManager and transaction acquiring and handling.

Implementation of this interface should provide at least two constructors: default constructor - will be used if implementation is used as default EMF provider constructor with single parameter of type Properties - will be used if implementation is used as additional named EMF provider

EMFProviderLMT - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
EMF provider for Locally Managed Transactions (LMT).
EMFProviderLMT() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderLMT(Properties) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderLMT(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Creates new EMF provider with specified persistence unit name.
EMFProviderNoTransactions - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
EMF provider for Google Application Engine mode without transactions usage.
EMFProviderNoTransactions() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderNoTransactions
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderNoTransactions(Properties) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderNoTransactions
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderNoTransactions(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderNoTransactions
Creates new EMF provider with specified persistence unit name.
EMFProviderSpring - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
EMF provider for Spring framework.
EMFProviderSpring() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderSpring(Properties) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Creates new EMF provider.
EMFProviderSpring(String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Creates new EMF provider with specified context reference names.
enablePrettyPrinting() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Turns pretty printing on.
enablePrettyPrinting(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Turns pretty printing on if value is true, otherwise turns pretty printing off.
enablePrettyPrinting - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.DataSourceLoader
Enables/disables pretty printing (formatting) of the output.
ENDROW_UNSET - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If endRow is set to this constant, then there is no set bound for the number of records the server should return for the current request.
EndsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Ends with (match case).
EndsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Ends with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
EndsWithPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression ends match.
endTransaction(RPCManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
End the current transaction.
endTransaction(DSTransaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
End the current transaction.
ENTITY_MANAGER - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of sub property for resource reference to entity manager.
ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of sub property for resource reference to entity manager factory.
entityManagerFactoryRef - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Name of the reference to managed entity manager factory.
entityManagerFactoryRef - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Name of the reference to managed entity manager factory.
entityManagerRef - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Name of the reference to container managed entity manager.
entityManagerRef - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Name of the reference to container managed entity manager.
enumToList(Iterator) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Converts an Iterator to a List.
Equals - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Exactly equal to.
EqualsField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Matches another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
error(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Logs a message with "error" status.
ErrorMessage - Class in com.isomorphic.util
Encapsulates a validation error.
ErrorMessage() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorMessage
Creates an empty ErrorMessage
ErrorMessage(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorMessage
Creates an ErrorMessage with the given errorString
ErrorReport - Class in com.isomorphic.util
Encapsulates a per-record set of validation errors.
ErrorReport() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorReport
Constructs an empty ErrorReport
ESCAPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Holds character ('~') used to escape wild cards in 'like' clause.
ESCAPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds character ('~') used to escape wild cards in 'like' clause.
escapeValueForFilter(Object, char) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Escapes characters "_" and "%" with specified character in value object.
escapeValueForFilter(Object, char) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Escapes characters "_" and "%" with specified character in value object.
evalJava(String, RequestContext) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
This method is used by the "Evaluate Java" section of the Developer Console (in the Results tab).
evaluateCriterion(Map, Criterion) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Evaluating criterion with map of values.
evaluateErrorMessage(ErrorMessage) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the evaluated form of the passed in error message, applying any error message variables that have been assigned to this validator.
Evaluator - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Helper class for evaluating criteria.
EXACT - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
Exact, case-insensitive
EXACT_CASE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
Exact, case-sensitive
execute(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method carries out the actual processing of a DataSource request.
execute() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Executes this DSRequest and returns a DSResponse.
execute(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
execute() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Executes this request and returns a response.
execute() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
If this request is a DMI request, executes the request through the DMI layer and returns an RPCResponse.
executeAdd(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "add" operations.
executeAdd(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
executeAdd(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
executeAsBatch(List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Convenience implementation of SQLDataSource.executeAsBatch(DSRequest[]), if you prefer to pass and return Lists instead of arrays.
executeAsBatch(DSRequest[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Executes an array of DSRequests in a single JDBC Statement.executeBatch() call.
executeClientExport(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "clientExport" operations.
executeCustom(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "custom" operations.
executeFetch(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "fetch" operations.
executeFetch(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
executeFetch(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
executeFileSource(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "fileSource" operations.
executeRemove(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "remove" operations.
executeRemove(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
executeUpdate(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called by DataSource.execute() for "update" operations.
executeUpdate(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
executeUpdate(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
expires - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.FileDownload
This is a comma separated expiration mapping of the form: mimeType:seconds to expiry.


factory - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB4Provider
Holds SessionFactory.
factory - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.SpringHB4Provider
Holds SessionFactory.
fastDateFormat(Date) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns a String representation of a Date object.
fatal(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Logs a message with "fatal" status.
FeatureExplorerRPC - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This servlet handles RPCs for the SDK Feature Explorer - it is not intended for use in deployments.
fetch(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "fetch", calling setCriteria() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
fetch(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "fetch", calling setCriteria() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
fetchById(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Same as DataSource.fetchById(Object, RPCManager), without the optional RPCManager parameter
fetchById(Object, RPCManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Same as DataSource.fetchById(Object, RPCManager, List), without the optional outputs parameter
fetchById(Object, RPCManager, List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the record whose primary key matches the supplied id, or null if no such record exists.
fetchSingle(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "fetch", calling setCriteria() on it, calling its execute() method, then obtaining just the first item of the results.
fetchSingle(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "fetch", calling setCriteria() on it, calling its execute() method, then obtaining just the first item of the results.
FileAssembly - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
The FileAssembly servlet is part of the optional Network Performance package.
FileDownload - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
The FileDownload Servlet is part of the optional Network Performance package.
filter(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "filter", calling setCriteria() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
filter(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "filter", calling setCriteria() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
filter(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceBeanFilter
This method is called to filter a bean (IBeanFilter Interface).
filter(Object) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.js.IBeanFilter
This method is called to filter a bean.
filter(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.KeepPropertiesBeanFilter
This method is called to filter a bean (IBeanFilter Interface).
find(List, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a List of Maps, return the first Map that has a certain value for a key
findAll(List, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a List of Maps, return all Maps that have a certain value for a key.
findAll(List, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a List of Maps, return all Maps that have common key/value pairs with another Map.
findFirstResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns the response for the first request where the DataSource and operation type match the parameter values (null parameters match any DataSource / operation type).
findFirstResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns the DSResponse for the first DSRequest where the DataSource and operation type match the parameter values (null parameters match any DataSource / operation type).
findLastResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns the response for the request most immediately prior to the current request, where the DataSource and operation type match the parameter values.
findLastResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns the DSResponse for the DSRequest most immediately prior to the current DSRequest, where the DataSource and operation type match the parameter values.
findValueOf(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
Finds TextMatchStyle for specified string value.
FIRST - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Currently behaves the same way as SummaryFunctionType.MIN.
first(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler
first(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler
first(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponsesHandler
first(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponsesHandler
FloatRangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of floats.
FloatRangeCriterion(String, String, Float, Float) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.FloatRangeCriterion
Construct FloatRangeCriterion using parameters:
FloatRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Float, Float) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.FloatRangeCriterion
Construct FloatRangeCriterion using parameters:
focus(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Set focus into the target element or canvas.
focus(By, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Set focus into the target element or canvas.
focus(By, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Set focus into the target element or canvas.
formatDate(String, Date) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the parameter date formatted according to the parameter format string.
free(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Frees the parameter DataSource object by returning it to the pool.
free(Connection) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLConnectionManager
Frees a connection previously obtained via SQLConnectionManager.
freeAllResources() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Frees all shared resources (for example, DataSource instances and database connections) used by this DSRequest.
freeAllResources() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Frees all shared resources (for example, DataSource instances and database connections) used by this DSTransaction, including any DSRequest-level resources that have not already been freed automatically at the end of request processing.
freeAllResources() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Frees all shared resources (for example, DataSource instances and database connections) used by this request.
freeDataSource(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Frees the parameter DataSource object by returning it to the pool
freeQueueResources() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Frees shared resources (for example, DataSource instances and database connections) used by this DSTransaction and associated with the overall queue, as opposed to a particular DSRequest within that queue.
freeResources(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Closes EntityManager.
FROM_FIRST_CHANGE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TransactionPolicy
fromCollections(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Creates an AdvancedCriteria object from Java collections.
fromCollections(Object, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Creates an AdvancedCriteria object from Java collections.
fromCollections(Object, OperatorBase) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Creates an AdvancedCriteria object from Java collections.
fromXML(Element) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from an XML Element
fromXML(Element, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from an XML Element, with optional context DSRequest
fromXML(Document) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from an XML Document - the documentElement of this document is expected to contain the DataSource definition.
fromXML(Document, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from an XML Document, with optional context DSRequest - the documentElement of the XML document is expected to contain the DataSource definition.
fromXML(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from a String of XML
fromXML(String, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from a String of XML, with optional context DSRequest
fromXML(Reader) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from XML using a Reader
fromXML(Reader, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Instantiates a DataSource from XML using a Reader, with optional context DSRequest


GAE_RUNTIME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
Holds name of the system property to identity Google Application Engine runtime environment.
GAE_VERSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.GAEJPADataSource
Holds name of the system property to identity Google Application Engine runtime version.
GAEJPADataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Server side implementation of JPA 1.0 data source under Google Application Engine.
generateFromPersistenceUnit(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPA2DSGenerator
Generates data source configurations for all entities mapped in specified persistent unit.

Works only with JPA 2.0 implementation.

generateFromPersistenceUnit(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADSGenerator
Generates data source configurations for all entities mapped in specified persistent unit.

Works only with JPA 2.0 implementation.

generateRelatedUpdates - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Holds value should related updates be generated.
generateRelatedUpdates - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds value should related updates be generated.
get(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Returns a DataSource object from the pool, creating a new instance if necessary.
get() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Returns SessionFactory.
get(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Returns SessionFactory.
get() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBProviderInterface
Returns SessionFactory.
get() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Returns EntityManagerFactory.
get(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Returns EntityManagerFactory.
get() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Returns EntityManagerFactory found in container's environment context.
get() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Returns EntityManagerFactory found in container's environment context.
get() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Returns EntityManagerFactory.
get() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Returns EntityManagerFactory.
get() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Returns EntityManagerFactory.
get() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Retrieve a JSTranslater instance.
get() - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCFileItem
get(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataWrapper
get(Integer) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataWrapper
get(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Fetch a URL relative to the baseURL.
get(String, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Fetch a URL relative to the baseURL.
getAbsoluteDate(RelativeDate, boolean) - Static method in class
Gets the absolute date for a relative date with the current date and time as the relevance point.
getAbsoluteDate(RelativeDate, Date, boolean) - Static method in class
Gets the absolute date for a relative date with a base date and time as the relevance point.
getAbsoluteDate(boolean) - Method in class
Gets the absolute date for this relative date with the current date and time as the relevance point.
getAbsoluteDate(Date, boolean) - Method in class
Gets the absolute date for this relative date with a base date and time as the relevance point, based on the server timezone
getAbsoluteDate(Date, boolean, TimeZone) - Method in class
Gets the absolute date for this relative date with a base date and time as the relevance point.
getAdditionalOutputs() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Creates and returns a list of DSFields specified in this DSRequest's "additionalOutputs" property.
getAdvancedCriteria() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the advanced criteria for this operation.
getAffectedRows() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
For operations that modify data, this method returns the number of rows affected by the change.
getAppID() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
If this is a DMI request, returns the appID against which this request is being made.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns an Object that has previously been stored in this DSRequest's attribute map.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns an Object that has previously been stored in this RPCManager's attribute map.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns an Iterator that can be used to obtain all the keys in the DSRequest's attribute map.
getAuditChangedFieldsFieldLength(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the "changed fields" field length configured for the given DataSource.
getAuditChangedFieldsFieldName(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the "changed fields" field name configured for the given DataSource.
getAuditChangedFieldsFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the audit "changed fields" field configured for this DataSource.
getAuditDataSource() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
This method returns the audit DataSource associated with this DataSource if it has the audit=true property set.
getAuditDSConstructor(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the serverConstructor configured for the given DataSource
getAuditRecord(DSRequest, Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Convenience version of the three-argument version, but the third argument (oldvalues) is null, so is not suitable for "update" requests
getAuditRecord(DSRequest, Map, Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Given a base record, a context DSRequest and optionally an "old" record, returns a record with all the audit fields populated in accordance with the rules specified in the DataSource's audit configuration.
getAuditRevisionFieldName(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the revision field name configured for the given DataSource.
getAuditRevisionFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the audit revision field configured for this DataSource.
getAuditSchemaName(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the audit schema configured for the given DataSource
getAuditTimestampFieldName(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the timestamp field name configured for the given DataSource.
getAuditTimestampFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the audit timestamp field configured for this DataSource.
getAuditTypeFieldName(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the type field name configured for the given DataSource.
getAuditTypeFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the audit type field configured for this DataSource.
getAuditUserFieldName(DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Get the user field name configured for the given DataSource.
getAuditUserFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the audit user field configured for this DataSource.
getAuthenticated() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns true if we have an authenticated user for this request.
getAuthenticated() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns true if we have an authenticated user for this request.
getBeanFields(String) - Static method in class
Returns a list of fields derived from the properties of the passed-in JavaBean.
getBeanFilter() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
getBeanPropertyName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns property name for this field: Returns valueXPath if specified.
getBodyWriter() - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Gets the Writer stream for the message body.
getBypassDataFilter() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This method returns true if this DSResponse will bypass the normal data filter pipeline (i.e dropExtraFields, valueXPath evaluation, etc) and simply serialize the provided data to the client.
getCachedClass(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns loaded Class object for specified name.
getClassFields(Class) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns array of all fields declared in specified class and it's supper classes.
getClassMethods(Class) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns array of all methods declared in specified class and it's supper classes.
getClientSuppliedCriteria() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the criteria submitted by the client for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values.
getClientSuppliedValues() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the values that the client submitted for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values.
getComponentId() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Optional componentId passed by the client.
getConnection() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLConnectionManager
Gets a new connection to the default database given in the SmartClient configuration file.
getConnection(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLConnectionManager
Gets a new connection to the database given in the SmartClient configuration file by the parameter database name.
getConnection(RPCManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Returns the connection participating in the transaction.
getConnection(DSTransaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Returns the connection participating in the transaction.
getConsolidatedOutputs() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the consolidated list of fields that will be returned to the client.
getContext() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Returns the RequestContext associated with this request.
getCriteria() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Gets list of subcriteria.
getCriteria() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the criteria for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values.
getCriteriaAsMap() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Convert AdvancedCriteria into Map object.
getCriteriaSets() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the criteria in the request as a List, even if singular.
getCriteriaValue(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the value provided in criteria for a particular fieldName.
getData() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the data object originally set by setData()
getData() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method for getting the data of a single RPCRequest.
getData() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
Retrieves the data sent by the client.
getData() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCResponse
Retrives the data previosly set via setData() or the constructor that takes the data argument.
getDatabaseProductNameAndVersion(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns the product name and version of the database connected via Hibernate or the supplied dbName configuration (the default configuration if not supplied), depending on value of serverType
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns data format for REST request.
Possible values: "xml" and "json".
getDataList() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Convenience method to return the data object originally set by setData(), as a List.
getDataMap() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Convenience method to return the data object originally set by setData(), as a Map.
getDataSource(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Returns a DataSource object from the pool, creating a new instance if necessary.
getDataSource() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns an instance of class DataSource for this DSRequest.
getDataSource() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the currently set DataSource.
getDataSource(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns an instance of the DataSource named in the "dsName" parameter.
getDataSource(String, DSRequest) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.datasource.DynamicDSGenerator
Returns an instance of DataSource.
getDataSource(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns an instance of the DataSource named in the "dsName" parameter.
getDataSourceConfigFromHibernateMapping(String) - Static method in class
Returns the DataSource configuration map derived from the given Hibernate mapping
getDataSourceConfigFromJavaClass(String) - Static method in class
Returns a DataSource config Map for the Java class provided.
getDataSourceConfigFromJavaClass(String) - Static method in class
Returns the DataSource configuration map derived by applying Reflection to the given Java class
getDataSourceConfigFromJPAClass(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADSGenerator
Returns data source configuration for specified class.
getDataSourceConfigFromJPAClass(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADSGenerator
Returns data source configuration for specified class.
getDataSourceConfigFromJPAClass(String) - Static method in class
Returns the DataSource configuration map derived from the given JPA-mapped class
getDataSourceConfigFromMetamodel(String, EntityManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPA2DSGenerator
Returns data source configuration for specified class.

Plural fields (one-to-many relations) will be generated.

Works only with JPA 2.0 implementation.

getDataSourceConfigFromMetamodel(String, EntityManager, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPA2DSGenerator
Returns data source configuration for specified class.

Works only with JPA 2.0 implementation.

getDataSourceConfigFromMetamodel(String, EntityManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADSGenerator
Returns data source configuration for specified class.

Plural fields (one-to-many relations) will be generated.

Works only with JPA 2.0 implementation.

getDataSourceConfigFromMetamodel(String, EntityManager, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADSGenerator
Returns data source configuration for specified class.

Works only with JPA 2.0 implementation.

getDataSourceConfigFromTable(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the DataSource configuration map derived from the given database table
getDataSourceFromHibernateMapping(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns a DataSource derived from the Hibernate entity provided.
getDataSourceFromTable(String, String, String, String, Map) - Static method in class
Returns a DataSource derived from the table provided.
getDataSourceJSONFromHibernateMapping(String, String) - Static method in class
Returns the JSON representation of a DataSource derived from the entity provided.
getDataSourceJSONFromTable(String, String, String, String, Map) - Static method in class
Returns the JSON representation of a DataSource derived from the table provided.
getDataSourceName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
getDataSourceName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the dataSourceName for this DSRequest.
getDefaultDynamicDSGenerator() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the default DynamicDSGenerator, or null if there is none
getDefaultOperatorMap() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Retrieving the Map containing all default operators.
getDefinedDataSourceIdentifiers() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Returns a Set containing the identifiers of each datasource known to the DataSourceManager.
getDirectFields() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the "direct" list of field names, which means roughly the fields that are likely to exist in the actual underlying SQL table (or other source of data depending on the DataSource implementation) that this DataSource is bound to, as opposed to fields derived via joins and other kinds of calculations.
getDirection() - Method in class
Returns the direction sign for this relative date.
getDropExtraFields() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This method returns true if this DSResponse will automatically trim the fields in its data member to just those fields declared in the DataSource.
getDroppedFields() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the list of fields that have been or will be dropped for this DSRequest as a result of applying field-level declarative security rules.
getDSLocaleMessageProvider(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Looks up LocaleMessageProvider by data source id.
getDSRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.ValidationContext
Returns DSRequest that issued this validation request.
getDSRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method for getting a single DSRequest when you know this request only contains one DSRequest.
getDSTransaction() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
This is an alias method for BaseRequest.getDSTransaction().
getDsTransaction() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Returns the DSTransaction associated with this request.
getDynamicDSGenerators() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the non-default DynamicDSGenerators (ie, those that were registered against a startsWith string or a regular expression)
getElementHeight(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Get height of target element
getElementPositionLeft(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Get left page offset of target element
getElementPositionTop(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Get top page offset of target element
getElementWidth(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Get width of target element
getEndRow() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the index of the last requested record.
getEndRow() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the endRow for this DSResponse.
getEntityManager() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Returns EntityManager for persistence operations.
getEntityManager(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Returns EntityManager for persistence operations.

getEntityManager() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Returns EntityManager found in container's environment context.
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Returns EntityManager found in container's environment context.
getEntityManager() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Returns EntityManager for persistence operations.

getEntityManager() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Returns EntityManager created using factory.
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Returns EntityManager created using factory.
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPAConnectionHolder
Returns EntityManager for this connection.
getEnumConstantProperty() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the name of the property this DataSource uses for constant name when translating enumerated types.
getEnumOrdinalProperty() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the name of the property this DataSource uses for ordinal number when translating enumerated types.
getEnumTranslateStrategy() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the strategy this DataSource uses for translating Java enumerated types (enums).
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the error message
getErrorMessageVariables() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Retrieves the current map of error message variables for this Validator
getErrorReport() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the current ErrorReport.
getErrors(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorReport
Returns the list of validation errors (ErrorMessages) for a given field.
getErrorString() - Method in class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorMessage
getEval(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Simulate Selenium V1's getEval() by evaluating the expression passed in as a series of statements, and returning the value of the last statement as the result.
getEval(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Simulate Selenium V1's getEval() by evaluating the expression passed in as a series of statements, and returning the value of the last statement as the result.
getExportObject(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the Java object encapsulating the exported data in a format suitable for directly loading into Microsoft Excel.
getExportResults() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Whether this request will result in an export, as opposed to a normal DSResponse.
getExportTo() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the OuputStream we will use for data export.
getExportTo() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the OuputStream we will use for data export.
getField(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the field definition for the specified field.
getField(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Returns DSField by specified name.
getField(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Returns DSField by specified name.
getFieldCriterion(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Returns the depth-first match of a criterion matching the given fieldName.
getFieldCriterions(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Returns all criterions matching the given fieldName.
getFieldName() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Criterion
Gets field name to compare against.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Returns field name as declared in data source.
getFieldNames() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the list of field names in the DataSource as a List of strings.
getFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Returns combined list of data source configured and request configured field names.
getFieldNames(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Returns combined list of data source configured and request configured field names.
getFieldsFromTable(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Returns a list of fields in the passed in table, with properties such as type and length inferred from the database metadata.
getFieldValue(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
Returns the depth-first value of a criterion matching the given fieldName.
getFieldValue(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the value for a particular fieldName if it exists in the valueSet, otherwise checks if the value exists in the criteria via getCriteriaValue(fieldName).
getFieldValue(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the value of the field name provided in this dsResponse's data member.
getFile(DSFileSpec) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Gets the contents of a file stored in this DataSource.
getFileAsInputStream(DSFileSpec) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Gets the contents of a file stored in this DataSource
getFileAsString(DSFileSpec) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Gets the contents of a file stored in this DataSource
getFileContentsField() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the fileContents field configured for this DataSource for fileSource operations.
getFileFormat() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
getFileFormatField() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the fileFormat field configured for this DataSource for fileSource operations.
getFileName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
getFileName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCFileItem
getFileNameField() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the fileName field configured for this DataSource for fileSource operations.
getFileType() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
getFileTypeField() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get the field name for the fileType field configured for this DataSource for fileSource operations.
getFirst() - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler
getFirst() - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponsesHandler
getForeignKey() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the foreign key, if set.
getGenerateRelatedUpdates() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Should related updates be generated in DSResponse.
getGroupBy() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
List of fields to group results by.
getHavingWithout(DSRequest, String[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Generates SQL condition expression without the fieldNames requested to skip from groupWhereClause (aka having).
getHibernateBeans(List, List, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns a list of classes currently mapped in Hibernate.
getHttpServletRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the HttpServletRequest associated with this DSRequest.
getHttpServletRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCHttpServletRequest
This method returns the actual container-provided HttpServletRequest object as it was passed to the entry point servlet for this request.
getID() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Operator
Get Operator identifier that used on client side or to store criteria data in maps.
getID() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the "ID" property of the dataSource, exactly the same as DataSource.getName()
getIncludeBinaryFields() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
getIncludeFrom() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns value for "includeFrom" property of this field if set, null otherwise
getInputStream() - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCFileItem
This method always returns the InputStream associated with the originally uploaded file.
getIntInMap(Map, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Get value of an Integer instance stored in the map "map" under key "key", as the primitive type int.
getInvalidateCache() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the current value of invalidateCache
getIsAdvancedCriteria() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Check if current criteria is advanced.
getJPEG(String, Float) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.IImageExporter
Parses the given SVG graphic source, paints the parsed SVG graphic into a newly-created BufferedImage, and returns an InputStream for reading the BufferedImage in JPEG format at the given quality level.
getJsonPrefix() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns prefix marker for JSON responses.
getJsonSuffix() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns suffix marker for JSON responses.
getKeys() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
For responses produced by SQLDataSource and subclasses only, this method returns the Map of key values used in the SQL query.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns language property, which is script language of serverCondition expression that will be executed by the server.
getLast() - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler
getLast() - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataWrapper
getLast() - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponsesHandler
getLength() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the length of this field, if specified.
getListProperties(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a List of beans/Elements/Maps and for all fields on this DataSource that specify a valueXPath, applies the xpath to each object in the List using the Jakarta JXPath library.
getListProperties(List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a List of beans/Elements/Maps and for all fields on this DataSource that specify a valueXPath, applies the xpath to each object in the List using the Jakarta JXPath library.
getListProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a List.
getListProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a List.
getListProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a List.
getLoadScript(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.Project
Returns JavaScript code to cache screens from a Project by name.
getLoadScript(String, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.Project
Returns JavaScript code to cache screens from a Project by name.
getLoadScript(String, ProjectLoadSettings) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.Project
Returns JavaScript code to cache screens from a set of Projects by name.
getLoadScript(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.Screen
Returns JavaScript code to load and create a Screen by name.
getLoadScript(String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.Screen
Returns JavaScript code to load and create a Screen by name.
getLocale() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the Locale to use when processing tags in DataSource definitions.
getLocaleMessageProvider(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Looks up LocaleMessageProvider by source id.
getLogEntries(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Returns the contents of the specified log4j log.
getLoggerContext() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns log4j2 LoggerContext instance that was configured from log4j2.isc.config.xml.
getLoggerRepository() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
getLogNames() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Returns the list of available log4j log names.
getMapProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a Map.
getMapProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a Map.
getMapProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a Map.
getMax() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RangeCriterion
Gets max value of field.
getMessage(String, Locale, String, String, LocaleMessageSourceEnum, String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProvider
Will be called by framework when evaluating i18n message (<fmt> tag).
getMessageParseMode() - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.TemplatedMailMessage
Returns the current state of the message parsing mode.
getMethodArguments() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
If this is a DMI request, returns the arguments the client is passing to the DMI method.
getMethodName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
If this is a DMI request, returns the name of the DMI method being invoked by the client.
getMin() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RangeCriterion
Gets min value of field.
getMissingPrimaryKeysForAdd() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Validates that this DSRequest has a value present for every non-generated primaryKey.
getMockMode() - Method in class com.isomorphic.xml.ProjectLoadSettings
Returns the mockMode setting.
getName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the "ID" property of the dataSource
getName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the name of this field.
getNativeName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the native name of this field.
getNonIncludedFields() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the list of "non included" field names, which means all fields except the related ones fetched from other DataSources.
getObj() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
getObjectProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the value of the specified element(s) as an Object.

Custom XML is transformed to Strings or Java collections by the following rules: Elements with just text (no child elements or attributes) become Strings Elements with child elements or attributes become Maps containing data derived from their subelements Repeating elements (more than one of the same name at the same level) become Lists

Sample XML:


<mapCustomProperty key1="value1" key2="value2" />
List of String

<listCustomProperty>ListElement2</listCustomProperty> </DataSource>
List of Map

<mapCustomProperty key1="value1" key2="value2" />
<mapCustomProperty key1="value1" key2="value2" />

getObjectProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the value of the specified element(s) as an Object.

Custom XML is transformed to Strings or Java collections by the following rules: Elements with just text (no child elements or attributes) become Strings Elements with child elements or attributes become Maps containing data derived from their subelements Repeating elements (more than one of the same name at the same level) become Lists

Sample XML:


<mapCustomProperty key1="value1" key2="value2" />
List of String

<listCustomProperty>ListElement2</listCustomProperty> </field>
List of Map

<mapCustomProperty key1="value1" key2="value2" />
<mapCustomProperty key1="value1" key2="value2" />

getObjectProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the value of the specified element(s) as an Object.

Custom XML is transformed to Strings or Java collections by the following rules: Elements with just text (no child elements or attributes) become Strings Elements with child elements or attributes become Maps containing data derived from their subelements Repeating elements (more than one of the same name at the same level) become Lists

getOldValues() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
For an "update" or "remove" operation, returns the complete original record as it was delivered to the client, as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values.
getOldValueSets() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the oldValues in the request as a List, even if singular.
getOpCount() - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBConnectionHolder
Returns count of operations executed.
getOpCount() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPAConnectionHolder
Returns count of operations executed.
getOperationId() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Optional operationId passed by the client.
getOperationProperty(DSRequest, String, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the value of the specified operationBinding element as an Object.
getOperationType() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the type of this DataSource operation.
getOperationType() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the operationType associated with this DSResponse.
getOperatorId() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Criterion
Gets operator id used in search criteria.
getOtherFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OtherFieldCriterion
Gets other field name.
getOtherFKs() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns otherFKs property, if set.
getOutputs() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the list of output fields requested by the client, or set manually by a server-side call to DSRequest.setOutputs(java.util.List).
getOwnerId() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
getPartialHaving(DSRequest, String[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Generates partial SQL condition expression for the fieldNames requested for use in the groupWhereClause (aka having).
getPartialWhere(DSRequest, String[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Generates partial SQL condition expression for the fieldNames requested for use in the regular whereClause.
getPathValue(Map, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Fetches the value stored at the given dot notation path in the map of values.
getPathValueAsString(Map, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Fetches the value stored at the given dot notation path in the map of values as a string.
getPdfObject(String, Map, HttpServletResponse, RPCManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.contentexport.PdfExport
Converts the provided HTML to a PDF object and streams the response back to the browser as the response to an RPCRequest/DSRequest.
getPdfObject(String, Map, HttpServletResponse, RPCManager) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.IPdfExporter
method to convert HTML to PDF object.
For additional methods, including the ability to generate a .pdf that be saved to a database or emailed rather than streamed to the client, see PdfExport.getPdfRenderer(String, Map)
getPdfRenderer(String, Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.contentexport.PdfExport
Method to create an ITextRenderer object ready to generate a PDF object.
getPendingAddFlag() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the pendingAdd flag associated with this DSRequest
getPNG(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.IImageExporter
Parses the given SVG graphic source, paints the parsed SVG graphic into a newly-created BufferedImage, and returns an InputStream for reading the BufferedImage in PNG format.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the name of the primary key field.
getProgressiveLoading() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if progressive loading is enabled, false if it is disabled for this particular request or null if this was not explicitly set, meaning that OperationBinding- and DataSource-level settings will be respected and automatically switching to loading data progressively if DataSource.progressiveLoadingThreshold is exceeded would also work as expected.
getProperties(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a bean/Element/Map and for all fields on this DataSource that specify a valueXPath, applies the xpath to the object using the Jakarta JXPath library.
getProperties(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a bean/Element/Map and for all fields on this DataSource that specify a valueXPath, applies the xpath to the object using the Jakarta JXPath library.
getProperties(Object, Collection) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a bean/Element/Map and for all fields on this DataSource that specify a valueXPath, applies the xpath to the object using the Jakarta JXPath library.
getProperties(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Gets the properties for a JavaBean and returns them as a Map.

getProperty(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.base.Config
Returns a property extracted from the SmartClient global configuration file,
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns a property from the DataSource config.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
For an XML DataSource, returns the value of the specified attribute as a string.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns an arbitrary property of the DSResponse that has previously been set with DSResponse.setProperty(String, Object)
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a string.
getProperty(List, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a result set, as a List of rows, and a column name, returns the List of values for that column.
getPropertyDescriptors(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Gets the property descriptors for a JavaBean and returns them as a Map.

getPropertyDescriptors(Class) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Gets the properties for a JavaBean class through introspection and returns them as a Map.

