Class ToolbarItem
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.FormItem
FormItem.CustomStateGetter, FormItem.StateCustomizer
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.FormItem
configOnly, scClassName, warnOnEditorTypeConversion, warnOnEditorTypeConversionDefault
Fields inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.core.RefDataClass
Fields inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.core.DataClass
factoryCreated, factoryProperties
Constructor Summary
(JavaScriptObject jsObj) ToolbarItem
(String name) ToolbarItem
(String name, String title) -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(String autoChildName, Canvas defaults) Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.static void
(String autoChildName, FormItem defaults) Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.static void
(FormItemIcon defaults) DefaultButton.autoFit
for buttons - true by default.If specified this baseStyle will be applied to the buttons in this
Space between the buttons of this toolbar.Constructor class for this toolbarItem'scanvas
.If set to true, causes the toolbar created by this item to create its child buttons during initialization, instead of waiting until draw().Default class used to construct theEditProxy
for this component when the component isfirst placed into edit mode
.these items are in a row by themselves by defaultstatic ToolbarItem
(JavaScriptObject jsObj) Don't show a title for toolbarsthese items are in a row by themselves by defaultShould the toolbar stack its buttons vertically or horizontally?setButtonAutoFit
(Boolean buttonAutoFit) DefaultButton.autoFit
for buttons - true by default.setButtonBaseStyle
(String buttonBaseStyle) If specified this baseStyle will be applied to the buttons in this toolbar.setButtons
(StatefulCanvas... buttons) List of buttons for the toolbar.setButtonSpace
(int buttonSpace) Space between the buttons of this toolbar.setCanvasConstructor
(String canvasConstructor) Constructor class for this toolbarItem'scanvas
(Boolean createButtonsOnInit) If set to true, causes the toolbar created by this item to create its child buttons during initialization, instead of waiting until draw().static void
(ToolbarItem toolbarItemProperties) Class level method to set the default properties of this class.setEditProxyConstructor
(String editProxyConstructor) Default class used to construct theEditProxy
for this component when the component isfirst placed into edit mode
.these items are in a row by themselves by defaultsetShowTitle
(Boolean showTitle) Don't show a title for toolbarssetStartRow
(Boolean startRow) these items are in a row by themselves by defaultsetVertical
(Boolean vertical) Should the toolbar stack its buttons vertically or horizontally?Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.CanvasItem
addCanEditChangedHandler, addReadOnlyDisplayChangedHandler, addShowValueHandler, createCanvas, getApplyPromptToCanvas, getAutoDestroy, getEditCriteriaInInnerForm, getHeight, getHeightAsString, getMaxHeight, getMinHeight, getMultiple, getOverflow, getPrompt, getShouldSaveValue, hasAdvancedCriteria, isFocused, setApplyPromptToCanvas, setAutoDestroy, setCanEditCriterionPredicate, setCanvas, setCriterionGetter, setCriterionSetter, setDefaultProperties, setEditCriteriaInInnerForm, setHeight, setHeight, setMaxHeight, setMinHeight, setMultiple, setOverflow, setPrompt, setShouldDisableCanvasCustomizer, setShouldSaveValue, setupCanvasConstructor, storeValue, storeValue, storeValue, updateCanvasTabPosition
Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.FormItem
_getValue, addBlurHandler, addChangedHandler, addChangeHandler, addClickHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addEditorEnterHandler, addEditorExitHandler, addFocusHandler, addIcon, addIcon, addIconClickHandler, addIconKeyPressHandler, addItemHoverHandler, addKeyDownHandler, addKeyPressHandler, addKeyUpHandler, addPendingStatusChangedHandler, addPickerIconClickHandler, addShowContextMenuHandler, addTitleClickHandler, addTitleDoubleClickHandler, addTitleHoverHandler, addValueHoverHandler, addValueIconClickHandler, applyFormula, asSGWTComponent, blurItem, canEditCriterion, checkFormItemType, clearErrors, clearValue, disable, disableIcon, enable, enableIcon, error, error, errorIfNotCreated, focusAfterItem, focusInItem, getAccessKey, getAlign, getAllowExpressions, getAlwaysFetchMissingValues, getAlwaysShowControlBox, getApplyAlignToText, getApplyHeightToTextBox, getAriaRole, getAttribute, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsDate, getAttributeAsDouble, getAttributeAsFloat, getAttributeAsInt, getAttributeAsJavaScriptObject, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsString, getAutoComplete, getAutoCompleteKeywords, getBrowserInputType, getBrowserSpellCheck, getCanEdit, getCanEditOpaqueValues, getCanFocus, getCanHover, getCanSelectText, getCanTabToIcons, getCanvasAutoChild, getCellHeight, getCellStyle, getChangeOnKeypress, getClassName, getClipStaticValue, getClipTitle, getConfig, getContainerWidget, getControlStyle, getCriteriaField, getCriterion, getCriterion, getCursorPosition, getCustomState, getDataPath, getDateFormatter, getDecimalPad, getDecimalPrecision, getDefaultIconSrc, getDefaultOperator, getDefaultValue, getDestroyed, getDisabled, getDisabledHover, getDisableIconsOnReadOnly, getDisplayField, getDisplayFieldName, getDisplayValue, getDisplayValue, getEditorTypeConfig, getEditPendingCSSText, getEmptyDisplayValue, getEmptyValueIcon, getErrorIconHeight, getErrorIconProperties, getErrorIconSrc, getErrorIconWidth, getErrorMessageWidth, getErrors, getEscapeHTML, getExportFormat, getFetchMissingValues, getFieldName, getFilterLocally, getForeignDisplayField, getForm, getFormat, getFormItemAutoChild, getFormula, getFullDataPath, getGlobalTabIndex, getGridColNum, getGridRowNum, getHidden, getHint, getHintStyle, getHoverAlign, getHoverDelay, getHoverFocusKey, getHoverHeight, getHoverHeightAsString, getHoverOpacity, getHoverPersist, getHoverStyle, getHoverVAlign, getHoverWidth, getHoverWidthAsString, getIcon, getIconBaseStyle, getIconHeight, getIconHSpace, getIconPageRect, getIconPrompt, getIconRect, getIcons, getIconTabPosition, getIconVAlign, getIconWidth, getID, getImageURLPrefix, getImageURLSuffix, getImplicitSave, getImplicitSaveOnBlur, getInputFormat, getLeft, getLinearColSpan, getLinearColSpanAsString, getLinearEndRow, getLinearEndRowAsString, getLinearStartRow, getLinearStartRowAsString, getLinearWidth, getLinearWidthAsString, getListGrid, getLoadingDisplayValue, getLocateItemBy, getMinHintWidth, getMultipleValueSeparator, getName, getNullOriginalValueText, getOperator, getOptionCriteria, getOptionDataSource, getOptionDataSourceAsString, getOptionFilterContext, getOptionOperationId, getOptionTextMatchStyle, getOriginalValueMessage, getPageLeft, getPageRect, getPageTop, getPaletteDefaults, getPicker, getPickerIcon, getPickerIcon, getPickerIconHeight, getPickerIconName, getPickerIconPrompt, getPickerIconProperties, getPickerIconSrc, getPickerIconStyle, getPickerIconTabPosition, getPickerIconWidth, getPixelHeight, getPixelWidth, getPrintReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, getPrintTextBoxStyle, getPrintTitleStyle, getReadOnlyCanSelectText, getReadOnlyControlStyle, getReadOnlyDisplay, getReadOnlyHover, getReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, getReadOnlyWhen, getRect, getRedrawOnChange, getRejectInvalidValueOnChange, getRequired, getRequiredMessage, getRequiredWhen, getRowSpan, getSaveOnEnter, getScClassName, getSelectedRecord, getSelectOnClick, getSelectOnFocus, getShowClippedTitleOnHover, getShowClippedValueOnHover, getShowDeletions, getShowDisabled, getShowDisabledIconsOnFocus, getShowDisabledPickerIconOnFocus, getShowErrorIcon, getShowErrorIconInline, getShowErrorStyle, getShowErrorText, getShowFocused, getShowFocusedErrorState, getShowFocusedIcons, getShowFocusedPickerIcon, getShowHint, getShowIcons, getShowIconsOnFocus, getShowImageAsURL, getShowOldValueInHover, getShowOver, getShowOverIcons, getShowPending, getShowPickerIcon, getShowPickerIconOnFocus, getShowRTL, getShowValueIconOnly, getStaticHeight, getStopOnError, getStoreDisplayValues, getSupportsCutPasteEvents, getSuppressValueIcon, getSynchronousValidation, getTabIndex, getTextAlign, getTextBoxStyle, getTextFormula, getTimeFormatter, getTitle, getTitleAlign, getTitleColSpan, getTitleOrientation, getTitleStyle, getTitleVAlign, getTooltip, getTop, getType, getUpdateControlOnOver, getUpdatePickerIconOnOver, getUpdateTextBoxOnOver, getUseAdvancedCriteria, getUseDisabledHintStyleForReadOnly, getUseLocalDisplayFieldValue, getValidateOnChange, getValidateOnExit, getValidOperators, getVAlign, getValue, getValueAsFloat, getValueAsInteger, getValueAsLong, getValueAsRecordList, getValueDeselectedCSSText, getValueField, getValueFieldName, getValueIconHeight, getValueIconLeftPadding, getValueIconRightPadding, getValueIconSize, getValueIconWidth, getValueMap, getValueMapAsArray, getVisible, getVisibleHeight, getVisibleTitleWidth, getVisibleWhen, getVisibleWidth, getWarnOnEditorTypeConversion, getWarnOnEditorTypeConversionDefault, getWidth, getWidthAsString, getWrapHintText, getWrapStaticValue, getWrapTitle, handleWarnOnEditorTypeConversion, hasErrors, hide, hideIcon, invalidateDisplayValueCache, isAssignableFrom, isConfigOnly, isCreated, isCutEvent, isDisabled, isDrawn, isInGrid, isPasteEvent, isVisible, linkToInstanceUponCreate, mapDisplayToValue, mapValueToDisplay, mapValueToDisplay, mapValueToDisplay, redraw, redraw, removeIcon, selectedRecordChanged, setAccessKey, setAlign, setAllowExpressions, setAlwaysFetchMissingValues, setAlwaysShowControlBox, setApplyAlignToText, setApplyHeightToTextBox, setAriaRole, setAriaState, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAutoChildConstructor, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildVisibility, setAutoComplete, setAutoCompleteKeywords, setBrowserInputType, setBrowserSpellCheck, setCanEdit, setCanEditOpaqueValues, setCanFocus, setCanHover, setCanSelectText, setCanTabToIcons, setCellHeight, setCellStyle, setChangeOnKeypress, setClipStaticValue, setClipTitle, setColSpan, setColSpan, setConfigOnly, setControlStyle, setCriteriaField, setCriterion, setCustomStateGetter, setDataPath, setDateFormatter, setDecimalPad, setDecimalPrecision, setDefaultIconSrc, setDefaultOperator, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDisabled, setDisabledHover, setDisableIconsOnReadOnly, setDisplayField, setDisplayFormat, setDisplayFormat, setEditorProperties, setEditorType, setEditorType, setEditorType, setEditorValueFormatter, setEditorValueParser, setEditPendingCSSText, setEmptyDisplayValue, setEmptyValueIcon, setErrorFormatter, setErrorIconHeight, setErrorIconProperties, setErrorIconSrc, setErrorIconWidth, setErrorMessageWidth, setErrorOrientation, setErrors, setErrors, setEscapeHTML, setExportFormat, setFetchMissingValues, setFilterLocally, setForeignDisplayField, setFormat, setFormula, setGlobalTabIndex, setHidden, setHint, setHintStyle, setHoverAlign, setHoverDelay, setHoverFocusKey, setHoverHeight, setHoverHeight, setHoverOpacity, setHoverPersist, setHoverStyle, setHoverVAlign, setHoverWidth, setHoverWidth, setIconBaseStyle, setIconDisabled, setIconHeight, setIconHSpace, setIconPrompt, setIcons, setIconShowOnFocus, setIconVAlign, setIconWidth, setID, setImageURLPrefix, setImageURLSuffix, setImplicitSave, setImplicitSaveOnBlur, setInitHandler, setInputFormat, setInputTransformer, setItemHoverFormatter, setItemTitleHoverFormatter, setItemValueHoverFormatter, setJavaScriptObject, setLeft, setLinearColSpan, setLinearColSpan, setLinearEndRow, setLinearEndRow, setLinearStartRow, setLinearStartRow, setLinearWidth, setLinearWidth, setLoadingDisplayValue, setLocateItemBy, setMinHintWidth, setMultipleValueSeparator, setName, setNullOriginalValueText, setNullProperty, setOperator, setOptionCriteria, setOptionDataSource, setOptionDataSource, setOptionFilterContext, setOptionOperationId, setOptionTextMatchStyle, setOriginalValueMessage, setPickerIconHeight, setPickerIconName, setPickerIconPrompt, setPickerIconProperties, setPickerIconSrc, setPickerIconStyle, setPickerIconWidth, setPrintReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, setPrintTextBoxStyle, setPrintTitleStyle, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setReadOnlyCanSelectText, setReadOnlyControlStyle, setReadOnlyDisplay, setReadOnlyHover, setReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, setReadOnlyWhen, setRedrawOnChange, setRejectInvalidValueOnChange, setRequired, setRequiredMessage, setRequiredWhen, setRowSpan, setSaveOnEnter, setScClassName, setSelectOnClick, setSelectOnFocus, setShowClippedTitleOnHover, setShowClippedValueOnHover, setShowDeletions, setShowDisabled, setShowDisabledIconsOnFocus, setShowDisabledPickerIconOnFocus, setShowErrorIcon, setShowErrorIconInline, setShowErrorStyle, setShowErrorText, setShowFocused, setShowFocusedErrorState, setShowFocusedIcons, setShowFocusedPickerIcon, setShowHint, setShowIcons, setShowIconsOnFocus, setShowIfCondition, setShowImageAsURL, setShowOldValueInHover, setShowOver, setShowOverIcons, setShowPending, setShowPickerIcon, setShowPickerIconOnFocus, setShowRTL, setShowValueIconOnly, setStateCustomizer, setStaticHeight, setStopOnError, setStoreDisplayValues, setSupportsCutPasteEvents, setSuppressValueIcon, setSynchronousValidation, setTabIndex, setTextAlign, setTextBoxStyle, setTextFormula, setTimeFormatter, setTitle, setTitleAlign, setTitleColSpan, setTitleHoverFormatter, setTitleOrientation, setTitleStyle, setTitleVAlign, setTooltip, setTop, setType, setUpdateControlOnOver, setUpdatePickerIconOnOver, setUpdateTextBoxOnOver, setUseAdvancedCriteria, setUseDisabledHintStyleForReadOnly, setUseLocalDisplayFieldValue, setUseObjectFactoryForTypeFallback, setValidateOnChange, setValidateOnExit, setValidators, setValidOperators, setVAlign, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValueDeselectedCSSText, setValueField, setValueFormatter, setValueHoverFormatter, setValueIconHeight, setValueIconLeftPadding, setValueIconMapper, setValueIconRightPadding, setValueIcons, setValueIconSize, setValueIconWidth, setValueMap, setValueMap, setVisible, setVisibleWhen, setWarnOnEditorTypeConversion, setWarnOnEditorTypeConversionDefault, setWidth, setWidth, setWrapHintText, setWrapStaticValue, setWrapTitle, shouldApplyHeightToTextBox, shouldFetchMissingValue, shouldSaveOnEnter, shouldStopKeyPressBubbling, show, showIcon, showPicker, stopHover, storeValue, updateState, validate, valueClipped
Methods inherited from class
getCanExport, getExportTitle, getPrimaryKey, getSortByField, setCanExport, setExportTitle, setPrimaryKey, setSortByField
Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.core.RefDataClass
getRef, getRef, internalSetID
Methods inherited from class com.smartgwt.client.core.DataClass
applyFactoryProperties, doAddHandler, fireEvent, getAttributeAsDoubleArray, getAttributeAsElement, getAttributeAsIntArray, getAttributeAsLong, getAttributeAsMap, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsRecord, getAttributeAsStringArray, getAttributes, getHandlerCount, isFactoryCreated, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttributeAsJavaObject, setFactoryCreated
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
Constructor Details
public ToolbarItem() -
Method Details
Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.- Parameters:
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- Canvas defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this param, seeSGWTProperties
.- See Also:
Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren namedautoChildName
.- Parameters:
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- FormItem defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this param, seeSGWTProperties
.- See Also:
for buttons - true by default. Note that autoFit:true buttons will fit to their title regardless of specified width.Note : This is an advanced setting
- Parameters:
- New buttonAutoFit value. Default value is true- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls
for buttons - true by default. Note that autoFit:true buttons will fit to their title regardless of specified width.- Returns:
- Current buttonAutoFit value. Default value is true
If specified this baseStyle will be applied to the buttons in this toolbar.- Parameters:
- New buttonBaseStyle value. Default value is null- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
If specified this baseStyle will be applied to the buttons in this toolbar.- Returns:
- Current buttonBaseStyle value. Default value is null
- See Also:
List of buttons for the toolbar. Each button should be specified as a simple JS object with properties to apply to the button to be displayed. Note that anyclick
stringMethod applied to the button will be passed 2 parameters:form
.- Parameters:
- New buttons value. Default value is null- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
Space between the buttons of this toolbar. Configures theLayout.membersMargin
property on the createdcanvas
.- Parameters:
- New buttonSpace value. Default value is 4- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
public int getButtonSpace()Space between the buttons of this toolbar. Configures theLayout.membersMargin
property on the createdcanvas
