public class ButtonItem extends CanvasItem implements HasClickHandlers
FormItem.CustomStateGetter, FormItem.StateCustomizer
configOnly, scClassName, warnOnEditorTypeConversion, warnOnEditorTypeConversionDefault
factoryCreated, factoryProperties
Constructor and Description |
ButtonItem() |
ButtonItem( jsObj) |
ButtonItem(java.lang.String name) |
ButtonItem(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---| |
addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler)
Add a click handler.
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
Canvas defaults)
Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
FormItem defaults)
Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
static void |
changePickerIconDefaults(FormItemIcon defaults) |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should the button auto fit to its title.
java.lang.String |
baseStyle will be applied to the button. |
Canvas |
Alignment |
The (horizontal) alignment of this button's title.
Canvas |
The canvas that will be displayed inside this item.
java.lang.String |
Default class used to construct the
EditProxy for this component when the component is
first placed into edit mode . |
AdvancedCriteria |
Criteria to be evaluated to determine whether this item should be enabled.
java.lang.Boolean |
These items are in a row by themselves by default
java.lang.String |
Optional icon image to display on the button for this item.
static ButtonItem |
getOrCreateRef( jsObj) |
ReadOnlyDisplayAppearance |
If this item is
read-only , how should this item be
displayed to the user? If set, overrides the form-level DynamicForm.readOnlyDisplay default. |
java.lang.Boolean |
This property governs whether
is true on the automatically created Button for this item. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Buttons do not show a title by default.
java.lang.Boolean |
These items are in a row by themselves by default
ButtonItem |
setAutoFit(java.lang.Boolean autoFit)
Should the button auto fit to its title.
ButtonItem |
setBaseStyle(java.lang.String baseStyle)
baseStyle will be applied to the button. |
void |
setButtonProperties(Button buttonProperties)
Custom Properties to apply to the button item.
ButtonItem |
setButtonTitleAlign(Alignment buttonTitleAlign)
The (horizontal) alignment of this button's title.
static void |
setDefaultProperties(ButtonItem buttonItemProperties)
Class level method to set the default properties of this class.
ButtonItem |
setEditProxyConstructor(java.lang.String editProxyConstructor)
Default class used to construct the
EditProxy for this component when the component is
first placed into edit mode . |
ButtonItem |
setEnableWhen(AdvancedCriteria enableWhen)
Criteria to be evaluated to determine whether this item should be enabled.
ButtonItem |
setEndRow(java.lang.Boolean endRow)
These items are in a row by themselves by default
ButtonItem |
setIcon(java.lang.String icon)
Optional icon image to display on the button for this item.
ButtonItem |
setReadOnlyDisplay(ReadOnlyDisplayAppearance readOnlyDisplay)
If this item is
read-only , how should this item be
displayed to the user? If set, overrides the form-level DynamicForm.readOnlyDisplay default. |
ButtonItem |
setShowFocusedAsOver(java.lang.Boolean showFocusedAsOver)
This property governs whether
is true on the automatically created Button for this item. |
ButtonItem |
setShowTitle(java.lang.Boolean showTitle)
Buttons do not show a title by default.
ButtonItem |
setStartRow(java.lang.Boolean startRow)
These items are in a row by themselves by default
addCanEditChangedHandler, addReadOnlyDisplayChangedHandler, addShowValueHandler, createCanvas, getApplyPromptToCanvas, getAutoDestroy, getEditCriteriaInInnerForm, getHeight, getHeightAsString, getMaxHeight, getMinHeight, getMultiple, getOverflow, getPrompt, getShouldSaveValue, hasAdvancedCriteria, isFocused, setApplyPromptToCanvas, setAutoDestroy, setCanEditCriterionPredicate, setCanvas, setCriterionGetter, setCriterionSetter, setDefaultProperties, setEditCriteriaInInnerForm, setHeight, setHeight, setMaxHeight, setMinHeight, setMultiple, setOverflow, setPrompt, setShouldDisableCanvasCustomizer, setShouldSaveValue, setupCanvasConstructor, storeValue, storeValue, storeValue, updateCanvasTabPosition
_getValue, addBlurHandler, addChangedHandler, addChangeHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addEditorEnterHandler, addEditorExitHandler, addFocusHandler, addIcon, addIcon, addIconClickHandler, addIconKeyPressHandler, addItemHoverHandler, addKeyDownHandler, addKeyPressHandler, addKeyUpHandler, addPendingStatusChangedHandler, addPickerIconClickHandler, addShowContextMenuHandler, addTitleClickHandler, addTitleDoubleClickHandler, addTitleHoverHandler, addValueHoverHandler, addValueIconClickHandler, applyFormula, asSGWTComponent, blurItem, canEditCriterion, checkFormItemType, clearErrors, clearValue, disable, disableIcon, enable, enableIcon, error, error, errorIfNotCreated, focusAfterItem, focusInItem, getAccessKey, getAlign, getAllowExpressions, getAlwaysFetchMissingValues, getAlwaysShowControlBox, getApplyAlignToText, getApplyHeightToTextBox, getAriaRole, getAttribute, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsDate, getAttributeAsDouble, getAttributeAsFloat, getAttributeAsInt, getAttributeAsJavaScriptObject, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsString, getAutoComplete, getAutoCompleteKeywords, getBrowserInputType, getBrowserSpellCheck, getCanEdit, getCanEditOpaqueValues, getCanFocus, getCanHover, getCanSelectText, getCanTabToIcons, getCanvasAutoChild, getCellHeight, getCellStyle, getChangeOnKeypress, getClassName, getClipStaticValue, getClipTitle, getConfig, getContainerWidget, getControlStyle, getCriteriaField, getCriterion, getCriterion, getCursorPosition, getCustomState, getDataPath, getDateFormatter, getDecimalPad, getDecimalPrecision, getDefaultIconSrc, getDefaultOperator, getDefaultValue, getDestroyed, getDisabled, getDisabledHover, getDisableIconsOnReadOnly, getDisplayField, getDisplayFieldName, getDisplayValue, getDisplayValue, getEditorTypeConfig, getEditPendingCSSText, getEmptyDisplayValue, getEmptyValueIcon, getErrorIconHeight, getErrorIconProperties, getErrorIconSrc, getErrorIconWidth, getErrorMessageWidth, getErrors, getEscapeHTML, getExportFormat, getFetchMissingValues, getFieldName, getFilterLocally, getForeignDisplayField, getForm, getFormat, getFormItemAutoChild, getFormula, getFullDataPath, getGlobalTabIndex, getGridColNum, getGridRowNum, getHidden, getHint, getHintStyle, getHoverAlign, getHoverDelay, getHoverFocusKey, getHoverHeight, getHoverHeightAsString, getHoverOpacity, getHoverPersist, getHoverStyle, getHoverVAlign, getHoverWidth, getHoverWidthAsString, getIcon, getIconBaseStyle, getIconHeight, getIconHSpace, getIconPageRect, getIconPrompt, getIconRect, getIcons, getIconTabPosition, getIconVAlign, getIconWidth, getID, getImageURLPrefix, getImageURLSuffix, getImplicitSave, getImplicitSaveOnBlur, getInputFormat, getLeft, getLinearColSpan, getLinearColSpanAsString, getLinearEndRow, getLinearEndRowAsString, getLinearStartRow, getLinearStartRowAsString, getLinearWidth, getLinearWidthAsString, getListGrid, getLoadingDisplayValue, getLocateItemBy, getMinHintWidth, getMultipleValueSeparator, getName, getNullOriginalValueText, getOperator, getOptionCriteria, getOptionDataSource, getOptionDataSourceAsString, getOptionFilterContext, getOptionOperationId, getOptionTextMatchStyle, getOriginalValueMessage, getPageLeft, getPageRect, getPageTop, getPaletteDefaults, getPicker, getPickerIcon, getPickerIcon, getPickerIconHeight, getPickerIconName, getPickerIconPrompt, getPickerIconProperties, getPickerIconSrc, getPickerIconStyle, getPickerIconTabPosition, getPickerIconWidth, getPixelHeight, getPixelWidth, getPrintReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, getPrintTextBoxStyle, getPrintTitleStyle, getReadOnlyCanSelectText, getReadOnlyHover, getReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, getReadOnlyWhen, getRect, getRedrawOnChange, getRejectInvalidValueOnChange, getRequired, getRequiredMessage, getRequiredWhen, getRowSpan, getSaveOnEnter, getScClassName, getSelectedRecord, getSelectOnClick, getSelectOnFocus, getShowClippedTitleOnHover, getShowClippedValueOnHover, getShowDeletions, getShowDisabled, getShowDisabledIconsOnFocus, getShowDisabledPickerIconOnFocus, getShowErrorIcon, getShowErrorIconInline, getShowErrorStyle, getShowErrorText, getShowFocused, getShowFocusedErrorState, getShowFocusedIcons, getShowFocusedPickerIcon, getShowHint, getShowIcons, getShowIconsOnFocus, getShowImageAsURL, getShowOldValueInHover, getShowOver, getShowOverIcons, getShowPending, getShowPickerIcon, getShowPickerIconOnFocus, getShowRTL, getShowValueIconOnly, getStaticHeight, getStopOnError, getStoreDisplayValues, getSupportsCutPasteEvents, getSuppressValueIcon, getSynchronousValidation, getTabIndex, getTextAlign, getTextBoxStyle, getTextFormula, getTimeFormatter, getTitle, getTitleAlign, getTitleColSpan, getTitleOrientation, getTitleStyle, getTitleVAlign, getTooltip, getTop, getType, getUpdateControlOnOver, getUpdatePickerIconOnOver, getUpdateTextBoxOnOver, getUseAdvancedCriteria, getUseDisabledHintStyleForReadOnly, getUseLocalDisplayFieldValue, getValidateOnChange, getValidateOnExit, getValidOperators, getVAlign, getValue, getValueAsFloat, getValueAsInteger, getValueAsLong, getValueAsRecordList, getValueDeselectedCSSText, getValueField, getValueFieldName, getValueIconHeight, getValueIconLeftPadding, getValueIconRightPadding, getValueIconSize, getValueIconWidth, getValueMap, getValueMapAsArray, getVisible, getVisibleHeight, getVisibleTitleWidth, getVisibleWhen, getVisibleWidth, getWarnOnEditorTypeConversion, getWarnOnEditorTypeConversionDefault, getWidth, getWidthAsString, getWrapHintText, getWrapTitle, handleWarnOnEditorTypeConversion, hasErrors, hide, hideIcon, invalidateDisplayValueCache, isAssignableFrom, isConfigOnly, isCreated, isCutEvent, isDisabled, isDrawn, isInGrid, isPasteEvent, isVisible, linkToInstanceUponCreate, mapDisplayToValue, mapValueToDisplay, mapValueToDisplay, mapValueToDisplay, redraw, redraw, removeIcon, selectedRecordChanged, setAccessKey, setAlign, setAllowExpressions, setAlwaysFetchMissingValues, setAlwaysShowControlBox, setApplyAlignToText, setApplyHeightToTextBox, setAriaRole, setAriaState, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAutoChildConstructor, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildVisibility, setAutoComplete, setAutoCompleteKeywords, setBrowserInputType, setBrowserSpellCheck, setCanEdit, setCanEditOpaqueValues, setCanFocus, setCanHover, setCanSelectText, setCanTabToIcons, setCellHeight, setCellStyle, setChangeOnKeypress, setClipStaticValue, setClipTitle, setColSpan, setColSpan, setConfigOnly, setControlStyle, setCriteriaField, setCriterion, setCustomStateGetter, setDataPath, setDateFormatter, setDecimalPad, setDecimalPrecision, setDefaultIconSrc, setDefaultOperator, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValue, setDisabled, setDisabledHover, setDisableIconsOnReadOnly, setDisplayField, setDisplayFormat, setDisplayFormat, setEditorProperties, setEditorType, setEditorType, setEditorType, setEditorValueFormatter, setEditorValueParser, setEditPendingCSSText, setEmptyDisplayValue, setEmptyValueIcon, setErrorFormatter, setErrorIconHeight, setErrorIconProperties, setErrorIconSrc, setErrorIconWidth, setErrorMessageWidth, setErrorOrientation, setErrors, setErrors, setEscapeHTML, setExportFormat, setFetchMissingValues, setFilterLocally, setForeignDisplayField, setFormat, setFormula, setGlobalTabIndex, setHidden, setHint, setHintStyle, setHoverAlign, setHoverDelay, setHoverFocusKey, setHoverHeight, setHoverHeight, setHoverOpacity, setHoverPersist, setHoverStyle, setHoverVAlign, setHoverWidth, setHoverWidth, setIconBaseStyle, setIconDisabled, setIconHeight, setIconHSpace, setIconPrompt, setIcons, setIconShowOnFocus, setIconVAlign, setIconWidth, setID, setImageURLPrefix, setImageURLSuffix, setImplicitSave, setImplicitSaveOnBlur, setInitHandler, setInputFormat, setInputTransformer, setItemHoverFormatter, setItemTitleHoverFormatter, setItemValueHoverFormatter, setJavaScriptObject, setLeft, setLinearColSpan, setLinearColSpan, setLinearEndRow, setLinearEndRow, setLinearStartRow, setLinearStartRow, setLinearWidth, setLinearWidth, setLoadingDisplayValue, setLocateItemBy, setMinHintWidth, setMultipleValueSeparator, setName, setNullOriginalValueText, setNullProperty, setOperator, setOptionCriteria, setOptionDataSource, setOptionDataSource, setOptionFilterContext, setOptionOperationId, setOptionTextMatchStyle, setOriginalValueMessage, setPickerIconHeight, setPickerIconName, setPickerIconPrompt, setPickerIconProperties, setPickerIconSrc, setPickerIconStyle, setPickerIconWidth, setPrintReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, setPrintTextBoxStyle, setPrintTitleStyle, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setReadOnlyCanSelectText, setReadOnlyHover, setReadOnlyTextBoxStyle, setReadOnlyWhen, setRedrawOnChange, setRejectInvalidValueOnChange, setRequired, setRequiredMessage, setRequiredWhen, setRowSpan, setSaveOnEnter, setScClassName, setSelectOnClick, setSelectOnFocus, setShowClippedTitleOnHover, setShowClippedValueOnHover, setShowDeletions, setShowDisabled, setShowDisabledIconsOnFocus, setShowDisabledPickerIconOnFocus, setShowErrorIcon, setShowErrorIconInline, setShowErrorStyle, setShowErrorText, setShowFocused, setShowFocusedErrorState, setShowFocusedIcons, setShowFocusedPickerIcon, setShowHint, setShowIcons, setShowIconsOnFocus, setShowIfCondition, setShowImageAsURL, setShowOldValueInHover, setShowOver, setShowOverIcons, setShowPending, setShowPickerIcon, setShowPickerIconOnFocus, setShowRTL, setShowValueIconOnly, setStateCustomizer, setStaticHeight, setStopOnError, setStoreDisplayValues, setSupportsCutPasteEvents, setSuppressValueIcon, setSynchronousValidation, setTabIndex, setTextAlign, setTextBoxStyle, setTextFormula, setTimeFormatter, setTitle, setTitleAlign, setTitleColSpan, setTitleHoverFormatter, setTitleOrientation, setTitleStyle, setTitleVAlign, setTooltip, setTop, setType, setUpdateControlOnOver, setUpdatePickerIconOnOver, setUpdateTextBoxOnOver, setUseAdvancedCriteria, setUseDisabledHintStyleForReadOnly, setUseLocalDisplayFieldValue, setUseObjectFactoryForTypeFallback, setValidateOnChange, setValidateOnExit, setValidators, setValidOperators, setVAlign, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValueDeselectedCSSText, setValueField, setValueFormatter, setValueHoverFormatter, setValueIconHeight, setValueIconLeftPadding, setValueIconMapper, setValueIconRightPadding, setValueIcons, setValueIconSize, setValueIconWidth, setValueMap, setValueMap, setVisible, setVisibleWhen, setWarnOnEditorTypeConversion, setWarnOnEditorTypeConversionDefault, setWidth, setWidth, setWrapHintText, setWrapTitle, shouldApplyHeightToTextBox, shouldFetchMissingValue, shouldSaveOnEnter, shouldStopKeyPressBubbling, show, showIcon, showPicker, stopHover, storeValue, updateState, validate, valueClipped
getRef, getRef, internalSetID
applyFactoryProperties, doAddHandler, fireEvent, getAttributeAsDoubleArray, getAttributeAsElement, getAttributeAsIntArray, getAttributeAsLong, getAttributeAsMap, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsRecord, getAttributeAsStringArray, getAttributes, getHandlerCount, isFactoryCreated, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttributeAsJavaObject, setFactoryCreated
public ButtonItem()
public ButtonItem( jsObj)
public ButtonItem(java.lang.String name)
public ButtonItem(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title)
public static ButtonItem getOrCreateRef( jsObj)
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, Canvas defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- Canvas defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, FormItem defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- FormItem defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
public static void changePickerIconDefaults(FormItemIcon defaults)
public ButtonItem setAutoFit(java.lang.Boolean autoFit)
attribute. Note that if an explicit width or height is specified for this item, it will be respected, disabling autoFit
- New autoFit value. Default value is trueButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getAutoFit()
attribute. Note that if an explicit width or height is specified for this item, it will be respected, disabling autoFit
behaviorpublic ButtonItem setBaseStyle(java.lang.String baseStyle)
will be applied to the button.baseStyle
- New baseStyle value. Default value is nullButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsCSSStyleName
Appearance overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getBaseStyle()
will be applied to the button.CSSStyleName
Appearance overview and related methods
public Canvas getButton()
displayed by the ButtonItem and is an
instance of Button
by defaut, cuztomizeable via the buttonConstructor
This component is an AutoChild named "button". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
public ButtonItem setButtonTitleAlign(Alignment buttonTitleAlign)
- new title alignment. Default value is "center"ButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsPositioning overview and related methods
public Alignment getButtonTitleAlign()
Positioning overview and related methods
public ButtonItem setEditProxyConstructor(java.lang.String editProxyConstructor)
for this component when the component is
first placed into edit mode
in class FormItem
- New editProxyConstructor value. Default value is "ButtonItemEditProxy"ButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsSCClassName
public java.lang.String getEditProxyConstructor()
for this component when the component is
first placed into edit mode
in class FormItem
public ButtonItem setEnableWhen(AdvancedCriteria enableWhen)
and any setting you provide for the
latter will be ignored if this property is set. Criteria are evaluated against the form's current values
as well as the current rule context
. Criteria are re-evaluated every time form values or the
rule context changes, whether by end user action or by programmatic calls.
A basic criteria uses
textMatchStyle:"exact". When specified in Component XML
this property
allows shorthand formats
for defining criteria.
Note: A
ButtonItem using enableWhen must have a name
can be set to
to prevent the field from storing its value into the form's values.
- New enableWhen value. Default value is nullButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsDynamic Rules
public AdvancedCriteria getEnableWhen()
and any setting you provide for the
latter will be ignored if this property is set. Criteria are evaluated against the form's current values
as well as the current rule context
. Criteria are re-evaluated every time form values or the
rule context changes, whether by end user action or by programmatic calls.
A basic criteria uses
textMatchStyle:"exact". When specified in Component XML
this property
allows shorthand formats
for defining criteria.
Note: A
ButtonItem using enableWhen must have a name
can be set to
to prevent the field from storing its value into the form's values.
Dynamic Rules
public ButtonItem setEndRow(java.lang.Boolean endRow)
in class FormItem
- New endRow value. Default value is trueButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsForm Layout
public java.lang.Boolean getEndRow()
in class FormItem
Form Layout
public ButtonItem setIcon(java.lang.String icon)
- New icon value. Default value is nullButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsSCImgURL
Appearance overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getIcon()
Appearance overview and related methods
public ButtonItem setReadOnlyDisplay(ReadOnlyDisplayAppearance readOnlyDisplay)
, how should this item be
displayed to the user? If set, overrides the form-level DynamicForm.readOnlyDisplay
in class FormItem
- New readOnlyDisplay value. Default value is "disabled"ButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsDynamicForm.setReadOnlyDisplay(com.smartgwt.client.types.ReadOnlyDisplayAppearance)
Appearance overview and related methods
public ReadOnlyDisplayAppearance getReadOnlyDisplay()
, how should this item be
displayed to the user? If set, overrides the form-level DynamicForm.readOnlyDisplay
in class FormItem
Appearance overview and related methods
public ButtonItem setShowFocusedAsOver(java.lang.Boolean showFocusedAsOver)
is true on the automatically created Button
for this item.
- New showFocusedAsOver value. Default value is nullButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowFocusedAsOver()
is true on the automatically created Button
for this item.public ButtonItem setShowTitle(java.lang.Boolean showTitle)
in class FormItem
- New showTitle value. Default value is falseButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsAppearance overview and related methods
public java.lang.Boolean getShowTitle()
in class FormItem
Appearance overview and related methods
public ButtonItem setStartRow(java.lang.Boolean startRow)
in class FormItem
- New startRow value. Default value is trueButtonItem
instance, for chaining setter callsForm Layout
public java.lang.Boolean getStartRow()
in class FormItem
Form Layout
public addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler)
Called when a ButtonItem is clicked on.
in interface HasClickHandlers
in class FormItem
- the click handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic static void setDefaultProperties(ButtonItem buttonItemProperties)
Note: This method is intended for setting default attributes only and will affect all instances of the underlying class (including those automatically generated in JavaScript). This method should not be used to apply standard EventHandlers or override methods for a class - use a custom subclass instead. Calling this method after instances have been created can result in undefined behavior, since it bypasses any setters and a class instance may have already examined a particular property and not be expecting any changes through this route.
- properties that should be used as new defaults when instances of this class are createdSGWTProperties
public Canvas getCanvas()
If a canvas
hasn't been specified via setCanvas()
, the canvas for this item will be auto-created
as configured by the methods setAutoChildProperties()
and setAutoChildConstructor()
Note that subclasses of CanvasItem
may use a different AutoChild name than
just "canvas". For example, SliderItem
uses "slider", and in that case,
you need to use the specific APIs provided by the subclass.
Note that Canvas.canvasItem
will be set on the canvas to point back to this
This component is an AutoChild named "canvas". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
in class CanvasItem
public void setButtonProperties(Button buttonProperties)
- properties to apply to the button item.