Removes properties added by byte-code instrumentation: interceptFieldCallback property is removed if class implements net.sf.cglib.transform.impl.InterceptFieldEnabled interface; fieldHandler property is removed if class implements org.hibernate.bytecode.javassist.FieldHandled interface;

getPropertyJavaClass(String, DSField, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Override point to allow subclasses to dynamically determine the Java class to use for a given property.
getPropertyType(Class, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns type of specified property in provided class.
getQualifier() - Method in class
Returns the qualifier for this relative date, the qualifier is another relative date.
getRangePosition() - Method in class
Returns the RelativeDateRangePosition for this relative date.
getRawREST() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if it is a raw REST mode request.
getRawSummaryFunctions() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Allows you to retrieve all summary functions requested by the client, even if they are not framework built-ins.
getRealClass(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Checks if provided bean is a proxy and extracts real class.
getRecord() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the DSResponse's data member in "record" format (ie, as a nested collection of Maps and Lists that can be directly translated into JSON format by the JSTranslater).
getRecords() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the DSResponse's data member as a list of maps in "record" format (ie, each entry in the list is a nested collection of Maps and Lists that can be directly translated into JSON format by the JSTranslater).
getRecords(ValidationContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the DSResponse's data member as a list of maps in "record" format (ie, each entry in the list is a nested collection of Maps and Lists that can be directly translated into JSON format by the JSTranslater).
getRecordXPath() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
For an XML DataSource, returns the XPath expression used to retrieve the set of XML elements that constitute the records of this DataSource.
getRelatedDisplayRecord(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
getRelatedDisplayRecord(String, Object, DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the "related display record" for a given field.
getRelatedDSName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Returns related data source name.
getRelatedFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Returns field name in related data source.
getRelatedTableAlias() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
When DSField.otherFKs is involved this property is used to construct related table alias in generated SQL.
getRelatedUpdates() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Gets list of related updates previously added to this response.
getRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method for getting a single RPCRequest when you know this HTTP request only contains one RPCRequest.
getRequestContext() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
getRequestContext() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Please use BaseRequest.getContext() instead.
getRequestContext() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.ValidationContext
Returns RequestContext if validation is performed in the context of a servlet request.
getRequests() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns a list of the requests that are registered with this transaction.
getRequests() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns a list of RPC requests sent in this HTTP transaction.
getResponse(BaseRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Retrieves a response for a specific request which has been registered with this transaction.
getREST() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if it is REST request.
getRPCManager() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Returns the RPCManager associated with this DSRequest, if there is one.
getScreen(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.servlet.DynamicScreenGenerator
Returns an String of XML representing the generated screen.
getScreenNames() - Method in class com.isomorphic.xml.ProjectLoadSettings
Returns the names of the screens to load.
getScriptImports() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns script imports, which are used by script defined in serverCondition expression that will be executed by the server.
getServerCondition() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the server condition, which is an expression that will be executed by the server.
getServerObjectID() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
If this is a DMI request, returns the ID of the ServerObject against which this request is being made.
getServletContext() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the ServletContext associated with this DSRequest.
getSession() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Returns Session for persistence operations.
getSession(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Returns Session for persistence operations.

getSession() - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBConnectionHolder
Returns Session for this connection.
getSession() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBProviderInterface
Returns Session for persistence operations.

getSingle(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Retrieves the element of a single element List, or the key of a single key/value pair Map.
getSize() - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCFileItem
getSortBy() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
This is a convenience method to be used when you know only a single sortBy field has been specified.
getSortByFields() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The sortBy specification is only valid for the fetch operation since it specifies the sort order for the returned data.
getSQLClause(SQLClauseType, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Returns the text of the generated SQL we will use to implement a clause of the supplied type for the supplied DSRequest.
getStackTrace(Throwable, int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the stack trace of a Throwable object as a String shortened to requested number of lines.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the stack trace of a Throwable object as a String.
getStartRow() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
When components that are capable or showing multiple records at once are bound to datasources with large datasets, it becomes important to only send those records that are currently visible in the component (or can become visible with a typical user action).
getStartRow() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the startRow for this DSResponse.
getStatus() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Retrieves the currently set status code for this response.
getStatus() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCResponse
Retrieves the currently set status code for this response.
getSummaryFunctions() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
A mapping from field names to summary functions to be applied to each field.
getTable(By, long, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Returns the specified table cell display value.
getTableColumns() - Method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Returns List of column names from the underlying database table DataSource is bound to.
getTableName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns the tableName property of the dataSource
getTables(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, List, List) - Static method in class
Returns a list of table and/or view names
getterName(Method) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Tests if method is getter and returns property name.
getText(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Returns text of element associated with locator, or the value if there's no associated text.
getTextMatchStyle() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the textMatchStyle in force for this DSRequest, or null if none is set.
getTitle() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the title of this field, if any.
getTitle(Locale) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the i18n message for the localized field title, otherwise returns String title, if any.
getTitleKey() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the i18n key for the field title if it is localized, otherwise returns null.
getTotalRows() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Returns the totalRows for this DSResponse.
getTransaction(Session) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Returns started transaction.
getTransaction(String, Session) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Returns started transaction.
getTransaction() - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBConnectionHolder
Returns current open transaction.
getTransaction(Session) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBProviderInterface
Returns started transaction.

getTransaction(EntityManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Returns started transaction.
getTransaction(String, EntityManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Returns started transaction.
getTransaction(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Returns UserTransaction found in container's environment context.
getTransaction(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Returns EJBContext found in container's environment context.
getTransaction(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Returns started transaction.

getTransaction(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Returns started transaction.

Creates transaction with em.getTransaction () and starts it.

getTransaction(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderNoTransactions
Transactions are not used - always returns null.

getTransaction(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Returns started transaction.

Acquires transaction via JpaTransactionManager.getTransaction (null).

getTransaction() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPAConnectionHolder
Returns current open transaction.
getTransactionObject(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns an object that can be used to manage transactions for this DataSource and other DataSources of the same type and provider.
getTransactionObject(DSRequest, String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Helper method retrieves connection/transaction object for specified type of data source implementation or null.
getTransactionObjectKey(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
getTransactionPolicy() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Gets the TransactionPolicy currently in place for this transaction.
getTransactionPolicy() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns this RPCManager's transaction policy.
getType() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the type of this field.
getType() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Returns field type as declared in data source.
getType() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns the Validator type
getUploadedFile(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
getUploadedFile(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCHttpServletRequest
Retrieves an UploadedFile object (which contains the contentType and binary stream for the uploaded file) for a given field name.
getUploadedFiles() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
getUploadedFileStream(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
getUploadedFileStreams() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
getUserId() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns the user ID associated with the queue of requests being managed by this RPCManager.
getUserId() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns the user ID associated with the queue of requests being managed by this RPCManager.
getUserRoles() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns a list of the roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
getUserRoles() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns a list of the roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
getValidated() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if this DSRequest has been validated.
getValidationMode() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the validationMode associated with this DSRequest
getValidators() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the List of Validators defined on this DSField
getValue() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Criterion
Gets value used to compare to.
getValue() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
Returns enum value.
getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value of this relative date, the value is the number of units.
getValue(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Returns value of element associated with locator.
getValueAsString(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Similar to SmartClientWebDriver.getValue(By) except always returns the value as a String.
getValueAsString(By, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Similar to SmartClientWebDriver.getValue(By) except always returns the value as a String.
getValues() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Gets collection of values.
getValues() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the values for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values.
getValueSets() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the values in the request as a List, even if singular.
getValueWriteXPath() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
For an XML DataSource, returns the XPath expression used as alternative way to set the field value.
getValueXPath() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
For an XML DataSource, returns the XPath expression used to retrieve the field value.
getWhereWithout(DSRequest, String[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource
Generates SQL condition expression without the fieldNames requested to skip from the regular whereClause.
getWrapJSONResponses() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if JSON responses should be wrapped with markers.
go(ServletContext, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.base.Init
Calling this method before using code that requires webRoot is equivalent to registering this servlet in web.xml.
GreaterOrEqual - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Greater than or equal to.
GreaterOrEqualField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Greater than or equal to another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
GreaterThan - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Greater than.
GreaterThanField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Greater than another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
Group - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
GroupWhere - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType


handleDSRequest(DSRequest, RPCManager, RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall
This method is called by processRPCTransaction() to handle a DSRequest sent from the client.
handleDSRequest(DSRequest, RPCManager, RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RESTHandler
This method is called by RESTHandler.processRestTransaction(RPCManager, RequestContext) to handle a DSRequest sent from the client.
handleDSRequestError(DSRequest, RPCManager, RequestContext, Throwable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall
This method is called by handleDSRequest() to handle an Exception thrown by execution.
handleError(HttpServletResponse, Throwable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.BaseServlet
handleError(HttpServletResponse, String, Throwable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.BaseServlet
Convenience method for handling unrecoverable errors.
handleRequest(T) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.datasource.BaseRequestHandler
Used to execute a request such as DSRequest or RPCRequest.
handleRPCRequest(RPCRequest, RPCManager, RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall
This method is called by processRPCTransaction() to handle a RPCRequest sent from the client.
handleRPCRequestError(RPCRequest, RPCManager, RequestContext, Throwable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall
This method is called by handleRPCRequest() to handle an Exception thrown by execution.
hasCustomDefaultFetchOperation() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Returns true if this dataSource declares a custom default fetch operation: that is, an operationBinding with operationType "fetch" and no declared operationId
hasCustomLogic() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Returns true if this dataSource declares either a serverObject or serverScript property (see the client-side docs for details of those two properties).
hasFile(DSFileSpec) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Indicates whether a file exists in this DataSource.
hashValue(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the hash of the passed-in string, encrypted using the MD5 algorithm
hashValue(String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the hash of the passed-in string, encrypted using the specified algorithm
hasMappingFor(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.AuditDSGenerator
Returns true if the specified audit DataSource is already mapped inside the AuditDSGenerator
hasNext() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.StreamingResponseIterator
Returns true if this StreamingResponseIterator has more items to return.
hasNextRecord() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This method is called by the framework during streaming.
hasRecord(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns true if the dataSource contains at least one record where the columnName matches the value.
hasRecord(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns true if the dataSource contains at least one record that matches the supplied criteria
HB - Class in com.isomorphic.hibernate
Singleton factory for hibernate Session and transaction with helper methods.
HB4Provider - Class in com.isomorphic.hibernate
HB provider for Hibernate 4 and earlier.
HB_CONFIG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Name of the Hibernate configuration name property.
HB_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Name of prefix for hibernate provider block.
HB_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Name of property for JPA EMF provider implementation.
HBConnectionHolder - Class in com.isomorphic.hibernate
Holds Session and current transaction.
HBProviderInterface - Interface in com.isomorphic.hibernate
Interface used to provide specific implementation of Session and transaction acquiring and handling.

Implementation of this interface should provide at least two constructors: default constructor - will be used if implementation is used as default hibernate provider constructor with single parameter of type Properties - will be used if implementation is used as additional named hibernate provider

Header - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessageParseMode
Parse the message body for header values like "To:" and "From:" until "Subject:" is encountered, Parse "Subject:" but then skip parsing the remaining message body.
HibernateDataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.hibernate
A DataSource implementation for the Hibernate ORM system.
HikariConnectionManager - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
HikariConnectionManager provides methods for initializing and getting connections to databases from the HikariCP connection pool.
HSQLShutdown - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
This servlet ensures a clean shutdown of all referenced HSQL databases used by SmartClient in a container reload scenario.
HttpProxyServlet - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
The HttpProxyServlet proxies http requests for the client (browser) - typically for web service calls where cross-domain restrictions prevent the browser from making a direct call to a particular URL.


IBeanFilter - Interface in com.isomorphic.js
This interface is provided as a mechanism to create a custom bean filter for the JSONFilter that is applied to beans by JSTranslater.toJS().
IBetween - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Shortcut for greaterThan + lessThan + and (case insensitive)
IBetweenInclusive - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Shortcut for greaterOrEqual + lessOrEqual + and (case insensitive)
IContains - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Contains as sub-string (case insensitive).
IContainsField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Contains as sub-string another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
IContainsPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression match (case insensitive).
ID_CLASS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Name of the data source definition property holding fully-qualified class name for composite primary key.
IDACall - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This servlet handles built-in SmartClient datasource operations by default.
idClass - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds id class from the DataSource definition.
identityMap(List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Stores the elements of a List as the keys and values of a Map.
IDoNotSerialize - Interface in com.isomorphic.js
Marker interface for any object that you do not want JSTransleter to serialize.
IEndsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Ends with (case insensitive).
IEndsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Ends with another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
IEndsWithPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression ends match.
IEquals - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
exactly equal to, if case is disregarded.
IEqualsField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Matches another field ignoring case (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
IImageExporter - Interface in com.isomorphic.rpc
Interface to an SVG rendering service.
ImageExport - Class in com.isomorphic.contentexport
Default IImageExporter implementation.
IMatchesPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression match (case insensitive).
IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "immutable" response directive
importDataSourceRecord(Map, String) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecord(Map, DataSource) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecord(Map, List, String) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecord(Map, Map, String) - Method in class
Imports provided record (as Map parameter) to dataSource record.
importDataSourceRecord(Map, Map, DataSource) - Method in class
Imports provided record (as Map parameter) to dataSource record.
importDataSourceRecords(Reader, String) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecords(Reader, List, String) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecords(Reader, Map, String) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecords(Reader, List, Map, String) - Method in class
importDataSourceRecords(Reader, Map, Map, String) - Method in class
Import from InputStream in either CSV/TSV, JSON or XML format and return the imported records in a List.
importToDataSource(Reader, String) - Method in class
importToDataSource(Reader, List, String) - Method in class
importToDataSource(Reader, Map, String) - Method in class
importToDataSource(Reader, List, Map, String) - Method in class
importToDataSource(Reader, Map, Map, String) - Method in class
Import from InputStream in either CSV/TSV, JSON or XML format and save the imported records to the target SQLDataSource.
importToDataSource(Map, String) - Method in class
importToDataSource(Map, List, String) - Method in class
importToDataSource(Map, Map, String) - Method in class
Imports provided record (as Map parameter) to dataSource.
importToRows(Reader) - Method in class
importToRows(Reader, List) - Method in class
importToRows(Reader, Map) - Method in class
importToRows(Reader, List, Map) - Method in class
importToRows(Reader, Map, Map) - Method in class
Import from InputStream in either CSV/TSV, JSON or XML format to a List of Maps.
increaseOpCount() - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBConnectionHolder
Increases operations count by 1.
increaseOpCount() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPAConnectionHolder
Increases operations count by 1.
increaseOpCount() - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Increases operations count by 1.
incrementIntInMap(Map, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Add to the value of an Integer instance stored in the map "map" under key "key".
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Logs a message with "info" status.
Init - Class in com.isomorphic.base
Please use InitListener instead.
init(Map, DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
initialized() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This method is called after the DataSource has been initialized allowing further custom initialization.
InitListener - Class in com.isomorphic.base
The SmartClient Server framework must be initialized from its config files at startup time, before user code invokes any framework functionality.
INotContains - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not contain as sub-string (case insensitive).
INotContainsField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not contain a sub-string of another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
INotEndsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not end with (case insensitive).
INotEndsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not end with another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
INotEqual - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Not equal to, if case is disregarded.
INotEqualField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not match another field ignoring case (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
INotStartsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not start with (case insensitive).
INotStartsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not start with another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)
InSet - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Value is in a set of values.
instance() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
instance(RequestContext) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
instance(PageContext) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Creates a RequestContext from a JSP PageContext.
instance(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Creates a RequestContext from a ServletRequest and ServletResponse.
instance(Servlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Creates a RequestContext from a Servlet, HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
instance(Servlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Creates a RequestContext from a Servlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and Writer.
instance(ServletContext, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Creates a RequestContext from a ServletContext, ServletRequest and ServletResponse.
IntegerRangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of integer.
IntegerRangeCriterion(String, String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.IntegerRangeCriterion
Construct IntegerRangeCriterion using parameters:
IntegerRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.IntegerRangeCriterion
Construct IntegerRangeCriterion using parameters:
IPdfExporter - Interface in com.isomorphic.rpc
Iregexp - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Regular expression match (case insensitive).
isAuditRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if this DSRequest is running as part of an automatic audit process.
isAuditSkipped() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Check if auditing must be skipped for this request.
isAutoGenerated() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns true if this field value is auto-generated by data base or ORM provider, false otherwise.
IsBlank - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Value is blank.
IsBlankCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for checking that value is blank.
IsBlankCriterion(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.IsBlankCriterion
Constructor by field name.
ISC_DISABLE_CACHE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Preset combination of "no-cache, max-age=0" response directives to completely disable caching.
ISC_DISABLE_SHARED_CACHE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Preset (alias) using "private" response directive to disable shared cache only
ISC_PERMANENT_CACHE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Preset using "max-age=31536000" (one year) serving as "permanent" caching
isCacheSyncSkipped() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Check if cacheSync must be skipped for this request.
isCalculated() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns true if this field value is calculated via "customSQLExpression", "template", "formula" or "valueOperation" attributes, false otherwise.
ISCFileItem - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This class is based on the Apache Commons FileUpload FileItem class, providing uploaded file APIs for the SmartClient Server.
ISCHttpServletRequest - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This is a thin wrapper on the standard HttpServletRequest servlet API class.
ISCHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCHttpServletRequest
ISCHttpServletRequest constructor.
ISCInit - Class in com.isomorphic.base
Initializes the SmartClient/SmartGWT Server framework from its config files.
isClientOnly() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns whether this Validator is intended to run only on the client
isClientRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns this transactions default value for clientRequest.
isClientRequest() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Returns true if this is a request that originated from a client such as via an HTTP request.
ISCMapBean - Interface in com.isomorphic.datasource
Marker interface that tells DataSource.getProperties() to treat instances of Map as Beans.
ISCMessage - Class in com.isomorphic.messaging
Message object.
ISCMessage(List, Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessage
create a message bound for the specified channels with the specified data payload
ISCMessage(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessage
create a message bound for the specified channel with the specified data payload
ISCMessageDispatcher - Class in com.isomorphic.messaging
This is the base local dispatcher - it is an abstract class that provides same-jvm registration management and channel subscriptions.
isConditionallyRequired() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns true if this field might be required.
isConnectionAvailable(RPCManager, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Checks if a SQL connection object is available for the specified DSTransaction.
isConnectionAvailable(DSTransaction, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Checks if a SQL connection object is available for the specified DSTransaction.
ISCSubscriber - Class in com.isomorphic.messaging
Simple concrete implementation of ISubscriber.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Checks if the logger has been enabled to allow debug messages.
isDMI() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCRequest
Returns true if this request is a DMI request, false if it is a custom RPC.
isEdge() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.ByScLocator
Checks whether locator represents the edge of widget
isEndsWithPattern(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Checks to see if the value ends with the pattern described allowing for multi wildcard character '*' and single wildcard characters '%' and '?'
isEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Compare two objects in a style suitable for Advanced Criteria operators.
isEqualToConfiguredValue(Object, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Returns true if argument "value" (presumed to come from a DataSource) is equal to the value represented by argument "operand" (a String, presumed to come from a .ds.xml file).
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Checks if the logger has been enabled to allow error messages.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Checks if the logger has been enabled to allow fatal messages.
isInapplicable() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns the value of this field's "inapplicable" property (default false)
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Checks if the logger has been enabled to allow info messages.
isMatchingPattern(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Checks to see if the value matches the pattern described allowing for multi wildcard character '*' and single wildcard characters '%' and '?'
isModificationOperation(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Convenience method that returns true for operations that modify data and false for those that do not.
isMultipart() - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ISCHttpServletRequest
Returns true if the request's mimeType is multipart/form-data.
isMultiple() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Returns true if field holds list of objects or list of primary keys of related objects; flase if field holds realted object or primary key of related object.
IsNull - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Value is null.
IsNullCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for checking that value is null.
IsNullCriterion(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.IsNullCriterion
Constructor by field name.
isNumberType(Class) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns true if provided class is either assignable to Number or represents one of primitive number types byte, short, int, long, float, double.
isObjectEncapsulated() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Returns true if field encapsulates object or list of objects; flase if field holds primary key of related object or list of primary keys of related objects.
isPaged() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns true if the current request has is requesting partial set of data using startRow/endRow parameters.
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns true if this field is a primary key, false otherwise.
isRelativeDate(Object) - Static method in class
Checks if a value, usually criteria value, is a relative date.
isRequired() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns true if this field is required, false otherwise.
isRequiresCriteria() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.OperatorBase
Does operator need criteria list parameter.
isRequiresFieldName() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.OperatorBase
Does operator need fieldName parameter.
isRequiresValue() - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.OperatorBase
Does operator need value parameter.
isRPC(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
isServerOnly() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Returns true if this datasource has been declared with an attribute of "serverOnly=true".
isServerOnly() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns whether this Validator is intended to run only on the server
isSkipRemainingQueue() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Check if the remaining requests in the queue will be skipped.
isStartsWithPattern(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Checks to see if the value starts with the pattern described allowing for multi wildcard character '*' and single wildcard characters '%' and '?'
isStopIfFalse() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.Validator
Returns true if validation should stop if this Validator fails.
isSubscribed(ISubscriber, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
Check to see if a given subscriber is subscribed to a given channel.
IStartsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Starts with (case insensitive).
IStartsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Starts with another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)
IStartsWithPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression start match.
isTextType(Class) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns true if provided class is either assignable to Character or assignable to String or represents primitive char type.
ISubscriber - Interface in com.isomorphic.messaging
Simple interface for a message subscriber.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Checks if the logger has been enabled to allow warning messages.
isXmlHttp(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
IToJavaScript - Interface in com.isomorphic.js
use IToJSON instead
IToJSON - Interface in com.isomorphic.js
Mark with and implement this interface on any class you want to make JS-serializeable by the ISC server engine.


JoinWhere - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
JPA2DataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Server side implementation of JPA 2.0 data source.

Supports all AdvancedCriteria criterions except "regexp" and "iregexp".

Declaring JPA 2.0 usage in persistence.xml:

JPA2DSGenerator - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Methods for JPA entities data source generation.

There are two methods: getDataSourceConfigFromJPAClass(String className) - generates configuration for JPA 1.0 data source.

JPA_CONFIG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Name of the JPA configuration name property.
JPA_EMF_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Name of property for JPA EMF provider implementation.
JPA_ENTITY_MANAGER - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of property for resource reference to entity manager.
JPA_ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of property for resource reference to entity manager factory.
JPA_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of property for persistence unit name.
JPA_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Name of prefix for JPA EMF provider block.
JPA_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of property for resource reference to transaction or transaction manager.
JPAConnectionHolder - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Holds EntityManager and current transaction.
JPADataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Server side implementation of JPA 1.0 data source.

This class supports search with advanced criteria.

This class supports fields with valueXPath setting.

JPADSGenerator - Class in com.isomorphic.jpa
Methods for JPA entities data source generation.

There are two methods: getDataSourceConfigFromJPAClass(String className) - generates configuration for JPA 1.0 data source.

JSONFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.js
This class provides you to specify the properties of a Map, Bean or Collection of Maps or Beans to serialize to JSON when processed by JSTranslater.toJS().
JSONFilter(Object, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
Creates a new JSONFilter.
JSONFilter(Object, DataSource, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
Creates a new JSONFilter.
JSONFilter(Object, Collection) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
Creates a new JSONFilter.
JSONFilter(Object, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
Creates a new JSONFilter.
JSONFilter(Object, IBeanFilter) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.js.JSONFilter
Creates a new JSONFilter.
JSSyntaxScannerFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.js
JSSyntaxScannerFilter looks for Javascript syntax errors in code sent to the browser.
JSTranslater - Class in com.isomorphic.js
JSTranslater provides translation of Java objects to JavaScript equivalents.
jxPathContext(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns JXPathContext in lenient mode
JXPathContextObjectFactory - Class in com.isomorphic.util
AbstractFactory implementation that uses reflection to create missing objects, see related JXPath guide: Creating objects.


KeepPropertiesBeanFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.js
A simple IBeanFilter for use with the JSONFilter that filters beans based on a simple property list.
KeepPropertiesBeanFilter(Collection) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.js.KeepPropertiesBeanFilter
List of properties to keep.
keyDown(By, Long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a modifer key down event to the locator target.
keyDown(By, Keys) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a modifer key down event to the locator target.
keyPress(By, Long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sends a single keystroke to the target.
keyPress(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
keysAsList(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a List of the keys from a Map.
keysNotPresent(Map, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a Map and a List of keys, returns the list of keys in the List that are not present in the Map.
keyUp(By, Long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a modifer key up event to the locator target.
keyUp(By, Keys) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a modifer key up event to the locator target.


last(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler
last(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler
last() - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataWrapper
last(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponsesHandler
last(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponsesHandler
LessOrEqual - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Less than or equal to.
LessOrEqualField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Less than or equal to another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
LessThan - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Less than.
LessThanField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Less than another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
listFiles(Object, DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get a list of files from the DataSource.
listFiles(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get a list of files from the DataSource.
listFiles(String, String, DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get a list of files from the DataSource.
listFiles(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Get a list of files from the DataSource.
listToArray(List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates an Object array from a List.
listToStringArray(Collection) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a String array from a List.
loadFile(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Returns the contents of any file under webRoot as a String.
loadSharedXML(String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Load a DS, UI, or APP file from the standard search path.
LocaleMessageProvider - Interface in com.isomorphic.util
Interface to implement by custom i18n messages providers.
LocaleMessageProviderRegistry - Class in com.isomorphic.util
Allows to register custom LocaleMessageProvider.
LocaleMessageSourceEnum - Class in com.isomorphic.util
Possible values for the source where i18n message (<fmt> tag) was met.
Logger - Class in com.isomorphic.log
Logger provides a mechanism for tracking log messages.
Logger(Class) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Constructs Logger object using className of provided Class as logging category.
Logger(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Constructs Logger object using provided subsystem as logging category.
LogicalCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Logical criterion for combine all subcriteria(criterion.criteria) using some logic.
LogicalCriterion(String, List) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Construct LogicalCriterion using parameters:
LogicalCriterion(String, Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Construct LogicalCriterion using parameters:
LogicalCriterion(List) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Calls LogicalCriterion(OperatorBase, List) constructor, passing DefaultOperators.And as operatorId.
LogicalCriterion(OperatorBase, List) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Construct LogicalCriterion using parameters:
LogicalCriterion(Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Calls LogicalCriterion(OperatorBase, Criterion...) constructor, passing DefaultOperators.And as operatorId.
LogicalCriterion(OperatorBase, Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Construct LogicalCriterion using parameters:
LogicalOperator - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Base class for all operators that combines several criteria using some logic.
LongRangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of long.
LongRangeCriterion(String, String, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LongRangeCriterion
Construct LongRangeCriterion using parameters:
LongRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LongRangeCriterion
Construct LongRangeCriterion using parameters:
LOOKUP_STYLE_SPRING - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Lookup style value specifying Spring usage.


MailMessage - Class in com.isomorphic.mail
This class contains methods for creating and sending an email message.
MailMessageParseMode - Class in com.isomorphic.mail
Represents how a TemplatedMailMessage should be parsed.
makeList(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a List containing one element.
makeListIfSingle(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a List containing one element if the element is not a List.
mapDisjunction(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a new Map containing the key/value pairs whose keys are not present in both Maps supplied.
mapIntersection(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Constructs a Map containing the key/value pairs of the primary Map whose keys are present in the secondary Map.
mapIntersectionKeys(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the list of keys that are present in both Maps.
mapMerge(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Copies the key/value pairs of a Map into another Map, replacing the key/value pair of the target Map.
mapMergeNonNull(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Copies the key/value pairs of a Map into another Map, replacing the key/value pair of the target Map if the source value is non-null.
mapToProperties(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a Properties object from a Map.
mapUnion(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Constructs a Map containing all the key/value pairs of the Maps supplied as arguments, with the first Map taking precedence.
markTransactionForRollBack(DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Sets flag that current transaction should be rolled back.
matchedRule(RegexRule, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.URIRegexFilter
End user override point that provides the RegexRule object which allows you to inspect the action of the rule and the rule itself.
MatchesPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression match.
matchURI - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.URIRegexFilter
Controls the URI string against which matchese are performed.
MAX - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Iterates through the set of records, picking up all values for the specified field and finding the maximum value.
MAX_AGE(int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "max-age=N" response directive
md5(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Please use DataTools.sha256(java.lang.String) or DataTools.sha512(java.lang.String) instead to generate a secure hash, as MD5 is vulnerable to attackers creating collisions with current technology.
MessagingServlet - Class in com.isomorphic.messaging
The MessagingServlet is part of the optional Real-Time Messaging module.
MIN - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Iterates through the set of records, picking up all values for the specified field and finding the minimum value.
mouseMove(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Simulate a mouseOver for the locator target.
mouseMoveAt(By, int, int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Simulate a mouseOver at an offset from locator target's left, top corner.
MUST_REVALIDATE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "must-revalidate" response directive
MUST_UNDERSTAND - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "must-understand" response directive


nestedGet(Object, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Retrieves a object from a series of nested Lists or Map.
next() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.StreamingResponseIterator
Returns the next item, or null if there are no more to return
nextMessage(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCSubscriber
retrieves a message from queue
nextRecordAsObject() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This method is called by the framework during streaming.
NO_CACHE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "no-cache" response directive
NO_STORE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "no-store" response directive
NO_TRANSFORM - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "no-transform" response directive
NONE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TransactionPolicy
None - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessageParseMode
Don't parse the message body for header values like "To:" and "From:".
Not - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
All subcriteria (criterion.criteria) are false.
NOT_SET - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TransactionPolicy
NotBlank - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Value is non-blank.
NotBlankCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for checking that value is not blank.
NotBlankCriterion(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.NotBlankCriterion
Constructor by field name.
NotContains - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not contain as sub-string (match case).
NotContainsField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not contain a sub-string (match case) of another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
NotCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Logical criterion for checking that all subcriteria (criterion.criteria) are false.
NotCriterion(List) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.NotCriterion
Construct NotCriterion using criteria given as List.
NotCriterion(Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.NotCriterion
Construct NotCriterion using criteria given as array.
NotEndsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not end with (match case).
NotEndsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not end with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
NotEqual - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Not equal to.
NotEqualField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not match another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value).
NotInSet - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Value is not in a set of values.
NotNull - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Value is non-null.
NotNullCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for checking that value is not null.
NotNullCriterion(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.NotNullCriterion
Constructor by field name.
NotStartsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not start with (match case).
NotStartsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Does not start with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)


ODataDataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
ODataDataSource is a custom subclass of RestConnector that adds functionality for REST services that follow the OData protocol.
omitNullMapValues(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
If enabled, key/value pairs in maps encountered by the JSTranslater that have null values are omitted in the output.
onFailure(DSTransaction, boolean) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManagerCompletionCallback
Called when an RPCManager fails (ie, at least one of the requests it is managing fails).
onSuccess(DSTransaction) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManagerCompletionCallback
Called when an RPCManager completes successfully
OP_ADD - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the add operation.
OP_CLIENT_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a clientExport operation.
OP_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a custom operation.
OP_DOWNLOAD_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the downloadFile operation.
See the Binary Fields overview in the client-side reference for further details.
OP_FETCH - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the fetch operation.
OP_GET_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a getFile operation.
OP_GET_FILE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a getFileVersion operation.
OP_HAS_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a hasFile operation.
OP_HAS_FILE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a hasFileVersion operation.
OP_LIST_FILE_VERSIONS - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a listFileVersions operation.
OP_LIST_FILES - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a listFiles operation.
OP_LOAD_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the loadSchema operation.
This is an operation used by the client-side framework to load the field definitions from a DataSource, and it is not customizable.
OP_REMOVE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the remove operation.
OP_REMOVE_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a removeFile operation.
OP_REMOVE_FILE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a removeFileVersion operation.
OP_RENAME_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a renameFile operation.
OP_SAVE_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a saveFile operation.
OP_UNIQUE_NAME - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying a uniqueName operation.
OP_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the update operation.
OP_VALIDATE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the validate operation.
OP_VIEW_FILE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Constant specifying the viewFile operation.
See the Binary Fields overview in the client-side reference for further details.
Operator - Interface in com.isomorphic.criteria
Operators handle criteria matching logic.
OperatorBase - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Base class for operators that provide check for base operator parameters during parsing.
Or - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
At least one subcriteria (criterion.criteria) is true.
OrCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Logical criterion for checking that at least one subcriteria (criterion.criteria) is true.
OrCriterion(List) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OrCriterion
Construct OrCriterion using criteria given as List.
OrCriterion(Criterion[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OrCriterion
Construct OrCriterion using criteria given as array.
Order - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
orderedMapUnion(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Does the same as mapUnion, but keeps order of key/value pairs.
OtherFieldCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for checking field value against other field value.
OtherFieldCriterion(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OtherFieldCriterion
Constructor by parameters:
OtherFieldCriterion(String, OperatorBase, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OtherFieldCriterion
Constructor by parameters:
OtherFieldCriterion(String, String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OtherFieldCriterion
OtherFieldOperator - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Base class for all operators that handle relations with other fields.


parseAdvancedCriteria(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Builds an AdvancedCriteria instance from a structure expressing AdvancedCriteria as simple Java Collections, that is, nested Maps and Lists where a Criterion is expressed as a Map containing keys such as "fieldName", "operator", and "value".
parseCriterion(Map) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.CanParseCriterion
Create criterion using data passed as Map.
parseCriterion(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Parse criterion represented as map (usually passed from client-side) into Criterion instance.
parseCriterion(String, Object, List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.OperatorBase
Logic for parsing criterion.
parseUploadData(DSRequest) - Method in class
Parses inbound DSRequest and returns DSResponse containing parsed uploaded data or error message if parsing failed.
pause(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait for the specified amount of time.
PdfExport - Class in com.isomorphic.contentexport
Period - Class in
Type of time period, for instance SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY etc.
PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of sub property for persistence unit name.
ping() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Convenience method for pinging the server to check whether it's alive.
PreCache - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This is an optional init servlet.
preserveLiteralNulls(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
If true, causes the parser to preserve literal null values in the incoming Javascript object, such that the resulting Java Map contains a key with a null value.
prettyPrint(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Formats information about an Object for viewing or printing as a String.
PRIVATE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "private" response directive
processQueue() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Mainly for standalone usage of DSTransaction, this method will go through each request that has been registered with the DSTransaction and pass it to the request handler.
processQueue(BaseRequestHandler) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Mainly for standalone usage of DSTransaction, this method will go through each request that has been registered with the DSTransaction and pass it to the request handler.
processRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Instantiates an RPCManager and processes any RPCRequest or DSRequest from the provided HttpServletRequest.
processRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall
Servlet entry point to process the request.
processRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RESTHandler
Servlet entry point to process the request.
processRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Servlet entry point to process the request.
processRestTransaction(RPCManager, RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RESTHandler
Process a REST transaction.
processRPCTransaction(RPCManager, RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall
Process an RPC transaction.
Project - Class in com.isomorphic.xml
Encapsulates a Reify Project (.proj.xml file)
ProjectLoadSettings - Class in com.isomorphic.xml
Class to hold additional settings for use in Project.getLoadScript().
PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Name of sub property for hibernate provider implementation.
PROXY_REVALIDATE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "proxy-revalidate" response directive
proxyHost - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
If outbound HTTP requests from this proxy must go through a proxy, you can set the hostname of the proxy server via this parameter.
proxyPort - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
If outbound HTTP requests from this proxy must go through a proxy, you can set the port of the proxy server via this parameter.
PUBLIC - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "public" response directive
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.base.Config
Programmatically inject a value into the global config.
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.base.Config
Programmatically inject a set of values in a Map into the global config.
putAllNotPresent(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Copies the key/value pairs of a Map into another Map, adding only key/value pairs for which the target Map does not already have a mapping (as determined by the containsKey method).
putCombinedList(Map, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Put a value into a Map, combining with any existing value as though combineAsLists() had been called on the existing value and new value.
putMultiple(Map, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Puts a key/value pair into a Map, if there is already a value under that key, create a List to hold the values.
putMultipleAsList(Map, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Works like the putMultiple method, but in this case values are always encapsualted in a List.


QueueAlreadyStartedException - Exception in com.isomorphic.rpc
QueueAlreadyStartedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.isomorphic.rpc.QueueAlreadyStartedException
queueHasFailures() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Returns true if any request in the current queue failed.
queueHasFailures() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns true if any request in the current queue failed.
quoteForTextArea() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the translater to output the Javascript object with escaping/quoting suitable for the contents of a TEXTAREA HTML tag.
quoteForXML() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the translater to output the Javascript object with escaping/quoting suitable for embedding in XML.


rangeCheck(Object, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Evaluates: "lower (< <=) value (< <=) upper", where lower, value, and upper are presumed to be objects of (nearly) the same type.
rangeCheckToConfiguredValues(Object, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Evaluates: "lower (< <=) value (< <=) upper", where value is an object (presumably from a record), and lower and upper are Strings, presumably parsed from a .ds.xml file, which are converted to the type of value prior to comparison.
RangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of comparable values.
RangeCriterion(String, String, Comparable, Comparable) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RangeCriterion
Construtor by parameters:
RangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Comparable, Comparable) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RangeCriterion
Construtor by parameters:
RangeOperator - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Base class for all operators checking that value is in some range.
recordToXML(String, Map, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Takes a Map and serializes it into XML.
recordToXML(String, Map, Writer, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Takes a Map and serializes it into XML.
recordToXML(String, Map, DataSource, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Takes a Map and serializes it into XML based on the declarations in the DataSource similar to the client-side API Datasource.xmlSerialize().
recordToXML(String, Map, Writer, boolean, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Takes a Map and serializes it into XML based on the declarations in the DataSource similar to the client-side API Datasource.xmlSerialize().
recursiveFileDelete(File) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Recursively deletes a directory.
redirectStrategy - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
Sets the redirect strategy.
Regexp - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Regular expression match.
register(ISubscriber) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
register this subscriber
registerCallback(RPCManagerCompletionCallback) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Register an implementation of RPCManagerCompletionCallback with this RPCManager.
registerRequest(BaseRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Registers a request with the transaction.
registerResponse(BaseRequest, BaseResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Registers a response for a request with the transaction.
registerTransformer(Class, DataTools.Transformer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Register a Transformer.
ReifyDataSourceValidator - Class in
A utility class that checks for discrepancies between a project's MockDataSources and their working, or "live", counterparts (e.g., SQLDataSources) commonly found during the Reify design / development cycle, and logs its findings per standard server logging configuration.
relatedUpdates - Variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
Holds list of generated related updates.
relatedUpdates - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds list of generated related updates.
RelationFieldInfo - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Holds information about relation field.
RelationFieldInfo(String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.datasource.RelationFieldInfo
Creates information about relation field.
RelativeDate - Class in
Representation of a relative date.
RelativeDateRangeCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for range of relative dates.
RelativeDateRangeCriterion(String, String, RelativeDate, RelativeDate) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RelativeDateRangeCriterion
Construct RelativeDateRangeCriterion using parameters:
RelativeDateRangeCriterion(String, String, Date, RelativeDate) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RelativeDateRangeCriterion
Construct RelativeDateRangeCriterion using parameters:
RelativeDateRangeCriterion(String, String, RelativeDate, Date) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RelativeDateRangeCriterion
Construct RelativeDateRangeCriterion using parameters:
RelativeDateRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, RelativeDate, RelativeDate) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RelativeDateRangeCriterion
Construct RelativeDateRangeCriterion using parameters:
RelativeDateRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, RelativeDate, Date) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RelativeDateRangeCriterion
Construct RelativeDateRangeCriterion using parameters:
RelativeDateRangeCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Date, RelativeDate) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RelativeDateRangeCriterion
Construct RelativeDateRangeCriterion using parameters:
RelativeDateRangePosition - Class in
The relative date range position, used to indicate the position of a RelativeDateShortcut.
RelativeDateShortcut - Class in
Shortcuts for relative dates.
release(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Equivalent of our "mouseUp", sent to the locator target.
releaseAt(By, int, int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Equivalent of our "mouseUp", sent to an offset from locator target's left, top corner.
remapRow(Map, Map, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Change the keys used in a Map to a new set of keys.
remapRow(Map, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Change the keys used in a Map to a new set of keys.
remapRows(List, Map, boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Remap the keys in a List of Maps.
remapRows(List, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Remap the keys in a List of Maps.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "remove", calling setCriteria() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
remove() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.StreamingResponseIterator
This method is part of Iterator's contract, but in this case it no-ops - as a sequential accessor of pre-fetched data, StreamingResponseIterator is obviously read-only
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Removes an Object that has previously been stored in this DSRequest's attribute map.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Removes an Object that has previously been stored in this RPCManager's attribute map.
removeDynamicDSGenerator() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Unregisters the current default DynamicDSGenerator (ie, the one at the top of the stack).
removeDynamicDSGenerator(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Removes the DynamicDSGenerator registered against the parameter prefix String
removeDynamicDSGenerator(Pattern) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Removes the DynamicDSGenerator registered against the parameter regexp Pattern
removeDynamicScreenGenerator() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Removes the default DynamicScreenGenerator
removeDynamicScreenGenerator(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Removes the DynamicScreenGenerator registered against the parameter prefix String
removeDynamicScreenGenerator(Pattern) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.ScreenLoaderServlet
Removes the DynamicScreenGenerator registered against the parameter regexp Pattern
removeEmptyStringValuedKeys(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Removes all keys from the passed-in map where the values are empty strings.
removeFile(DSFileSpec) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Remove a file stored in this DataSource.
removeFromScriptContext(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Removes a variable from the script context
removeLocaleMessageProvider(int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.LocaleMessageProviderRegistry
Unregisters LocaleMessageProvider by its unique ID.
removeNullValuedKeys(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Removes all keys from the passed-in map where the values are null.
renameFile(DSFileSpec, DSFileSpec) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Rename a file stored in this DataSource.
request - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
ISCHttpServletRequest instance for the current request.
RequestContext - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
RequestContext aggregates state about the current request.
requestCount() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Returns the number of RPC requests contained in the current HTTP request.
reset() - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Resets MailMessage state.
response - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
HttpServletResponse instance associated with this request
ResponseDataHandler - Class in com.isomorphic.velocity
This class represents the functionality available in Transaction Chaining when you use the $responseData template variable.
ResponseDataWrapper - Class in com.isomorphic.velocity
This class is a wrapper over a DSResponse data object, that enables Velocity code to treat a multi-valued data object (a List or array), as either a list or a single object.
ResponsesHandler - Class in com.isomorphic.velocity
This class represents the functionality available in Transaction Chaining when you use the $responses template variable.
restartPoolManager() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSourceManager
Restarts DataSource pooling.
RestConnector - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
This class is DataSource implementation that connect to many different types of REST webservice.
RESTDataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
RESTHandler - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This servlet handles built-in SmartClient datasource requests sent from REST clients.
returnEntityManager(EntityManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Closes EntityManager.
returnEntityManager(String, EntityManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Closes EntityManager.
returnEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Does nothing - container will close EntityManager.
returnEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Does nothing - container will close EntityManager.
returnEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Closes EntityManager.

returnEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Closes EntityManager.

returnEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Closes EntityManager.

returnSession(Session) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Closes Session.
returnSession(String, Session) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Closes Session.
returnSession(Session) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBProviderInterface
Closes Session.

reverseMap(Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Reverses a Map so that values point at keys.
rollback() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Rolls back the current transaction.
rollbackTransaction(Transaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(String, Transaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(Transaction) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBProviderInterface
Rolls back specified transaction.

rollbackTransaction(Transaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
rollbackTransaction(Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(String, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderBMT
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderCMT
Sets rollback flag for transaction by tx.setRollbackOnly().
rollbackTransaction(Object) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Rolls back specified transaction.

rollbackTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderLMT
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderNoTransactions
Does nothing - transactions are not used.
rollbackTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Rolls back specified transaction.
rollbackTransaction(RPCManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Rollback the current transaction
rollbackTransaction(DSTransaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Rollback the current transaction
RPCManager - Class in com.isomorphic.rpc
Provides the ability to decode RPCRequests and DSRequests sent by the browser into Java Objects, and send back Java Object as responses.
RPCManager(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
RPCManager constructor for use in Servlets or Filters.
RPCManager(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Writer) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
RPCManager constructor for use in JSPs.
RPCManagerCompletionCallback - Interface in com.isomorphic.rpc
This interface allows your code to be notified when an RPCManager has completed processing.
RPCRequest - Class in com.isomorphic.rpc
RPCRequest encapsulates the data sent by the client-side RPCManager.
RPCResponse - Class in com.isomorphic.rpc
RPCResponse encapsulates data sent from the server to the client in response to an RPCRequest.
RPCResponse() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCResponse
Creates an empty RPCResponse.
RPCResponse(Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCResponse
Creates an RPCResponse with the provided data payload.

Note: the status of this response is automatically set to the success code (RPCResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS)
rules - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
You can specify rules defining the set of URLs proxyable by this servlet inline in web.xml.
rules - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.URIRegexFilter
You can specify the set of rules governing this filter as an init-param in web.xml.
rulesFile - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
Specifies path to a file that contains a set of regexp rules that constrain what URLs this servlet will proxy to.
rulesFile - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.URIRegexFilter
If specified, The filter uses the regex rules defined in this file.
run() - Method in class com.isomorphic.autotest.TestRunnerDriver
Runs TestRunner using the options that have been configured via previous setter calls.


S_MAXAGE(int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "s-maxage=N" response directive
saveFile(DSFileSpec, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Save a file to the DataSource.
saveFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Saves a file under webRoot with the supplied contents.
saveSharedXML(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Writes or overwrites a UI, DS or APP file with the provided contents.
ScActions - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
This class wraps the Actions (org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions) class and provides any special scLocator-specific logic that we implement in Selenium IDE via the user extensions, for the methods involved, while also adding any new glue needed to make the APIs behave more closely like Selenium IDE running Selenese.
scanAssembledFiles - Variable in class com.isomorphic.js.JSSyntaxScannerFilter
If you're using the Assembly module, this parameter controls whether or not assembled files are scanned by this filter.
scannableMimeTypes - Variable in class com.isomorphic.js.JSSyntaxScannerFilter
Comma or separated list of scannable mimeTypes.
SCHEMA_BEAN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Name of the data source definition property holding should data source be auto derived from specified mapped entity.
scLocator(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.ByScLocator
Support for static API like native By class
Screen - Class in com.isomorphic.xml
Encapsulates a Reify, Mockups, or hand-coded screen (i.e.
ScreenLoaderServlet - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This servlet returns the Javascript representation of a list of comma separated screens passed in parameter "screenName".
Screens are loaded from files <screenName>.ui.xml.
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Scroll the target into view if it's not already in view.
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(By, WebElement) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Scroll the target into view if it's not already in view.
secondClick(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a second click to the locator target.
Select - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
selectWindowByName(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Switch to window specified by name.
selectWindowByTitle(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Switch to window specified by title.
SeleneseRunner - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
Selenese -> Java conversion and executor requires HTML parser from
send() - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sends the email message.
send(ISCMessage) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
send a message
send(ISCMessage) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCSubscriber
adds message to a queue
send(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method for sending some data back in response to a single RPCRequest.
send(RPCResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method for sending some data back in response to a single RPCRequest.
send(RPCRequest, RPCResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
When responding to a set of RPC requests sent as part of one HTTP request (if you used startQueue() sendQueue() on the client) you need to pair the responses to the requests.
send(RPCRequest, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method.
send(DSRequest, DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
When responding to DataSource requests sent by the client, use this method.
send(DSRequest, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method.
sendData(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Similar to SmartClientWebDriver.type(org.openqa.selenium.By) except returns whether the element actually got cleared before the new value was typed, and sends a Keys.TAB to the target after typing the value.
sendErrorsToBrowser - Variable in class com.isomorphic.js.JSSyntaxScannerFilter
If set to true, then any syntax errors reported by this filter are sent to the browser in lieu of the content containing the errors, the errors are also still logged in the server logs.
sendFailure(Object, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
If the request processing failed for some reason, you can encode your own failure response in a standard response, or use this convenience method to send a failure notification on the client.

Unless your client-side request specified the willHandleError flag, whatever message you send back here will be alert()ed on the client.
sendFailure(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Takes a Throwable, formats the stack trace and calls sendFailure(rpcRequst, error).
sendKeys(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Send a sequence of keys to the locator target.
sendSuccess(RPCRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Every RPC request requires a response.
sendXMLString(RPCRequest, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method.
sendXMLString(DSRequest, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Convenience method.
setAdvancedCriteria(AdvancedCriteria) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the criteria for this request to the provided AdvancedCriteria.
setAlertEmail(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets recipient email address for batch report email.
setAllowArbitrarySubqueries(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets an internal flag for this DSRequest to determine whether arbitrary subqueries should be permitted for this DSRequest.
setAllowCoordClickOnOccludingElement(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
setAllowJavaScriptToStringMatch(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Configures whether SmartClientWebDriver checks for a JavaScript match when comparing Strings to values, in addition to performing the check against a Java conversion of the value.
setAllowMultiUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets an internal flag for this DSRequest to determine whether updates and deletes are allowed in the absence of primaryKey fields.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Stores an object in this DSRequest's attribute map, associated with the passed key.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Stores an object in this RPCManager's attribute map, associated with the passed key.
setAttributes(String, Object, String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Stores the supplied attributes on the server, in either request or session scope.
setAuth(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets if SMTP connection should be authorized.
setAuthenticated(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Pass true to this method to indicate that every request in the queue is associated with an authenticated user.
setAuthenticated(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Pass true to this method to indicate that every request in the queue is associated with an authenticated user.
setAutoEndTransactions(boolean) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Sets automatic transaction end support.
setAutoInterpretBooleans(boolean) - Method in class
If true, the import process auto interprets boolean fields values converting them to Booleans, otherwise leaves them as Strings.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Set the Base URL against which tests will run
setBatchCommit(boolean) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets whether this batch run should be committed to the batchRun DS.
setBatchLog(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the log message to be entered into the BatchRun DS for this batch run, You may include any details or description for the batch run.
setBatchSize(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If a batch size has been set it will be passed as a hint to the JDBC API using ResultSet.setFetchSize() and Statement.setFetchSize().
setBody(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds the message body to the email.
setBranch(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the branch identifier to be entered in the BatchRun DS for this batch run, and used to compare against previous runs (if comparing differences).
setBrowser(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the browser that will be used by Selenium to run the HTML scripts.
setBypassDataFilter(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This method sets the DSResponse's behavior with regard to the normal data filter pipeline (i.e dropExtraFields, valueXPath evaluation, etc).
setCacheControlHeader(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Sets the Cache-Control HTTP response header directly
setCacheControlHeader(HttpServletResponse, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Sets the Cache-Control HTTP response header directly
setCachePolicy(CachePolicy[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Sets the Cache-Control HTTP response header
setCachePolicy(HttpServletResponse, CachePolicy[]) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.servlet.RequestContext
Sets the Cache-Control HTTP response header
setCanSyncCache(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
See the client-side docs for OperationBinding.canSyncCache for a complete reference.
setCanvasHeightTolerance(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
setCanvasProperty(By, String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets the specified canvas property to the provided value.
setCanvasPropertyFalse(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets the specified canvas property false.
setCanvasPropertyTrue(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets the specified canvas property true.
setCanvasWidthTolerance(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
setCaptureScreenshot() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Configures TestRunner to capture a PNG screenshot of the browser if a Selenium test fails, adding the image to the test result record.
setCcEmail(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets recipient email address for batch report email.
setClientLogLevel(String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets client log level for a category as number.
setClientLogLevel(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets client log level for a category using log priority name.
setClientRequest(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Sets the default clientRequest value for any request included in this transaction.
setClientRequest(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Used to mark this request as coming from a client.
setContext(RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Applies a RequestContext to this request.
setContextMap(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets the context map to use with this message.
setCriteria(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.LogicalCriterion
Sets list of subcriteria.
setCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the criteria for this DSRequest.
setCriteria(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the criteria for this DSRequest.
setCriteriaValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Amends the request's criteria with the restriction that the indicated field equals the provided value.
SetCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Criterion for checking that field value matches to predefined set of values.
SetCriterion(String, String, Collection) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Construct SetCriterion using parameters:
SetCriterion(String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Construct SetCriterion using parameters:
SetCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Collection) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Construct SetCriterion using parameters:
SetCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Construct SetCriterion using parameters:
setCurrentIndentDepth(int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the indent depth so JS can be pretty-printed inside manually emitted indented blocks, and still look perfect.
setCurrentScreenName(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.xml.ProjectLoadSettings
Sets the currentScreenName.
setData(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Sets the data to satisfy the DataSource request.
setData(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCResponse
Sets the response payload to be delivered to the client.
setDataFormat(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets data format for REST request.
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Sets the DataSource associated with this DSResponse.
setDataSourceName(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
setDefaultImplicitWait(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Change the implicit timeout for native WebDriver calls to the supplied number of milliseconds.
setDefaultWaitTimeout(int) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.ByScLocator
Change the default timeout for all ByScLocator instances to the supplied number of seconds.
setDefaultWaitTimeout(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Change the default timeout for SmartClientWebDriver waitForXXX() methods to the supplied number of seconds.
setDisjunction(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a new List containing all elements from the first Collection that are not in the second Collection.
setDropExtraFields(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
This method sets the DSResponse's behavior with regard to extra fields in the data it returns.
setDSTransaction(DSTransaction) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
This is an alias method for BaseRequest.setDsTransaction(DSTransaction).
setDsTransaction(DSTransaction) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Sets a DSTransaction to be associated with this request.
setElementTolerance(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
setEndRow(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the index of the last requested record.
setEndRow(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
If the DSRequest specified an endRow, then the DSResponse should return the actual endRow for the response.
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPAConnectionHolder
Sets new EntityManager.
setEnumConstantProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Sets the name of the property this DataSource should use for constant name when translating enumerated types.
setEnumOrdinalProperty(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Sets the name of the property this DataSource should use for ordinal number when translating enumerated types.
setEnumTranslateStrategy(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Sets the strategy this DataSource uses to translate enumerated types (objects of type enum).
setEnumTranslateStrategy(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the strategy this JSTranslater uses to translate enumerated types (objects of type "enum").
setErrorReport(ErrorReport) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Sets the ErrorReport for this DSResponse
setErrorString(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.util.ErrorMessage
Sets the error string
setEstimatedTotalRows(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
For fetch requests where progressiveLoading is enabled, dsResponse.estimatedTotalRows may be set to indicate the true size of the data set.
setExportAs(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The format in which to export data.
setExportDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The delimiter to use for CSV-type exports
setExportDisplay(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
How should the exported data be displayed to the user? If not provided, the default is "window".
setExportFields(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The list of fields to export.
setExportFieldTitles(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
A map containing the titles to use for each field to be exported.
setExportFilename(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The name of the file to save the exported data into, if we are exporting to the server filesystem.
setExportFooter(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Optional text to appear at the bottom of the export file.
setExportHeader(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Optional text to appear at the top of the export file.
setExportHeaderless(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
This property allows omitting column names from CSV and Excel exports (no effect on JSON or XML exports).
setExportObject(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Set the export object on the DSResponse.
setExportPath(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Optional path to apply when saving exported data to the filesystem, relative to the base location specified in setting "export.location"
setExportResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the results of this request should be exported
setExportTitleSeparatorChar(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The separator character to replace spaces with in XML field-titles.
setExportTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the OuputStream we will use for data export (this means exports to CSV, XML, JSON and Excel formats; PDF exports are "content exports" and are different).
setExportTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Sets the OuputStream we will use for data export (this means exports to CSV, XML, JSON and Excel formats; PDF exports are "content exports" and are different).
setExportToClient(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If true, we download the exported data to the client.
setExportToFilesystem(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If true, we export the data to the file named by propertyexportFilename on the server filesystem.
setFailure(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Sets the status code to BaseResponse.STATUS_FAILURE and provides an error message to be shown to the user.
setFailure() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Sets the status code to BaseResponse.STATUS_FAILURE.
setFieldName(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Criterion
Sets field name to compare against.
setFieldValue(Object, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the value for a particular fieldName, in criteria or values according to the operation type.
setFileFormat(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
setFileName(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
setFileRoot(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the root directory for all other file system paths.
setFiles(String[]) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Specifies an explicit set of Selenium HTML test script files to run.
setFileType(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
setFreeOnExecute(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Ordinarily, this value is managed transparently by the RPCManager controlling the queue that the DSRequest is part of.
setFrom(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets the "from" address of the email.
setGroupBy(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
List of fields to group results by.
setGroupBy(String[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
For fetch operation group by fields can be set.
setHashedFields(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
A list of fields declared with storeWithHash that already contain hashed values in this request, and that therefore should not be rehashed.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets SMTP host or Velocity expression.
setHttpPort(int) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the HTTP port of the target to which TestRunner should connect when running Selenium open() commands in the Selenium HTML scripts.
setHttpTarget(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the HTTP target webserver to which TestRunner should connect when running Selenium open() commands in the Selenium HTML scripts.
setIncludeBinaryFields(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Allows to override default binary fields behavior for server-initiated DSRequests that target SQLDataSource.
setIntersection(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a new List containing the common elements of two Collections.
setInvalidateCache(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Setting invalidateCache to true triggers the client-side ResultSet to drop its existing cache.
setJoinTransaction(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the join transaction setting for this DSRequest.
setJsonPrefix(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets prefix marker for JSON responses.
setJsonSuffix(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets suffix marker for JSON responses.
setLineBreakStyle(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
The linebreak style in the exported data.
setMailHost(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the mail host to use when sending mail.
setMailSubject(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets subject line base to use when sending the email reporting batch results.
setMailTemplate(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets velocity template file to use for generation of the batch report email body.
setMax(Comparable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RangeCriterion
Sets max value of field.
setMaxDragPause(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Change the default maximum pause used by ScActions during dragAndDrop operations.
setMaximizeBrowser(boolean) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets whether to maximize the browser for Selenium tests.
setMessageParseMode(MailMessageParseMode) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.TemplatedMailMessage
Configures whether and how the message body is parsed for header values like "To:" and "From:".
setMin(Comparable) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.RangeCriterion
Sets min value of field.
setMockMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.xml.ProjectLoadSettings
Sets the mockMode.
setNoEmail() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Disables sending any email for this batch run.
setOccludedElementApproach(SmartClientWebDriver.OccludedElementApproach) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
How to click on an occluded WebElement that can't be hit by clicking at the expected coordinates.
setOldValues(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the "old values" for this DSRequest (ie, the values as they were before the set of changes represented by this request).
setOmitNullMapValuesInResponse(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Configure whether bindings with null values are dropped when sending a DSResponse to the browser.
setOperationId(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
For server-initiated DSRequests, sets the operationId to control which operationBinding is used when fulfilling the requests.
setOperationType(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the operation type.
setOperationType(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Set the operationType associated with this DSResponse.
setOperatorId(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Criterion
Sets operator id to use in search criteria.
setOtherFieldName(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.OtherFieldCriterion
Sets other field name.
setOutputs(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the list of output fields to be returned by this request.
setOwnerId(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
setPartOfTransaction(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Controls how success or failure is reported for a request that executes alongside an automatically handled transaction.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets SMTP connection password or Velocity expression.
setPendingAddFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the pendingAdd flag associated with this DSRequest
setPopulateDisplayFields(boolean) - Method in class
If true, the import process populates displayField values with the import data in cases where it transforms the underlying value using a related display record.
setPort(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets SMTP port or Velocity expression.
setProgressiveLoading(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets DataSource progressive loading mode for this particular request, overriding the OperationBinding- and DataSource-level settings.
setProgressiveLoading(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Mark this dsResponse as having progressiveLoading enabled.
setProperties(Map, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Applies all properties in a Map to a target bean by calling setter methods according to the Java Beans naming convention ("name" -> setName()), including recursive traversal of sub-beans and JXPath-based setting of properties in nested beans.
setProperties(Map, Object) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
As the three-argument version of this method, but passes a null dataSource
setProperties(Map, Object, DataSource) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Sets the properties for a JavaBean provided as key-value pairs in a Map.
setProperties(Map, Object, DataSource, DSRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
This version of setProperties accepts a DSRequest for use as context by the conversion process.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
Set an arbitrary property of the DSResponse, so that the value will be visible to custom JavaScript code on the client-side DSResponse object.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Additional property that will be passed to Session class.
setRangePosition(RelativeDateRangePosition) - Method in class
Sets the RelativeDateRangePosition for this relative date.
setRawREST(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets flag indicating whether it is a raw REST mode request.
setRawSummaryFunctions(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Allows you to set all summary functions requested by the client, even if they are not framework built-ins.
setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Adds a recipient to the email.
setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.TemplatedMailMessage
Adds a recipient to the email.
setRepeatEmail(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets recipient email address for batch report email.
setReplyTo(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets the "reply to" address for the email.
setReplyTo(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets the parameter list of addresses passed in as the "reply to" addresses for the email.
setRequestContext(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSFileSpec
setRequestContext(RequestContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
setResponseCharset(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Sets the charset of the response.
setREST(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets flag indicating whether it is REST request.
setResultingValue(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.ValidationContext
Sets the resulting value for the validated field.
setRPCManager(RPCManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseRequest
Associates this request with the specified RPCManager.
setSaveMessages() - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Configures TestRunner to save the ISC Console Developer Messages to each test record for diagnostic purposes.
setScreenNames(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.xml.ProjectLoadSettings
Sets the screen names to load.
setSeleniumTemplateFile(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the path to the template file for the Selenium HTML scripts.
setSeleniumTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the timeout for the Selenium test as a whole, in seconds.
setSenderEmail(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets sender email address for batch report email.
setServerFileRoot(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the root directory on the target server used for looking up relative URLs in Selenium commands.
setServerLogLevel(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets server log level for a category using log priority name.
setServerLogMode(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Configures TestRunner to collect the ISC Server Log Messages for each test for diagnostic purposes.
setServerLogOutputMethod(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Configures output method that TestRunner will use to report/persist any server log messages; only has an effect for server log modes of "some" or "all".
setSession(Session) - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBConnectionHolder
Sets new Session.
setSkipAudit(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Enable or disable auditing on this request.
setSkipCacheSync(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Enable or disable cacheSync on this request.
setSortBy(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the field or fields to sort by.
setStartRow(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the index of the first requested record.
setStartRow(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
If the DSRequest specified a startRow, then the DSResponse should return the actual startRow for the response.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Sets the status of this response.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCResponse
Sets the status of this response.
setStreamResults(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If true, results will be streamed one record at a time; if false, we will read all records into memory at once
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets the subject of the email.
setSuccess() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Sets the status of this DSResponse to STATUS_SUCCESS.
setSummaryFunctions(Map) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
A mapping from field names to summary functions to be applied to each field.
setTestRoot(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the Selenium HTML test script root directory.
setTextMatchStyle(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the textMatchStyle in force for this DSRequest.
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Specifies which previous batch run should be used as the baseline to compare against the current batch run.
setTimestampType(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDSGenerator
Sets the SmartClient field type that this SQLDSGenerator will use to map columns with JDBC type TIMESTAMP.
setTotalRows(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse
If the DSRequest sent a paged request (see DSRequest.isPaged()) and the total number of records available to be sent to the client given the provided criteria is greater than the requested size, then you should provide the total number of rows that actually matched the provided criteria.
setTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HBConnectionHolder
Sets new transaction.
setTransaction(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPAConnectionHolder
Sets new transaction.
setTransactionPolicy(int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Sets the TransactionPolicy to use for this transaction, by default this will be fetched from "RPCManager.transactionPolicy" and if not found will be NOT_SET.
setTransactionPolicy(int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Set this RPCManager's transaction policy.
setUnion(List, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Creates a new List containing all the elements of two Lists.
setUseFrameworkValueAsFallback(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sets whether SmartClientWebDriver.getValue(org.openqa.selenium.By) should be called on locators as a fallback if SmartClientWebDriver.getText(org.openqa.selenium.By) is not able to find anything (other than the empty string).
setUser(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.mail.MailMessage
Sets SMTP connection user or Velocity expression.
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Set the user ID associated with this request.
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Set the user ID associated with the queue of requests being managed by this RPCManager.
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Set the user ID associated with the queue of requests being managed by this RPCManager.
setUserName(String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets the user name to be entered into the BatchRun DS for this batch run.
setUserRoles(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Set the user roles associated with this request.
setUserRoles(String[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Set the user roles associated with this request.
setUserRoles(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Set the user roles associated with this request.
setUserRoles(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Accepts a comma-separated String representing the list of roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
setUserRoles(String[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Accepts a List of roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
setUserRoles(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Accepts a List of roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
setUserRoles(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Accepts a comma-separated String representing the list of roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
setUserRoles(String[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Accepts a List of roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
setUserRoles(List) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Accepts a List of roles associated with the user who is authenticated for this request.
setValidated(boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the validated state of this DSRequest.
setValidationMode(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the validationMode associated with this DSRequest
setValue(Object) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.criteria.Criterion
Sets value used to compare to.
setValues(Collection) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Sets collection of values to match.
setValues(Object[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SetCriterion
Sets array of values to match.
setValues(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets the values for this DSRequest.
setValueTolerance(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
setWaitTimeout(int) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.ByScLocator
Change the timeout of the associated ByScLocator instance to the supplied number of seconds.
setWebDriverLegacyMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.autotest.DriverConfiguration
Sets whether to use legacy mode for Firefox browser.
setWrapJSONResponses(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Sets flag should JSON responses be wrapped with markers.
sha(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Please use DataTools.sha256(java.lang.String) or DataTools.sha512(java.lang.String) instead to generate a secure hash, as SHA-1 is vulnerable to attackers creating collisions with current technology.
sha256(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the hash of the passed-in string, encrypted using the SHA-256 algorithm
sha512(String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns the hash of the passed-in string, encrypted using the SHA-512 algorithm
shiftKeyDown() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
To Support Selenese.
shiftKeyUp() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
To Support Selenese.
shouldAutoJoinTransaction(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Returns true if the parameter DSRequest should automatically join an existing transaction, taking into account the DSRequest-specific override provided by DSRequest.setJoinTransaction(java.lang.Boolean), the transaction policy of the controlling RPCManager (if there is one), and autoJoinTransactions settings at the operationBinding, DataSource, dbName and global system levels.
shouldAutoStartTransaction(DSRequest, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Returns true if the parameter DSRequest should automatically start a new transaction, taking into account the DSRequest-specific override provided by DSRequest.setJoinTransaction(java.lang.Boolean), the transaction policy of the controlling RPCManager (if there is one), and autoJoinTransactions settings at the operationBinding, DataSource, dbName and global system levels
shouldEncodeInResponse() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSField
Returns true if this is a field of binary type that also has "encodeInResponse" set
shouldJoinTransaction() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Returns the join transaction setting for this DSRequest.
shouldRollBackTransaction - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Flag used to indicate that transaction should be rolled back.
shouldStreamResults() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
If true, results will be streamed one record at a time; if false, we will read all records into memory at once.
showConsole() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Show the developer console.
SimpleCriteria - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
SimpleCriteria is a format for representing search criteria as simple key-value pairs.
SimpleCriteria(Map) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.SimpleCriteria
Construct criteria using key-values pairs.
SimpleCriterion - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion
Simple Criterion represented by key-value pairs with matching logic determined by operator.
SimpleCriterion(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SimpleCriterion
Constructor by parameters:
SimpleCriterion(String) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SimpleCriterion
Calls SimpleCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Object) constructor, passing DefaultOperators.Equals as the operatorId and Boolean.TRUE as value.
SimpleCriterion(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SimpleCriterion
Calls SimpleCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Object) constructor, passing DefaultOperators.Equals as the operatorId.
SimpleCriterion(String, OperatorBase, Object) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.criteria.criterion.SimpleCriterion
Constructor by parameters:
SimpleOperator - Class in com.isomorphic.criteria
Base class for all operators checking that value match criteria.
skipRemainingQueue() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSTransaction
Calling this tells the DSTransaction that all the remaining requests in the queue should be skipped.
skipRemainingQueue() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Calling this tells the DSTransaction that all the remaining requests in the queue should be skipped.
SmartClientChromeDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using Chrome.
SmartClientChromeDriver() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientChromeDriver
Creates a new SmartClientChromeDriver instance.
SmartClientChromeDriver(ChromeDriverService, ChromeOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientChromeDriver
Creates a new SmartClientChromeDriver instance with the specified options.
SmartClientChromeDriver(ChromeDriverService) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientChromeDriver
Creates a new SmartClientChromeDriver instance.
SmartClientChromeDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientChromeDriver
SmartClientChromeDriver(ChromeOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientChromeDriver
Creates a new SmartClientChromeDriver instance with the specified options.
SmartClientChromeDriver(ChromeDriverService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientChromeDriver
SmartClientEdgeDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using IE.
SmartClientEdgeDriver() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientEdgeDriver
Default constructor.
SmartClientEdgeDriver(EdgeOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientEdgeDriver
Constructor taking a set of configuration options.
SmartClientEdgeDriver(EdgeDriverService) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientEdgeDriver
Creates a new SmartClientEdgeDriver instance.
SmartClientEdgeDriver(EdgeDriverService, EdgeOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientEdgeDriver
Constructor taking a set of configuration options.
SmartClientFirefoxDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using FireFox.
SmartClientFirefoxDriver() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
Default constructor.
SmartClientFirefoxDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
SmartClientFirefoxDriver(FirefoxProfile) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
SmartClientFirefoxDriver(FirefoxBinary) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
SmartClientFirefoxDriver(FirefoxBinary, FirefoxProfile) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
SmartClientFirefoxDriver(FirefoxOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
Constructor taking a new Selenium v3 FirefoxOptions specification.
SmartClientFirefoxDriver(boolean) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientFirefoxDriver
Alternative to the default constructor which allows direct control over whether the driver is run in legacy mode (for older Firefox versions).
SmartClientIEDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using IE.
SmartClientIEDriver() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
Default constructor.
SmartClientIEDriver(int) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
SmartClientIEDriver(InternetExplorerOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
Constructor taking a set of configuration options.
SmartClientIEDriver(InternetExplorerDriverService) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
Creates a new SmartClientIEDriver instance.
SmartClientIEDriver(InternetExplorerDriverService, InternetExplorerOptions) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
Constructor taking a set of configuration options.
SmartClientIEDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
SmartClientIEDriver(InternetExplorerDriverService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
SmartClientIEDriver(InternetExplorerDriverService, Capabilities, int) - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientIEDriver
SmartClientRemoteWebDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
Implementation of SmartClient specific Driver wrapping a RemoteWebDriver instance.
SmartClientWebDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.webdriver
This is an enhancement of the default WebDriver interface providing SmartClient specific enhancements.
SpringApplicationContextProvider - Class in com.isomorphic.spring
This singleton provides access to spring application context anywhere it is required, with no ServletContext or any other object required.
SpringHB4Provider - Class in com.isomorphic.hibernate
HB provider for Spring with Hibernate 4 and earlier.
SQLClauseType - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
Represents the different SQL clause types managed by SQLDataSource.
SQLConnectionManager - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
SQLConnectionManager provides methods for initializing and getting connections to databases.
SQLDataSource - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
A DataSource implementation for SQL database engines.
SQLDSGenerator - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
SQLDSGenerator generates a SmartClient DataSource configuration from a SQL table.
SQLTransaction - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
A class containing various static methods for managing transactional updates on SQL DataSources.
SQLTransform - Class in com.isomorphic.sql
SQLTransform provides helper methods for converting java.sql.ResultSet objects to desired return data structures.
sslTrustStrategy - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
Sets the SSL trust strategy.
STALE_IF_ERROR - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "stale-if-error" response directive
STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.CachePolicy
Standard "stale-while-revalidate" response directive
STARTS_WITH - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
Starts with.
startSQLTransaction(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.RPCManager
Starts the SQL transaction that will be used for all SQL DSRequests belonging to this RPCManager.
StartsWith - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Starts with (match case).
StartsWithField - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Starts with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)
StartsWithPattern - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.DefaultOperators
Glob expression start match.
startTransaction() - Static method in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HibernateDataSource
startTransaction(RPCManager) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Starts a new database transaction.
startTransaction(DSTransaction) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransaction
Starts a new database transaction.
STATUS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that a authorization attempt failed.
STATUS_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates a failure of some sort (generic).
STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that a file has not been found.
STATUS_FILE_REQUIRED_ERROR - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that a file has not been specified.
STATUS_LOGIN_INCORRECT - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that a login attempt failed.
STATUS_LOGIN_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that login is required.
STATUS_LOGIN_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that a login attempt failed.
STATUS_MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that a maximum file size was exceeded for the request.
STATUS_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that the maximum number of login attempts have been exceeded.
STATUS_PROCESSING_SKIPPED - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that request processing was skipped.
STATUS_REQUIRED_CRITERIA_MISSING - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that an operation binding configured to require requiredCriterion has received none.
STATUS_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates successful completion of the request.
STATUS_TRANSACTION_FAILED - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates a failure during a transactional request.
STATUS_UPDATE_WITHOUT_PK - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates that an update request was made without there being a primary key set on the datasource for which the update was issued.
STATUS_VALIDATION_ERROR - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Indicates a validation failure and should include errors associated with each invalid field, via addError() or setErrors().
statusIsError() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Returns true unless the currently status is STATUS_SUCCESS
statusIsSuccess() - Method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
StreamingResponseIterator - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
For DSRequests that are marked "streamResults: true", the data member of the corresponding DSResponse will be an instance of StreamingResponseIterator.
strictJSONMode() - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Sets the translater to output the Javascript object using a strict interpretation of the JSON rules.
strictSQLFiltering - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
If set to true, advanced filtering will follow SQL99 behavior for dealing with NULL values, which is often counter-intuitive to users.
stripPathComponents - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.FileDownload
Instructs this servlet to remove the specified number of paths components from the URI before looking for the file on disk.
subscribe(ISubscriber, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
subscribe a given subscriber to a given channel
subscribe(ISubscriber, String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
subscribe a given subscriber to a given channel
subsetByPrefix(List, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Returns any strings within list which begin with prefix.
subsetMap(Map, List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a Map and a List of keys, returns a subset of the Map containing the key/value pairs as specified by the List of keys.
SUBSTRING - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
substringKeyMap(String, Map) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Constructs a Map of key/value pairs from the source Map whose keys start with a specific prefix.
SUM - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.datasource.SummaryFunctionType
Iterates through the set of records, picking up and summing all numeric values for the specified field.
SummaryFunctionType - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Function to produce a summary value based on an array of records and a field definition.


Table - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
TemplatedMailMessage - Class in com.isomorphic.mail
A mail message that supports the use of Velocity Template Language to enable message templates and runtime substitution.
TemplatedMailMessage() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.mail.TemplatedMailMessage
Creates a new TemplatedMailMessage.
TestRunnerDriver - Class in com.isomorphic.autotest
A wrapper class that allows TestRunner to be run from a Java application.
TestRunnerDriver() - Constructor for class com.isomorphic.autotest.TestRunnerDriver
Creates an instance of the TestRunner wrapper class so that setters may be called.
TEXT_MATCH_STYLE_STARTS_WITH - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.SimpleCriteria
TextMatchStyle for check that actual value should starts with passed value string.
TEXT_MATCH_STYLE_SUBSTRING - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.criteria.SimpleCriteria
TextMatchStyle for check that actual value contain passed value string.
TextMatchStyle - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Represents text matching styles.
toCollections(Criterion) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria
The "collections" format of AdvancedCriteria is a simple Java representation of criteria that is equivalent to the typical JavaScript / JSON representation.
toJavaScript(Writer) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.js.IToJavaScript
Translate to some reasonable javascript literal
toJS(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Returns a string containing the Javascript equivalent of javaObj.
toJS(Object, Writer) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Writes the Javascript equivalent of javaObj to the output stream out.
toJS(String, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Converts an XML string to JavaScript and writes it to the supplied Writer.
toJS(String, Locale, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Converts an XML string to JavaScript, using the passed-in Locale to resolve any <fmt:message> i18n tags, and writes it to the supplied Writer.
toJS(Reader, Locale, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Converts XML read from the provided Reader to JavaScript and writes it to the supplied Writer.
toJS(Element, Writer) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.xml.XML
Converts XML from the passed Element object to JavaScript and writes it to the supplied Writer.
toJSON(Writer, JSTranslater) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.js.IToJSON
Translate this object to executable JavaScript for transport to the browser.
toJSVariable(Object, String, Writer) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Writes JavaScript code to define a variable with the JavaScript-converted value of the passed Java object.
toJSVariableInScript(Object, String, Writer) - Method in class com.isomorphic.js.JSTranslater
Writes JavaScript code to define a variable with the JavaScript-converted value of the passed Java object, enclosed in HTML SCRIPT tags.
toListOfMaps(ResultSet) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransform
Converts all rows of a ResultSet object to return a List of Map objects.
toListOfMaps(ResultSet, long) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLTransform
Converts a ResultSet object to return a List of Map objects for the number of rows given by numRows.
toLowerCaseList(List) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.util.DataTools
Given a List of strings, returns a new List of lower cased strings.
toString() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.TextMatchStyle
Returns string value of field type.
TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderInterface
Name of sub property for resource reference to transaction or transaction manager.
TRANSACTION_ATTR - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.hibernate.HB
Attribute name for RPCManager.
TRANSACTION_ATTR - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMF
Attribute name for RPCManager.
TransactionPolicy - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Transaction policy constants.
transformImportValue(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
transformImportValue(String, Object, String, DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Transforms the passed-in rawValue and returns the result of the transformation.
transformMultipleFields(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Transforms the values for fields declared multiple:true in the incoming DSRequest.
transformMultipleFields(DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Transform the values for fields declared multiple:true in a DSResponse.
transformMultipleFields(DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Transforms the values for fields declared multiple:true in the incoming DSRequest.
transformMultipleFields(DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Transforms the values for fields declared multiple:true in a DSResponse.
transformRawResponse(List, DSRequest, DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.RestConnector
Override point to allow your DataSource implementation to perform arbitrary transformations of the response data prior to processing the data through templating.
transformResponse(List, DSRequest, DSResponse) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Override point to allow your DataSource implementation to perform arbitrary transformations of the response data.
translate(Object) - Method in class
translate(Object) - Method in class
translate(Object) - Method in class
translate(Object) - Method in class
translate(Object) - Method in class
translate(Object) - Method in class
translate(Object) - Method in class
tx - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Holds transaction object.
txm - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.EMFProviderSpring
Holds JpaTransactionManager.
type(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Sends an empty String to the target, clearing it if it's an editable text element.
type(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Clears target if it's an editable text element.
type(By, Long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Alternative to SmartClientWebDriver.sendKeys(By,String) taking a single key as a Long.


UnconvertableException - Exception in com.isomorphic.js
This exception is thrown whenever the Isomorphic Java->Javascript serializer encounters an object it does not know how to serialize.
unregister(ISubscriber) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
unregister this subscriber
unsubscribe(ISubscriber, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.messaging.ISCMessageDispatcher
unsubscribe a given subscriber from a given channel
update(Object, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "update", calling setValues() and setCriteria() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
update(Object, Object, RPCManager) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
This convenience method is the equivalent of creating a DSRequest with an operationType of "update", calling setValues(), setCriteria() and setRPCManager() on it, and then calling its execute() method.
UPDATE_WITHOUT_PK - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BaseResponse
Use BaseResponse.STATUS_UPDATE_WITHOUT_PK instead for naming consistency.
uploadProgressCheck(HttpSession, String) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Used by the FileUpload control to periodically check the progress of a file upload.
uriCacheSize - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.URIRegexFilter
Specifies the size of the URICache.
URIRegexFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
Most servlet containers do not allow filter registration based on Regex rules.
urlCacheSize - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
Specifies the size of the URLCache.
USE_QUALIFIED_CLASS_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
Name of property specifying should fully-qualified class name be used in query string.
useQualifiedClassName - Variable in class com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource
According to JPA specifications only simple class name can be used in queries.
useURICache - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.URIRegexFilter
This parameter controls whether the URICache is enabled or not.
useURLCache - Variable in class com.isomorphic.servlet.HttpProxyServlet
This parameter controls whether the URLCache is enabled or not.


validate(Map, boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a Map of fieldName -> value (data argument) and validates the data using the validators specified on this dataSource.
validate(Map, boolean, ValidationContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Takes a Map of fieldName -> value (data argument) and optional ValidationContext and validates the data using the validators specified on this dataSource.
validate(Map, ErrorReport) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
validate() - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest
Performs validation on the values in this DSRequest.
validateRecord(Map, ErrorReport, ValidationContext) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource
Overriding point to add custom validation, that could not be covered using standard per-field validation.
validateUploadData(DSResponse) - Method in class
Validates provided records against the target DataSource and returns DSResponse containing records to be imported and validation errors (if any).
ValidationContext - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Provides access to the context of validation process, which may vary depending on the circumstances where validation is performed.
Validator - Class in com.isomorphic.datasource
Server-side representation of a Validator.
Values - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
valuesMatchCriteria(Map, SimpleCriteria, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Check values map for matching passed Criteria.
valuesMatchCriteria(Map, AdvancedCriteria) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.Evaluator
Check values map for matching passed AdvancedCriteria.
valuesMatchCriteria(Map, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.criteria.SimpleCriteria
Check that values in map match current criteria using passed textMatchStyle.
verifyCanvasHeight(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify height of target canvas.
verifyCanvasWidth(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify width of target canvas.
verifyElementClickable(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that a given element is clickable.
verifyElementHeight(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that target element height matches expected value
verifyElementHeightWithTolerance(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that target element height matches expected value within tolerance.
verifyElementPositionLeft(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that target element left page offset matches expected value
verifyElementPositionTop(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that target element top page offset matches expected value
verifyElementPresent(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that a given element is present.
verifyElementReadyForKeyPresses(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that a given element is ready to receive keypresses.
verifyElementSelected(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that a given element is selected.
verifyElementVisible(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that a given element is visible.
verifyElementWidth(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that target element width matches expected value
verifyElementWidthWithTolerance(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that target element width matches expected value within tolerance.
verifyTable(By, long, long, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that specified table cell display value matches the expected String pattern.
verifyText(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that the element's text is empty.
verifyText(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that the supplied String pattern matches the element's text.
verifyTextPresent(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that the supplied String pattern is presnt somewhere on the page.
verifyTextPresent(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that the supplied String pattern is contained in the element's text.
verifyTitle(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verify that the supplied String pattern matches the page title.
verifyValue(By, Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target has the Boolean value expected.
verifyValue(By, Long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target has the Long value expected.
verifyValue(By, Integer) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target has the Integer value expected.
verifyValue(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target matches the String pattern.
verifyValueEmpty(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that target's value is empty.
verifyValueWithTolerance(By, Long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target has the Long value expected within tolerance.
verifyValueWithTolerance(By, Integer) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target has the Integer value expected within tolerance.
verifyValueWithTolerance(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Verifies that the target matches the String pattern, with any numbers allowed to match literal numbers in the expected String with a tolerance.
VersionedURLFilter - Class in com.isomorphic.servlet
This filter will rewrite URLs by stripping path segments that start with the isc.pathSegmentPrefix as defined in the configuration file.


waitForCanvasDone(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target Canvas responds positively to the isCanvasDone() call.
waitForCanvasDone(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target Canvas responds positively to the isCanvasDone() call.
waitForCondition(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait for a javascript expression to evaluate to true.
waitForCondition(String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait for a javascript expression to evaluate to true.
waitForCondition(String, long, Object[]) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait for a javascript script to execute and return true.
waitForElementClickable(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isElementClickable() call.
waitForElementClickable(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isElementClickable() call.
waitForElementInViewport(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element has been scrolled into the browser viewport.
waitForElementInViewport(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element has been scrolled into the browser viewport.
waitForElementNotClickable(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds negatively to the isElementClickable() call.
waitForElementNotClickable(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds negatively to the isElementClickable() call.
waitForElementNotPresent(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element is no longer present.
waitForElementNotPresent(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element is no longer present.
waitForElementNotVisible(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element is no longer visible.
waitForElementNotVisible(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element is no longer visible.
waitForElementPresent(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element is present.
waitForElementPresent(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element is present.
waitForElementReadyForKeyPresses(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isElementReadyForKeyPresses() call.
waitForElementReadyForKeyPresses(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isElementReadyForKeyPresses() call.
waitForElementVisible(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element becomes visible.
waitForElementVisible(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element becomes visible.
waitForEval(String, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait for a javascript expression to evaluate to a value that matches the supplied String pattern under the rules described in SmartClientWebDriver.verifyValue(org.openqa.selenium.By, java.lang.Boolean).
waitForEval(String, String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait for a javascript expression to evaluate to a value that matches the supplied String pattern under the rules described in SmartClientWebDriver.verifyValue(org.openqa.selenium.By, java.lang.Boolean).
waitForFormDone(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target DynamicForm responds positively to the isFormDone() call.
waitForFormDone(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target DynamicForm responds positively to the isFormDone() call.
waitForFrameToLoad(String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a frame has loaded.
waitForGridDone(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target ListGrid responds positively to the isGridDone() call.
waitForGridDone(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target ListGrid responds positively to the isGridDone() call.
waitForGridDone(By, Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target ListGrid responds positively to the isGridDone() call.
waitForGridDone(By, Boolean, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
waitForHoverTextPresent(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until the hover canvas shows a particular text value.
waitForHoverTextPresent(String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until the hover canvas shows a particular text value.
waitForItemDone(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target FormItem responds positively to the isItemDone() call.
waitForItemDone(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target FormItem responds positively to the isItemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone() - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(Boolean, Boolean, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(SystemDoneConfig) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForSystemDone(SystemDoneConfig, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element responds positively to the isSystemDone() call.
waitForText(By, String) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element has a particular text value.
waitForText(By, String, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a given element has a particular text value.
waitForTileGridDone(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target TileGrid responds positively to the isTileGridDone() call.
waitForTileGridDone(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target TileGrid responds positively to the isTileGridDone() call.
waitForTileLayoutDone(By) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target TileLayout responds positively to the isTileLayoutDone() call.
waitForTileLayoutDone(By, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target TileLayout responds positively to the isTileLayoutDone() call.
waitForValue(By, Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target matches the String pattern.
waitForValue(By, Object, long) - Method in class com.isomorphic.webdriver.SmartClientWebDriver
Wait until a target matches the String pattern.
warning(Object) - Method in class com.isomorphic.log.Logger
Logs a message with "warning" status.
Where - Static variable in class com.isomorphic.sql.SQLClauseType
writeJPEG(OutputStream, String, Float) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.IImageExporter
Parses the given SVG graphic source, paints the parsed SVG graphic into a newly-created BufferedImage, and writes the BufferedImage as a JPEG to os at the given quality level.
writeMultiAudits(List, DSRequest) - Method in class com.isomorphic.datasource.BasicDataSource
Writes a collection of audit records to the audit DataSource associated with this DataSource.
writePNG(OutputStream, String) - Method in interface com.isomorphic.rpc.IImageExporter
Parses the given SVG graphic source, paints the parsed SVG graphic into a newly-created BufferedImage, and writes the BufferedImage as a PNG to os.


XML - Class in com.isomorphic.xml
Provides programmatic access to the SmartClient XML processor.
xmlToJS(String, RPCRequest) - Static method in class com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC
Translates XML to JS in exactly the same fashion as done by the <isomorphicXML> JSP tag.