Package com.smartgwt.client.widgets
Class ToggleSwitch
- All Implemented Interfaces:
A simple control that presents a Boolean value as a toggle-switch, where the value can be toggled by clicking with the
mouse, or with the Spacebar and left/right arrow-keys when
is true.-
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
UIObject.DebugIdImpl, UIObject.DebugIdImplEnabled
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.BaseWidget
config, configOnly, factoryCreated, factoryProperties, id, nativeObject, scClassName
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdd a toggleValueChanged handler.static void
(String autoChildName, Canvas defaults) Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.static void
(String autoChildName, FormItem defaults) Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.protected JavaScriptObject
When set to true, animates the movement of thethumb
when the value changes.WhenanimateThumb
is true, the time taken to move thethumb
from one state to the other.The default value of this ToggleSwitch.Getter implementing theLogicalStructure
interface, which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.static ToggleSwitch
(JavaScriptObject jsObj) getThumb()
A canvas used as the thumb of this ToggleSwitch, which can be styled usingthumbBaseStyle
and otherwise modified according to the AutoChild pattern -thumbConstructor
are valid.The name of the base CSS class to apply to thethumb
of this toggle switch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on this widget's current value.Spacing to apply inside of this ToggleSwitch, outside of thethumb
.The CSS border-radius for thethumb
.The name of the CSS class to apply to this ToggleSwitch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on the widget's current value.When set to true, the value can be toggled by pressing the Spacebar, or changed with the left and right arrow-keys.When set to true, causes the ToggleSwitch to change value when thethumb
is clicked, as well as when clicking in the widget body.getValue()
The current value of this ToggleSwitch.setAnimateThumb
(Boolean animateThumb) When set to true, animates the movement of thethumb
when the value changes.setAnimateThumbTime
(Integer animateThumbTime) WhenanimateThumb
is true, the time taken to move thethumb
from one state to the other.static void
(ToggleSwitch toggleSwitchProperties) Class level method to set the default properties of this class.setDefaultValue
(Boolean defaultValue) The default value of this ToggleSwitch.Setter implementing theLogicalStructure
interface, which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.setThumbBaseStyle
(String thumbBaseStyle) The name of the base CSS class to apply to thethumb
of this toggle switch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on this widget's current value.setThumbOffset
(Integer thumbOffset) Spacing to apply inside of this ToggleSwitch, outside of thethumb
(String thumbRadius) The CSS border-radius for thethumb
(String toggleBaseStyle) The name of the CSS class to apply to this ToggleSwitch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on the widget's current value.setToggleOnKeypress
(Boolean toggleOnKeypress) When set to true, the value can be toggled by pressing the Spacebar, or changed with the left and right arrow-keys.setToggleOnThumbClick
(Boolean toggleOnThumbClick) When set to true, causes the ToggleSwitch to change value when thethumb
is clicked, as well as when clicking in the widget body.The current value of this ToggleSwitch.Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.StatefulCanvas
addToRadioGroup, deselect, getActionType, getAlign, getAriaLabel, getAriaStateDefaults, getAutoFit, getBaseStyle, getEditProxyConstructor, getHeight, getHeightAsString, getIcon, getIconHeight, getIconOrientation, getIconSize, getIconStyle, getIconWidth, getIgnoreRTL, getLabelHPad, getLabelVPad, getOverCanvas, getOverCanvasConstructor, getRadioGroup, getRedrawOnStateChange, getSelected, getShowDisabled, getShowDisabledIcon, getShowDown, getShowDownIcon, getShowFocused, getShowFocusedAsOver, getShowFocusedIcon, getShowMenuOnClick, getShowOverCanvas, getShowRollOver, getShowRollOverIcon, getShowRTLIcon, getShowSelectedIcon, getState, getStateSuffix, getStyleName, getTitle, getValign, getVIconStyle, getWidth, getWidthAsString, isSelected, removeFromRadioGroup, removeFromRadioGroup, select, setActionType, setAlign, setAriaLabel, setAutoFit, setBaseStyle, setDefaultProperties, setEditProxyConstructor, setHeight, setHeight, setIcon, setIconHeight, setIconOrientation, setIconSize, setIconStyle, setIconWidth, setIgnoreRTL, setLabelHPad, setLabelVPad, setLogicalStructure, setOverCanvasConstructor, setRadioGroup, setRedrawOnStateChange, setSelected, setShowDisabled, setShowDisabledIcon, setShowDown, setShowDownIcon, setShowFocused, setShowFocusedAsOver, setShowFocusedIcon, setShowMenuOnClick, setShowOverCanvas, setShowRollOver, setShowRollOverIcon, setShowRTLIcon, setShowSelectedIcon, setState, setStyleName, setTitle, setTitleFormatter, setTitleStyle, setValign, setVIconStyle, setWidth, setWidth
Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas
addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addClearHandler, addClickHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addDragMoveHandler, addDragRepositionMoveHandler, addDragRepositionStartHandler, addDragRepositionStopHandler, addDragResizeMoveHandler, addDragResizeStartHandler, addDragResizeStopHandler, addDragStartHandler, addDragStopHandler, addDropHandler, addDropMoveHandler, addDropOutHandler, addDropOverHandler, addFocusChangedHandler, addHoverHandler, addHoverHiddenHandler, addKeyDownHandler, addKeyPressHandler, addMouseDownHandler, addMouseMoveHandler, addMouseOutHandler, addMouseOverHandler, addMouseStillDownHandler, addMouseUpHandler, addMouseWheelHandler, addMovedHandler, addParentMovedHandler, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addResizedHandler, addRightMouseDownHandler, addRuleContextChangedHandler, addScrolledHandler, addShowContextMenuHandler, addSnapAlignCandidate, addStyleName, addVisibilityChangedHandler, adjustForContent, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, asSGWTComponent, blur, bringToFront, clear, clearExplicitTabIndex, clickMaskUp, clickMaskUp, contains, contains, containsEvent, containsEventTarget, containsFocus, containsPoint, containsPoint, dataContextChanged, deparent, depeer, disable, enable, encloses, focus, focusAfterGroup, focusAtEnd, focusInNextTabElement, focusInPreviousTabElement, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getAccessKey, getAdaptiveHeightPriority, getAdaptiveWidthPriority, getAlwaysManageFocusNavigation, getAlwaysShowScrollbars, getAnimateAcceleration, getAnimateFadeTime, getAnimateHideAcceleration, getAnimateHideEffect, getAnimateHideTime, getAnimateMoveAcceleration, getAnimateMoveTime, getAnimateRectAcceleration, getAnimateRectTime, getAnimateResizeAcceleration, getAnimateResizeLayoutMode, getAnimateResizeTime, getAnimateScrollAcceleration, getAnimateScrollTime, getAnimateShowAcceleration, getAnimateShowEffect, getAnimateShowTime, getAnimateTime, getAppImgDir, getAriaHandleID, getAriaRole, getAutoMaskComponents, getAutoParent, getAutoPopulateData, getAutoShowParent, getBackgroundColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundPosition, getBackgroundRepeat, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBottom, getById, getByJSObject, getByLocalId, getCanAcceptDrop, getCanAdaptHeight, getCanAdaptWidth, getCanDrag, getCanDragReposition, getCanDragResize, getCanDragScroll, getCanDrop, getCanDropBefore, getCanFocus, getCanHover, getCanSelectText, getCanvasAutoChild, getCanvasItem, getChildren, getChildrenResizeSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapCenterAlign, getChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, getChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, getChildrenSnapToGrid, getChildTabPosition, getClassName, getComponentMask, getComponentMaskDefaults, getContentElement, getContents, getContextMenu, getCorrectZoomOverflow, getCursor, getDataContext, getDataPath, getDefaultHeight, getDefaultWidth, getDefiningProperty, getDefiningPropertyName, getDefiningPropertyNameOptions, getDestroyed, getDestroying, getDisabled, getDisabledCursor, getDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, getDoubleClickDelay, getDragAppearance, getDragIntersectStyle, getDragMaskType, getDragMaxHeight, getDragMaxWidth, getDragMinHeight, getDragMinWidth, getDragOpacity, getDragRepositionAppearance, getDragRepositionCursor, getDragResizeAppearance, getDragScrollDelay, getDragStartDistance, getDragTarget, getDragTargetAsString, getDragType, getDropTarget, getDropTargetAsString, getDropTypes, getDropTypesAsString, getDynamicContents, getEdgeBackgroundColor, getEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, getEdgeImage, getEdgeMarginSize, getEdgeOffset, getEdgeOpacity, getEdgeShowCenter, getEdgeSize, getEditNode, getEditProxy, getElement, getElement, getEnableWhen, getEndLine, getEventEdge, getEventEdge, getExtraSpace, getFacetId, getFloatingScrollbars, getFormItemAutoChild, getForwardSVGeventsToObject, getFullDataPath, getGroupBorderCSS, getGroupLabelBackgroundColor, getGroupLabelStyleName, getGroupPadding, getGroupTitle, getHideUsingDisplayNone, getHoverAlign, getHoverAutoDestroy, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidthAsString, getHoverAutoFitWidth, getHoverComponent, getHoverDelay, getHoverFocusKey, getHoverHeight, getHoverHTML, getHoverMoveWithMouse, getHoverOpacity, getHoverPersist, getHoverScreen, getHoverStyle, getHoverVAlign, getHoverWidth, getHoverWrap, getHSnapPosition, getHSnapPosition, getHtmlElement, getHtmlElementAsString, getHtmlPosition, getImage, getImgURL, getImgURL, getInnerContentHeight, getInnerContentWidth, getInnerHeight, getInnerWidth, getIsGroup, getIsPrinting, getIsRuleScope, getIsSnapAlignCandidate, getKeepInParentRect, getLayoutAlign, getLeaveGroupLabelSpace, getLeavePageSpace, getLeft, getLeftAsString, getLocalId, getLocateByIDOnly, getLocateChildrenBy, getLocateChildrenType, getLocatePeersBy, getLocatePeersType, getLocatorName, getMargin, getMasterCanvas, getMasterElement, getMatchElement, getMatchElementHeight, getMatchElementWidth, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMaxZoomOverflowError, getMenuConstructor, getMinHeight, getMinNonEdgeSize, getMinWidth, getMomentumScrollMinSpeed, getMouseStillDownDelay, getMouseStillDownInitialDelay, getName, getNativeAutoHideScrollbars, getNextZIndex, getNoDoubleClicks, getNoDropCursor, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getOffsetX, getOffsetY, getOpacity, getOuterElement, getOverflow, getPadding, getPageBottom, getPageLeft, getPageRect, getPageRight, getPageTop, getPaletteDefaults, getPanelContainer, getParentCanvas, getParentElement, getPeers, getPendingMarkerStyle, getPendingMarkerVisible, getPercentBox, getPercentSource, getPersistentMatchElement, getPointerSettings, getPointerTarget, getPointerTargetAsString, getPosition, getPrefix, getPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, getPrintHTML, getPrintHTML, getPrintStyleName, getPrompt, getProportionalResizeModifiers, getProportionalResizing, getReceiveScrollbarEvents, getRect, getRedrawOnResize, getResizeBarTarget, getResizeFrom, getRight, getRuleContext, getRuleContext, getRuleScope, getScrollbarSize, getScrollBottom, getScrollHeight, getScrollLeft, getScrollRight, getScrollTop, getScrollWidth, getShadowColor, getShadowDepth, getShadowHOffset, getShadowImage, getShadowOffset, getShadowSoftness, getShadowSpread, getShadowVOffset, getShouldPrint, getShowCustomScrollbars, getShowDragShadow, getShowEdges, getShowHover, getShowHoverComponents, getShowPointer, getShowResizeBar, getShowShadow, getShowSnapGrid, getShrinkElementOnHide, getSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, getSkinImgDir, getSnapAlignCandidates, getSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, getSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, getSnapAxis, getSnapEdge, getSnapGridLineProperties, getSnapGridStyle, getSnapHDirection, getSnapHGap, getSnapOffsetLeft, getSnapOffsetTop, getSnapOnDrop, getSnapPosition, getSnapPosition, getSnapResizeToAlign, getSnapResizeToGrid, getSnapTo, getSnapToAlign, getSnapToCenterAlign, getSnapToEdgeAlign, getSnapToGrid, getSnapVDirection, getSnapVGap, getStartLine, getTabIndex, getTestDataContext, getTestInstance, getTooltip, getTop, getTopAsString, getTopElement, getUISummary, getUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, getUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, getUseBackMask, getUseCSSShadow, getUseDragMask, getUseImageForSVG, getUseNativeDrag, getUseOpacityFilter, getUseTouchScrolling, getValuesManager, getValuesManagerAsString, getViewportHeight, getViewportWidth, getVisibility, getVisibleHeight, getVisibleWhen, getVisibleWidth, getVSnapPosition, getVSnapPosition, getWorkflows, getZIndex, getZIndex, handleHover, hide, hideClickMask, hideClickMask, hideComponentMask, hideComponentMask, hideContextMenu, imgHTML, imgHTML, imgHTML, initComplete, intersects, isDirty, isDisabled, isFocused, isVisible, keyUp, layoutChildren, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, markForDestroy, markForRedraw, markForRedraw, moveAbove, moveBelow, moveBy, moveTo, onAttach, onDetach, onInit, pageScrollDown, pageScrollUp, parentResized, placeNear, placeNear, placeNear, print, print, print, print, printComponents, provideRuleContext, provideRuleContext, redraw, redraw, registerFontScaledPaddingStyles, removeChild, removeChild, removePeer, removePeer, removeRuleContext, removeSnapAlignCandidate, resizeAutoChildAttributes, resizeBy, resizeControls, resizeControlsTo, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFontsTo, resizeIcons, resizePadding, resizePadding, resizeTo, resizeTo, revealChild, revealChild, scrollBy, scrollByPercent, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollToBottom, scrollToLeft, scrollToPercent, scrollToRight, scrollToTop, sendToBack, setAccessKey, setAdaptHeightByCustomizer, setAdaptiveHeightPriority, setAdaptiveWidthPriority, setAdaptWidthByCustomizer, setAllowExternalFilters, setAlwaysManageFocusNavigation, setAlwaysShowScrollbars, setAnimateAcceleration, setAnimateFadeTime, setAnimateHideAcceleration, setAnimateHideEffect, setAnimateHideTime, setAnimateMoveAcceleration, setAnimateMoveTime, setAnimateRectAcceleration, setAnimateRectTime, setAnimateResizeAcceleration, setAnimateResizeLayoutMode, setAnimateResizeTime, setAnimateScrollAcceleration, setAnimateScrollTime, setAnimateShowAcceleration, setAnimateShowEffect, setAnimateShowTime, setAnimateTime, setAppImgDir, setAriaRole, setAriaState, setAutoChildConstructor, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildVisibility, setAutoHeight, setAutoMaskComponents, setAutoParent, setAutoPopulateData, setAutoResizeAutoChildAttributes, setAutoResizeIcons, setAutoShowParent, setAutoWidth, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundPosition, setBackgroundRepeat, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBottom, setCanAcceptDrop, setCanAdaptHeight, setCanAdaptWidth, setCanDrag, setCanDragReposition, setCanDragResize, setCanDragScroll, setCanDrop, setCanDropBefore, setCanFocus, setCanHover, setCanSelectText, setChildren, setChildrenResizeSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapCenterAlign, setChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, setChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, setChildrenSnapToGrid, setComponentMaskDefaults, setContents, setContextMenu, setCorrectZoomOverflow, setCursor, setDataContext, setDataPath, setDefaultHeight, setDefaultPageSpace, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultShowCustomScrollbars, setDefaultWidth, setDefiningProperty, setDefiningPropertyNameOptions, setDisabled, setDisabledCursor, setDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, setDoubleClickDelay, setDragAppearance, setDragIntersectStyle, setDragMaskType, setDragMaxHeight, setDragMaxWidth, setDragMinHeight, setDragMinWidth, setDragOpacity, setDragRepositionAppearance, setDragRepositionCursor, setDragResizeAppearance, setDragScrollDelay, setDragStartDistance, setDragTarget, setDragTarget, setDragType, setDropTarget, setDropTarget, setDropTypes, setDropTypes, setDynamicContents, setEdgeBackgroundColor, setEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, setEdgeImage, setEdgeMarginSize, setEdgeOffset, setEdgeOpacity, setEdgeShowCenter, setEdgeSize, setEditMode, setEditMode, setEditMode, setElement, setEnableWhen, setEndLine, setExtraSpace, setFacetId, setFloatingScrollbars, setForwardSVGeventsToObject, setGroupBorderCSS, setGroupLabelBackgroundColor, setGroupLabelStyleName, setGroupPadding, setGroupTitle, setHeight, setHeight100, setHideUsingDisplayNone, setHoverAlign, setHoverAutoDestroy, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitWidth, setHoverDelay, setHoverFocusKey, setHoverHeight, setHoverMoveWithMouse, setHoverOpacity, setHoverPersist, setHoverScreen, setHoverStyle, setHoverVAlign, setHoverWidth, setHoverWrap, setHtmlElement, setHtmlElement, setHtmlPosition, setImage, setImage, setInitHandler, setIsGroup, setIsRuleScope, setIsSnapAlignCandidate, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setLayoutAlign, setLayoutAlign, setLeaveGroupLabelSpace, setLeavePageSpace, setLeft, setLeft, setLocateByIDOnly, setLocateChildrenBy, setLocateChildrenType, setLocatePeersBy, setLocatePeersType, setLocatorName, setLocatorParent, setLocatorParent, setLogicalStructure, setMargin, setMatchElement, setMatchElementHeight, setMatchElementWidth, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMaxZoomOverflowError, setMenuConstructor, setMinHeight, setMinNonEdgeSize, setMinWidth, setMomentumScrollMinSpeed, setMouseStillDownDelay, setMouseStillDownInitialDelay, setName, setNativeAutoHideScrollbars, setNeverUseFilters, setNoDoubleClicks, setNoDropCursor, setOpacity, setOverflow, setPadding, setPageLeft, setPageTop, setPanelContainer, setParentCanvas, setParentElement, setPeers, setPendingMarkerStyle, setPendingMarkerVisible, setPercentBox, setPercentSource, setPersistentMatchElement, setPointerSettings, setPointerTarget, setPosition, setPrefix, setPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, setPrintStyleName, setPrompt, setProportionalResizeModifiers, setProportionalResizing, setReceiveScrollbarEvents, setRect, setRect, setRedrawOnResize, setRelativeTabPosition, setResizeBarTarget, setResizeFrom, setResizeFrom, setRight, setRuleScope, setScrollbarConstructor, setScrollbarSize, setShadowColor, setShadowDepth, setShadowHOffset, setShadowImage, setShadowOffset, setShadowSoftness, setShadowSpread, setShadowVOffset, setShouldPrint, setShowCustomScrollbars, setShowDragShadow, setShowEdges, setShowHover, setShowHoverComponents, setShowPointer, setShowResizeBar, setShowShadow, setShowSnapGrid, setShrinkElementOnHide, setSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, setSkinImgDir, setSmoothFade, setSnapAlignCandidates, setSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, setSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, setSnapAxis, setSnapEdge, setSnapGridLineProperties, setSnapGridStyle, setSnapHDirection, setSnapHGap, setSnapOffsetLeft, setSnapOffsetTop, setSnapOnDrop, setSnapResizeToAlign, setSnapResizeToGrid, setSnapTo, setSnapToAlign, setSnapToCenterAlign, setSnapToEdgeAlign, setSnapToGrid, setSnapVDirection, setSnapVGap, setStartLine, setTabIndex, setTestDataContext, setTooltip, setTop, setTop, setUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, setUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, setUseBackMask, setUseCSSShadow, setUseDragMask, setUseImageForSVG, setUseNativeDrag, setUseOpacityFilter, setUseTouchScrolling, setValuesManager, setValuesManager, setVisibility, setVisible, setVisibleWhen, setWidth, setWidth100, setWorkflows, setZIndex, shouldDragScroll, show, showClickMask, showComponentMask, showComponentMask, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showPendingMarker, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showRecursively, startDebuggingOverflow, stopDebuggingOverflow, updateChildTabPosition, updateChildTabPositions, updateEditNode, updateHover, updateHover, updateShadow, updateTabPositionForDraw, visibleAtPoint, willAcceptDrop
Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.BaseWidget
addDrawHandler, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, applyFactoryProperties, clearDynamicProperty, completeCreation, destroy, doAddHandler, doInit, doOnRender, draw, equals, error, errorIfNotCreated, getAttribute, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsDate, getAttributeAsDateArray, getAttributeAsDouble, getAttributeAsElement, getAttributeAsFloat, getAttributeAsFloatArray, getAttributeAsInt, getAttributeAsIntArray, getAttributeAsJavaScriptObject, getAttributeAsMap, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsRecord, getAttributeAsString, getAttributeAsStringArray, getConfig, getDOM, getHandlerCount, getID, getInnerHTML, getJsObj, getOrCreateJsObj, getRef, getScClassName, hasAutoAssignedID, hasDynamicProperty, hashCode, initNativeObject, internalSetID, internalSetID, isConfigOnly, isCreated, isDrawn, isFactoryCreated, onBind, onDestroy, onDraw, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setConfig, setConfigOnly, setDefaultProperties, setDragTracker, setFactoryCreated, setID, setJavaScriptObject, setLogicalStructure, setLogicalStructure, setNullProperty, setPosition, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setScClassName, toString
Methods inherited from class
addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, fireEvent, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, isOrWasAttached, onBrowserEvent, onLoad, onUnload, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
Methods inherited from class
addStyleDependentName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, isVisible, onEnsureDebugId, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, resolvePotentialElement, setElement, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setStylePrimaryName, setVisible, sinkBitlessEvent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
Constructor Details
public ToggleSwitch() -
Method Details
Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.- Parameters:
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- Canvas defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this param, seeSGWTProperties
.- See Also:
Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.- Parameters:
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- FormItem defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this param, seeSGWTProperties
.- See Also:
- Overrides:
in classStatefulCanvas
When set to true, animates the movement of thethumb
when the value changes.- Parameters:
- New animateThumb value. Default value is true- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
When set to true, animates the movement of thethumb
when the value changes.- Returns:
- Current animateThumb value. Default value is true
- See Also:
is true, the time taken to move thethumb
from one state to the other.- Parameters:
- New animateThumbTime value. Default value is 200- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
is true, the time taken to move thethumb
from one state to the other.- Returns:
- Current animateThumbTime value. Default value is 200
- See Also:
The default value of this ToggleSwitch.- Parameters:
- New defaultValue value. Default value is false- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
The default value of this ToggleSwitch.- Returns:
- Current defaultValue value. Default value is false
- See Also:
A canvas used as the thumb of this ToggleSwitch, which can be styled usingthumbBaseStyle
and otherwise modified according to the AutoChild pattern -thumbConstructor
are valid.This component is an AutoChild named "thumb". For an overview of how to use and configure AutoChildren, see
Using AutoChildren
.- Returns:
- Current thumb value. Default value is null
- Throws:
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.
The name of the base CSS class to apply to thethumb
of this toggle switch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on this widget's current value.- Parameters:
- New thumbBaseStyle value. Default value is "toggleSwitchThumb"- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
The name of the base CSS class to apply to thethumb
of this toggle switch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on this widget's current value.- Returns:
- Current thumbBaseStyle value. Default value is "toggleSwitchThumb"
- See Also:
Spacing to apply inside of this ToggleSwitch, outside of thethumb
.- Parameters:
- New thumbOffset value. Default value is 2- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
Spacing to apply inside of this ToggleSwitch, outside of thethumb
.- Returns:
- Current thumbOffset value. Default value is 2
- See Also:
The CSS border-radius for thethumb
. The value can be any variant of a CSS border-radius value - that is, from 1 to 4 space-separated px values, where one value affects all corners and 4 values affects individual corners. For example "10px" applies a 10px radius to all corners, where "5px 10px 15px 20px" applies a different radius to each corner, clockwise from Top-Left: "TL TR BR BL".- Parameters:
- New thumbRadius value. Default value is null- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
The CSS border-radius for thethumb
. The value can be any variant of a CSS border-radius value - that is, from 1 to 4 space-separated px values, where one value affects all corners and 4 values affects individual corners. For example "10px" applies a 10px radius to all corners, where "5px 10px 15px 20px" applies a different radius to each corner, clockwise from Top-Left: "TL TR BR BL".- Returns:
- Current thumbRadius value. Default value is null
- See Also:
The name of the CSS class to apply to this ToggleSwitch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on the widget's current value.- Parameters:
- New toggleBaseStyle value. Default value is "toggleSwitch"- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
The name of the CSS class to apply to this ToggleSwitch - the actual styleName applied will be suffixed "On" or "Off", depending on the widget's current value.- Returns:
- Current toggleBaseStyle value. Default value is "toggleSwitch"
- See Also:
When set to true, the value can be toggled by pressing the Spacebar, or changed with the left and right arrow-keys.- Parameters:
- New toggleOnKeypress value. Default value is true- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
When set to true, the value can be toggled by pressing the Spacebar, or changed with the left and right arrow-keys.- Returns:
- Current toggleOnKeypress value. Default value is true
- See Also:
When set to true, causes the ToggleSwitch to change value when thethumb
is clicked, as well as when clicking in the widget body.- Parameters:
- New toggleOnThumbClick value. Default value is true- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
When set to true, causes the ToggleSwitch to change value when thethumb
is clicked, as well as when clicking in the widget body.- Returns:
- Current toggleOnThumbClick value. Default value is true
- See Also:
The current value of this ToggleSwitch.
If this method is called after the component has been drawn/initialized: Sets thevalue
of this ToggleSwitch.- Parameters:
- new value for the ToggleSwitch. Default value is false- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
The current value of this ToggleSwitch.- Returns:
- Returns the current
of this ToggleSwitch. Default value is false - See Also:
Add a toggleValueChanged handler.Notification fired when the value is toggled by the user.
- Specified by:
in interfaceHasToggleValueChangedHandlers
- Parameters:
- the toggleValueChanged handler- Returns:
used to remove this handler
Class level method to set the default properties of this class. If set, then all existing and subsequently created instances of this class will automatically have default properties corresponding to the properties set on the SmartGWT class instance passed to this function before its underlying SmartClient JS object was created. This is a powerful feature that eliminates the need for users to create a separate hierarchy of subclasses that only alter the default properties of this class. Can also be used for skinning / styling purposes.Note: This method is intended for setting default attributes only and will affect all instances of the underlying class (including those automatically generated in JavaScript). This method should not be used to apply standard EventHandlers or override methods for a class - use a custom subclass instead. Calling this method after instances have been created can result in undefined behavior, since it bypasses any setters and a class instance may have already examined a particular property and not be expecting any changes through this route.
- Parameters:
- properties that should be used as new defaults when instances of this class are created- See Also:
Setter implementing theLogicalStructure
interface, which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. -
Getter implementing theLogicalStructure
interface, which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.- Specified by:
in interfaceLogicalStructure
- Overrides:
in classStatefulCanvas