See: Description
Interface | Description |
Accessibility |
Accessibility / Section 508 compliance
AdminConsole |
Admin Console
AdvancedFilter |
The following APIs are all related to AdvancedFilter.
AllowedOperations |
The following APIs are all related to AllowedOperations.
Ancestry |
Parent/child relationships
Animation |
The following APIs are all related to Animation.
Appearance |
Properties defining an object's appearance
ApplicationDeclaration |
Application Declaration Files
Auth |
The following APIs are all related to Auth.
AutoChild |
An autoChild is an automatically generated subcomponent that a component creates to handle part of its presentation or
AutoChildUsage |
Using AutoChildren
AutoFitData |
The following APIs are all related to AutoFitData.
AutoFitFields |
The following APIs are all related to AutoFitFields.
AutomatedTesting |
Automated Testing
AutoTest |
The following APIs are all related to AutoTest.
AutoTestLocator |
An autoTestLocator is an xpath-like string used by the AutoTest subsystem to robustly identify DOM elements within a
Smart GWT application.
BalsamiqImport |
Reify (Balsamiq Importer)
BaseLine |
The baseLine is StretchImg that is placed along the edge of the TabBar that borders on the
pane, occluding the pane's actual border but matching it exactly.
Basics |
Basic definition of a DataSource field
BinaryFields |
Binary Fields
ButtonIcon |
Button Icon
Buttons |
The following APIs are all related to Buttons.
CacheSync |
The following APIs are all related to CacheSync.
Caching |
CalendarEvent |
The following APIs are all related to CalendarEvent.
Callback |
Callback is an arbitrary action to be fired - usually passed into a method to be fired asynchronously as
a notificaction of some event.The callback can be defined in the following formats: a
function A string containing an expression to evaluate An object with the following properties:- target: fire in the scope of this target - when the action fires, the target will be available as this .- methodName: if specified we'll check for a method on the target object with this name. Callbacks are fired via the Class.fireCallback() method, which allows named
parameters to be passed into the callback at runtime. |
CellStyleSuffixes |
As with
stateful canvases ,
grid cells support being styled to reflect the current state of the cell by generating a css
styleName from the specified baseStyle , plus stateful suffixes. |
CellStyling |
The following APIs are all related to CellStyling.
ChangeHandling |
The following APIs are all related to ChangeHandling.
CheckboxField |
The following APIs are all related to CheckboxField.
ClickMask |
The following APIs are all related to ClickMask.
ClientData |
The following APIs are all related to ClientData.
ClientDataIntegration |
Client-side Data Integration
ClientOnlyDataSources |
Client Only DataSources
ClientServerIntegration |
Client-Server Integration
Clipping |
The following APIs are all related to Clipping.
ComboBoxFiltering |
ComboBoxItem PickList Filtering
Communication |
The following APIs are all related to Communication.
ComponentBinding |
Component Binding
ComponentSchema |
Component Schema
ComponentXML |
Component XML
CompoundFormItem_skinning |
When skinning basic FormItems like SelectItem and TextItem, consider that compound form items
like DateItem and ComboBox reuse simpler items like SelectItem and TextItem, so adding a border
to SelectItem would also apply a border to each select item within DateItem.
To avoid such side-effects, if you want to add styling to all SelectItems used in your application, you can create an application-specific subclass like MySelectItem and apply properties there. |
Compression |
Constant |
The following APIs are all related to Constant.
Containment |
Canvases containing other objects as children or peers
ContentLoading |
The following APIs are all related to ContentLoading.
Contents |
The following APIs are all related to Contents.
Corner |
The following APIs are all related to Corner.
Criteria |
Criteria for selecting only a matching set of records from a DataSource.
CriteriaEditing |
Criteria Editing
CSSColor |
CSS color specification applied to a specific HTML element on this page.
CSSStyleName |
CSS class name to apply to some HTML element on this page.
Cues |
Visual hints for the user that something can be done to this object
Cursor |
The following APIs are all related to Cursor.
CustomQuerying |
Custom Querying Overview
Data |
The following APIs are all related to Data.
Databinding |
DataBoundComponentMethods |
DataBound Component Methods
DataPath |
String specifying a nested data field structure.
DataSourceDeclaration |
Creating DataSources
DataSourceLocalization |
DataSource and Component XML Localization
DataSourceOperations |
DataSource Operations
DataSourceRelations |
DataType |
The following APIs are all related to DataType.
Date |
The following APIs are all related to Date.
DateFormatAndStorage |
Date and Time Format and Storage
DateInputFormat |
3 character string containing the
"M" , "D" and "Y" characters to indicate the
format of strings being parsed into Date instances via Date.parseInput() . |
DateItemAppearance |
The following APIs are all related to DateItemAppearance.
Debugging |
DebugModules |
Using the Debug Modules
DetailViewerViewState |
An object containing the stored grouping information for a detailViewer.
DevConsoleRPCTab |
The Developer Console RPC Tab
DevTools |
Dashboards & Tools Framework Overview
Display |
The following APIs are all related to Display.
DmiOverview |
Direct Method Invocation
DomIntegration |
DOM Integration & Third-party Components
Drag |
The following APIs are all related to Drag.
Dragdrop |
Drag and Drop
Dragging |
The following APIs are all related to Dragging.
Dragndrop |
The following APIs are all related to Dragndrop.
DragResize |
The following APIs are all related to DragResize.
DragTracker |
The following APIs are all related to DragTracker.
DrawContext |
The following APIs are all related to DrawContext.
Drawing |
Rendering an object on the page.
DsFacade |
DataSource Facade pattern
DsRequestEquivalence |
Various subsystems have a need to compare DataSource requests and understand if they are
equivalent or affect the same data (examples include
automatic cache synchronization and offline caching and synchronization ). |
DsResponse |
The following APIs are all related to DsResponse.
DsSpecialFields |
A DataSource allows you to declare that certain fields are the most important fields to show
to a user in situations where space is limited, and only one or a few fields can be reasonably
DynamicLoading | |
DynamicMenuItem |
The following APIs are all related to DynamicMenuItem.
EdgeSizes |
Object used to specify custom edge sizes or offsets.
Editing |
Grid Editing
Elements |
Manipulating native form elements
EmptyMessage |
The following APIs are all related to EmptyMessage.
Enable |
Enabling and Disabling
ErrorHandling |
Error Handling Overview
ErrorIcon |
The following APIs are all related to ErrorIcon.
Errors |
Validation errors and how they are shown
EventRegistry |
The following APIs are all related to EventRegistry.
ExcelPasting |
Copy and Paste with Excel
ExpansionField |
The following APIs are all related to ExpansionField.
ExportBackgroundColor |
The following APIs are all related to ExportBackgroundColor.
ExportBGColor |
Exports & Cell Background Color
ExportFormatting |
Exports & Formatting
FeaturesCustomPersistence |
Server Features and Custom Persistence
Fetching |
The following APIs are all related to Fetching.
FieldLevelAuth |
Field-Level Security
Fields |
The following APIs are all related to Fields.
FileAssembly |
File Assembly
Files |
Referring to and loading other files.
FileSource |
FileSource Operations
FilterEditor |
The following APIs are all related to FilterEditor.
FlatFields |
The following APIs are all related to FlatFields.
Focus |
FormatString |
A String to be used as a format specifier for a date, datetime, time or numeric field, via the
format and exportFormat properties. |
FormIcons |
The following APIs are all related to FormIcons.
FormItemBaseStyle |
This string is the base CSS class name applied to a FormItem (or some part of a form item).
FormLayout |
Form Layout
FormTitles |
Form Titles
FormulaFields |
Fields with values calculated from other fields in the grid.
FormValues |
The following APIs are all related to FormValues.
FormValuesManager |
The following APIs are all related to FormValuesManager.
FrozenFields |
Frozen Fields
GaeIntegration |
Google Application Engine (GAE)
GridHeader |
Properties and methods related to the ListGrid header.
GridValidation |
ListGrids support automatic validation of edited cells / records.
Grip |
The following APIs are all related to Grip.
Grouping |
The following APIs are all related to Grouping.
GwtFloatVsDouble |
Float vs Double
HeaderMenuButton |
The following APIs are all related to HeaderMenuButton.
HeaderSpan |
The following APIs are all related to HeaderSpan.
HibernateIntegration |
Integration with Hibernate
Hiliting |
HoverComponents |
The following APIs are all related to HoverComponents.
Hovers |
The following APIs are all related to Hovers.
HtmlElement |
The following APIs are all related to HtmlElement.
HTMLString |
A String of HTML, such as "text".
I18n |
Internationalization and Localization
Identity |
The following APIs are all related to Identity.
IEFilters |
Internet Explorer "filter" effects
Image |
Utilities to render images
ImageColumns |
Columns that show images either as their only appearance or in addition to text.
ImageEdges |
The following APIs are all related to ImageEdges.
ImageEdgeStyles |
The following APIs are all related to ImageEdgeStyles.
Images |
Referring to and loading images.
InlineFormItems |
The following APIs are all related to InlineFormItems.
IscServer |
Smart GWT Server Summary
Items |
The following APIs are all related to Items.
JavaModuleDependencies |
Java Module Dependencies
JpaHibernateRelations |
JPA & Hibernate Relations
JpaIntegration |
Integration with JPA
JUnitSeleniumRC |
JUnit + Selenium RC
KeyboardEvents |
Keyboard Events
KeyName |
Strings to identify the various keys on the keyboard.
KeyRegistry |
The following APIs are all related to KeyRegistry.
Labels |
The following APIs are all related to Labels.
LayoutMargin |
The following APIs are all related to LayoutMargin.
LayoutMember |
Properties that can be set on members of a layout to control how the layout is done
LayoutPolicy |
The following APIs are all related to LayoutPolicy.
Line |
The following APIs are all related to Line.
ListGridFieldState |
An object containing the stored presentation information for the fields of a listGrid.
ListGridGroupState |
An object containing the stored grouping information for a listGrid.
ListGridSelectedState |
An object containing the stored selection information for a listGrid.
ListGridSortState |
An object containing the stored sort information for a listGrid.
ListGridViewState |
An object containing the "view state" information for a listGrid.
This object contains state information reflecting - ListGridFieldState - ListGridSortState - ListGridGroupState - ListGridSelectedState for the grid. Note that this object is a JavaScript string, and may be stored (for example) as a blob on the server for state persistence across sessions. |
LoadAssemblyTag |
LoadingDataMessage | |
LoadingOptionalModules |
Loading Optional Modules
LoadState |
The following APIs are all related to LoadState.
LocalizedNumberFormatting |
Localized Number Formatting
Location |
The following APIs are all related to Location.
The following APIs are all related to Mail.
ManualJpaHibernate |
Manual JPA & Hibernate Integration
Members |
The following APIs are all related to Members.
MemoryLeaks |
Memory Leaks
MenuBasic |
The following APIs are all related to MenuBasic.
MenuIcons |
The following APIs are all related to MenuIcons.
MenuItems |
The following APIs are all related to MenuItems.
MenuKeys |
The following APIs are all related to MenuKeys.
Messaging |
Real-Time Messaging
Minimize |
The following APIs are all related to Minimize.
MobileDevelopment |
Mobile Application Development
Modal |
The following APIs are all related to Modal.
MonthViewEvents |
The following APIs are all related to MonthViewEvents.
MonthViewFormatting |
The following APIs are all related to MonthViewFormatting.
MouseEvents |
The following APIs are all related to MouseEvents.
MultiAutoChildren |
A MultiAutoChild is an
com.smartgwt.client.types.AutoChild where the creating component
usually creates more than one, hence, unlike a normal AutoChild, the AutoChild is not
accessible as creator.[autoChildName] . |
MultipleField |
The following APIs are all related to MultipleField.
NetworkPerformance |
Network Performance
NoFrames |
Don't Misuse Frames
NonJavaBackend |
.NET, PHP, Serverless Integration
Offline |
The following APIs are all related to Offline.
OfflineGroup |
The following APIs are all related to OfflineGroup.
Operations |
Operations Overview
Orientation |
The following APIs are all related to Orientation.
Paging |
The following APIs are all related to Paging.
PanelPlacement |
The following APIs are all related to PanelPlacement.
PatternOperators |
search operators use patterns like "foo*txt"
to match text values. |
Performance |
The following APIs are all related to Performance.
PhonegapIntegration |
Integration with PhoneGap
PickerIcon |
The following APIs are all related to PickerIcon.
PlatformDependencies |
Platform Dependencies
Positioning |
Horizontal and vertical location on the page
Printing |
ProgressiveLoading |
Settings related to the "progressive loading" pattern, which causes data to be loaded
progressively, so that users can request more rows by scrolling off the bottom of the currently
visible rows, but cannot cause direct movement to some arbitrary position in the dataset (as
is the case with ordinary, non-progressive loading).
Prompt |
The following APIs are all related to Prompt.
Prompting |
Objects / methods used for displaying prompts and warnings to the user via (possibly modal)
isc Dialog objects.
ReadOnly |
The following APIs are all related to ReadOnly.
Rects |
The following APIs are all related to Rects.
Reflection |
Registering Classes for Reflection
RelativeDateShortcut |
A RelativeDateShortcut is a special string that represents a shortcut to a date phrase that can be automatically mapped
to a
RelativeDateString for use in widgets that leverage relative-dates, such as the
RelativeDateItem . |
RelativeDateString |
A string of known format used to specify a datetime offset.
Relogin |
RemoteDebugging |
Remote Debugging
Resizing |
The following APIs are all related to Resizing.
RowEffects |
The following APIs are all related to RowEffects.
RowNumberField |
The following APIs are all related to RowNumberField.
RpcPrompt |
The properties in this group all deal with setting and styling a modal prompt during an RPC
call to the server.
The following APIs are all related to RTL.
SafeSkinning |
Safe Skinning
SCClassName |
Name of a Smart GWT Class, that is, a Class that has been created via
isc.defineClass() , including Classes built into Smart GWT, such as "ListGrid". |
SCImgURL | |
Scroll |
The following APIs are all related to Scroll.
Scrolling |
Scrolling and clipping of objects when part of the object is obscured
Selection |
Server_properties | file |
ServerDataIntegration |
Server DataSource Integration
ServerDataSourceImplementation |
Notes on Server-side DataSource Implementations
ServerInit |
Server Framework Initialization
ServerLogging |
Server logging
ServerScript |
Server Scripting
ServerSummaries |
Server Summaries
ServletDetails |
The Core and Optional Smart GWT servlets
SgwtEESetup |
Smart GWT Pro/Power/EE Project Setup & Deployment
Shadow |
The following APIs are all related to Shadow.
SharingNodes |
Sharing Nodes
SimpleNamesMode |
Simple Names mode
Sizing |
Width and height of an object
Skinning |
Skinning / Theming
Skins |
Properties used to manage to the the overall appearance of the application.
SmartArchitecture |
Smart GWT Architecture
Sorting |
The following APIs are all related to Sorting.
SpringIntegration |
Integration with Spring
SqlConnectionPooling |
SQL Connection Pooling
SqlDataSource |
SQL DataSources
SqlPaging |
The following APIs are all related to SqlPaging.
SqlSettings |
SQL Database Settings in |
SqlVsJPA |
SQL DataSource vs JPA, EJB, Ibatis and other technologies
StandaloneDataSourceUsage |
Standalone DataSource Usage
State |
Change of state and it's consequences for presentation.
StatusCodes |
Status codes returned by the server as rpcResponse.status.
See the error handling doc section in RPCManager for more information on these
codes |
StrictMode |
Strict Mode
StringMethods |
String Methods Overview
Submitting |
Direct submission of forms to a target URL
SunNotice |
Sun's java-engine implementation - Notice and Disclaimer
SuperDevModeTroubleshooting |
Troubleshooting Super Dev Mode
TabBar |
The following APIs are all related to TabBar.
TabBarControls |
The following APIs are all related to TabBarControls.
TabBarScrolling |
The following APIs are all related to TabBarScrolling.
TableLayout |
The following APIs are all related to TableLayout.
TaskInputExpression |
Task Input Expressions
TaskIO |
Task Input / Output
TestRunner |
TextDirection |
The following APIs are all related to TextDirection.
Thumb |
The following APIs are all related to Thumb.
TileLayout |
The following APIs are all related to TileLayout.
TitaniumIntegration |
Integration with Titanium
Title |
The following APIs are all related to Title.
Titles |
The following APIs are all related to Titles.
Toolbar |
The following APIs are all related to Toolbar.
ToolsDeployment |
Tools Deployment
Track |
The following APIs are all related to Track.
TransactionChaining |
Transaction Chaining
TreeDataBinding |
Tree DataBinding
TreeField |
The following APIs are all related to TreeField.
TreeFilter |
The following APIs are all related to TreeFilter.
TreeGridOpenState |
An object containing the open state for a treeGrid.
TreeGridViewState |
An object containing the "view state" information for a treeGrid.
TreeIcons |
The following APIs are all related to TreeIcons.
UnsavedRecords |
Handling Unsaved Records
Upload |
Uploading Files
UsingSelenium |
Using Selenium
Validation |
ValueIcons |
The following APIs are all related to ValueIcons.
ValueMap |
A ValueMap defines the set of legal values for a field, and optionally allows you to provide a mapping from stored
values to values as seen by the end user.
VelocityExpression |
An expression in the Velocity Template
Language (VTL).
VelocitySupport |
Velocity context variables
ViewFile |
The following APIs are all related to ViewFile.
ViewLoading |
The following APIs are all related to ViewLoading.
ViewState |
The following APIs are all related to ViewState.
Visibility |
Whether an object can be seen
VisualBuilder |
Visual Builder
WebService |
The following APIs are all related to WebService.
Workday |
The following APIs are all related to Workday.
WriteCustomDataSource |
Custom Server DataSources
WsdlBinding |
WSDL Binding
XmlClientVsServer |
Server benefits - faster client-side processing Server neutral - heavy customization of XML
transform, if any, written in Java Client benefits - faster server-side processing Client
neutral - heavy customization of XML transform, if any, written in JavaScript
XmlSchema |
The following APIs are all related to XmlSchema.
XmlSerialize |
The following APIs are all related to XmlSerialize.
XmlTag |
XmlTransform |
The following APIs are all related to XmlTransform.
XPathExpression |
A standard XPath expression as a string.
ZIndex |
Object's "stacking order" above or below other objects