.- Returns:
- Current buttonSpace value. Default value is 4
- See Also:
This item is an autoChild generatedCanvas
displayed by the ToolbarItem and is an instance ofToolbar
by default.This component is an AutoChild named "canvas". For an overview of how to use and configure AutoChildren, see
Using AutoChildren
.- Overrides:
in classCanvasItem
- Returns:
- Current canvas value. Default value is null
Constructor class for this toolbarItem'scanvas
.Note : This is an advanced setting
- Parameters:
- New canvasConstructor value. Default value is Toolbar- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls
Constructor class for this toolbarItem'scanvas
.- Returns:
- Current canvasConstructor value. Default value is Toolbar
If set to true, causes the toolbar created by this item to create its child buttons during initialization, instead of waiting until draw().See the corresponding
Toolbar attribute
for more information.- Parameters:
- New createButtonsOnInit value. Default value is null- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls
If set to true, causes the toolbar created by this item to create its child buttons during initialization, instead of waiting until draw().See the corresponding
Toolbar attribute
for more information.- Returns:
- Current createButtonsOnInit value. Default value is null
Default class used to construct theEditProxy
for this component when the component isfirst placed into edit mode
.- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Parameters:
- New editProxyConstructor value. Default value is "ToolbarItemEditProxy"- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
Default class used to construct theEditProxy
for this component when the component isfirst placed into edit mode
.- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Returns:
- Current editProxyConstructor value. Default value is "ToolbarItemEditProxy"
- See Also:
these items are in a row by themselves by default- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Parameters:
- New endRow value. Default value is true- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
these items are in a row by themselves by default -
Don't show a title for toolbars- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Parameters:
- New showTitle value. Default value is false- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
Don't show a title for toolbars- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Returns:
- Current showTitle value. Default value is false
- See Also:
these items are in a row by themselves by default- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Parameters:
- New startRow value. Default value is true- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls- See Also:
these items are in a row by themselves by default- Overrides:
in classFormItem
- Returns:
- Current startRow value. Default value is true
- See Also:
Should the toolbar stack its buttons vertically or horizontally?Note : This is an advanced setting
- Parameters:
- New vertical value. Default value is false- Returns:
instance, for chaining setter calls
Should the toolbar stack its buttons vertically or horizontally?- Returns:
- Current vertical value. Default value is false
Class level method to set the default properties of this class. If set, then all existing and subsequently created instances of this class will automatically have default properties corresponding to the properties of the class instance passed to this function. This is a powerful feature that eliminates the need for users to create a separate hierarchy of subclasses that only alter the default properties of this class. Can also be used for skinning / styling purposes.Note: This method is intended for setting default attributes only and will affect all instances of the underlying class (including those automatically generated in JavaScript). This method should not be used to apply standard EventHandlers or override methods for a class - use a custom subclass instead. Calling this method after instances have been created can result in undefined behavior, since it bypasses any setters and a class instance may have already examined a particular property and not be expecting any changes through this route.
- Parameters:
- properties that should be used as new defaults when instances of this class are created- See Also: