public class TreeGrid extends ListGrid implements HasDataArrivedHandlers, HasDataChangedHandlers, HasFolderClickHandlers, HasFolderClosedHandlers, HasFolderContextClickHandlers, HasFolderOpenedHandlers, HasLeafClickHandlers, HasLeafContextClickHandlers, HasNodeClickHandlers, HasNodeContextClickHandlers, HasFolderDropHandlers
class, which manipulates hierarchical data sets
. A TreeGrid works just like a ListGrid
, except one column (specified by TreeGridField.treeField
) shows a hierarchical Tree
. A TreeGrid is not limited to displaying just the Tree
column - you can define additional columns (via fields
) which will render just like the columns of a ListGrid
, and support all of the functionality of ListGrid columns, such as formatters
Except where explicitly overridden,
methods, callbacks, and properties apply to TreeGrids as well. The
defines some methods as taking/returning ListGridField
and ListGridRecord
. When using
those methods in a TreeGrid, those types will be TreeGridField
and TreeNode
, respectively.
config, configOnly, factoryCreated, factoryProperties, id, nativeObject, scClassName
Constructor and Description |
TreeGrid() |
TreeGrid( jsObj) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---| |
addDataArrivedHandler(DataArrivedHandler handler)
Add a dataArrived handler.
| |
addDataChangedHandler(DataChangedHandler handler)
Add a dataChanged handler.
| |
addFolderClickHandler(FolderClickHandler handler)
Add a folderClick handler.
| |
addFolderClosedHandler(FolderClosedHandler handler)
Add a folderClosed handler.
| |
addFolderContextClickHandler(FolderContextClickHandler handler)
Add a folderContextClick handler.
| |
addFolderDropHandler(FolderDropHandler handler)
Add a folderDrop handler.
| |
addFolderOpenedHandler(FolderOpenedHandler handler)
Add a folderOpened handler.
| |
addLeafClickHandler(LeafClickHandler handler)
Add a leafClick handler.
| |
addLeafContextClickHandler(LeafContextClickHandler handler)
Add a leafContextClick handler.
| |
addNodeClickHandler(NodeClickHandler handler)
Add a nodeClick handler.
| |
addNodeContextClickHandler(NodeContextClickHandler handler)
Add a nodeContextClick handler.
| |
addRecordDropHandler(RecordDropHandler handler)
This ListGrid superclass event does not fire on a TreeGrid, use
addFolderDropHandler( instead. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Overridden to disallow editing of the
name field of this
grid's data tree. |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
Canvas defaults)
Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
FormItem defaults)
Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
void |
closeFolder(TreeNode node)
Closes a folder.
protected |
create() |
void |
Exports this component's data with client-side formatters applied, so is suitable for direct display to users.
void |
exportClientData(DSRequest requestProperties) |
void |
exportClientData(DSRequest requestProperties,
RPCCallback callback)
Exports this component's data with client-side formatters applied, so is suitable for direct display to users.
void |
Uses a "fetch" operation on the current
DataSource to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. |
void |
fetchData(Criteria criteria)
Uses a "fetch" operation on the current
DataSource to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. |
void |
fetchData(Criteria criteria,
DSCallback callback)
Uses a "fetch" operation on the current
DataSource to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. |
void |
fetchData(Criteria criteria,
DSCallback callback,
DSRequest requestProperties)
Uses a "fetch" operation on the current
DataSource to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. |
void |
filterData(Criteria criteria)
Retrieves data that matches the provided criteria and displays the matching data in this component.
void |
filterData(Criteria criteria,
DSCallback callback)
Retrieves data that matches the provided criteria and displays the matching data in this component.
void |
filterData(Criteria criteria,
DSCallback callback,
DSRequest requestProperties)
Retrieves data that matches the provided criteria and displays the matching data in this component.
java.lang.Boolean |
showOpener is true, should we display the opener icon
for folders even if they have no children? |
AnimationAcceleration |
When animating folder opening / closing, this property can be set to apply an animated acceleration effect.
java.lang.Integer |
animateFolders is true for this grid, this number
can be set to designate the maximum number of rows to animate at a time when opening / closing a folder. |
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, when folders are opened / closed children will be animated into view.
int |
When animating folder opening / closing, this property designates the speed of the animation in pixels shown (or hidden)
per second.
int |
When animating folder opening / closing, if
animateFolderSpeed is not set, this property designates the duration of the animation in ms. |
boolean |
If this grid was passed an explicit set of fields, but no field was specified as the "tree-field" (showing indentations
for tree hierarchy and tree icons), should we assign one of the other fields to be the tree-field?
TextMatchStyle |
loadDataOnDemand :true, TreeGrids fetch data
by selecting the child nodes of each parent, which should be exact match, so we default to
autoFetchTextMatchStyle:"exact" when autoFetchData is true. |
java.lang.String |
Which nodes should be opened automatically.
PreserveOpenState |
For dataBound treeGrids this specifies the
ResultTree.autoPreserveOpenState , governing whether the open state of the tree should be preserved when new data
arrives due to cache invalidation. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Indicates whether records can be dropped into this listGrid.
java.lang.Boolean |
Indicates whether records can be dragged from this listGrid and dropped elsewhere.
java.lang.Boolean |
Whether drops are allowed on leaf nodes.
boolean |
When performing a drag and drop to add or move data within the tree, should users be able to make the dropped node a
sibling of the last node in the tree by dropping just below it?
java.lang.Boolean |
Indicates whether records can be reordered by dragging within this
ListGrid . |
java.lang.Boolean |
If set this property allows the user to reparent nodes by dragging them from their current folder to a new folder.
Backcompat: For backwards compatibility with versions prior to Smart GWT 1.5, if this property is unset, but this.canAcceptDroppedRecords is true, we allow nodes to be dragged to different folders. |
java.lang.Boolean |
This property is not supported on TreeGrid, and only applies to the
superclass. |
java.lang.String |
Message displayed when user attempts to drop a node into a child of itself.
java.lang.String |
Message displayed when user attempts to drop a dragged node onto itself.
java.lang.String |
Multi-link trees only, the message displayed when the
user attempts to drag two or more occurrences of the same node into a parent. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should children be selected when parent is selected? And should parent be selected when any child is selected?
Alignment |
getCellAlign(ListGridRecord record,
int rowNum,
int colNum)
Return the horizontal alignment for cell contents.
java.lang.String |
Message displayed when user attempts to drop a node into a parent that has the same ID as the dropped node somewhere in
its ancestor chain (ie, the same node as the parent, or grandparent, and so on)
java.lang.String |
This suffix will be appended to the
folderIcon for
closed folders. |
java.lang.String |
The base filename or
stateful image block for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors is true. |
SCStatefulImgConfig |
The base filename or
stateful image block for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors is true. |
java.lang.Boolean |
If no fields are specified, create a single field with
TreeGridField.treeField set to true to show
the tree. |
java.lang.String |
This property allows the developer to rename the
default node.showDropIcon property. |
java.lang.String |
This property allows the developer to rename the
default node.showOpenIcon property. |
java.lang.String |
This property allows the developer to rename the
node.icon property. |
java.lang.String |
This property allows the developer to rename the
default node.showSelectedIcon property. |
Tree |
java.lang.String |
A TreeGrid is a
dataArity :multiple component. |
FetchMode |
Mode of fetching records from server.
Tree |
For a
TreeGrid that uses a DataSource, these properties will be passed to the automatically-created
ResultTree. |
DisplayNodeType |
Specifies the type of nodes displayed in the treeGrid.
NodeLocator[] |
getDraggedNodeLocators(TreeGrid source)
NOTE: Applicable only to
multi-link trees ; if
called on a regular TreeGrid , returns an empty array. |
java.lang.Integer |
showDropEndSpace is set to true, this property
governs how large the space under the last node during drop should be. |
TreeNode |
When the user is dragging a droppable element over this grid, this method returns the folder
which would contain the item if dropped.
java.lang.String |
showDropIcons is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon when the user drop-hovers
over some folder. |
int |
Returns the row number of the provided Y-coordinate, or the most recent mouse event if a Y-coordinate is not provided.
int |
getEventRow(java.lang.Integer y)
Returns the row number of the provided Y-coordinate, or the most recent mouse event if a Y-coordinate is not provided.
java.lang.String |
getExtraIcon(TreeNode node)
Get an additional icon to show between the open icon and folder/node icon for a particular node.
int |
The amount of gap (in pixels) between the extraIcon (see
getExtraIcon() ) or checkbox icon and the nodeIcon / folderIcon or node text. |
java.lang.String |
The URL of the base icon for all folder nodes in this treeGrid.
java.lang.Integer |
Default padding to show between folder icon and cell value in the tree cell.
java.lang.String |
Not applicable to TreeGrids, as the
data already represents a
tree. |
java.lang.String[] |
Not applicable to TreeGrids, as the
data already represents a
tree. |
protected java.lang.String |
getIcon(Record node,
boolean defaultState)
Get the appropriate icon for a node.
java.lang.String |
The base CSS class to apply to icons used in this grid.
java.lang.Integer |
Default padding to show between the folder or leaf node icon and cell value in the tree cell.
java.lang.String |
This property allows the developer to specify custom
iconPadding for specific nodes |
int |
The standard size (same height and width, in pixels) of node icons in this treeGrid.
java.lang.Boolean |
For record components placed "within" the
column, should the component be indented to the position where a title would normally show? |
int |
The amount of indentation (in pixels) to add to a node's icon/title for each level down in this tree's hierarchy.
java.lang.Boolean |
If set, tree-based filtering is performed such that parent nodes are kept as long as they have children that match the
filter criteria, even if the parents themselves do not match the filter criteria.
java.lang.Boolean |
selectionAppearance :"checkbox" is set on
the treegrid, and a node can't be selected, should a gap be left where the checkbox icon would normally appear, in order
to make the node's icon and title line up with the content for other nodes in the same parent? |
java.lang.Boolean |
For databound treeGrid instances, should the entire tree of data be loaded on initial fetch, or should folders load
their children as they are opened.
java.lang.String |
showLoadingIcons is set, this icon will be used
when the folder is loading children from the server . |
com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject |
Getter implementing the
LogicalStructure interface,
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. |
java.lang.String |
The filename of the icon displayed use as the default drag tracker when for multiple files and/or folders are being
java.lang.String |
The filename of the default icon for all leaf nodes in this grid.
protected java.lang.String |
getNodeTitle(Record node,
int recordNum,
ListGridField field)
Returns the title to show for a node in the tree column.
java.lang.String |
For TreeGrids with loadDataOnDemand: true, a message to show the user if an attempt is made to open a folder, and thus
load that node's children, while we are offline and there is no offline cache of that data.
java.lang.Integer |
Height in pixels of the opener icons, that is, the icons which show the open or closed state of the node, typically a
[+] or [-] symbol.
java.lang.Integer |
Default width and height in pixels of the opener icons, that is, the icons which show the open or closed state of the
node, typically a [+] or [-] symbol, if not overridden by
openerIconWidth /openerIconHeight . |
java.lang.Integer |
Width in pixels of the opener icons, that is, the icons which show the open or closed state of the node, typically a [+]
or [-] symbol.
java.lang.String |
The base filename or
stateful image block for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid. |
SCStatefulImgConfig |
The base filename or
stateful image block for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid. |
java.lang.String |
getOpenIcon(TreeNode node)
Get the appropriate open/close opener icon for a node.
java.lang.Integer |
Default padding to show between the
openIcon and the
extra or folder icon in the tree cell. |
java.lang.String |
showOpenIcons is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon for open folders in this
grid. |
java.lang.String |
Returns a snapshot of the current open state of this grid's data as a
object.This object can be passed to setOpenState()
to open the same set of folders within the treeGrid's data (assuming the nodes are still present in the data). |
static TreeGrid |
getOrCreateRef( jsObj) |
java.lang.String |
Message displayed when user attempts to drag a node into a parent that already contains a child of the same name/ID.
TreeNode |
getRecord(int recordNum)
Return the pointer to a particular record by record number.
RecordDropAppearance |
canAcceptDroppedRecords is true for this
treeGrid, this property governs whether the user can drop between, or over records within the grid. |
ListGridRecord[] |
Return the tree nodes as a flat array of ListGridRecords.
java.lang.Boolean |
Should the current
open state of the tree be included
along with other details when saving this grid's view-state ? |
java.lang.String |
showSelectedIcons is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon for selected nodes in this
grid. |
java.lang.String |
Returns a snapshot of the current selection within this treeGrid as a
ListGridSelectedState object.This object can be passed to setSelectedPaths() to reset this grid's selection the
current state (assuming the same data is present in the grid). |
TreeNode |
Return the first selected record in this component.
This method is appropriate if is "single" , or if you only care about the first selected record in a multiple-record selection. |
java.lang.String |
If specified, the selection object for this list will use this property to mark records as selected.
java.lang.Boolean |
If specified, this attribute will override
Tree.separateFolders on the data for this treeGrid. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchMode:"local" ResultTrees, this property lists field names that
will be sent to the server if they are present in the criteria. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should this treeGrid show connector lines illustrating the tree's hierarchy?
java.lang.Boolean |
Should folder nodes showing custom icons (set via the
customIconProperty , default TreeNode.icon ), show drop state images when the user is drop-hovering
over the folder. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should folder nodes showing custom icons (set via the
customIconProperty ), show open state images when the
folder is opened. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should folder nodes showing custom icons (set via the
customIconProperty ), show selected state images when
the folder is selected, if showSelectedIcons is
true? |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should tree nodes show a disabled checkbox
selectionAppearance :"checkbox" is set on the treegrid, and a node can't be selected? |
boolean |
When the user drags over the treeGrid body, should the grid show some space under the last node in the grid allowing the
user to drop after the last node? The height of this space can be customized via
dropEndSpace |
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, when the user drags a droppable target over a folder in this TreeGrid, show a different folder icon.
java.lang.Boolean |
Should folder nodes in this TreeGrid show icons by default?
java.lang.Boolean |
showConnectors is true, this property determines
whether we should show vertical continuation lines for each level of indenting within the tree. |
boolean |
If set, when a folder is loading its children from the server (
Tree.getLoadState() returns "loading"), it uses a distinct icon image given by loadingIcon . |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should nodes in this TreeGrid show folder / leaf node icons by default?
java.lang.Boolean |
Should the opener icon be displayed next to folder nodes? This is an icon which visually indicates whether the folder is
opened or closed (typically via a [+] or [-] image, or a turn-down arrow) and may be clicked to expand or collapse the
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, show a different icon for
open folders than closed folders. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Should partially selected parents be shown with special icon?
java.lang.Boolean |
Specifies whether the root node should be displayed in the treeGrid.
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, show a different icon for selected nodes than unselected nodes.
java.lang.Boolean |
showOpener is true, should a different opener icon be
displayed for selected nodes? This provides a way for developers to show a "selected" version of the opener icon set
which looks optimal with the selected appearance applied the
selected record. |
java.lang.Boolean |
If specified, this attribute will override
Tree.sortFoldersBeforeLeaves on the data for this treeGrid. |
Tree |
Synonym for
getData() |
int |
minimum width for the treeField . |
java.lang.String |
Visible title for the tree column (field).
java.lang.String |
For databound trees, use this attribute to supply a
DataSourceField.rootValue for this component's generated data object. |
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, the set of fields given by the "default binding" (see
DataBoundComponent.fields ) is used, with any fields specified
in component.fields acting as overrides that can suppress or modify the display of individual fields,
without having to list the entire set of fields that should be shown. |
void |
Not applicable to TreeGrids, as the
data already represents a
tree. |
boolean |
Returns true if this component is currently
client data . |
java.lang.Boolean |
Returns true if the last event occurred over
extra icon
for the current node. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Returns true if the last event occurred over the indented area or over the open / close icon of a folder node in this
java.lang.Boolean |
This method is not currently supported for this grid-type.
java.lang.Boolean |
loadAllRecords(java.lang.Integer maxRecords) |
java.lang.Boolean |
loadAllRecords(java.lang.Integer maxRecords,
DSCallback callback)
This method is not currently supported for this grid-type.
protected void |
onInit() |
void |
openFolder(TreeNode node)
Opens a folder.
void |
openFolder(TreeNode node,
java.lang.String path)
Opens a folder.
boolean |
recordDoubleClick(TreeGrid viewer,
TreeNode record,
int recordNum,
TreeGridField field,
int fieldNum,
java.util.Map value,
java.util.Map rawValue)
Handle a doubleClick on a tree node - override of ListGrid stringMethod of same name.
TreeGrid |
setAlwaysShowOpener(java.lang.Boolean alwaysShowOpener)
showOpener is true, should we display the opener icon
for folders even if they have no children? |
TreeGrid |
setAnimateFolderEffect(AnimationAcceleration animateFolderEffect)
When animating folder opening / closing, this property can be set to apply an animated acceleration effect.
TreeGrid |
setAnimateFolderMaxRows(java.lang.Integer animateFolderMaxRows)
animateFolders is true for this grid, this number
can be set to designate the maximum number of rows to animate at a time when opening / closing a folder. |
TreeGrid |
setAnimateFolders(java.lang.Boolean animateFolders)
If true, when folders are opened / closed children will be animated into view.
TreeGrid |
setAnimateFolderSpeed(int animateFolderSpeed)
When animating folder opening / closing, this property designates the speed of the animation in pixels shown (or hidden)
per second.
TreeGrid |
setAnimateFolderTime(int animateFolderTime)
When animating folder opening / closing, if
animateFolderSpeed is not set, this property designates the duration of the animation in ms. |
TreeGrid |
setAutoAssignTreeField(boolean autoAssignTreeField)
If this grid was passed an explicit set of fields, but no field was specified as the "tree-field" (showing indentations
for tree hierarchy and tree icons), should we assign one of the other fields to be the tree-field?
TreeGrid |
setAutoFetchTextMatchStyle(TextMatchStyle autoFetchTextMatchStyle)
loadDataOnDemand :true, TreeGrids fetch data
by selecting the child nodes of each parent, which should be exact match, so we default to
autoFetchTextMatchStyle:"exact" when autoFetchData is true. |
TreeGrid |
setAutoOpenTree(java.lang.String autoOpenTree)
Which nodes should be opened automatically.
TreeGrid |
setAutoPreserveOpenState(PreserveOpenState autoPreserveOpenState)
For dataBound treeGrids this specifies the
ResultTree.autoPreserveOpenState , governing whether the open state of the tree should be preserved when new data
arrives due to cache invalidation. |
TreeGrid |
setCanAcceptDroppedRecords(java.lang.Boolean canAcceptDroppedRecords)
Indicates whether records can be dropped into this listGrid.
TreeGrid |
setCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean canDragRecordsOut)
Indicates whether records can be dragged from this listGrid and dropped elsewhere.
TreeGrid |
setCanDropOnLeaves(java.lang.Boolean canDropOnLeaves)
Whether drops are allowed on leaf nodes.
TreeGrid |
setCanDropSiblingAfterLastNode(boolean canDropSiblingAfterLastNode)
When performing a drag and drop to add or move data within the tree, should users be able to make the dropped node a
sibling of the last node in the tree by dropping just below it?
TreeGrid |
setCanReorderRecords(java.lang.Boolean canReorderRecords)
Indicates whether records can be reordered by dragging within this
ListGrid . |
TreeGrid |
setCanReparentNodes(java.lang.Boolean canReparentNodes)
If set this property allows the user to reparent nodes by dragging them from their current folder to a new folder.
Backcompat: For backwards compatibility with versions prior to Smart GWT 1.5, if this property is unset, but this.canAcceptDroppedRecords is true, we allow nodes to be dragged to different folders. |
TreeGrid |
setCanSelectAll(java.lang.Boolean canSelectAll)
This property is not supported on TreeGrid, and only applies to the
superclass. |
TreeGrid |
setCantDragIntoChildMessage(java.lang.String cantDragIntoChildMessage)
Message displayed when user attempts to drop a node into a child of itself.
TreeGrid |
setCantDragIntoSelfMessage(java.lang.String cantDragIntoSelfMessage)
Message displayed when user attempts to drop a dragged node onto itself.
TreeGrid |
setCantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage(java.lang.String cantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage)
Multi-link trees only, the message displayed when the
user attempts to drag two or more occurrences of the same node into a parent. |
TreeGrid |
setCascadeSelection(java.lang.Boolean cascadeSelection)
Should children be selected when parent is selected? And should parent be selected when any child is selected?
void |
setCellValueHoverFormatter(CellValueHoverFormatter formatter)
Provide a custom implementation of
ListGrid.cellValueHoverHTML(ListGridRecord, int, int, String) . |
TreeGrid |
setChildCannotBeItsOwnAncestorMessage(java.lang.String childCannotBeItsOwnAncestorMessage)
Message displayed when user attempts to drop a node into a parent that has the same ID as the dropped node somewhere in
its ancestor chain (ie, the same node as the parent, or grandparent, and so on)
TreeGrid |
setClosedIconSuffix(java.lang.String closedIconSuffix)
This suffix will be appended to the
folderIcon for
closed folders. |
TreeGrid |
setConnectorImage(SCStatefulImgConfig connectorImage)
The base filename or
stateful image block for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors is true. |
TreeGrid |
setConnectorImage(java.lang.String connectorImage)
The base filename or
stateful image block for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors is true. |
TreeGrid |
setCreateDefaultTreeField(java.lang.Boolean createDefaultTreeField)
If no fields are specified, create a single field with
TreeGridField.treeField set to true to show
the tree. |
TreeGrid |
setCustomIconDropProperty(java.lang.String customIconDropProperty)
This property allows the developer to rename the
default node.showDropIcon property. |
TreeGrid |
setCustomIconOpenProperty(java.lang.String customIconOpenProperty)
This property allows the developer to rename the
default node.showOpenIcon property. |
TreeGrid |
setCustomIconProperty(java.lang.String customIconProperty)
This property allows the developer to rename the
node.icon property. |
TreeGrid |
setCustomIconSelectedProperty(java.lang.String customIconSelectedProperty)
This property allows the developer to rename the
default node.showSelectedIcon property. |
void |
setCustomNodeIcon(Record node,
java.lang.String icon)
Set the icon for a particular TreeNode to a specified URL
void |
setData(Tree data)
TreeGrid |
setDataArity(java.lang.String dataArity)
A TreeGrid is a
dataArity :multiple component. |
TreeGrid |
setDataFetchMode(FetchMode dataFetchMode)
Mode of fetching records from server.
void |
setDataProperties(Tree resultTreeProperties)
For databound TreeGrids, this attribute can be used to customize the
com.smartgwt.client.tree.ResultTree object created for this grid when data is
fetched. |
static void |
setDefaultProperties(TreeGrid treeGridProperties)
Class level method to set the default properties of this class.
TreeGrid |
setDisplayNodeType(DisplayNodeType displayNodeType)
Specifies the type of nodes displayed in the treeGrid.
TreeGrid |
setDropEndSpace(java.lang.Integer dropEndSpace)
showDropEndSpace is set to true, this property
governs how large the space under the last node during drop should be. |
TreeGrid |
setDropIconSuffix(java.lang.String dropIconSuffix)
showDropIcons is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon when the user drop-hovers
over some folder. |
TreeGrid |
setExtraIconGap(int extraIconGap)
The amount of gap (in pixels) between the extraIcon (see
getExtraIcon() ) or checkbox icon and the nodeIcon / folderIcon or node text. |
TreeGrid |
setFields(TreeGridField... fields)
An array of field objects, specifying the order, layout, dynamic calculation, and sorting behavior of each field in the
treeGrid object.
TreeGrid |
setFolderIcon(java.lang.String folderIcon)
The URL of the base icon for all folder nodes in this treeGrid.
TreeGrid |
setFolderIconPadding(java.lang.Integer folderIconPadding)
Default padding to show between folder icon and cell value in the tree cell.
TreeGrid |
setGroupByField(java.lang.String... groupByField)
Not applicable to TreeGrids, as the
data already represents a
tree. |
TreeGrid |
setGroupByField(java.lang.String groupByField)
Not applicable to TreeGrids, as the
data already represents a
tree. |
TreeGrid |
setIconBaseStyle(java.lang.String iconBaseStyle)
The base CSS class to apply to icons used in this grid.
TreeGrid |
setIconPadding(java.lang.Integer iconPadding)
Default padding to show between the folder or leaf node icon and cell value in the tree cell.
TreeGrid |
setIconPaddingProperty(java.lang.String iconPaddingProperty)
This property allows the developer to specify custom
iconPadding for specific nodes |
TreeGrid |
setIconSize(int iconSize)
The standard size (same height and width, in pixels) of node icons in this treeGrid.
TreeGrid |
setIndentRecordComponents(java.lang.Boolean indentRecordComponents)
For record components placed "within" the
column, should the component be indented to the position where a title would normally show? |
TreeGrid |
setIndentSize(int indentSize)
The amount of indentation (in pixels) to add to a node's icon/title for each level down in this tree's hierarchy.
void |
setInitialData(TreeNode[] initialData)
You can specify the initial set of data for a databound TreeGrid using this property.
TreeGrid |
setKeepParentsOnFilter(java.lang.Boolean keepParentsOnFilter)
If set, tree-based filtering is performed such that parent nodes are kept as long as they have children that match the
filter criteria, even if the parents themselves do not match the filter criteria.
TreeGrid |
setLeaveSelectionCheckboxGap(java.lang.Boolean leaveSelectionCheckboxGap)
selectionAppearance :"checkbox" is set on
the treegrid, and a node can't be selected, should a gap be left where the checkbox icon would normally appear, in order
to make the node's icon and title line up with the content for other nodes in the same parent? |
TreeGrid |
setLoadDataOnDemand(java.lang.Boolean loadDataOnDemand)
For databound treeGrid instances, should the entire tree of data be loaded on initial fetch, or should folders load
their children as they are opened.
TreeGrid |
setLoadingIcon(java.lang.String loadingIcon)
showLoadingIcons is set, this icon will be used
when the folder is loading children from the server . |
com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject |
setLogicalStructure(com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.widgets.tree.TreeGridLogicalStructure s)
Setter implementing the
LogicalStructure interface,
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. |
TreeGrid |
setManyItemsImage(java.lang.String manyItemsImage)
The filename of the icon displayed use as the default drag tracker when for multiple files and/or folders are being
TreeGrid |
setNodeIcon(java.lang.String nodeIcon)
The filename of the default icon for all leaf nodes in this grid.
TreeGrid |
setOfflineNodeMessage(java.lang.String offlineNodeMessage)
For TreeGrids with loadDataOnDemand: true, a message to show the user if an attempt is made to open a folder, and thus
load that node's children, while we are offline and there is no offline cache of that data.
TreeGrid |
setOpenerIconHeight(java.lang.Integer openerIconHeight)
Height in pixels of the opener icons, that is, the icons which show the open or closed state of the node, typically a
[+] or [-] symbol.
TreeGrid |
setOpenerIconSize(java.lang.Integer openerIconSize)
Default width and height in pixels of the opener icons, that is, the icons which show the open or closed state of the
node, typically a [+] or [-] symbol, if not overridden by
openerIconWidth /openerIconHeight . |
TreeGrid |
setOpenerIconWidth(java.lang.Integer openerIconWidth)
Width in pixels of the opener icons, that is, the icons which show the open or closed state of the node, typically a [+]
or [-] symbol.
TreeGrid |
setOpenerImage(SCStatefulImgConfig openerImage)
The base filename or
stateful image block for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid. |
TreeGrid |
setOpenerImage(java.lang.String openerImage)
The base filename or
stateful image block for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid. |
TreeGrid |
setOpenIconPadding(java.lang.Integer openIconPadding)
Default padding to show between the
openIcon and the
extra or folder icon in the tree cell. |
TreeGrid |
setOpenIconSuffix(java.lang.String openIconSuffix)
showOpenIcons is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon for open folders in this
grid. |
void |
setOpenState(java.lang.String openState)
Reset this set of open folders within this grid's data to match the
object passed in.Used to restore previous state retrieved from the grid by a call to getOpenState() . |
TreeGrid |
setParentAlreadyContainsChildMessage(java.lang.String parentAlreadyContainsChildMessage)
Message displayed when user attempts to drag a node into a parent that already contains a child of the same name/ID.
TreeGrid |
setRecordDropAppearance(RecordDropAppearance recordDropAppearance)
canAcceptDroppedRecords is true for this
treeGrid, this property governs whether the user can drop between, or over records within the grid. |
TreeGrid |
setSaveOpenStateInViewState(java.lang.Boolean saveOpenStateInViewState)
Should the current
open state of the tree be included
along with other details when saving this grid's view-state ? |
TreeGrid |
setSelectedIconSuffix(java.lang.String selectedIconSuffix)
showSelectedIcons is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon for selected nodes in this
grid. |
void |
setSelectedPaths(java.lang.String selectedPaths)
Reset this grid's selection to match the
ListGridSelectedState object passed in.Used to restore previous state retrieved from the grid by a call to getSelectedPaths() . |
TreeGrid |
setSelectionProperty(java.lang.String selectionProperty)
If specified, the selection object for this list will use this property to mark records as selected.
TreeGrid |
setSeparateFolders(java.lang.Boolean separateFolders)
If specified, this attribute will override
Tree.separateFolders on the data for this treeGrid. |
TreeGrid |
setServerFilterFields(java.lang.String... serverFilterFields)
fetchMode:"local" ResultTrees, this property lists field names that
will be sent to the server if they are present in the criteria. |
TreeGrid |
setShowConnectors(java.lang.Boolean showConnectors)
Should this treeGrid show connector lines illustrating the tree's hierarchy?
TreeGrid |
setShowCustomIconDrop(java.lang.Boolean showCustomIconDrop)
Should folder nodes showing custom icons (set via the
customIconProperty , default TreeNode.icon ), show drop state images when the user is drop-hovering
over the folder. |
TreeGrid |
setShowCustomIconOpen(java.lang.Boolean showCustomIconOpen)
Should folder nodes showing custom icons (set via the
customIconProperty ), show open state images when the
folder is opened. |
TreeGrid |
setShowCustomIconSelected(java.lang.Boolean showCustomIconSelected)
Should folder nodes showing custom icons (set via the
customIconProperty ), show selected state images when
the folder is selected, if showSelectedIcons is
true? |
TreeGrid |
setShowDisabledSelectionCheckbox(java.lang.Boolean showDisabledSelectionCheckbox)
Should tree nodes show a disabled checkbox
selectionAppearance :"checkbox" is set on the treegrid, and a node can't be selected? |
TreeGrid |
setShowDropEndSpace(boolean showDropEndSpace)
When the user drags over the treeGrid body, should the grid show some space under the last node in the grid allowing the
user to drop after the last node? The height of this space can be customized via
dropEndSpace |
TreeGrid |
setShowDropIcons(java.lang.Boolean showDropIcons)
If true, when the user drags a droppable target over a folder in this TreeGrid, show a different folder icon.
TreeGrid |
setShowFolderIcons(java.lang.Boolean showFolderIcons)
Should folder nodes in this TreeGrid show icons by default?
TreeGrid |
setShowFullConnectors(java.lang.Boolean showFullConnectors)
showConnectors is true, this property determines
whether we should show vertical continuation lines for each level of indenting within the tree. |
TreeGrid |
setShowLoadingIcons(boolean showLoadingIcons)
If set, when a folder is loading its children from the server (
Tree.getLoadState() returns "loading"), it uses a distinct icon image given by loadingIcon . |
TreeGrid |
setShowNodeIcons(java.lang.Boolean showNodeIcons)
Should nodes in this TreeGrid show folder / leaf node icons by default?
TreeGrid |
setShowOpener(java.lang.Boolean showOpener)
Should the opener icon be displayed next to folder nodes? This is an icon which visually indicates whether the folder is
opened or closed (typically via a [+] or [-] image, or a turn-down arrow) and may be clicked to expand or collapse the
TreeGrid |
setShowOpenIcons(java.lang.Boolean showOpenIcons)
If true, show a different icon for
open folders than closed folders. |
TreeGrid |
setShowPartialSelection(java.lang.Boolean showPartialSelection)
Should partially selected parents be shown with special icon?
TreeGrid |
setShowRoot(java.lang.Boolean showRoot)
Specifies whether the root node should be displayed in the treeGrid.
TreeGrid |
setShowSelectedIcons(java.lang.Boolean showSelectedIcons)
If true, show a different icon for selected nodes than unselected nodes.
TreeGrid |
setShowSelectedOpener(java.lang.Boolean showSelectedOpener)
showOpener is true, should a different opener icon be
displayed for selected nodes? This provides a way for developers to show a "selected" version of the opener icon set
which looks optimal with the selected appearance applied the
selected record. |
TreeGrid |
setSortFoldersBeforeLeaves(java.lang.Boolean sortFoldersBeforeLeaves)
If specified, this attribute will override
Tree.sortFoldersBeforeLeaves on the data for this treeGrid. |
TreeGrid |
setTreeFieldMinWidth(int treeFieldMinWidth)
minimum width for the treeField . |
TreeGrid |
setTreeFieldTitle(java.lang.String treeFieldTitle)
Visible title for the tree column (field).
void |
setTreeRootValue(java.lang.Integer treeRootValue)
For databound trees, use this attribute to supply a
DataSourceField.rootValue for this component's generated data object. |
void |
setTreeRootValue(java.lang.String treeRootValue)
For databound trees, use this attribute to supply a
DataSourceField.rootValue for this component's generated data object. |
TreeGrid |
setUseAllDataSourceFields(java.lang.Boolean useAllDataSourceFields)
If true, the set of fields given by the "default binding" (see
DataBoundComponent.fields ) is used, with any fields specified
in component.fields acting as overrides that can suppress or modify the display of individual fields,
without having to list the entire set of fields that should be shown. |
void |
This inherited
ListGrid API is not supported by the
TreeGrid since adding a new tree node arbitrarily at the end of the tree is usually not useful. |
void |
toggleFolder(java.lang.Integer node)
Opens the folder specified by node if it's closed, and closes it if it's open.
void |
toggleFolder(NodeLocator node)
Opens the folder specified by node if it's closed, and closes it if it's open.
void |
toggleFolder(java.lang.String node)
Opens the folder specified by node if it's closed, and closes it if it's open.
void |
toggleFolder(TreeNode node)
Opens the folder specified by node if it's closed, and closes it if it's open.
void |
transferNodes(TreeNode[] nodes,
TreeNode folder,
java.lang.Integer index,
Canvas sourceWidget,
TransferNodesCallback callback)
Transfer a list of
TreeNode s from another component (does not have to be a databound
component) into this TreeGrid. |
java.lang.Boolean |
This method overrides
ListGrid.willAcceptDrop() and works as follows: First, ListGrid.willAcceptDrop() (the superclass definition) is consulted. |
addBodyKeyPressHandler, addCellClickHandler, addCellContextClickHandler, addCellDoubleClickHandler, addCellErrorIconHoverHandler, addCellErrorIconOutHandler, addCellErrorIconOverHandler, addCellHoverHandler, addCellMouseDownHandler, addCellMouseUpHandler, addCellOutHandler, addCellOverHandler, addCellSavedHandler, addCellSelectionChangedHandler, addCellValueHoverHandler, addCriteriaChangedHandler, addData, addData, addData, addDataArrivedHandler, addDataChangedHandler, addDragCompleteHandler, addDrawAreaChangedHandler, addDropCompleteHandler, addEditCompleteHandler, addEditFailedHandler, addEditorEnterHandler, addEditorExitHandler, addEmbeddedComponent, addEmbeddedComponent, addEmbeddedComponent, addEmbeddedComponent, addFetchDataHandler, addFieldStateChangedHandler, addFilterEditorSubmitHandler, addFormulaField, addFormulaUpdatedHandler, addGroupByCompleteHandler, addGroupByHandler, addGroupStateChangedHandler, addGroupTreeChangedHandler, addHeaderClickHandler, addHeaderDoubleClickHandler, addHeaderHoverHandler, addHilitesChangedHandler, addRecordClickHandler, addRecordCollapseHandler, addRecordDoubleClickHandler, addRecordExpandHandler, addRegroupHandler, addRemoveRecordClickHandler, addRowContextClickHandler, addRowEditorEnterHandler, addRowEditorExitHandler, addRowHoverHandler, addRowMouseDownHandler, addRowMouseUpHandler, addRowOutHandler, addRowOverHandler, addSelectionChangedHandler, addSelectionUpdatedHandler, addSetSortHandler, addSort, addSortChangedHandler, addSorterClickHandler, addSorterContextClickHandler, addSummaryField, addViewStateChangedHandler, anySelected, applyCellData, applyRecordData, applySortToData, askForSort, autoFitField, autoFitFields, autoFitFields, cancelEditing, canEditCell, canExpandRecord, canSelectCell, canSelectRecord, cellHasChanges, cellHasErrors, cellHasErrors, cellValueHoverHTML, cellValueIsClipped, chartData, chartData, chartData, chartData, chartData, clearAllCriteria, clearCriteria, clearCriteria, clearCriteria, clearEditValue, clearFieldError, clearFieldError, clearFieldSearchOperator, clearFilterWindowCriteria, clearRowErrors, clearSavedViewState, clearSort, closeGroup, closeRecord, collapseRecord, collapseRecords, configureGrouping, createRecordComponent, dataChangedComplete, dataChangedComplete, deselectAllRecords, deselectRange, deselectRecord, deselectRecord, deselectRecords, deselectRecords, disableHilite, disableHiliting, discardAllEdits, discardAllEdits, discardAllEdits, discardEdits, discardEdits, displayHeaderContextMenu, displaySort, drop, editExistingRecord, editExistingRecord, editFields, editHilites, enableHilite, enableHilite, enableHiliting, enableHiliting, endEditing, expandRecord, expandRecords, exportData, exportData, exportData, fetchRelatedData, fetchRelatedData, fetchRelatedData, fetchRelatedData, fetchRelatedData, fetchRowCount, fetchRowCount, fetchRowCount, fieldIsEditable, fieldIsEditable, fieldIsEditable, fieldIsVisible, filterByEditor, filterData, find, findAll, findIndex, findNextEditCell, findNextIndex, findNextIndex, focusInCell, focusInFilterEditor, focusInFilterEditor, focusInRow, freezeField, freezeField, freezeField, freezeField, freezeFields, freezeFields, getAddDropValues, getAddFormulaFieldText, getAddOperation, getAddSummaryFieldText, getAdvancedFieldPickerThreshold, getAdvancedFilteringText, getAiFilterWindow, getAiFilterWindowHint, getAiFilterWindowInstructions, getAiFilterWindowTitle, getAiHiliteWindow, getAiHoverContentsPrefix, getAiHoverRetryDelay, getAiSortFieldMaxRecordsMessage, getAiSortProgressDialog, getAllEditRows, getAllFields, getAllowFilterExpressions, getAllowFilterOperators, getAllowFilterWindow, getAllowRowSpanning, getAlternateBodyStyleName, getAlternateFieldFrequency, getAlternateFieldStyles, getAlternateFieldSuffix, getAlternateRecordFrequency, getAlternateRecordStyles, getAlternateRecordSuffix, getAlwaysShowEditors, getAlwaysShowOperatorIcon, getAnimateRemoveRecord, getAnimateRemoveSpeed, getAnimateRemoveTime, getAnimateRollOver, getAnimateRollUnder, getAnimateSelection, getAnimateSelectionUnder, getApplyFormulaAfterSummary, getApplyRowCountToLength, getApplyRowNumberStyle, getApproximateRowCountFormat, getAriaRole, getAriaState, getAriaStateDefaults, getArrowKeyAction, getArrowKeyEditAction, getAsyncErrorCellValue, getAsynchGroupingPrompt, getAsyncMissingCellValue, getAutoComplete, getAutoConfirmSaveEdits, getAutoFetchAsFilter, getAutoFetchData, getAutoFetchDisplayMap, getAutoFetchRowCount, getAutoFitAllText, getAutoFitClipFields, getAutoFitData, getAutoFitDateFields, getAutoFitExpandField, getAutoFitExtraRecords, getAutoFitFieldsFillViewport, getAutoFitFieldText, getAutoFitFieldWidths, getAutoFitHeaderHeights, getAutoFitIconFields, getAutoFitMaxColumns, getAutoFitMaxHeight, getAutoFitMaxRecords, getAutoFitMaxWidth, getAutoFitMaxWidthAsString, getAutoFitTimeFields, getAutoFitWidthApproach, getAutoPersistViewState, getAutoSaveEdits, getAutoSizeHeaderSpans, getBackgroundComponent, getBadFormulaResultValue, getBaseStyle, getBaseStyle, getBlockingRowCountFetch, getBody, getBodyBackgroundColor, getBodyOverflow, getBodyScrollLeft, getBodyScrollTop, getBodyStyleName, getBooleanBaseStyle, getBooleanFalseImage, getBooleanImageHeight, getBooleanImageWidth, getBooleanPartialImage, getBooleanTrueImage, getBriefRowRangeDisplayValue, getCanAddAISortFields, getCanAddFormulaFields, getCanAddSummaryFields, getCanAutoFitFields, getCancelEditingConfirmationMessage, getCanCollapseGroup, getCanDragSelect, getCanDragSelectText, getCanDropInEmptyArea, getCanEdit, getCanEditFieldAttribute, getCanEditHilites, getCanEditTitles, getCanExpandMultipleRecords, getCanExpandRecordProperty, getCanExpandRecords, getCanFocusInEmptyGrid, getCanFreezeFields, getCanGroupBy, getCanHiliteViaAI, getCanHover, getCanMultiGroup, getCanMultiSort, getCanPickFields, getCanPickOmittedFields, getCanRemoveRecords, getCanReorderFields, getCanRequestRowCount, getCanResizeFields, getCanSaveSearches, getCanSelectCells, getCanSelectGroups, getCanSelectSummaryRows, getCanShowFilterEditor, getCanSort, getCanTabToHeader, getCanTabToSorter, getCellAriaState, getCellContextMenu, getCellContextMenuItems, getCellCSSText, getCellErrors, getCellHeight, getCellHoverComponent, getCellPadding, getCellPageRect, getCellRole, getCellRowSpan, getCellSelection, getCellStartRow, getCellStyle, getChartConstructor, getChartType, getCheckboxFieldFalseImage, getCheckboxFieldImageHeight, getCheckboxFieldImageWidth, getCheckboxFieldPartialImage, getCheckboxFieldTrueImage, getChildExpansionMode, getClearAllSortingText, getClearCriteriaOnFilterEditorHide, getClearFilterText, getClearFilterViaAIText, getClearSortFieldText, getClipHeaderTitles, getCollapseGroupOnRowClick, getColumnLeft, getColumnPageLeft, getColumnWidth, getConfigureGroupingText, getConfigureSortText, getConfirmCancelEditing, getConfirmDiscardEdits, getConfirmDiscardEditsMessage, getCriteria, getCriteriaIndicatorColor, getCriteriaIndicatorHeaderColor, getCurrentExpansionComponent, getCurrentExpansionComponent, getCurrentFieldWidths, getDataAsJSList, getDataAsRecordList, getDataFetchDelay, getDataPageSize, getDataSource, getDateFormatter, getDatetimeFormatter, getDeepCloneOnEdit, getDefaultDateFieldWidth, getDefaultDateTimeFieldWidth, getDefaultEditableDateFieldWidth, getDefaultEditableDateTimeFieldWidth, getDefaultFields, getDefaultFilterOperator, getDefaultFilterOperatorSuffix, getDefaultFormattedFieldValue, getDefaultFormattedFieldValue, getDefaultFormattedFieldValue, getDefaultFormattedValue, getDefaultTimeFieldWidth, getDeferRemoval, getDeselectOnPartialCheckboxClick, getDetailDS, getDetailField, getDisabledGroupByPrompt, getDiscardDataOnSetFetchOperation, getDiscardEditsOnHideField, getDiscardEditsSaveButtonTitle, getDisplayValue, getDisplayValue, getDisplayValue, getDisplayValue, getDisplayValue, getDragData, getDragDataAction, getDragHandleField, getDragHandleFieldTitle, getDragHandleIcon, getDragHandleIconSize, getDragScrollRedrawDelay, getDragTrackerMode, getDragTrackerStyle, getDrawAheadRatio, getDrawAllMaxCells, getDrawArea, getDrawnRowHeight, getDrawnRows, getDropValues, getDuplicateDragMessage, getEditByCell, getEditCol, getEditedCell, getEditedCell, getEditedCell, getEditedCell, getEditedRecord, getEditEvent, getEditFailedBaseStyle, getEditFailedCSSText, getEditFormItem, getEditFormItem, getEditFormulaFieldText, getEditOnF2Keypress, getEditOnFocus, getEditPendingBaseStyle, getEditPendingCSSText, getEditPendingMarkerStyle, getEditProxyConstructor, getEditRow, getEditSelectionType, getEditSummaryFieldText, getEditValue, getEditValue, getEditValueAsBoolean, getEditValueAsDate, getEditValueAsFloat, getEditValueAsInt, getEditValueAsRecord, getEditValueAsRecordArray, getEditValueAsString, getEditValues, getEditValues, getEmbeddedComponentIndent, getEmbeddedComponentMargin, getEmptyAIHoverContents, getEmptyCellValue, getEmptyMessage, getEmptyMessageStyle, getEmptyRowRangeDisplayValue, getEnforceVClipping, getEnterKeyEditAction, getEnumCriteriaAsInitialValues, getErrorIconHeight, getErrorIconSrc, getErrorIconWidth, getEscapeKeyEditAction, getEventColumn, getEventColumn, getExactRowCountFormat, getExpandedRecords, getExpansionCanEdit, getExpansionComponent, getExpansionComponentPoolingMode, getExpansionDetailField, getExpansionDetailRelated, getExpansionDetails, getExpansionEditor, getExpansionEditorCollapseOnSave, getExpansionEditorSaveButton, getExpansionEditorSaveButtonTitle, getExpansionEditorSaveDialogPrompt, getExpansionEditorShowSaveDialog, getExpansionField, getExpansionFieldFalseImage, getExpansionFieldImageHeight, getExpansionFieldImageShowRTL, getExpansionFieldImageShowSelected, getExpansionFieldImageStyle, getExpansionFieldImageWidth, getExpansionFieldTrueImage, getExpansionIndent, getExpansionLayout, getExpansionMode, getExpansionRelated, getExpansionScreen, getExplicitFetchDelay, getExportAll, getExportAlternateRowBGColor, getExportBGColor, getExportColumnBGColor, getExportDefaultBGColor, getExportFieldAlignments, getExportFields, getExportFieldWidths, getExportHeaderHeights, getExportHiddenFieldWidth, getExportIncludeSummaries, getExportRawNumbers, getExportRawValues, getExportRowBGColor, getExportTextColor, getExportWidthScale, getExportWrapHeaderTitles, getFetchDelay, getFetchFields, getFetchFieldsAsString, getFetchOperation, getFetchRequestProperties, getField, getField, getFieldAlignments, getFieldByName, getFieldContentWidth, getFieldCount, getFieldCriteriaText, getFieldName, getFieldNum, getFieldNum, getFieldPickerFieldProperties, getFieldPickerShowSampleValues, getFieldPickerWindow, getFields, getFieldsAsJavaScriptObjects, getFieldSearchOperator, getFieldState, getFieldTitle, getFieldTitle, getFieldVisibilitySubmenuTitle, getFieldWidth, getFieldWidth, getFilterButtonPrompt, getFilterButtonProperties, getFilterByCell, getFilterEditor, getFilterEditorCriteria, getFilterEditorCriteria, getFilterEditorCriteriaAsAdvancedCriteria, getFilterEditorCriterion, getFilterEditorHeight, getFilterEditorProperties, getFilterLocalData, getFilterOnKeypress, getFilterUsingText, getFilterViaAIMode, getFilterViaAIPanelInstructions, getFilterViaAIText, getFilterWindow, getFilterWindowCriteria, getFilterWindowCriteriaIndicator, getFilterWindowFilter, getFilterWindowInstructions, getFilterWindowTitle, getFirstCellStyle, getFixedFieldWidths, getFixedRecordHeights, getFocusRow, getFormattedRowCount, getFormattedRowRange, getFormulaBuilderSpanTitleSeparator, getFormulaFieldValue, getFreezeFieldText, getFrozenBaseStyle, getFrozenFieldsMaxWidth, getFrozenFieldsMaxWidthAsInt, getFrozenHeaderBaseStyle, getFrozenHeaderTitleStyle, getFrozenRollOverCanvas, getFrozenRollUnderCanvas, getFullRowRangeDisplayValue, getGenerateClickOnEnter, getGenerateClickOnSpace, getGenerateDoubleClickOnEnter, getGenerateDoubleClickOnSpace, getGridAdditionalCriteriaText, getGridComponents, getGridRenderer, getGridSummary, getGridSummaryData, getGridSummaryRecordProperty, getGroupByAsyncThreshold, getGroupByFields, getGroupByFieldSummaries, getGroupByMaxRecords, getGroupByMaxRecordsExceededMessage, getGroupByText, getGroupedRecordIndex, getGroupIcon, getGroupIconSize, getGroupIconStyle, getGroupIndentSize, getGroupLeadingIndent, getGroupMembers, getGroupNodeBaseStyle, getGroupNodeStyle, getGroupSortDirection, getGroupState, getGroupSummaryData, getGroupSummaryData, getGroupSummaryData, getGroupSummaryData, getGroupSummaryRecordProperty, getGroupSummaryStyle, getGroupTitleColumnProperties, getGroupTitleField, getGroupTree, getGroupTreeSelection, getGroupTreeSelection, getGroupTreeSelection, getHeader, getHeaderAriaRole, getHeaderAutoFitEvent, getHeaderBackgroundColor, getHeaderBarStyle, getHeaderBaseStyle, getHeaderButtonAriaRole, getHeaderButtonAriaState, getHeaderButtonProperties, getHeaderContextMenu, getHeaderContextMenuItems, getHeaderHeight, getHeaderHoverAlign, getHeaderHoverHeight, getHeaderHoverOpacity, getHeaderHoverStyle, getHeaderHoverVAlign, getHeaderHoverWidth, getHeaderHoverWrap, getHeaderMenuButton, getHeaderMenuButtonHeight, getHeaderMenuButtonHeightAsString, getHeaderMenuButtonIcon, getHeaderMenuButtonIconHeight, getHeaderMenuButtonIconWidth, getHeaderMenuButtonSnapOffsetLeft, getHeaderMenuButtonWidth, getHeaderRadius, getHeaderShadowColor, getHeaderShadowHOffset, getHeaderShadowSoftness, getHeaderShadowVOffset, getHeaderSpan, getHeaderSpanContextMenuItems, getHeaderSpanHeight, getHeaderTitleStyle, getHeaderTitleVAlign, getHideEmptySummaryRow, getHideFilterEditorTitle, getHiliteCanReplaceValue, getHiliteEditorSpanTitleSeparator, getHiliteHTMLAfterFormat, getHiliteIconHeight, getHiliteIconLeftPadding, getHiliteIconPosition, getHiliteIconRightPadding, getHiliteIcons, getHiliteIconSize, getHiliteIconWidth, getHiliteProperty, getHiliteReplaceValueFieldTitle, getHiliteRowOnFocus, getHilites, getHiliteState, getHiliteViaAIMode, getHiliteViaAIText, getHoverMode, getHoverScreen, getHoverStyle, getIconCursor, getImageSize, getImplicitCriteria, getIncludeHilitesInSummaryFields, getIncludeInSummaryProperty, getInitialCriteria, getInitialSort, getInstantScrollTrackRedraw, getInvalidSummaryValue, getIsGrouped, getIsSeparatorProperty, getLastCellStyle, getLeaveScrollbarGap, getLinkTextProperty, getListEndEditAction, getLoadingDataMessage, getLoadingDataMessageStyle, getLoadingMessage, getLoadingRowCountDisplayIcoHeight, getLoadingRowCountDisplayIcon, getLoadingRowCountDisplayIconWidth, getLocateColumnsBy, getLocateRowsBy, getLongTextEditorThreshold, getLongTextEditorType, getMaxExpandedRecords, getMaxExpandedRecordsPrompt, getMaximumRowCountFormat, getMaxSummaryRowRecords, getMinFieldWidth, getMinHeight, getMinimumCellHeight, getMinimumRowCountFormat, getMissingSummaryFieldValue, getModalEditing, getMultiGroupDialogDefaults, getMultiGroupDialogProperties, getNavigateOnTab, getNeverValidate, getNewRecordRowMessage, getNewSearchText, getNormalBaseStyle, getNormalCellHeight, getNoSavedSearchesText, getNullGroupTitle, getOfflineMessageStyle, getOperatorIcon, getOriginalRecordList, getOriginalResultSet, getOriginBaseStyle, getOverflow, getPendingAsyncCellValue, getPlaceholderAIHoverContents, getPoolComponentsPerColumn, getPreserveFocusStylingOnMouseOut, getPreserveWhitespace, getPreventDuplicates, getPrintAutoFit, getPrintBaseStyle, getPrintBooleanBaseStyle, getPrintBooleanFalseImage, getPrintBooleanPartialImage, getPrintBooleanTrueImage, getPrintCheckboxFieldFalseImage, getPrintCheckboxFieldPartialImage, getPrintCheckboxFieldTrueImage, getPrintHeaderStyle, getPrintMaxRows, getPrintWrapCells, getProgressiveLoading, getQuickDrawAheadRatio, getRangeRowCountFormat, getRecordBaseStyleProperty, getRecordCanRemoveProperty, getRecordCanSelectProperty, getRecordCellRoleProperty, getRecordComponent, getRecordComponent, getRecordComponentHeight, getRecordComponentPoolingMode, getRecordComponentPosition, getRecordDetailDSProperty, getRecordDropPosition, getRecordEditProperty, getRecordEnabledProperty, getRecordIndex, getRecordIndex, getRecordList, getRecordRadius, getRecordRadiusTargets, getRecordRowAriaStateProperty, getRecordRowRoleProperty, getRecordScreen, getRecordShowRollOverProperty, getRecordSummaryAttributePrefix, getRecordSummaryBaseStyle, getRelatedDataSource, getRemovedCSSText, getRemoveFieldDefaults, getRemoveFieldProperties, getRemoveFieldTitle, getRemoveIcon, getRemoveIconSize, getRemoveIconStyle, getRemoveOperation, getReselectOnUpdate, getReselectOnUpdateNotifications, getResizeFieldsInRealTime, getResultSet, getReverseRTLAlign, getRollOverCanvas, getRollUnderCanvas, getRotatedHeaderMenuButtonHeight, getRotatedHeaderMenuButtonHeightAsString, getRotatedHeaderMenuButtonWidth, getRotateHeaderTitles, getRowAriaState, getRowCount, getRowCountDisplayPrecision, getRowCountRange, getRowCountStatus, getRowEndEditAction, getRowErrors, getRowHeight, getRowLocatorField, getRowLocatorFieldAsStringArray, getRowNum, getRowNumberField, getRowNumberStart, getRowNumberStyle, getRowPageTop, getRowRangeDisplay, getRowRangeDisplayStyle, getRowRangeDisplayValue, getRowRangeFormat, getRowRole, getRowSpan, getRowSpanEditMode, getRowSpanSelectionMode, getRowTop, getSaveByCell, getSaveCriteriaInViewState, getSaveDefaultSearch, getSavedSearchAdminRole, getSavedSearchAdminSeparator, getSavedSearchDS, getSavedSearchId, getSavedSearchStoredState, getSavedSearchText, getSavedViewState, getSaveLocally, getSaveRequestProperties, getScreenReaderCellSeparator, getScreenReaderIncludeFieldTitles, getScreenReaderNavigateByCell, getScreenReaderRowSeparator, getScreenReaderWriteRowLabelledBy, getScrollRedrawDelay, getScrollToCellXPosition, getScrollToCellYPosition, getScrollWheelRedrawDelay, getSearchForm, getSearchFormAsValuesManager, getSelectCellTextOnClick, getSelectedCellData, getSelectedRecords, getSelectedRecords, getSelectedState, getSelectHeaderOnSort, getSelection, getSelection, getSelectionAppearance, getSelectionType, getSelectOnEdit, getSelectOnExpandRecord, getSeparatorRowStyle, getShowAllColumns, getShowAllRecords, getShowAsynchGroupingPrompt, getShowBackgroundComponents, getShowCellContextMenus, getShowClippedHeaderTitlesOnHover, getShowClippedValuesOnHover, getShowCollapsedGroupSummary, getShowComplexFields, getShowDetailFields, getShowDropLines, getShowEllipsisWhenClipped, getShowEmptyMessage, getShowErrorIcons, getShowExpansionEditorSaveButton, getShowFilterEditor, getShowFilterEditorHovers, getShowFilterEditorTitle, getShowFilterWindowCriteriaIndicator, getShowGridSummary, getShowGroupSummary, getShowGroupSummaryInHeader, getShowGroupTitleColumn, getShowGroupTitleInFrozenBody, getShowHeader, getShowHeaderContextMenu, getShowHeaderMenuButton, getShowHeaderPartialSelection, getShowHeaderShadow, getShowHeaderSpanContextMenu, getShowHeaderSpanTitlesInFormulaBuilder, getShowHeaderSpanTitlesInHiliteEditor, getShowHeaderSpanTitlesInSortEditor, getShowHiddenFields, getShowHilitesInGroupSummary, getShowHover, getShowHoverComponents, getShowHoverOnDisabledCells, getShowInitialDragHandles, getShowNewRecordRow, getShowRecordComponents, getShowRecordComponentsByCell, getShowRollOver, getShowRollOverCanvas, getShowRollOverInExpansion, getShowRollUnderCanvas, getShowRowNumbers, getShowSavedSearchesByDS, getShowSelectedRollOverCanvas, getShowSelectedRollUnderCanvas, getShowSelectedStyle, getShowSelectionCanvas, getShowSelectionUnderCanvas, getShowSortArrow, getShowSortNumerals, getShowTreeColumnPicker, getShrinkForFreeze, getSingleCellValueProperty, getSkinImgDir, getSkipLineBreaks, getSort, getSortArrowMenuButtonSpaceOffset, getSortAscendingImage, getSortAscendingImageAsImgHTMLProperties, getSortBinaryByFileName, getSortByGroupFirst, getSortDescendingImage, getSortDescendingImageAsImgHTMLProperties, getSortDirection, getSortEditorSpanTitleSeparator, getSorterButtonTitle, getSortField, getSortFieldAscendingText, getSortFieldCount, getSortFieldDescendingText, getSortNumeralHTML, getSortNumeralMenuButtonSpaceOffset, getSortNumeralStyle, getSortSpecifier, getSortState, getSpanContextMenu, getSpannedHeaderBaseStyle, getSparseFieldState, getStopOnErrors, getStyledRowEnds, getStyleName, getSummaryFieldValue, getSummaryRow, getSummaryRowCriteria, getSummaryRowDataSource, getSummaryRowFetchRequestProperties, getSummaryRowHeight, getSummaryRowStyle, getTableRowStyle, getTallBaseStyle, getTestInstance, getTitleField, getTitleFieldValue, getToggleFreezeText, getTotalRows, getTouchScrollRedrawDelay, getTrackerImage, getTrackerImageAsImgHTMLProperties, getUnfreezeFieldText, getUngroupText, getUnknownRowCountDisplayValue, getUnremoveIcon, getUpdateOperation, getUpdateSummariesDuringEditing, getUseAdvancedCriteria, getUseAdvancedFieldPicker, getUseCellRollOvers, getUseClientFiltering, getUseCopyPasteShortcuts, getUseFlatFields, getUseMultiSelectForFilterValueMaps, getUserCriteriaState, getUseRemoteValidators, getUseRowSpanStyling, getValidateByCell, getValidateOnChange, getValueIcon, getValueIconCursor, getValueIconHeight, getValueIconLeftPadding, getValueIconRightPadding, getValueIconSize, getValueIconWidth, getViewState, getVirtualScrolling, getVisibleRows, getWaitForSave, getWarnOnRemoval, getWarnOnRemovalMessage, getWarnOnUnmappedValueFieldChange, getWrapCells, getWrapHeaderSpanTitles, getWrapHeaderTitles, groupBy, groupSortNormalizer, hasChanges, hasChanges, hasErrors, headerHoverHTML, headerTitleClipped, hideDragHandles, hideField, hideField, hideFields, hideFields, hideFields, hideFields, invalidateCache, invalidateRecordComponents, isCheckboxField, isExpanded, isExpansionField, isGrouped, isGroupNode, isPartiallySelected, isRowNumberField, isSelected, isSortField, isSummaryRecord, markForRedraw, markForRedraw, markRecordRemoved, markRecordsRemoved, markRecordsRemoved, markRecordsRemoved, markSelectionRemoved, onInit_ListGrid, openGroup, openRecordDetailGrid, openRecordEditor, preloadImages, recalculateGridSummary, recalculateSummaries, recalculateSummaries, recalculateSummaries, recordClick, recordMarkedAsRemoved, redrawHeader, refreshCell, refreshCell, refreshCellStyle, refreshData, refreshData, refreshFields, refreshRecordComponent, refreshRecordComponent, refreshRow, regroup, removeData, removeData, removeData, removeEmbeddedComponent, removeEmbeddedComponent, removeEmbeddedComponent, removeRecordClick, removeSelectedData, removeSelectedData, removeSelectedData, removeSelectedData, reorderField, reorderFields, resizeField, resort, rowClick, rowClick, rowDoubleClick, rowDoubleClick, rowHasChanges, rowHasChanges, rowHasErrors, saveAllEdits, saveAllEdits, saveAllEdits, saveEdits, saveEdits, saveEdits, saveEdits, scrollBodyTo, scrollToCell, scrollToCell, scrollToCell, scrollToColumn, scrollToColumn, scrollToRow, scrollToRow, selectAllRecords, selectRange, selectRange, selectRecord, selectRecord, selectRecord, selectRecord, selectRecords, selectRecords, selectRecords, selectRecords, selectSingleRecord, selectSingleRecord, setAddDropValues, setAddFormulaFieldText, setAddOperation, setAddSummaryFieldText, setAdvancedFieldPickerThreshold, setAdvancedFilteringText, setAiFilterWindowHint, setAiFilterWindowInstructions, setAiFilterWindowTitle, setAiHoverContentsPrefix, setAiHoverRetryDelay, setAiSortFieldMaxRecordsMessage, setAllowFilterExpressions, setAllowFilterOperators, setAllowFilterWindow, setAllowRowSpanning, setAlternateBodyStyleName, setAlternateFieldFrequency, setAlternateFieldStyles, setAlternateFieldSuffix, setAlternateRecordFrequency, setAlternateRecordStyles, setAlternateRecordSuffix, setAlwaysShowEditors, setAlwaysShowOperatorIcon, setAnimateRemoveRecord, setAnimateRemoveSpeed, setAnimateRemoveTime, setAnimateRollOver, setAnimateRollUnder, setAnimateSelection, setAnimateSelectionUnder, setApplyFormulaAfterSummary, setApplyRowCountToLength, setApplyRowNumberStyle, setApproximateRowCountFormat, setAriaRole, setArrowKeyAction, setArrowKeyEditAction, setAsyncErrorCellValue, setAsynchGroupingPrompt, setAsyncMissingCellValue, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoComplete, setAutoConfirmSaveEdits, setAutoFetchAsFilter, setAutoFetchData, setAutoFetchDisplayMap, setAutoFetchRowCount, setAutoFitAllText, setAutoFitClipFields, setAutoFitData, setAutoFitDateFields, setAutoFitExpandField, setAutoFitExtraRecords, setAutoFitFieldsFillViewport, setAutoFitFieldText, setAutoFitFieldWidths, setAutoFitHeaderHeights, setAutoFitIconFields, setAutoFitMaxColumns, setAutoFitMaxHeight, setAutoFitMaxRecords, setAutoFitMaxWidth, setAutoFitMaxWidth, setAutoFitTimeFields, setAutoFitWidth, setAutoFitWidthApproach, setAutoPersistViewState, setAutoSaveEdits, setAutoSizeHeaderSpans, setBadFormulaResultValue, setBaseStyle, setBlockingRowCountFetch, setBodyBackgroundColor, setBodyOverflow, setBodyStyleName, setBooleanBaseStyle, setBooleanFalseImage, setBooleanImageHeight, setBooleanImageWidth, setBooleanPartialImage, setBooleanTrueImage, setBriefRowRangeDisplayValue, setCanAddAISortFields, setCanAddFormulaFields, setCanAddSummaryFields, setCanAutoFitFields, setCancelEditingConfirmationMessage, setCanCollapseGroup, setCanDragSelect, setCanDragSelectText, setCanDropInEmptyArea, setCanEdit, setCanEditFieldAttribute, setCanEditHilites, setCanEditTitles, setCanExpandMultipleRecords, setCanExpandRecordProperty, setCanExpandRecords, setCanFocusInEmptyGrid, setCanFreezeFields, setCanGroupBy, setCanHiliteViaAI, setCanHover, setCanMultiGroup, setCanMultiSort, setCanPickFields, setCanPickOmittedFields, setCanRemoveRecords, setCanReorderFields, setCanRequestRowCount, setCanResizeFields, setCanSaveSearches, setCanSelectCells, setCanSelectGroups, setCanSelectRecordCustomizer, setCanSelectSummaryRows, setCanShowFilterEditor, setCanSort, setCanTabToHeader, setCanTabToSorter, setCellContextMenuItemsCustomizer, setCellCSSTextCustomizer, setCellFormatter, setCellHeight, setCellPadding, setCellRole, setChartConstructor, setChartType, setCheckboxFieldFalseImage, setCheckboxFieldImageHeight, setCheckboxFieldImageWidth, setCheckboxFieldPartialImage, setCheckboxFieldProperties, setCheckboxFieldTrueImage, setChildExpansionMode, setClearAllSortingText, setClearCriteriaOnFilterEditorHide, setClearFilterText, setClearFilterViaAIText, setClearSortFieldText, setClipHeaderTitles, setCollapseGroupOnRowClick, setConfigureGroupingText, setConfigureSortText, setConfirmCancelEditing, setConfirmDiscardEdits, setConfirmDiscardEditsMessage, setCriteria, setCriteriaIndicatorColor, setCriteriaIndicatorHeaderColor, setData, setData, setData, setDataFetchDelay, setDataPageSize, setDataProperties, setDataSource, setDataSource, setDataSource, setDateFormatter, setDateInputFormat, setDatetimeFormatter, setDeepCloneOnEdit, setDefaultDateFieldWidth, setDefaultDateTimeFieldWidth, setDefaultEditableDateFieldWidth, setDefaultEditableDateTimeFieldWidth, setDefaultFields, setDefaultFieldWidthCustomizer, setDefaultFilterOperator, setDefaultFilterOperatorSuffix, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultTimeFieldWidth, setDeferRemoval, setDeselectOnPartialCheckboxClick, setDetailDS, setDetailDS, setDetailField, setDisabledGroupByPrompt, setDiscardDataOnSetFetchOperation, setDiscardEditsOnHideField, setDiscardEditsSaveButtonTitle, setDontAutoDestroyComponent, setDragDataAction, setDragDataCustomizer, setDragHandleFieldTitle, setDragHandleIcon, setDragHandleIconSize, setDragScrollRedrawDelay, setDragTrackerIconCustomizer, setDragTrackerMode, setDragTrackerStyle, setDragTrackerTitleCustomizer, setDrawAheadRatio, setDrawAllMaxCells, setDropValues, setDuplicateDragMessage, setEditByCell, setEditEvent, setEditFailedBaseStyle, setEditFailedCSSText, setEditFormulaFieldText, setEditOnF2Keypress, setEditOnFocus, setEditorCustomizer, setEditorValueMap, setEditorValueMap, setEditPendingBaseStyle, setEditPendingCSSText, setEditPendingMarkerStyle, setEditProxyConstructor, setEditSelectionType, setEditSummaryFieldText, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValue, setEditValues, setEmbeddedComponentIndent, setEmbeddedComponentMargin, setEmptyAIHoverContents, setEmptyCellValue, setEmptyMessage, setEmptyMessageStyle, setEmptyRowRangeDisplayValue, setEnforceVClipping, setEnterKeyEditAction, setEnumCriteriaAsInitialValues, setErrorIconHeight, setErrorIconSrc, setErrorIconWidth, setEscapeKeyEditAction, setExactRowCountFormat, setExpansionCanEdit, setExpansionComponentPoolingMode, setExpansionEditorSaveDialogPrompt, setExpansionEditorShowSaveDialog, setExpansionFieldFalseImage, setExpansionFieldImageHeight, setExpansionFieldImageShowRTL, setExpansionFieldImageShowSelected, setExpansionFieldImageStyle, setExpansionFieldImageWidth, setExpansionFieldTrueImage, setExpansionIndent, setExpansionMode, setExpansionScreen, setExplicitFetchDelay, setExportAll, setExportAlternateRowBGColor, setExportDefaultBGColor, setExportFieldAlignments, setExportFields, setExportFieldWidths, setExportHeaderHeights, setExportHiddenFieldWidth, setExportIncludeSummaries, setExportRawNumbers, setExportRawValues, setExportWidthScale, setExportWrapHeaderTitles, setFastCellUpdates, setFetchDelay, setFetchFields, setFetchFields, setFetchOperation, setFetchRequestProperties, setFieldButtonProperties, setFieldCellIcon, setFieldCriteriaText, setFieldError, setFieldError, setFieldHeaderBaseStyle, setFieldHeaderTitleStyle, setFieldIcon, setFieldMaxWidth, setFieldMinWidth, setFieldPickerFieldProperties, setFieldPickerShowSampleValues, setFieldProperties, setFieldProperties, setFields, setFields, setFieldSearchOperator, setFieldState, setFieldTitle, setFieldTitle, setFieldVisibilitySubmenuTitle, setFilterButtonPrompt, setFilterButtonProperties, setFilterByCell, setFilterEditorCriteria, setFilterEditorHeight, setFilterEditorProperties, setFilterEditorProperties, setFilterLocalData, setFilterOnKeypress, setFilterUsingText, setFilterViaAIMode, setFilterViaAIPanelInstructions, setFilterViaAIText, setFilterWindowCriteria, setFilterWindowInstructions, setFilterWindowTitle, setFirstCellStyle, setFixedFieldWidths, setFixedRecordHeights, setFormulaBuilderSpanTitleSeparator, setFreezeFieldText, setFrozenBaseStyle, setFrozenFieldsMaxWidth, setFrozenFieldsMaxWidth, setFrozenHeaderBaseStyle, setFrozenHeaderTitleStyle, setFullRowRangeDisplayValue, setGenerateClickOnEnter, setGenerateClickOnSpace, setGenerateDoubleClickOnEnter, setGenerateDoubleClickOnSpace, setGridAdditionalCriteriaText, setGridComponents, setGridComponents, setGridSummaryRecordProperty, setGroupByAsyncThreshold, setGroupByFieldSummaries, setGroupByMaxRecords, setGroupByMaxRecordsExceededMessage, setGroupByText, setGroupIcon, setGroupIconSize, setGroupIconStyle, setGroupIndentSize, setGroupLeadingIndent, setGroupNodeBaseStyle, setGroupNodeStyle, setGroupSortDirection, setGroupSortNormalizer, setGroupStartOpen, setGroupStartOpen, setGroupState, setGroupSummaryRecordProperty, setGroupSummaryStyle, setGroupTitleColumnProperties, setGroupTitleField, setHeaderAriaRole, setHeaderAutoFitEvent, setHeaderBackgroundColor, setHeaderBarStyle, setHeaderBaseStyle, setHeaderButtonAriaRole, setHeaderButtonAriaState, setHeaderButtonProperties, setHeaderHeight, setHeaderHoverAlign, setHeaderHoverFormatter, setHeaderHoverHeight, setHeaderHoverOpacity, setHeaderHoverStyle, setHeaderHoverVAlign, setHeaderHoverWidth, setHeaderHoverWrap, setHeaderMenuButtonHeight, setHeaderMenuButtonHeight, setHeaderMenuButtonIcon, setHeaderMenuButtonIconHeight, setHeaderMenuButtonIconWidth, setHeaderMenuButtonSnapOffsetLeft, setHeaderMenuButtonWidth, setHeaderRadius, setHeaderShadowColor, setHeaderShadowHOffset, setHeaderShadowSoftness, setHeaderShadowVOffset, setHeaderSpanBaseStyle, setHeaderSpanButtonProperties, setHeaderSpanHeaderTitle, setHeaderSpanHeight, setHeaderSpans, setHeaderSpanTitle, setHeaderSpanTitleStyle, setHeaderTitleStyle, setHeaderTitleVAlign, setHideEmptySummaryRow, setHideFilterEditorTitle, setHideOnPhone, setHideOnTablet, setHiliteCanReplaceValue, setHiliteEditorSpanTitleSeparator, setHiliteHTMLAfterFormat, setHiliteIconHeight, setHiliteIconLeftPadding, setHiliteIconPosition, setHiliteIconRightPadding, setHiliteIcons, setHiliteIconSize, setHiliteIconWidth, setHiliteProperty, setHiliteReplaceValueFieldTitle, setHiliteRowOnFocus, setHilites, setHiliteState, setHiliteViaAIMode, setHiliteViaAIText, setHoverCustomizer, setHoverMode, setHoverScreen, setHoverStyle, setIconCursor, setImageSize, setImplicitCriteria, setImplicitCriteria, setImplicitCriteria, setInactiveCellFormatter, setIncludeHilitesInSummaryFields, setIncludeInSummaryProperty, setInitialCriteria, setInitialSort, setInstantScrollTrackRedraw, setInvalidSummaryValue, setIsSeparatorProperty, setLastCellStyle, setLeaveHeaderMenuButtonSpace, setLeaveScrollbarGap, setLinkTextProperty, setListEndEditAction, setLoadingDataMessage, setLoadingDataMessageStyle, setLoadingMessage, setLoadingRowCountDisplayIcoHeight, setLoadingRowCountDisplayIcon, setLoadingRowCountDisplayIconWidth, setLocateColumnsBy, setLocateRowsBy, setLogicalStructure, setLongTextEditorThreshold, setLongTextEditorType, setMaxExpandedRecords, setMaxExpandedRecordsPrompt, setMaximumRowCountFormat, setMaxSummaryRowRecords, setMinFieldWidth, setMinHeight, setMinimumCellHeight, setMinimumRowCountFormat, setMissingSummaryFieldValue, setModalEditing, setMultiGroupDialogDefaults, setMultiGroupDialogProperties, setMultiSortDialogDefaults, setMultiSortDialogProperties, setNavigateOnTab, setNeverValidate, setNewRecordRowMessage, setNewSearchText, setNormalBaseStyle, setNormalCellHeight, setNoSavedSearchesText, setNullGroupTitle, setOfflineMessageStyle, setOriginBaseStyle, setOverflow, setPendingAsyncCellValue, setPlaceholderAIHoverContents, setPoolComponentsPerColumn, setPreserveFocusStylingOnMouseOut, setPreserveWhitespace, setPreventDuplicates, setPrintAutoFit, setPrintBaseStyle, setPrintBooleanBaseStyle, setPrintBooleanFalseImage, setPrintBooleanPartialImage, setPrintBooleanTrueImage, setPrintCheckboxFieldFalseImage, setPrintCheckboxFieldPartialImage, setPrintCheckboxFieldTrueImage, setPrintHeaderStyle, setPrintMaxRows, setPrintWrapCells, setProgressiveLoading, setQuickDrawAheadRatio, setRangeRowCountFormat, setRecordBaseStyleProperty, setRecordCanRemoveProperty, setRecordCanSelectProperty, setRecordCellRoleProperty, setRecordComponentHeight, setRecordComponentPoolingMode, setRecordComponentPosition, setRecordDetailDSProperty, setRecordEditProperty, setRecordEnabledProperty, setRecordRadius, setRecordRadiusTargets, setRecordRowAriaStateProperty, setRecordRowRoleProperty, setRecords, setRecordScreen, setRecordShowRollOverProperty, setRecordSummaryAttributePrefix, setRecordSummaryBaseStyle, setRemovedCSSText, setRemoveFieldProperties, setRemoveFieldTitle, setRemoveIcon, setRemoveIconSize, setRemoveIconStyle, setRemoveOperation, setReselectOnUpdate, setReselectOnUpdateNotifications, setResizeFieldsInRealTime, setReverseRTLAlign, setRollOverCanvasProperties, setRollUnderCanvasProperties, setRotatedHeaderMenuButtonHeight, setRotatedHeaderMenuButtonHeight, setRotatedHeaderMenuButtonWidth, setRotateHeaderTitles, setRowAriaState, setRowCountDisplayPrecision, setRowEndEditAction, setRowErrors, setRowErrors, setRowLocatorField, setRowLocatorField, setRowNumberFieldProperties, setRowNumberStart, setRowNumberStyle, setRowRangeDisplayStyle, setRowRangeFormat, setRowRole, setRowSpanEditMode, setRowSpanSelectionMode, setSaveByCell, setSaveCriteriaInViewState, setSaveDefaultSearch, setSavedSearchAdminRole, setSavedSearchDS, setSavedSearchId, setSavedSearchStoredState, setSavedSearchText, setSaveLocally, setSaveRequestProperties, setScreenReaderCellSeparator, setScreenReaderIncludeFieldTitles, setScreenReaderNavigateByCell, setScreenReaderRowSeparator, setScreenReaderWriteRowLabelledBy, setScrollRedrawDelay, setScrollToCellXPosition, setScrollToCellYPosition, setScrollWheelRedrawDelay, setSearchForm, setSearchForm, setSelectCellTextOnClick, setSelectedState, setSelectHeaderOnSort, setSelectionAppearance, setSelectionCanvasProperties, setSelectionType, setSelectionUnderCanvasProperties, setSelectOnEdit, setSelectOnExpandRecord, setSeparatorRowStyle, setShowAllColumns, setShowAllRecords, setShowAsynchGroupingPrompt, setShowBackgroundComponents, setShowCellContextMenus, setShowClippedHeaderTitlesOnHover, setShowClippedValuesOnHover, setShowCollapsedGroupSummary, setShowComplexFields, setShowDetailFields, setShowDropLines, setShowEllipsisWhenClipped, setShowEmptyMessage, setShowErrorIcons, setShowFilterEditor, setShowFilterEditorHovers, setShowFilterEditorTitle, setShowFilterWindowCriteriaIndicator, setShowGridSummary, setShowGroupSummary, setShowGroupSummaryInHeader, setShowGroupTitleColumn, setShowGroupTitleInFrozenBody, setShowHeader, setShowHeaderContextMenu, setShowHeaderMenuButton, setShowHeaderPartialSelection, setShowHeaderShadow, setShowHeaderSpanContextMenu, setShowHeaderSpanTitlesInFormulaBuilder, setShowHeaderSpanTitlesInHiliteEditor, setShowHeaderSpanTitlesInSortEditor, setShowHiddenFields, setShowHilitesInGroupSummary, setShowHover, setShowHoverComponents, setShowHoverOnDisabledCells, setShowInitialDragHandles, setShowNewRecordRow, setShowRecordComponents, setShowRecordComponentsByCell, setShowRollOver, setShowRollOverCanvas, setShowRollOverInExpansion, setShowRollUnderCanvas, setShowRowNumbers, setShowSavedSearchesByDS, setShowSelectedRollOverCanvas, setShowSelectedRollUnderCanvas, setShowSelectedStyle, setShowSelectionCanvas, setShowSelectionUnderCanvas, setShowSortArrow, setShowSortNumerals, setShowTreeColumnPicker, setShrinkForFreeze, setSingleCellValueProperty, setSkinImgDir, setSkipLineBreaks, setSort, setSortArrowMenuButtonSpaceOffset, setSortAscendingImage, setSortAscendingImage, setSortBinaryByFileName, setSortByGroupFirst, setSortDescendingImage, setSortDescendingImage, setSortDirection, setSortEditorSpanTitleSeparator, setSorterButtonTitle, setSortField, setSortField, setSortField, setSortFieldAscendingText, setSortFieldDescendingText, setSortNumeralHTMLCustomizer, setSortNumeralMenuButtonSpaceOffset, setSortNumeralStyle, setSortState, setSpannedHeaderBaseStyle, setSparseFieldState, setStopOnErrors, setStyledRowEnds, setStyleName, setSummaryRowCriteria, setSummaryRowDataSource, setSummaryRowFetchRequestProperties, setSummaryRowHeight, setSummaryRowStyle, setTableRowStyle, setTallBaseStyle, setTitleField, setTouchScrollRedrawDelay, setTrackerImage, setTrackerImage, setUnfreezeFieldText, setUngroupText, setUnknownRowCountDisplayValue, setUnremoveIcon, setUpdateOperation, setUpdateSummariesDuringEditing, setUseAdvancedCriteria, setUseAdvancedFieldPicker, setUseCellRollOvers, setUseClientFiltering, setUseCopyPasteShortcuts, setUseFlatFields, setUseMultiSelectForFilterValueMaps, setUserAIFilterRequest, setUserAIFilterRequest, setUserAIFilterRequest, setUserCriteriaState, setUseRemoteValidators, setUserFormula, setUserFormula, setUserFormula, setUserFormulaText, setUserFormulaText, setUserFormulaText, setUseRowSpanStyling, setUserSummary, setUserSummary, setUserSummary, setUserSummaryText, setUserSummaryText, setUserSummaryText, setValidateByCell, setValidateOnChange, setValueIconHeight, setValueIconLeftPadding, setValueIconRightPadding, setValueIconSize, setValueIconWidth, setValueMap, setValueMap, setViewState, setVirtualScrolling, setWaitForSave, setWarnOnRemoval, setWarnOnRemovalMessage, setWarnOnUnmappedValueFieldChange, setWrapCells, setWrapHeaderSpanTitles, setWrapHeaderTitles, shouldIncludeHiliteInSummaryField, showAIFilterWindow, showAIHiliteWindow, showDragHandles, showField, showField, showFields, showFields, showFields, showFields, showFilterWindow, showRecordComponent, sort, sort, sort, sort, startEditing, startEditing, startEditing, startEditing, startEditingNew, startEditingNew, startEditingNew, stopHover, summaryUpdated, toggleSort, transferRecords, transferSelectedData, transferSelectedData, unfreezeField, unfreezeField, unfreezeField, unfreezeField, unfreezeFields, unfreezeFields, ungroup, unmarkRecordRemoved, unsort, updateData, updateData, updateData, updateRecordComponent, userSelectAllRecords, validateCell, validateCell, validateRow, willFetchData, willFetchData
setDefaultProperties, setLogicalStructure
addMember, addMember, addMember, addMember, addMemberPostCreate, addMemberPostCreate, addMemberPreCreate, addMemberPreCreate, addMembers, addMembers, addMembersChangedHandler, getAnimateMembers, getAnimateMemberTime, getCanDropComponents, getChildTabPosition, getDefaultResizeBars, getDropComponent, getDropLine, getDropLineThickness, getDropPosition, getEnforcePolicy, getHPolicy, getLayoutBottomMargin, getLayoutEndMargin, getLayoutLeftMargin, getLayoutMargin, getLayoutRightMargin, getLayoutStartMargin, getLayoutTopMargin, getLocateMembersBy, getLocateMembersType, getManagePercentBreadth, getMember, getMember, getMemberDefaultBreadth, getMemberNumber, getMemberNumber, getMemberOverlap, getMembers, getMembersLength, getMembersMargin, getMinMemberLength, getMinMemberSize, getPaddingAsLayoutMargin, getResizeBar, getResizeBarClass, getResizeBarSize, getReverseOrder, getShowDragPlaceHolder, getStackZIndex, getVertical, getVPolicy, hasMember, hideDropLine, hideMember, hideMember, layoutIsDirty, onInit_Layout, reflow, reflow, reflowNow, removeMember, removeMembers, removeMembers, reorderMember, reorderMembers, replaceMember, revealChild, revealChild, setAlign, setAlign, setAnimateMembers, setAnimateMemberTime, setCanDropComponents, setDefaultLayoutAlign, setDefaultLayoutAlign, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultResizeBars, setDropLineProperties, setDropLineThickness, setEnforcePolicy, setHPolicy, setLayoutBottomMargin, setLayoutEndMargin, setLayoutLeftMargin, setLayoutMargin, setLayoutRightMargin, setLayoutStartMargin, setLayoutTopMargin, setLocateMembersBy, setLocateMembersType, setLogicalStructure, setManagePercentBreadth, setMemberOverlap, setMembers, setMembersMargin, setMinBreadthMember, setMinBreadthMember, setMinBreadthMember, setMinMemberLength, setMinMemberSize, setPaddingAsLayoutMargin, setPlaceHolderDefaults, setPlaceHolderProperties, setResizeBarClass, setResizeBarSize, setReverseOrder, setShowDragPlaceHolder, setStackZIndex, setVertical, setVisibleMember, setVPolicy, showMember, showMember
addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addClearHandler, addClickHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addDragMoveHandler, addDragRepositionMoveHandler, addDragRepositionStartHandler, addDragRepositionStopHandler, addDragResizeMoveHandler, addDragResizeStartHandler, addDragResizeStopHandler, addDragStartHandler, addDragStopHandler, addDropHandler, addDropMoveHandler, addDropOutHandler, addDropOverHandler, addFocusChangedHandler, addHoverHandler, addHoverHiddenHandler, addKeyDownHandler, addKeyPressHandler, addMouseDownHandler, addMouseMoveHandler, addMouseOutHandler, addMouseOverHandler, addMouseStillDownHandler, addMouseUpHandler, addMouseWheelHandler, addMovedHandler, addParentMovedHandler, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addResizedHandler, addRightMouseDownHandler, addRuleContextChangedHandler, addScrolledHandler, addShowContextMenuHandler, addSnapAlignCandidate, addStyleName, addVisibilityChangedHandler, adjustForContent, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, asSGWTComponent, blur, bringToFront, clear, clearExplicitTabIndex, clickMaskUp, clickMaskUp, contains, contains, containsEvent, containsEventTarget, containsFocus, containsPoint, containsPoint, dataContextChanged, deparent, depeer, disable, enable, encloses, focus, focusAfterGroup, focusAtEnd, focusInNextTabElement, focusInPreviousTabElement, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getAccessKey, getAdaptiveHeightPriority, getAdaptiveWidthPriority, getAlwaysManageFocusNavigation, getAlwaysShowScrollbars, getAnimateAcceleration, getAnimateFadeTime, getAnimateHideAcceleration, getAnimateHideEffect, getAnimateHideTime, getAnimateMoveAcceleration, getAnimateMoveTime, getAnimateRectAcceleration, getAnimateRectTime, getAnimateResizeAcceleration, getAnimateResizeLayoutMode, getAnimateResizeTime, getAnimateScrollAcceleration, getAnimateScrollTime, getAnimateShowAcceleration, getAnimateShowEffect, getAnimateShowTime, getAnimateTime, getAppImgDir, getAriaHandleID, getAutoMaskComponents, getAutoParent, getAutoPopulateData, getAutoShowParent, getBackgroundColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundPosition, getBackgroundRepeat, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBottom, getById, getByJSObject, getByLocalId, getCanAcceptDrop, getCanAdaptHeight, getCanAdaptWidth, getCanDrag, getCanDragReposition, getCanDragResize, getCanDragScroll, getCanDrop, getCanDropBefore, getCanFocus, getCanSelectText, getCanvasAutoChild, getCanvasItem, getChildren, getChildrenResizeSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapCenterAlign, getChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, getChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, getChildrenSnapToGrid, getClassName, getComponentMask, getComponentMaskDefaults, getContentElement, getContents, getContextMenu, getCorrectZoomOverflow, getCursor, getDataContext, getDataPath, getDefaultHeight, getDefaultWidth, getDefiningProperty, getDefiningPropertyName, getDefiningPropertyNameOptions, getDestroyed, getDestroying, getDisabled, getDisabledCursor, getDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, getDoubleClickDelay, getDragAppearance, getDragIntersectStyle, getDragMaskType, getDragMaxHeight, getDragMaxWidth, getDragMinHeight, getDragMinWidth, getDragOpacity, getDragRepositionAppearance, getDragRepositionCursor, getDragResizeAppearance, getDragScrollDelay, getDragStartDistance, getDragTarget, getDragTargetAsString, getDragType, getDropTarget, getDropTargetAsString, getDropTypes, getDropTypesAsString, getDynamicContents, getEdgeBackgroundColor, getEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, getEdgeImage, getEdgeMarginSize, getEdgeOffset, getEdgeOpacity, getEdgeShowCenter, getEdgeSize, getEditNode, getEditProxy, getElement, getElement, getEnableWhen, getEndLine, getEventEdge, getEventEdge, getExtraSpace, getFacetId, getFloatingScrollbars, getFormItemAutoChild, getForwardSVGeventsToObject, getFullDataPath, getGroupBorderCSS, getGroupLabelBackgroundColor, getGroupLabelStyleName, getGroupPadding, getGroupTitle, getHeight, getHeightAsString, getHideUsingDisplayNone, getHoverAlign, getHoverAutoDestroy, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidthAsString, getHoverAutoFitWidth, getHoverComponent, getHoverDelay, getHoverFocusKey, getHoverHeight, getHoverHTML, getHoverMoveWithMouse, getHoverOpacity, getHoverPersist, getHoverVAlign, getHoverWidth, getHoverWrap, getHSnapPosition, getHSnapPosition, getHtmlElement, getHtmlElementAsString, getHtmlPosition, getImage, getImgURL, getImgURL, getInnerContentHeight, getInnerContentWidth, getInnerHeight, getInnerWidth, getIsGroup, getIsPrinting, getIsRuleScope, getIsSnapAlignCandidate, getKeepInParentRect, getLayoutAlign, getLeaveGroupLabelSpace, getLeavePageSpace, getLeft, getLeftAsString, getLocalId, getLocateByIDOnly, getLocateChildrenBy, getLocateChildrenType, getLocatePeersBy, getLocatePeersType, getLocatorName, getMargin, getMasterCanvas, getMasterElement, getMatchElement, getMatchElementHeight, getMatchElementWidth, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMaxZoomOverflowError, getMenuConstructor, getMinNonEdgeSize, getMinWidth, getMomentumScrollMinSpeed, getMouseStillDownDelay, getMouseStillDownInitialDelay, getName, getNativeAutoHideScrollbars, getNextZIndex, getNoDoubleClicks, getNoDropCursor, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getOffsetX, getOffsetY, getOpacity, getOuterElement, getPadding, getPageBottom, getPageLeft, getPageRect, getPageRight, getPageTop, getPaletteDefaults, getPanelContainer, getParentCanvas, getParentElement, getPeers, getPendingMarkerStyle, getPendingMarkerVisible, getPercentBox, getPercentSource, getPersistentMatchElement, getPointerSettings, getPointerTarget, getPointerTargetAsString, getPosition, getPrefix, getPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, getPrintHTML, getPrintHTML, getPrintStyleName, getPrompt, getProportionalResizeModifiers, getProportionalResizing, getReceiveScrollbarEvents, getRect, getRedrawOnResize, getResizeBarTarget, getResizeFrom, getRight, getRuleContext, getRuleContext, getRuleScope, getScrollbarSize, getScrollBottom, getScrollHeight, getScrollLeft, getScrollRight, getScrollTop, getScrollWidth, getShadowColor, getShadowDepth, getShadowHOffset, getShadowImage, getShadowOffset, getShadowSoftness, getShadowSpread, getShadowVOffset, getShouldPrint, getShowCustomScrollbars, getShowDragShadow, getShowEdges, getShowPointer, getShowResizeBar, getShowShadow, getShowSnapGrid, getShrinkElementOnHide, getSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, getSnapAlignCandidates, getSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, getSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, getSnapAxis, getSnapEdge, getSnapGridLineProperties, getSnapGridStyle, getSnapHDirection, getSnapHGap, getSnapOffsetLeft, getSnapOffsetTop, getSnapOnDrop, getSnapPosition, getSnapPosition, getSnapResizeToAlign, getSnapResizeToGrid, getSnapTo, getSnapToAlign, getSnapToCenterAlign, getSnapToEdgeAlign, getSnapToGrid, getSnapVDirection, getSnapVGap, getStartLine, getTabIndex, getTestDataContext, getTitle, getTooltip, getTop, getTopAsString, getTopElement, getUISummary, getUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, getUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, getUseBackMask, getUseCSSShadow, getUseDragMask, getUseImageForSVG, getUseNativeDrag, getUseOpacityFilter, getUseTouchScrolling, getValuesManager, getValuesManagerAsString, getViewportHeight, getViewportWidth, getVisibility, getVisibleHeight, getVisibleWhen, getVisibleWidth, getVSnapPosition, getVSnapPosition, getWidth, getWidthAsString, getWorkflows, getZIndex, getZIndex, handleHover, hide, hideClickMask, hideClickMask, hideComponentMask, hideComponentMask, hideContextMenu, imgHTML, imgHTML, imgHTML, initComplete, intersects, isDirty, isDisabled, isFocused, isVisible, keyUp, layoutChildren, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, markForDestroy, moveAbove, moveBelow, moveBy, moveTo, onAttach, onDetach, pageScrollDown, pageScrollUp, parentResized, placeNear, placeNear, placeNear, print, print, print, print, printComponents, provideRuleContext, provideRuleContext, redraw, redraw, registerFontScaledPaddingStyles, removeChild, removeChild, removePeer, removePeer, removeRuleContext, removeSnapAlignCandidate, resizeAutoChildAttributes, resizeBy, resizeControls, resizeControlsTo, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFontsTo, resizeIcons, resizePadding, resizePadding, resizeTo, resizeTo, scrollBy, scrollByPercent, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollToBottom, scrollToLeft, scrollToPercent, scrollToRight, scrollToTop, sendToBack, setAccessKey, setAdaptHeightByCustomizer, setAdaptiveHeightPriority, setAdaptiveWidthPriority, setAdaptWidthByCustomizer, setAllowExternalFilters, setAlwaysManageFocusNavigation, setAlwaysShowScrollbars, setAnimateAcceleration, setAnimateFadeTime, setAnimateHideAcceleration, setAnimateHideEffect, setAnimateHideTime, setAnimateMoveAcceleration, setAnimateMoveTime, setAnimateRectAcceleration, setAnimateRectTime, setAnimateResizeAcceleration, setAnimateResizeLayoutMode, setAnimateResizeTime, setAnimateScrollAcceleration, setAnimateScrollTime, setAnimateShowAcceleration, setAnimateShowEffect, setAnimateShowTime, setAnimateTime, setAppImgDir, setAriaState, setAutoChildConstructor, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildVisibility, setAutoHeight, setAutoMaskComponents, setAutoParent, setAutoPopulateData, setAutoResizeAutoChildAttributes, setAutoResizeIcons, setAutoShowParent, setAutoWidth, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundPosition, setBackgroundRepeat, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBottom, setCanAcceptDrop, setCanAdaptHeight, setCanAdaptWidth, setCanDrag, setCanDragReposition, setCanDragResize, setCanDragScroll, setCanDrop, setCanDropBefore, setCanFocus, setCanSelectText, setChildren, setChildrenResizeSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapCenterAlign, setChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, setChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, setChildrenSnapToGrid, setComponentMaskDefaults, setContents, setContextMenu, setCorrectZoomOverflow, setCursor, setDataContext, setDataPath, setDefaultHeight, setDefaultPageSpace, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultShowCustomScrollbars, setDefaultWidth, setDefiningProperty, setDefiningPropertyNameOptions, setDisabled, setDisabledCursor, setDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, setDoubleClickDelay, setDragAppearance, setDragIntersectStyle, setDragMaskType, setDragMaxHeight, setDragMaxWidth, setDragMinHeight, setDragMinWidth, setDragOpacity, setDragRepositionAppearance, setDragRepositionCursor, setDragResizeAppearance, setDragScrollDelay, setDragStartDistance, setDragTarget, setDragTarget, setDragType, setDropTarget, setDropTarget, setDropTypes, setDropTypes, setDynamicContents, setEdgeBackgroundColor, setEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, setEdgeImage, setEdgeMarginSize, setEdgeOffset, setEdgeOpacity, setEdgeShowCenter, setEdgeSize, setEditMode, setEditMode, setEditMode, setElement, setEnableWhen, setEndLine, setExtraSpace, setFacetId, setFloatingScrollbars, setForwardSVGeventsToObject, setGroupBorderCSS, setGroupLabelBackgroundColor, setGroupLabelStyleName, setGroupPadding, setGroupTitle, setHeight, setHeight, setHeight, setHeight100, setHideUsingDisplayNone, setHoverAlign, setHoverAutoDestroy, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitWidth, setHoverDelay, setHoverFocusKey, setHoverHeight, setHoverMoveWithMouse, setHoverOpacity, setHoverPersist, setHoverVAlign, setHoverWidth, setHoverWrap, setHtmlElement, setHtmlElement, setHtmlPosition, setImage, setImage, setInitHandler, setIsGroup, setIsRuleScope, setIsSnapAlignCandidate, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setLayoutAlign, setLayoutAlign, setLeaveGroupLabelSpace, setLeavePageSpace, setLeft, setLeft, setLocateByIDOnly, setLocateChildrenBy, setLocateChildrenType, setLocatePeersBy, setLocatePeersType, setLocatorName, setLocatorParent, setLocatorParent, setLogicalStructure, setMargin, setMatchElement, setMatchElementHeight, setMatchElementWidth, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMaxZoomOverflowError, setMenuConstructor, setMinNonEdgeSize, setMinWidth, setMomentumScrollMinSpeed, setMouseStillDownDelay, setMouseStillDownInitialDelay, setName, setNativeAutoHideScrollbars, setNeverUseFilters, setNoDoubleClicks, setNoDropCursor, setOpacity, setPadding, setPageLeft, setPageTop, setPanelContainer, setParentCanvas, setParentElement, setPeers, setPendingMarkerStyle, setPendingMarkerVisible, setPercentBox, setPercentSource, setPersistentMatchElement, setPointerSettings, setPointerTarget, setPosition, setPrefix, setPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, setPrintStyleName, setPrompt, setProportionalResizeModifiers, setProportionalResizing, setReceiveScrollbarEvents, setRect, setRect, setRedrawOnResize, setRelativeTabPosition, setResizeBarTarget, setResizeFrom, setResizeFrom, setRight, setRuleScope, setScrollbarConstructor, setScrollbarSize, setShadowColor, setShadowDepth, setShadowHOffset, setShadowImage, setShadowOffset, setShadowSoftness, setShadowSpread, setShadowVOffset, setShouldPrint, setShowCustomScrollbars, setShowDragShadow, setShowEdges, setShowPointer, setShowResizeBar, setShowShadow, setShowSnapGrid, setShrinkElementOnHide, setSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, setSmoothFade, setSnapAlignCandidates, setSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, setSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, setSnapAxis, setSnapEdge, setSnapGridLineProperties, setSnapGridStyle, setSnapHDirection, setSnapHGap, setSnapOffsetLeft, setSnapOffsetTop, setSnapOnDrop, setSnapResizeToAlign, setSnapResizeToGrid, setSnapTo, setSnapToAlign, setSnapToCenterAlign, setSnapToEdgeAlign, setSnapToGrid, setSnapVDirection, setSnapVGap, setStartLine, setTabIndex, setTestDataContext, setTitle, setTooltip, setTop, setTop, setUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, setUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, setUseBackMask, setUseCSSShadow, setUseDragMask, setUseImageForSVG, setUseNativeDrag, setUseOpacityFilter, setUseTouchScrolling, setValuesManager, setValuesManager, setVisibility, setVisible, setVisibleWhen, setWidth, setWidth, setWidth, setWidth100, setWorkflows, setZIndex, shouldDragScroll, show, showClickMask, showComponentMask, showComponentMask, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showPendingMarker, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showRecursively, startDebuggingOverflow, stopDebuggingOverflow, updateChildTabPosition, updateChildTabPositions, updateEditNode, updateHover, updateHover, updateShadow, updateTabPositionForDraw, visibleAtPoint
addDrawHandler, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, applyFactoryProperties, clearDynamicProperty, completeCreation, destroy, doAddHandler, doInit, doOnRender, draw, equals, error, errorIfNotCreated, getAttribute, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsDate, getAttributeAsDateArray, getAttributeAsDouble, getAttributeAsElement, getAttributeAsFloat, getAttributeAsFloatArray, getAttributeAsInt, getAttributeAsIntArray, getAttributeAsJavaScriptObject, getAttributeAsMap, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsRecord, getAttributeAsString, getAttributeAsStringArray, getConfig, getDOM, getHandlerCount, getID, getInnerHTML, getJsObj, getOrCreateJsObj, getRef, getScClassName, hasAutoAssignedID, hasDynamicProperty, hashCode, initNativeObject, internalSetID, internalSetID, isConfigOnly, isCreated, isDrawn, isFactoryCreated, onBind, onDestroy, onDraw, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setConfig, setConfigOnly, setDefaultProperties, setDragTracker, setFactoryCreated, setID, setJavaScriptObject, setLogicalStructure, setLogicalStructure, setNullProperty, setPosition, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setScClassName, toString
addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, fireEvent, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, isOrWasAttached, onBrowserEvent, onLoad, onUnload, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
addStyleDependentName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, isVisible, onEnsureDebugId, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, resolvePotentialElement, setElement, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setStylePrimaryName, setVisible, sinkBitlessEvent
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public TreeGrid()
public TreeGrid( jsObj)
public static TreeGrid getOrCreateRef( jsObj)
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, Canvas defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- Canvas defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, FormItem defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- FormItem defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
protected create()
public TreeGrid setAlwaysShowOpener(java.lang.Boolean alwaysShowOpener)
is true, should we display the opener icon
for folders even if they have no children? Note that for trees which load data on demand
, we may not know if a folder has any
descendants if it has never been opened. As such we will show the opener icon next to the folder. Once the user opens
the icon and a fetch occurs, if the folder is empty, and this property is false, the opener icon will be hidden.
more information on load on demand trees, and how we determine whether a node is a a folder or a leaf, please refer to
the TreeDataBinding
- New alwaysShowOpener value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getAlwaysShowOpener()
is true, should we display the opener icon
for folders even if they have no children? Note that for trees which load data on demand
, we may not know if a folder has any
descendants if it has never been opened. As such we will show the opener icon next to the folder. Once the user opens
the icon and a fetch occurs, if the folder is empty, and this property is false, the opener icon will be hidden.
more information on load on demand trees, and how we determine whether a node is a a folder or a leaf, please refer to
the TreeDataBinding
public TreeGrid setAnimateFolderEffect(AnimationAcceleration animateFolderEffect)
in class ListGrid
- New animateFolderEffect value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic AnimationAcceleration getAnimateFolderEffect()
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setAnimateFolderMaxRows(java.lang.Integer animateFolderMaxRows)
is true for this grid, this number
can be set to designate the maximum number of rows to animate at a time when opening / closing a folder.setAnimateFolderMaxRows
in class ListGrid
- New animateFolderMaxRows value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsgetAnimateFolderMaxRows()
public java.lang.Integer getAnimateFolderMaxRows()
is true for this grid, this number
can be set to designate the maximum number of rows to animate at a time when opening / closing a folder.getAnimateFolderMaxRows
in class ListGrid
is true for this treeGrid, this
method returns the the maximum number of rows to animate at a time when opening / closing a folder. This method will
return animateFolderMaxRows
if set. Otherwise
the value will be calculated as 3x the number of rows required to fill a viewport, capped at a maximum value of 75. Default value is nullgetAnimateFolderMaxRows()
public TreeGrid setAnimateFolders(java.lang.Boolean animateFolders)
Folder animations are automatically
disabled if ListGrid.autoFitData
is set to "vertical"
or "both", or if records components
in class ListGrid
- New animateFolders value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getAnimateFolders()
Folder animations are automatically
disabled if ListGrid.autoFitData
is set to "vertical"
or "both", or if records components
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setAnimateFolderSpeed(int animateFolderSpeed)
property, which allows the developer to specify a duration for the animation rather than a speed.setAnimateFolderSpeed
in class ListGrid
- New animateFolderSpeed value. Default value is 3000TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callssetAnimateFolderTime(int)
Tree Folders Examplepublic int getAnimateFolderSpeed()
property, which allows the developer to specify a duration for the animation rather than a speed.getAnimateFolderSpeed
in class ListGrid
Tree Folders Examplepublic TreeGrid setAnimateFolderTime(int animateFolderTime)
is not set, this property designates the duration of the animation in ms.setAnimateFolderTime
in class ListGrid
- New animateFolderTime value. Default value is 100TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callssetAnimateFolderSpeed(int)
public int getAnimateFolderTime()
is not set, this property designates the duration of the animation in ms.getAnimateFolderTime
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setAutoAssignTreeField(boolean autoAssignTreeField) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
When true, if
we're showing a field for the Tree.titleProperty
of the
tree, this will be displayed as a Tree Field by default. If not, the first entry in the specified fields array will be
This may be set to false to display a tree or partial tree as a flattened list within a TreeGrid.
- New autoAssignTreeField value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic boolean getAutoAssignTreeField()
When true, if
we're showing a field for the Tree.titleProperty
of the
tree, this will be displayed as a Tree Field by default. If not, the first entry in the specified fields array will be
This may be set to false to display a tree or partial tree as a flattened list within a TreeGrid.
public TreeGrid setAutoFetchTextMatchStyle(TextMatchStyle autoFetchTextMatchStyle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
:true, TreeGrids fetch data
by selecting the child nodes of each parent, which should be exact match, so we default to
when autoFetchData is true. See ListGrid.autoFetchTextMatchStyle
for details.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- New autoFetchTextMatchStyle value. Default value is "exact"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdResultTree.setUseSimpleCriteriaLOD(boolean)
public TextMatchStyle getAutoFetchTextMatchStyle()
:true, TreeGrids fetch data
by selecting the child nodes of each parent, which should be exact match, so we default to
when autoFetchData is true. See ListGrid.autoFetchTextMatchStyle
for details.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setAutoOpenTree(java.lang.String autoOpenTree) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New autoOpenTree value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getAutoOpenTree()
.public TreeGrid setAutoPreserveOpenState(PreserveOpenState autoPreserveOpenState) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
, governing whether the open state of the tree should be preserved when new data
arrives due to cache invalidation.autoPreserveOpenState
- New autoPreserveOpenState value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic PreserveOpenState getAutoPreserveOpenState()
, governing whether the open state of the tree should be preserved when new data
arrives due to cache invalidation.public TreeGrid setCanAcceptDroppedRecords(java.lang.Boolean canAcceptDroppedRecords)
in class ListGrid
- New canAcceptDroppedRecords value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeNode.setCanDrag(java.lang.Boolean)
TreeGrid drag and drop
Drag reparent Examplepublic java.lang.Boolean getCanAcceptDroppedRecords()
in class ListGrid
TreeGrid drag and drop
Drag reparent Examplepublic TreeGrid setCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean canDragRecordsOut)
is initially enabled or might be dynamically enabled after the grid is created, it may be
desirable to disable touch scrolling
so that
touch-dragging a record starts a drag operation rather than a scroll, but see the discussion of drag handles
. If Canvas.disableTouchScrollingForDrag
is set to
, then touch scrolling will be disabled automatically. However, for accessibility
reasons, it is recommended to leave touch scrolling enabled and
provide an alternative set of controls that can be used to perform drag and drop of records out of the grid.
in class ListGrid
- New canDragRecordsOut value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeNode.setCanDrag(java.lang.Boolean)
TreeGrid drag and drop
Drop Events Examplepublic java.lang.Boolean getCanDragRecordsOut()
is initially enabled or might be dynamically enabled after the grid is created, it may be
desirable to disable touch scrolling
so that
touch-dragging a record starts a drag operation rather than a scroll, but see the discussion of drag handles
. If Canvas.disableTouchScrollingForDrag
is set to
, then touch scrolling will be disabled automatically. However, for accessibility
reasons, it is recommended to leave touch scrolling enabled and
provide an alternative set of controls that can be used to perform drag and drop of records out of the grid.
in class ListGrid
TreeGrid drag and drop
Drop Events Examplepublic TreeGrid setCanDropOnLeaves(java.lang.Boolean canDropOnLeaves)
Dropping is ordinarily not allowed on leaf nodes unless canReorderRecords
is set.
The default action for a
drop on a leaf node is to place the node in that leaf's parent folder. This can be customized by overriding folderDrop()
Note that enabling canDropOnLeaves
is usually only appropriate where you intend to add a custom folderDrop()
implementation that does not add a child node under the leaf. If you want to add a child nodes to
a leaf, instead of enabling canDropOnLeaves, use empty folders instead - see Tree.isFolder()
for how to control whether a node is considered a
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New canDropOnLeaves value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeGrid drag and drop
public java.lang.Boolean getCanDropOnLeaves()
Dropping is ordinarily not allowed on leaf nodes unless canReorderRecords
is set.
The default action for a
drop on a leaf node is to place the node in that leaf's parent folder. This can be customized by overriding folderDrop()
Note that enabling canDropOnLeaves
is usually only appropriate where you intend to add a custom folderDrop()
implementation that does not add a child node under the leaf. If you want to add a child nodes to
a leaf, instead of enabling canDropOnLeaves, use empty folders instead - see Tree.isFolder()
for how to control whether a node is considered a
TreeGrid drag and drop
public TreeGrid setCanDropSiblingAfterLastNode(boolean canDropSiblingAfterLastNode)
When set to true, if a user performs a drop action
in the space immediately below the last node, (less than half the grid's specified cellHeight away), the dropped data
will be added to the parent of that last node, making them siblings. If the parent will not accept drops
, the dropped data will be added to the
first ancestor that will accept a drop.
If the user performs the drop lower down in the empty area below the last
row, of if this property is set to false
, the dropped data will be added as a last child to the root node
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New canDropSiblingAfterLastNode value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic boolean getCanDropSiblingAfterLastNode()
When set to true, if a user performs a drop action
in the space immediately below the last node, (less than half the grid's specified cellHeight away), the dropped data
will be added to the parent of that last node, making them siblings. If the parent will not accept drops
, the dropped data will be added to the
first ancestor that will accept a drop.
If the user performs the drop lower down in the empty area below the last
row, of if this property is set to false
, the dropped data will be added as a last child to the root node
public TreeGrid setCanReorderRecords(java.lang.Boolean canReorderRecords)
. NOTE: If
is initially enabled or might be dynamically enabled
after the grid is created, it may be
desirable to disable touch scrolling
so that
touch-dragging a record starts a reorder operation rather than a scroll, but see the discussion of drag handles
. If Canvas.disableTouchScrollingForDrag
is set to
, then touch scrolling will be disabled automatically. However, for accessibility
reasons, it is recommended to leave touch scrolling enabled and
provide an alternative set of controls that can be used to perform drag-reordering of records.
Note : This is an advanced setting
in class ListGrid
- New canReorderRecords value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeNode.setCanDrag(java.lang.Boolean)
TreeGrid drag and drop
Drag reparent Examplepublic java.lang.Boolean getCanReorderRecords()
. NOTE: If
is initially enabled or might be dynamically enabled
after the grid is created, it may be
desirable to disable touch scrolling
so that
touch-dragging a record starts a reorder operation rather than a scroll, but see the discussion of drag handles
. If Canvas.disableTouchScrollingForDrag
is set to
, then touch scrolling will be disabled automatically. However, for accessibility
reasons, it is recommended to leave touch scrolling enabled and
provide an alternative set of controls that can be used to perform drag-reordering of records.
in class ListGrid
TreeGrid drag and drop
Drag reparent Examplepublic TreeGrid setCanReparentNodes(java.lang.Boolean canReparentNodes)
is true, we allow nodes to be dragged to different folders.canReparentNodes
- New canReparentNodes value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeNode.setCanDrag(java.lang.Boolean)
TreeGrid drag and drop
public java.lang.Boolean getCanReparentNodes()
is true, we allow nodes to be dragged to different folders.TreeNode.getCanDrag()
TreeGrid drag and drop
public TreeGrid setCanSelectAll(java.lang.Boolean canSelectAll)
in class ListGrid
- New canSelectAll value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsSelection
public java.lang.Boolean getCanSelectAll()
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setCantDragIntoChildMessage(java.lang.String cantDragIntoChildMessage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New cantDragIntoChildMessage value. Default value is "You can't drag an item into one of its children"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean)
public java.lang.String getCantDragIntoChildMessage()
public TreeGrid setCantDragIntoSelfMessage(java.lang.String cantDragIntoSelfMessage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New cantDragIntoSelfMessage value. Default value is "You can't drag an item into itself."TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean)
public java.lang.String getCantDragIntoSelfMessage()
public TreeGrid setCantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage(java.lang.String cantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Multi-link trees
only, the message displayed when the
user attempts to drag two or more occurrences of the same node into a parent.cantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage
- New cantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage value. Default value is "You can't drag two occurrences of the same node into a parent."TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean)
public java.lang.String getCantDragMultipleNodeOccurencesMessage()
Multi-link trees
only, the message displayed when the
user attempts to drag two or more occurrences of the same node into a parent.getCanDragRecordsOut()
public TreeGrid setCascadeSelection(java.lang.Boolean cascadeSelection) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New cascadeSelection value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getCascadeSelection()
public TreeGrid setChildCannotBeItsOwnAncestorMessage(java.lang.String childCannotBeItsOwnAncestorMessage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New childCannotBeItsOwnAncestorMessage value. Default value is "This drag operation would mean an item is a descendant of an existing item with the same ID"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean)
public java.lang.String getChildCannotBeItsOwnAncestorMessage()
public TreeGrid setClosedIconSuffix(java.lang.String closedIconSuffix) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
closed folders. If showOpenIcons
is set to
this suffix will also be appended to open folders' icons.closedIconSuffix
- New closedIconSuffix value. Default value is "closed"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getClosedIconSuffix()
closed folders. If showOpenIcons
is set to
this suffix will also be appended to open folders' icons.public TreeGrid setConnectorImage(java.lang.String connectorImage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
stateful image block
for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors
is true. Connector
icons are rendered into the title field of each row and show the dotted hierarchy lines between siblings of the same
parent node. For each node, a connector icon may be shown:showFullConnectors
governs whether connector lines will be displayed for all indent levels, or just for the innermost level of the tree.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these icons are
assembled from this base filename and the state of the node. Assuming the connectorImage is set to
, the full set of images to be displayed will be:
if showFullConnectors
is true, this is the URL for the
vertical continuation image to be displayed at the appropriate indent levels for ancestor nodes with subsequent
For nodes with no children:
: Shown when there is
no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, and no connector line to the next sibling. For showFullConnectors:true
trees, there will always be a
connector leading to the parent or previous sibling if its present in the tree so this icon can only be displayed for
the first row.{baseName}_start[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown when the there is no connector line
attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling. As with _single
this will only ever be used for the first row if showFullConnectors
is true{baseName}_end[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: Shown where the we have a connector line leading
to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. showFullConnectors
is false, open folders will never
show a connector to subsequent siblings: {baseName}_opened_single[_rtl].{extension}
opened folder
node with children when no connector line is shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to
any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_opened_start[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
when the there is no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next
: opened folder with children if we are not
showing a connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous
sibling or parent).{baseName}_opened_middle[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
where the we have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. {baseName}_closed_single[_rtl].{extension}
closed folder node with children when no connector line is
shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_closed_start[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children when the there is no connector
line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling.{baseName}_closed_end[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: closed folder with children where the we
have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for selected nodes
will append the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above. So for a connectorImage set to
, the URLs for selected records would be
, {baseName}_single[_rtl]_selected.{extension}
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states listed above. These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
public java.lang.String getConnectorImage()
stateful image block
for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors
is true. Connector
icons are rendered into the title field of each row and show the dotted hierarchy lines between siblings of the same
parent node. For each node, a connector icon may be shown:showFullConnectors
governs whether connector lines will be displayed for all indent levels, or just for the innermost level of the tree.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these icons are
assembled from this base filename and the state of the node. Assuming the connectorImage is set to
, the full set of images to be displayed will be:
if showFullConnectors
is true, this is the URL for the
vertical continuation image to be displayed at the appropriate indent levels for ancestor nodes with subsequent
For nodes with no children:
: Shown when there is
no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, and no connector line to the next sibling. For showFullConnectors:true
trees, there will always be a
connector leading to the parent or previous sibling if its present in the tree so this icon can only be displayed for
the first row.{baseName}_start[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown when the there is no connector line
attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling. As with _single
this will only ever be used for the first row if showFullConnectors
is true{baseName}_end[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: Shown where the we have a connector line leading
to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. showFullConnectors
is false, open folders will never
show a connector to subsequent siblings: {baseName}_opened_single[_rtl].{extension}
opened folder
node with children when no connector line is shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to
any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_opened_start[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
when the there is no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next
: opened folder with children if we are not
showing a connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous
sibling or parent).{baseName}_opened_middle[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
where the we have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. {baseName}_closed_single[_rtl].{extension}
closed folder node with children when no connector line is
shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_closed_start[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children when the there is no connector
line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling.{baseName}_closed_end[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: closed folder with children where the we
have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for selected nodes
will append the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above. So for a connectorImage set to
, the URLs for selected records would be
, {baseName}_single[_rtl]_selected.{extension}
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states listed above. These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
public TreeGrid setConnectorImage(SCStatefulImgConfig connectorImage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
stateful image block
for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors
is true. Connector
icons are rendered into the title field of each row and show the dotted hierarchy lines between siblings of the same
parent node. For each node, a connector icon may be shown:showFullConnectors
governs whether connector lines will be displayed for all indent levels, or just for the innermost level of the tree.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these icons are
assembled from this base filename and the state of the node. Assuming the connectorImage is set to
, the full set of images to be displayed will be:
if showFullConnectors
is true, this is the URL for the
vertical continuation image to be displayed at the appropriate indent levels for ancestor nodes with subsequent
For nodes with no children:
: Shown when there is
no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, and no connector line to the next sibling. For showFullConnectors:true
trees, there will always be a
connector leading to the parent or previous sibling if its present in the tree so this icon can only be displayed for
the first row.{baseName}_start[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown when the there is no connector line
attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling. As with _single
this will only ever be used for the first row if showFullConnectors
is true{baseName}_end[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: Shown where the we have a connector line leading
to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. showFullConnectors
is false, open folders will never
show a connector to subsequent siblings: {baseName}_opened_single[_rtl].{extension}
opened folder
node with children when no connector line is shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to
any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_opened_start[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
when the there is no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next
: opened folder with children if we are not
showing a connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous
sibling or parent).{baseName}_opened_middle[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
where the we have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. {baseName}_closed_single[_rtl].{extension}
closed folder node with children when no connector line is
shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_closed_start[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children when the there is no connector
line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling.{baseName}_closed_end[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: closed folder with children where the we
have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for selected nodes
will append the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above. So for a connectorImage set to
, the URLs for selected records would be
, {baseName}_single[_rtl]_selected.{extension}
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states listed above. These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
public SCStatefulImgConfig getConnectorImageAsSCStatefulImgConfig()
stateful image block
for the connector
icons shown when showConnectors
is true. Connector
icons are rendered into the title field of each row and show the dotted hierarchy lines between siblings of the same
parent node. For each node, a connector icon may be shown:showFullConnectors
governs whether connector lines will be displayed for all indent levels, or just for the innermost level of the tree.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these icons are
assembled from this base filename and the state of the node. Assuming the connectorImage is set to
, the full set of images to be displayed will be:
if showFullConnectors
is true, this is the URL for the
vertical continuation image to be displayed at the appropriate indent levels for ancestor nodes with subsequent
For nodes with no children:
: Shown when there is
no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, and no connector line to the next sibling. For showFullConnectors:true
trees, there will always be a
connector leading to the parent or previous sibling if its present in the tree so this icon can only be displayed for
the first row.{baseName}_start[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown when the there is no connector line
attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling. As with _single
this will only ever be used for the first row if showFullConnectors
is true{baseName}_end[_rtl].{extension}
: Shown if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: Shown where the we have a connector line leading
to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. showFullConnectors
is false, open folders will never
show a connector to subsequent siblings: {baseName}_opened_single[_rtl].{extension}
opened folder
node with children when no connector line is shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to
any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_opened_start[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
when the there is no connector line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next
: opened folder with children if we are not
showing a connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous
sibling or parent).{baseName}_opened_middle[_rtl].{extension}
: opened folder with children
where the we have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. {baseName}_closed_single[_rtl].{extension}
closed folder node with children when no connector line is
shown attaching to either the folder's previous sibling or parent, or to any subsequent siblings.{baseName}_closed_start[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children when the there is no connector
line attached to the parent or previous sibling, but there is a connector to the next sibling.{baseName}_closed_end[_rtl].{extension}
: closed folder with children if we are not showing a
connector line attached to the next sibling of this node (but are showing a connection to the previous sibling or
: closed folder with children where the we
have a connector line leading to both the previous sibling (or parent) and the next sibling. If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for selected nodes
will append the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above. So for a connectorImage set to
, the URLs for selected records would be
, {baseName}_single[_rtl]_selected.{extension}
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states listed above. These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
public TreeGrid setCreateDefaultTreeField(java.lang.Boolean createDefaultTreeField) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
set to true
to show
the tree. This automatically generated field will display values derived by calling getNodeTitle()
, and have the column title set to the specified
Has no effect if fields are explicitly specified.
This is a convenience setting to allow a TreeGrid to be created without specifying a field
list. If fields are specified, refer to the documentation on property autoAssignTreeField
for a way to automatically have
one of the fields be use as the tree field if no fields have TreeGridField.treeField
For databound treeGrids,
if there is no explicit fields array specified, developers who wish to pick up all fields from the DataSource definition
rather than displaying this single automatically generated tree field may either set this property to false, or set
to true
- New createDefaultTreeField value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getCreateDefaultTreeField()
set to true
to show
the tree. This automatically generated field will display values derived by calling getNodeTitle()
, and have the column title set to the specified
Has no effect if fields are explicitly specified.
This is a convenience setting to allow a TreeGrid to be created without specifying a field
list. If fields are specified, refer to the documentation on property autoAssignTreeField
for a way to automatically have
one of the fields be use as the tree field if no fields have TreeGridField.treeField
For databound treeGrids,
if there is no explicit fields array specified, developers who wish to pick up all fields from the DataSource definition
rather than displaying this single automatically generated tree field may either set this property to false, or set
to true
public TreeGrid setCustomIconDropProperty(java.lang.String customIconDropProperty)
default node.showDropIcon
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New customIconDropProperty value. Default value is "showDropIcon"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callssetCustomIconProperty(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.String getCustomIconDropProperty()
default node.showDropIcon
public TreeGrid setCustomIconOpenProperty(java.lang.String customIconOpenProperty)
default node.showOpenIcon
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New customIconOpenProperty value. Default value is "showOpenIcon"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callssetCustomIconProperty(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.String getCustomIconOpenProperty()
default node.showOpenIcon
public TreeGrid setCustomIconProperty(java.lang.String customIconProperty)
- New customIconProperty value. Default value is "icon"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.String getCustomIconProperty()
property.public TreeGrid setCustomIconSelectedProperty(java.lang.String customIconSelectedProperty)
default node.showSelectedIcon
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New customIconSelectedProperty value. Default value is "showSelectedIcon"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callssetCustomIconProperty(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.String getCustomIconSelectedProperty()
default node.showSelectedIcon
public TreeGrid setDataArity(java.lang.String dataArity)
:multiple component.
Note : This is an advanced setting
in class ListGrid
- New dataArity value. Default value is "multiple"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsDataBinding
public java.lang.String getDataArity()
:multiple component.getDataArity
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setDataFetchMode(FetchMode dataFetchMode) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
fetchMode:"local" implies that local filtering will always be performed. See
for additional filtering
fetchMode:"basic" or "paged" implies that if search criteria change, the entire tree will be discarded and
re-fetched from the server. When retrieving the replacement tree data, the default behavior will be to preserve the
for any nodes that the server returns which
were previously opened by the user. Note that this implies that if loadDataOnDemand
is enabled and the server returns only
root-level nodes, open state will be preserved only for root-level nodes, and children of open root-level nodes will be
immediately fetched from the server if they are not included in the server's initial response.
enables paging for nodes that have very large numbers of children. Whenever the children of a folder are loaded, the
will set DSRequest.startRow
and endRow
when requesting children from the DataSource, and will manage
loading of further children on demand, similar to how a ResultSet
manages paging for
lists. For a deeper discussion see the Paging large sets of children section of the TreeDataBinding
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- New dataFetchMode value. Default value is "basic"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdResultTree.setLoadDataOnDemand(java.lang.Boolean)
Tree DataBinding
Paging for Children Examplepublic FetchMode getDataFetchMode()
fetchMode:"local" implies that local filtering will always be performed. See
for additional filtering
fetchMode:"basic" or "paged" implies that if search criteria change, the entire tree will be discarded and
re-fetched from the server. When retrieving the replacement tree data, the default behavior will be to preserve the
for any nodes that the server returns which
were previously opened by the user. Note that this implies that if loadDataOnDemand
is enabled and the server returns only
root-level nodes, open state will be preserved only for root-level nodes, and children of open root-level nodes will be
immediately fetched from the server if they are not included in the server's initial response.
enables paging for nodes that have very large numbers of children. Whenever the children of a folder are loaded, the
will set DSRequest.startRow
and endRow
when requesting children from the DataSource, and will manage
loading of further children on demand, similar to how a ResultSet
manages paging for
lists. For a deeper discussion see the Paging large sets of children section of the TreeDataBinding
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
Tree DataBinding
Paging for Children Examplepublic Tree getDataProperties()
that uses a DataSource, these properties will be passed to the automatically-created
ResultTree. This can be used for various customizations such as modifying the automatically-chosen Tree.parentIdField
public TreeGrid setDisplayNodeType(DisplayNodeType displayNodeType)
- New displayNodeType value. Default value is Tree.FOLDERS_AND_LEAVESTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsDisplayNodeType
public DisplayNodeType getDisplayNodeType()
public TreeGrid setDropEndSpace(java.lang.Integer dropEndSpace)
is set to true, this property
governs how large the space under the last node during drop should be. If unset, the spacer will be sized to be half
the specified cellHeight
for the grid.
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New dropEndSpace value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Integer getDropEndSpace()
is set to true, this property
governs how large the space under the last node during drop should be. If unset, the spacer will be sized to be half
the specified cellHeight
for the grid.public TreeGrid setDropIconSuffix(java.lang.String dropIconSuffix) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon
when the user drop-hovers
over some folder.dropIconSuffix
- New dropIconSuffix value. Default value is "drop"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getDropIconSuffix()
is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon
when the user drop-hovers
over some folder.public TreeGrid setExtraIconGap(int extraIconGap) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
) or checkbox icon and the nodeIcon
/ folderIcon
or node text.extraIconGap
- New extraIconGap value. Default value is 2TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdAppearance overview and related methods
public int getExtraIconGap()
) or checkbox icon and the nodeIcon
/ folderIcon
or node text.Appearance overview and related methods
public TreeGrid setFields(TreeGridField... fields)
If dataSource
is also set, this value acts
as a set of overrides as explained in DataBoundComponent.fields
- New fields value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeGridField
public TreeGrid setFolderIcon(java.lang.String folderIcon)
, closedIconSuffix
or dropIconSuffix
appended to indicate state changes if
appropriate - see documentation on showOpenIcons
and showDropIcons
. See showNodeIcons
and showFolderIcons
for details on suppressing display of
- New folderIcon value. Default value is "[SKIN]folder.gif"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsSCImgURL
Node Titles Examplepublic java.lang.String getFolderIcon()
, closedIconSuffix
or dropIconSuffix
appended to indicate state changes if
appropriate - see documentation on showOpenIcons
and showDropIcons
. See showNodeIcons
and showFolderIcons
for details on suppressing display of
Node Titles Examplepublic TreeGrid setFolderIconPadding(java.lang.Integer folderIconPadding) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
will be applied to both
folder and leaf nodes. To set the icon padding for individual nodes, use iconPaddingProperty
- New folderIconPadding value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getFolderIconPadding()
will be applied to both
folder and leaf nodes. To set the icon padding for individual nodes, use iconPaddingProperty
public TreeGrid setGroupByField(java.lang.String groupByField) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
already represents a
in class ListGrid
- New groupByField value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdgroupBy()
public java.lang.String getGroupByField()
already represents a
public TreeGrid setGroupByField(java.lang.String... groupByField) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
already represents a
in class ListGrid
- New groupByField value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdgroupBy()
public java.lang.String[] getGroupByFieldAsStringArray()
already represents a
public TreeGrid setIconBaseStyle(java.lang.String iconBaseStyle)
- New iconBaseStyle value. Default value is "icon"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsCSSStyleName
public java.lang.String getIconBaseStyle()
public TreeGrid setIconPadding(java.lang.Integer iconPadding) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
May be overridden for
via folderIconPadding
. May also be overridden for individual
nodes by setting the iconPaddingProperty
on individual nodes
in class ListGrid
- New iconPadding value. Default value is 2TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getIconPadding()
May be overridden for
via folderIconPadding
. May also be overridden for individual
nodes by setting the iconPaddingProperty
on individual nodes
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setIconPaddingProperty(java.lang.String iconPaddingProperty) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
for specific nodesiconPaddingProperty
- New iconPaddingProperty value. Default value is "iconPadding"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getIconPaddingProperty()
for specific nodespublic TreeGrid setIconSize(int iconSize)
- New iconSize value. Default value is 16TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic int getIconSize()
public TreeGrid setIndentRecordComponents(java.lang.Boolean indentRecordComponents)
column, should the component be indented to the position where a title would normally show? For more general
placement of embedded components, see addEmbeddedComponent
- New indentRecordComponents value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getIndentRecordComponents()
column, should the component be indented to the position where a title would normally show? For more general
placement of embedded components, see addEmbeddedComponent
public TreeGrid setIndentSize(int indentSize)
This value is ignored when showConnectors
because fixed-size images are used to render the connectors.
- New indentSize value. Default value is 20TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsAppearance overview and related methods
public int getIndentSize()
This value is ignored when showConnectors
because fixed-size images are used to render the connectors.
Appearance overview and related methods
public TreeGrid setKeepParentsOnFilter(java.lang.Boolean keepParentsOnFilter) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
If some criteria must be sent
to the server in order to produce a valid tree of data, but keepParentsOnFilter
is also required, the
attribute may be
used to specify a list of field names that will be sent to the server whenever they are present in the criteria. Note
that for the subset of criteria applied to these fields, keepParentsInFilter
behavior will not occur
without custom logic in the DataSource fetch operation.
If FetchMode
explicitly set to "paged"
, it is not possible to implement keepParentsOnFilter
, either by
local filtering or with the automatic client-driven handling mentioned below. Support for
for a paged ResultTree therefore also requires custom logic in the DataSource fetch
operation. To support this a developer must ensure that their fetch operation returns the appropriate set of nodes - all
nodes that match the specified criteria plus their ancestor nodes even if they do not match the specified criteria.
and loadDataOnDemand
presents additional difficulties that
require special handling. The problem is that in order to determine even the top-level folders, you have to examine
every node in the entire tree. For example, say there is one top-level folder that has thousands of folders and nodes
underneath it, and there is just one leaf node, 6 levels deep, that matches the filter criteria. You have to find out
about that node, because it implies the top-level folder must be retained. So the server basically has to examine every node in the dataset to determine even what shows up at the top level of the tree. If it does not do this, parent nodes that don't match the filter criteria will be excluded from the tree, with the upshot that the child nodes that do match the criteria will be inaccessible because nodes in load-on-demand trees are only loaded when their parent node is opened
By default, Smart GWT solves this with a client-driven implementation of this special handling. This algorithm involves finding the nodes that match the filter criteria - which we term matching leaves - and then recursively travelling back up the tree, determining the ancestors of the matching leaves - the so-called dangling parents. When we have traversed all the way back to the root node from every matching leaf, we have recorded every dangling parent and have what we term the skeleton of the tree. The skeleton is then added to fetch criteria whenever a load-on-demand fetch request is made, ensuring that we fetch both dangling parents and matching leaves.
There are three ways this recursive traversal can be implemented:
support dynamic tree joins
, we use the additionalOutputs
feature to declare self-joins that fetch
multiple levels of parent in one query (the number of levels is configurable, see ResultTree.matchingLeafJoinDepth
). Of Smart GWT's
built-in DataSource types, only SQLDataSource is currently capable of this approachqueue
, using fieldValueExpressions
with responseData "allRecords"
so that each fetch in the queue
uses the output of the previous fetch as its criteria (so the first fetch returns the parents of the matching nodes,
the second fetch returns the parents of those nodes, and so on). Again, the number of fetches per queue can be
configured with the matchingLeafJoinDepth
property. This approach works for any server-side DataSource
implementation, including your own custom implementationsclient-side
dataSources, which support neither self-joins not
queueing, the algorithm simply makes as many single-level requests as necessary to build the entire skeleton. Note,
this is exactly what would happen with previously-mentioned queueing approach, if you set
to 1keepParentsOnFilter
on load-on-demand trees, see ResultTree.serverKeepParentsOnFilter
- New keepParentsOnFilter value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdResultTree.setKeepParentsOnFilterMaxNodes(java.lang.Integer)
Tree DataBinding
public java.lang.Boolean getKeepParentsOnFilter()
If some criteria must be sent
to the server in order to produce a valid tree of data, but keepParentsOnFilter
is also required, the
attribute may be
used to specify a list of field names that will be sent to the server whenever they are present in the criteria. Note
that for the subset of criteria applied to these fields, keepParentsInFilter
behavior will not occur
without custom logic in the DataSource fetch operation.
If FetchMode
explicitly set to "paged"
, it is not possible to implement keepParentsOnFilter
, either by
local filtering or with the automatic client-driven handling mentioned below. Support for
for a paged ResultTree therefore also requires custom logic in the DataSource fetch
operation. To support this a developer must ensure that their fetch operation returns the appropriate set of nodes - all
nodes that match the specified criteria plus their ancestor nodes even if they do not match the specified criteria.
and loadDataOnDemand
presents additional difficulties that
require special handling. The problem is that in order to determine even the top-level folders, you have to examine
every node in the entire tree. For example, say there is one top-level folder that has thousands of folders and nodes
underneath it, and there is just one leaf node, 6 levels deep, that matches the filter criteria. You have to find out
about that node, because it implies the top-level folder must be retained. So the server basically has to examine every node in the dataset to determine even what shows up at the top level of the tree. If it does not do this, parent nodes that don't match the filter criteria will be excluded from the tree, with the upshot that the child nodes that do match the criteria will be inaccessible because nodes in load-on-demand trees are only loaded when their parent node is opened
By default, Smart GWT solves this with a client-driven implementation of this special handling. This algorithm involves finding the nodes that match the filter criteria - which we term matching leaves - and then recursively travelling back up the tree, determining the ancestors of the matching leaves - the so-called dangling parents. When we have traversed all the way back to the root node from every matching leaf, we have recorded every dangling parent and have what we term the skeleton of the tree. The skeleton is then added to fetch criteria whenever a load-on-demand fetch request is made, ensuring that we fetch both dangling parents and matching leaves.
There are three ways this recursive traversal can be implemented:
support dynamic tree joins
, we use the additionalOutputs
feature to declare self-joins that fetch
multiple levels of parent in one query (the number of levels is configurable, see ResultTree.matchingLeafJoinDepth
). Of Smart GWT's
built-in DataSource types, only SQLDataSource is currently capable of this approachqueue
, using fieldValueExpressions
with responseData "allRecords"
so that each fetch in the queue
uses the output of the previous fetch as its criteria (so the first fetch returns the parents of the matching nodes,
the second fetch returns the parents of those nodes, and so on). Again, the number of fetches per queue can be
configured with the matchingLeafJoinDepth
property. This approach works for any server-side DataSource
implementation, including your own custom implementationsclient-side
dataSources, which support neither self-joins not
queueing, the algorithm simply makes as many single-level requests as necessary to build the entire skeleton. Note,
this is exactly what would happen with previously-mentioned queueing approach, if you set
to 1keepParentsOnFilter
on load-on-demand trees, see ResultTree.serverKeepParentsOnFilter
Tree DataBinding
public TreeGrid setLeaveSelectionCheckboxGap(java.lang.Boolean leaveSelectionCheckboxGap) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
:"checkbox" is set on
the treegrid, and a node can't be selected, should a gap be left where the checkbox icon would normally appear, in order
to make the node's icon and title line up with the content for other nodes in the same parent? Has no effect if
- New leaveSelectionCheckboxGap value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdListGrid.setRecordCanSelectProperty(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.Boolean getLeaveSelectionCheckboxGap()
:"checkbox" is set on
the treegrid, and a node can't be selected, should a gap be left where the checkbox icon would normally appear, in order
to make the node's icon and title line up with the content for other nodes in the same parent? Has no effect if
public TreeGrid setLoadDataOnDemand(java.lang.Boolean loadDataOnDemand)
If unset, calling fetchData()
will default it to true, otherwise, if a ResultTree is passed to setData()
, the ResultTree.loadDataOnDemand
setting is respected. Must
be enabled on the underlying ResultTree
when using dataFetchMode
: "paged".
Note that when using
, every node returned by the server is assumed be a folder which may load further children.
See ResultTree.defaultIsFolder
for how to control
this behavior.
- New loadDataOnDemand value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callssetDataFetchMode(com.smartgwt.client.types.FetchMode)
Initial Data & Load on Demand Examplepublic java.lang.Boolean getLoadDataOnDemand()
If unset, calling fetchData()
will default it to true, otherwise, if a ResultTree is passed to setData()
, the ResultTree.loadDataOnDemand
setting is respected. Must
be enabled on the underlying ResultTree
when using dataFetchMode
: "paged".
Note that when using
, every node returned by the server is assumed be a folder which may load further children.
See ResultTree.defaultIsFolder
for how to control
this behavior.
Initial Data & Load on Demand Examplepublic TreeGrid setLoadingIcon(java.lang.String loadingIcon)
is set, this icon will be used
when the folder is loading children from the server
.public java.lang.String getLoadingIcon()
is set, this icon will be used
when the folder is loading children from the server
public TreeGrid setManyItemsImage(java.lang.String manyItemsImage)
- New manyItemsImage value. Default value is "[SKIN]folder_file.gif"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsSCImgURL
Drag and Drop
public java.lang.String getManyItemsImage()
Drag and Drop
public TreeGrid setNodeIcon(java.lang.String nodeIcon)
directly on the node.
See showNodeIcons
and showFolderIcons
for details on suppressing display of
If this method is called after the component has been drawn/initialized:
Set the icon for a particular treenode to a specified URL
- tree node. Default value is "[SKIN]file.gif"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsSCImgURL
Node Titles Examplepublic java.lang.String getNodeIcon()
directly on the node.
See showNodeIcons
and showFolderIcons
for details on suppressing display of
Node Titles Examplepublic TreeGrid setOfflineNodeMessage(java.lang.String offlineNodeMessage)
- New offlineNodeMessage value. Default value is "This data not available while offline"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.String getOfflineNodeMessage()
public TreeGrid setOpenerIconHeight(java.lang.Integer openerIconHeight)
If not specified, openerIconSize
is used instead.
- New openerIconHeight value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Integer getOpenerIconHeight()
If not specified, openerIconSize
is used instead.
public TreeGrid setOpenerIconSize(java.lang.Integer openerIconSize)
. If showConnectors
is true, the opener icon includes the
connector line, and defaults to cellHeight
Otherwise, openerIconSize
defaults to iconSize
- New openerIconSize value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Integer getOpenerIconSize()
. If showConnectors
is true, the opener icon includes the
connector line, and defaults to cellHeight
Otherwise, openerIconSize
defaults to iconSize
public TreeGrid setOpenerIconWidth(java.lang.Integer openerIconWidth)
If not specified, openerIconSize
is used instead.
- New openerIconWidth value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Integer getOpenerIconWidth()
If not specified, openerIconSize
is used instead.
public TreeGrid setOpenerImage(java.lang.String openerImage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
stateful image block
for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid.
The opener icon is displayed beside the folder icon in the Tree column for folder nodes.
Clicking on this icon will toggle the open state of the folder.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these
icons are assembled from this base filename and the state of the node, as follows:
If the openerImage is set to {baseName}.{extension}
will be displayed next to opened folders, and
will be displayed next to closed folders, or
if this page is in RTL mode, {baseName}_opened_rtl.{extension}
will be used.
If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for
selected nodes will append
the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above.
So for an openerImage set to {baseName}.{extension}
, the URLs
for selected records would be
, etc.
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states: opened, closed, opened_selected and closed_selected (RTL styles are also available, see above). These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
The following code shows using SVG Symbols
from a sprite-file:
openerImage: { // _base state is required, although will not be displayed in this case _base: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", // closed and closed_selected states - make the selected icon blue closed: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", closed_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;color:blue;", // opened and opened_selected states - make the selected icon blue opened: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;", opened_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;color:blue;" }
public java.lang.String getOpenerImage()
stateful image block
for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid.
The opener icon is displayed beside the folder icon in the Tree column for folder nodes.
Clicking on this icon will toggle the open state of the folder.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these
icons are assembled from this base filename and the state of the node, as follows:
If the openerImage is set to {baseName}.{extension}
will be displayed next to opened folders, and
will be displayed next to closed folders, or
if this page is in RTL mode, {baseName}_opened_rtl.{extension}
will be used.
If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for
selected nodes will append
the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above.
So for an openerImage set to {baseName}.{extension}
, the URLs
for selected records would be
, etc.
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states: opened, closed, opened_selected and closed_selected (RTL styles are also available, see above). These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
The following code shows using SVG Symbols
from a sprite-file:
openerImage: { // _base state is required, although will not be displayed in this case _base: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", // closed and closed_selected states - make the selected icon blue closed: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", closed_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;color:blue;", // opened and opened_selected states - make the selected icon blue opened: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;", opened_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;color:blue;" }
public TreeGrid setOpenerImage(SCStatefulImgConfig openerImage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
stateful image block
for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid.
The opener icon is displayed beside the folder icon in the Tree column for folder nodes.
Clicking on this icon will toggle the open state of the folder.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these
icons are assembled from this base filename and the state of the node, as follows:
If the openerImage is set to {baseName}.{extension}
will be displayed next to opened folders, and
will be displayed next to closed folders, or
if this page is in RTL mode, {baseName}_opened_rtl.{extension}
will be used.
If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for
selected nodes will append
the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above.
So for an openerImage set to {baseName}.{extension}
, the URLs
for selected records would be
, etc.
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states: opened, closed, opened_selected and closed_selected (RTL styles are also available, see above). These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
The following code shows using SVG Symbols
from a sprite-file:
openerImage: { // _base state is required, although will not be displayed in this case _base: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", // closed and closed_selected states - make the selected icon blue closed: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", closed_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;color:blue;", // opened and opened_selected states - make the selected icon blue opened: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;", opened_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;color:blue;" }
public SCStatefulImgConfig getOpenerImageAsSCStatefulImgConfig()
stateful image block
for the
opener icon for folder nodes when "showConnectors" is false
for this TreeGrid.
The opener icon is displayed beside the folder icon in the Tree column for folder nodes.
Clicking on this icon will toggle the open state of the folder.
When set to an SCImgURL
: the stateful filenames for these
icons are assembled from this base filename and the state of the node, as follows:
If the openerImage is set to {baseName}.{extension}
will be displayed next to opened folders, and
will be displayed next to closed folders, or
if this page is in RTL mode, {baseName}_opened_rtl.{extension}
will be used.
If showSelectedOpener
is true the URL for
selected nodes will append
the string "_selected"
to the image URLs described above.
So for an openerImage set to {baseName}.{extension}
, the URLs
for selected records would be
, etc.
When set to an SCStatefulImgConfig>: it should contain entries for the default _base state, as well as the custom states: opened, closed, opened_selected and closed_selected (RTL styles are also available, see above). These entries may be set to any combination of supported src strings, including file-paths and sprite-strings.
The following code shows using SVG Symbols
from a sprite-file:
openerImage: { // _base state is required, although will not be displayed in this case _base: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", // closed and closed_selected states - make the selected icon blue closed: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;", closed_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowRight;size:12,12;color:blue;", // opened and opened_selected states - make the selected icon blue opened: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;", opened_selected: "sprite:svg:fileName.svg#arrowDown;size:12,12;color:blue;" }
public TreeGrid setOpenIconPadding(java.lang.Integer openIconPadding) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
and the
extra or folder icon in the tree cell.openIconPadding
- New openIconPadding value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getOpenIconPadding()
and the
extra or folder icon in the tree cell.public TreeGrid setOpenIconSuffix(java.lang.String openIconSuffix) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon
for open folders in this
- New openIconSuffix value. Default value is "open"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getOpenIconSuffix()
is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon
for open folders in this
grid.public TreeGrid setParentAlreadyContainsChildMessage(java.lang.String parentAlreadyContainsChildMessage) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New parentAlreadyContainsChildMessage value. Default value is "This item already contains a child item with that name."TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetCanDragRecordsOut(java.lang.Boolean)
public java.lang.String getParentAlreadyContainsChildMessage()
public TreeGrid setRecordDropAppearance(RecordDropAppearance recordDropAppearance)
is true for this
treeGrid, this property governs whether the user can drop between, or over records within the grid. This controls what
is passed to the recordDrop()
event handler.setRecordDropAppearance
in class ListGrid
- New recordDropAppearance value. Default value is ListGrid.BOTHTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic RecordDropAppearance getRecordDropAppearance()
is true for this
treeGrid, this property governs whether the user can drop between, or over records within the grid. This controls what
is passed to the recordDrop()
event handler.getRecordDropAppearance
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setSaveOpenStateInViewState(java.lang.Boolean saveOpenStateInViewState)
open state
of the tree be included
along with other details when saving this grid's view-state
- New saveOpenStateInViewState value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getSaveOpenStateInViewState()
open state
of the tree be included
along with other details when saving this grid's view-state
?public TreeGrid setSelectedIconSuffix(java.lang.String selectedIconSuffix) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon
for selected nodes in this
- New selectedIconSuffix value. Default value is "selected"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getSelectedIconSuffix()
is true, this suffix will be
appended to the folderIcon
for selected nodes in this
grid.public TreeGrid setSelectionProperty(java.lang.String selectionProperty) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
any records in the listGrid data where "isSelected"
will show up as selected in the grid. Similarly if records are selected within the grid after the grid
has been created, this property will be set to true on the selected records.
Note : This is an advanced setting
in class ListGrid
- New selectionProperty value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdAppearance overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getSelectionProperty()
any records in the listGrid data where "isSelected"
will show up as selected in the grid. Similarly if records are selected within the grid after the grid
has been created, this property will be set to true on the selected records.getSelectionProperty
in class ListGrid
Appearance overview and related methods
public TreeGrid setSeparateFolders(java.lang.Boolean separateFolders) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
on the data for this treeGrid. Specifies whether folders and leaves should be segregated in
the treeGrid display. Use Tree.sortFoldersBeforeLeaves
to customize whether folders appear before or after their sibling leaves.
If unset,
at the treeGrid level, the property can be set directly on the
tree data object
or for dataBound TreeGrids on the dataProperties
- New separateFolders value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getSeparateFolders()
on the data for this treeGrid. Specifies whether folders and leaves should be segregated in
the treeGrid display. Use Tree.sortFoldersBeforeLeaves
to customize whether folders appear before or after their sibling leaves.
If unset,
at the treeGrid level, the property can be set directly on the
tree data object
or for dataBound TreeGrids on the dataProperties
public TreeGrid setServerFilterFields(java.lang.String... serverFilterFields) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
ResultTrees, this property lists field names that
will be sent to the server if they are present in the criteria. This property may be used to ensure a dataSource
receives the necessary criteria to populate a ResultTree's data, and also support keepParentsOnFilter
Note that for some
AdvancedCriteria it will not be possible to extract the subcriteria that apply to certain fields. See DataSource.splitCriteria()
for details on how
serverFilterFields-applicable subcriteria are extracted from the specified criteria for the tree.
- New serverFilterFields value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String[] getServerFilterFields()
ResultTrees, this property lists field names that
will be sent to the server if they are present in the criteria. This property may be used to ensure a dataSource
receives the necessary criteria to populate a ResultTree's data, and also support keepParentsOnFilter
Note that for some
AdvancedCriteria it will not be possible to extract the subcriteria that apply to certain fields. See DataSource.splitCriteria()
for details on how
serverFilterFields-applicable subcriteria are extracted from the specified criteria for the tree.
public TreeGrid setShowConnectors(java.lang.Boolean showConnectors)
For the set of images used to show
connectors, see connectorImage
Note: in order for connector images to be perfectly connected, all styles for cells must have no top or bottom border or padding. If you see small gaps in connector lines, check your CSS files. See the example below for an example of correct configuration, including example CSS.
- New showConnectors value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowConnectors()
For the set of images used to show
connectors, see connectorImage
Note: in order for connector images to be perfectly connected, all styles for cells must have no top or bottom border or padding. If you see small gaps in connector lines, check your CSS files. See the example below for an example of correct configuration, including example CSS.
public TreeGrid setShowCustomIconDrop(java.lang.Boolean showCustomIconDrop)
, default TreeNode.icon
), show drop state images when the user is drop-hovering
over the folder. If true, the dropIconSuffix
will be
appended to the image URL (so "customFolder.gif"
might be replaced with
and that property can be renamed via
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showCustomIconDrop value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowCustomIconDrop()
, default TreeNode.icon
), show drop state images when the user is drop-hovering
over the folder. If true, the dropIconSuffix
will be
appended to the image URL (so "customFolder.gif"
might be replaced with
and that property can be renamed via
.public TreeGrid setShowCustomIconOpen(java.lang.Boolean showCustomIconOpen)
), show open state images when the
folder is opened. If true, the openIconSuffix
be appended to the image URL (so "customFolder.gif"
might be replaced with
is never appended to custom folder
and that property can be renamed via
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showCustomIconOpen value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowCustomIconOpen()
), show open state images when the
folder is opened. If true, the openIconSuffix
be appended to the image URL (so "customFolder.gif"
might be replaced with
is never appended to custom folder
and that property can be renamed via
.public TreeGrid setShowCustomIconSelected(java.lang.Boolean showCustomIconSelected)
), show selected state images when
the folder is selected, if showSelectedIcons
true? If true, the selectedIconSuffix
be appended to the image URL (so "customFolder.gif"
might be replaced with
Can be overridden at the node level via the default property TreeNode.showSelectedIcon
and that property can be
renamed via customIconSelectedProperty
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showCustomIconSelected value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowCustomIconSelected()
), show selected state images when
the folder is selected, if showSelectedIcons
true? If true, the selectedIconSuffix
be appended to the image URL (so "customFolder.gif"
might be replaced with
Can be overridden at the node level via the default property TreeNode.showSelectedIcon
and that property can be
renamed via customIconSelectedProperty
public TreeGrid setShowDisabledSelectionCheckbox(java.lang.Boolean showDisabledSelectionCheckbox) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
:"checkbox" is set on the treegrid, and a node can't be selected? If set to false
the treeGrid will use leaveSelectionCheckboxGap
to determine whether to leave a blank space where the checkbox would normally appear.
- New showDisabledSelectionCheckbox value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdListGrid.setRecordCanSelectProperty(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.Boolean getShowDisabledSelectionCheckbox()
:"checkbox" is set on the treegrid, and a node can't be selected? If set to false
the treeGrid will use leaveSelectionCheckboxGap
to determine whether to leave a blank space where the checkbox would normally appear.
public TreeGrid setShowDropEndSpace(boolean showDropEndSpace)
See also canDropInEmptyArea
and canDropSiblingAfterLastNode
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showDropEndSpace value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsTreeGrid drag and drop
public boolean getShowDropEndSpace()
See also canDropInEmptyArea
and canDropSiblingAfterLastNode
TreeGrid drag and drop
public TreeGrid setShowDropIcons(java.lang.Boolean showDropIcons)
onto the
URL (for example
may be replaced by "[SKIN]/folder_drop.gif"
- New showDropIcons value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowDropIcons()
onto the
URL (for example
may be replaced by "[SKIN]/folder_drop.gif"
).public TreeGrid setShowFolderIcons(java.lang.Boolean showFolderIcons)
If unset, folder node icons will be shown if showNodeIcons
is true
See getIcon()
for more details on treeGrid icons
- New showFolderIcons value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowFolderIcons()
If unset, folder node icons will be shown if showNodeIcons
is true
See getIcon()
for more details on treeGrid icons
public TreeGrid setShowFullConnectors(java.lang.Boolean showFullConnectors)
is true, this property determines
whether we should show vertical continuation lines for each level of indenting within the tree. Setting to false will
show only the hierarchy lines for the most indented path ("sparse" connectors).showFullConnectors
- New showFullConnectors value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowFullConnectors()
is true, this property determines
whether we should show vertical continuation lines for each level of indenting within the tree. Setting to false will
show only the hierarchy lines for the most indented path ("sparse" connectors).public TreeGrid setShowLoadingIcons(boolean showLoadingIcons) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
returns "loading"), it uses a distinct icon image given by loadingIcon
. This is typically used to show a small animating
"spinner" icon to let the user know data is being fetched.showLoadingIcons
- New showLoadingIcons value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic boolean getShowLoadingIcons()
returns "loading"), it uses a distinct icon image given by loadingIcon
. This is typically used to show a small animating
"spinner" icon to let the user know data is being fetched.public TreeGrid setShowNodeIcons(java.lang.Boolean showNodeIcons)
May be overridden for folder nodes via
See getIcon()
for more details on treeGrid icons
- New showNodeIcons value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowNodeIcons()
May be overridden for folder nodes via
See getIcon()
for more details on treeGrid icons
public TreeGrid setShowOpener(java.lang.Boolean showOpener)
For folders with no children, this icon is not shown unless alwaysShowOpener
is true
. Note that for
trees which load data on demand
, we may not know
if a folder has any descendants if it has never been opened. As such we will show the opener icon next to the folder.
Once the user opens the icon and a fetch occurs, if the folder is empty, and alwaysShowOpener
is false, the opener icon will be
For more information on load on demand trees, and how we determine whether a node is a a folder or a leaf,
please refer to the TreeDataBinding
The opener icon URL is derived
from the specified openerImage
or connectorImage
depending on showConnectors
. If showSelectedOpener
is specified a separate opener icon
will be displayed for selected nodes.
- New showOpener value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowOpener()
For folders with no children, this icon is not shown unless alwaysShowOpener
is true
. Note that for
trees which load data on demand
, we may not know
if a folder has any descendants if it has never been opened. As such we will show the opener icon next to the folder.
Once the user opens the icon and a fetch occurs, if the folder is empty, and alwaysShowOpener
is false, the opener icon will be
For more information on load on demand trees, and how we determine whether a node is a a folder or a leaf,
please refer to the TreeDataBinding
The opener icon URL is derived
from the specified openerImage
or connectorImage
depending on showConnectors
. If showSelectedOpener
is specified a separate opener icon
will be displayed for selected nodes.
public TreeGrid setShowOpenIcons(java.lang.Boolean showOpenIcons)
folders than closed folders. This is achieved by appending the
onto the folderIcon
URL [for example "[SKIN]/folder.gif"
might be replaced by "[SKIN]/folder_open.gif"
the same icon is shown for open folders as for closed folders, unless a custom folder icon was
specified. This will be determined by folderIcon
the closedIconSuffix
- New showOpenIcons value. Default value is trueTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowOpenIcons()
folders than closed folders. This is achieved by appending the
onto the folderIcon
URL [for example "[SKIN]/folder.gif"
might be replaced by "[SKIN]/folder_open.gif"
the same icon is shown for open folders as for closed folders, unless a custom folder icon was
specified. This will be determined by folderIcon
the closedIconSuffix
.public TreeGrid setShowPartialSelection(java.lang.Boolean showPartialSelection)
in class ListGrid
- New showPartialSelection value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsSelection
public java.lang.Boolean getShowPartialSelection()
in class ListGrid
public TreeGrid setShowRoot(java.lang.Boolean showRoot) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
This property is only available for "children"
modelType trees, hence is not allowed for trees that load data from the server dynamically via fetchData()
To get the equivalent of a visible "root" node
in a tree that loads data dynamically, add a singular, top-level parent to the data. However, note that this top-level
parent will technically be the only child of root, and the implicit root object will be returned by
- New showRoot value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getShowRoot()
This property is only available for "children"
modelType trees, hence is not allowed for trees that load data from the server dynamically via fetchData()
To get the equivalent of a visible "root" node
in a tree that loads data dynamically, add a singular, top-level parent to the data. However, note that this top-level
parent will technically be the only child of root, and the implicit root object will be returned by
public TreeGrid setShowSelectedIcons(java.lang.Boolean showSelectedIcons)
onto the folderIcon
URL or nodeIcon
for selected records. If appropriate, this suffix
will be combined with the openIconSuffix
or closedIconSuffix
(see showOpenIcons
. So a treeGrid with its
property set to "[SKIN]/folder.gif"
, with both showSelectedIcons
set to true would show an icon with the URL "[SKIN]/folder_open_selected.gif"
for a folder that was both selected and opened.
- New showSelectedIcons value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowSelectedIcons()
onto the folderIcon
URL or nodeIcon
for selected records. If appropriate, this suffix
will be combined with the openIconSuffix
or closedIconSuffix
(see showOpenIcons
. So a treeGrid with its
property set to "[SKIN]/folder.gif"
, with both showSelectedIcons
set to true would show an icon with the URL "[SKIN]/folder_open_selected.gif"
for a folder that was both selected and opened.
public TreeGrid setShowSelectedOpener(java.lang.Boolean showSelectedOpener)
is true, should a different opener icon be
displayed for selected nodes? This provides a way for developers to show a "selected" version of the opener icon set
which looks optimal with the selected appearance
applied the
selected record. The selected icon URL is created by appending the suffix "_selected"
to the openerImage
or connectorImage
- New showSelectedOpener value. Default value is falseTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getShowSelectedOpener()
is true, should a different opener icon be
displayed for selected nodes? This provides a way for developers to show a "selected" version of the opener icon set
which looks optimal with the selected appearance
applied the
selected record. The selected icon URL is created by appending the suffix "_selected"
to the openerImage
or connectorImage
public TreeGrid setSortFoldersBeforeLeaves(java.lang.Boolean sortFoldersBeforeLeaves) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
on the data for this treeGrid. Specifies whether when Tree.separateFolders
is true, folders should be displayed
before or after their sibling leaves in a sorted tree. If set to true, with sortDirection set to Array.ASCENDING,
folders are displayed before their sibling leaves and with sort direction set to Array.DESCENDING they are displayed
after. To invert this behavior, set this property to false.
- New sortFoldersBeforeLeaves value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetSeparateFolders(java.lang.Boolean)
public java.lang.Boolean getSortFoldersBeforeLeaves()
on the data for this treeGrid. Specifies whether when Tree.separateFolders
is true, folders should be displayed
before or after their sibling leaves in a sorted tree. If set to true, with sortDirection set to Array.ASCENDING,
folders are displayed before their sibling leaves and with sort direction set to Array.DESCENDING they are displayed
after. To invert this behavior, set this property to false.
public TreeGrid setTreeFieldMinWidth(int treeFieldMinWidth) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
minimum width
for the treeField
. If unset, the default minimum width will be
derived from minFieldWidth
, like any every other
- New treeFieldMinWidth value. Default value is 100TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic int getTreeFieldMinWidth()
minimum width
for the treeField
. If unset, the default minimum width will be
derived from minFieldWidth
, like any every other
field.public TreeGrid setTreeFieldTitle(java.lang.String treeFieldTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New treeFieldTitle value. Default value is "Name"TreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getTreeFieldTitle()
public TreeGrid setUseAllDataSourceFields(java.lang.Boolean useAllDataSourceFields)
) is used, with any fields specified
in component.fields
acting as overrides that can suppress or modify the display of individual fields,
without having to list the entire set of fields that should be shown. If component.fields
fields that are not found in the DataSource, they will be shown after the most recently referred to DataSource field.
If the new fields appear first, they will be shown first.
This example shows a mixture of component fields and DataSource fields, and how they interact for validation.
setting may be cleared if a FieldPicker
is used to edit the component's field order.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- New useAllDataSourceFields value. Default value is nullTreeGrid
instance, for chaining setter callsFieldPicker.setDataBoundComponent(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas)
Customized Binding Examplepublic java.lang.Boolean getUseAllDataSourceFields()
) is used, with any fields specified
in component.fields
acting as overrides that can suppress or modify the display of individual fields,
without having to list the entire set of fields that should be shown. If component.fields
fields that are not found in the DataSource, they will be shown after the most recently referred to DataSource field.
If the new fields appear first, they will be shown first.
This example shows a mixture of component fields and DataSource fields, and how they interact for validation.
setting may be cleared if a FieldPicker
is used to edit the component's field order.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
Customized Binding Examplepublic java.lang.Boolean canEditCell()
field of this
grid's data tree. Also disallows editing of the auto-generated tree field, which displays the result of Tree.getTitle()
on the node.public void closeFolder(TreeNode node)
- node to closeopenFolder(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode)
public addDataArrivedHandler(DataArrivedHandler handler)
Notification method fired whenever this TreeGrid receives new data nodes from the dataSource. Only applies to databound
TreeGrids where
is a ResultTree
- either explicitly created and applied via TreeGrid.setData()
or automatically generated via a fetchData()
Note that dataArrived()
, unlike
, only fires in limited
circumstances - when data for a ResultTree
arrives from the server due to a
fetch or cache invalidation, or as a result of filtering. If you want to catch all data changes, you should instead
react to TreeGrid.dataChanged()
- the dataArrived handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addDataChangedHandler(DataChangedHandler handler)
Notification method fired when the TreeGrid's data changes, for any reason.
Examples of why data changed might be:
, updateData()
, or removeData()
updates from the server for ResultTree
data (triggered by record editing, etc.)
data Tree
data if made through APIs such as Tree.add()
, Tree.remove()
, etc. TreeGrid.setData()
doesn't call this notification directly, but it
may fire if one of the above listed events is triggered (e.g. a server fetch for ResultTree
data). Note that the operationType
parameter is optional
and will be passed and contain the operation (e.g. "update") if this notification was triggered by a fetch, an addData()
, updateData()
, or removeData()
, or a DataSource
update for ResultTree
data (the first three reasons listed above) but otherwise
will be null.
- the dataChanged handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic void exportClientData()
for details of the
general requirements and restrictions when exporting client data. The following notes apply when exporting client data from TreeGrids:
; if you allow it to generate a default field
, nothing will be exportedIf your TreeGrid has custom formatters, formatted values will be exported by default, with HTML normalized to text where possible. Since some levels of HTML normalizing aren't possible, this may result in missing or incorrect export values. In this case, you have two possible approaches:
on the field. This will export
the raw underlying value of the field; your formatter will not be calledisExportingClientData()
and perform whatever
alternative formatting you require if that method returns trueexportClientData
in class ListGrid
public void exportClientData(DSRequest requestProperties)
in class ListGrid
public void exportClientData(DSRequest requestProperties, RPCCallback callback)
for details of the
general requirements and restrictions when exporting client data. The following notes apply when exporting client data from TreeGrids:
; if you allow it to generate a default field
, nothing will be exportedIf your TreeGrid has custom formatters, formatted values will be exported by default, with HTML normalized to text where possible. Since some levels of HTML normalizing aren't possible, this may result in missing or incorrect export values. In this case, you have two possible approaches:
on the field. This will export
the raw underlying value of the field; your formatter will not be calledisExportingClientData()
and perform whatever
alternative formatting you require if that method returns trueexportClientData
in class ListGrid
- Request properties for the export. Note that specifying exportData
on the request properties allows the developer to pass in an explicit data set to export.callback
- Optional callback. If you specify exportToClient
: false
in the request properties, this callback will fire after export completes. Otherwise the callback will fire right
before the download request is made to the server.ListGrid.exportClientData()
public addFolderClickHandler(FolderClickHandler handler)
This method is called when a folder record is clicked on.
in interface HasFolderClickHandlers
- the folderClick handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addFolderClosedHandler(FolderClosedHandler handler)
This method is called when a folder is closed either via the user manipulating the expand/collapse control in the UI or
via TreeGrid.closeFolder()
. You can return
to cancel the close.
in interface HasFolderClosedHandlers
- the folderClosed handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addFolderContextClickHandler(FolderContextClickHandler handler)
This method is called when a context click occurs on a folder record.
in interface HasFolderContextClickHandlers
- the folderContextClick handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addFolderOpenedHandler(FolderOpenedHandler handler)
This method is called when a folder is opened either via the user manipulating the expand/collapse control in the UI or
via TreeGrid.openFolder()
. You can return
to cancel the open.
in interface HasFolderOpenedHandlers
- the folderOpened handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic NodeLocator[] getDraggedNodeLocators(TreeGrid source)
multi-link trees
; if
called on a regular TreeGrid
, returns an empty array. During a drag-and-drop interaction, this method
returns the set of node occurrences being dragged out of the component, wrapped inside NodeLocator
s. In the default implementation, this is the list of currently selected
node occurrences
- source grid from which the records will be transferredNodeLocator
s unambiguously identifying
the node occurrences that are currently selectedpublic int getEventRow()
in class ListGrid
public int getEventRow(java.lang.Integer y)
in class ListGrid
- Y-coordinate relative to the top edge of the content to obtain the row number for. If not
provided, then Canvas.getOffsetY()
will be used.public java.lang.String getOpenIcon(TreeNode node)
is set to false.node
- tree node in questionURL
public java.lang.String getOpenState()
to open the same set of folders within the treeGrid's data (assuming the nodes are still present in the data).TreeGridOpenState
public java.lang.String getSelectedPaths()
to reset this grid's selection the
current state (assuming the same data is present in the grid).ListGridSelectedState
public void groupBy()
already represents a
public boolean isExportingClientData()
client data
. This method can be called from custom cell formatters if you need to return a different formatted value
for an export than for a live TreeGridisExportingClientData
in class ListGrid
public java.lang.Boolean isOverExtraIcon()
extra icon
for the current node. Returns false if the event did not occur over an extraIcon, or if no extraIcon is showing for the node in question.
public java.lang.Boolean isOverOpenArea()
public addLeafClickHandler(LeafClickHandler handler)
This method is called when a leaf record is clicked on.
in interface HasLeafClickHandlers
- the leafClick handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addLeafContextClickHandler(LeafContextClickHandler handler)
This method is called when a context click occurs on a leaf record.
in interface HasLeafContextClickHandlers
- the leafContextClick handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic java.lang.Boolean loadAllRecords()
for more information.loadAllRecords
in class ListGrid
public java.lang.Boolean loadAllRecords(java.lang.Integer maxRecords)
in class ListGrid
public java.lang.Boolean loadAllRecords(java.lang.Integer maxRecords, DSCallback callback)
for more information.loadAllRecords
in class ListGrid
- optional maximum record count - if passed, no fetch takes place if maxRecords is below
the known length of the datacallback
- callback to fire if a fetch is issued - if all data was already loaded, the callback is
fired with no parameterspublic addNodeClickHandler(NodeClickHandler handler)
This method is called when a leaf or folder record is clicked on. Note that if you set up a callback for
and e.g. TreeGrid.leafClick()
, then both will fire (in that order) if a leaf is clicked on.
in interface HasNodeClickHandlers
- the nodeClick handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addNodeContextClickHandler(NodeContextClickHandler handler)
This method is called when a context click occurs on a leaf or folder record. Note that if you set up a callback for
and e.g. TreeGrid.leafContextClick()
, then both will fire (in that order) if a leaf is contextclicked - unless
returns false, in which case no further contextClick callbacks will be called.
in interface HasNodeContextClickHandlers
- the nodeContextClick handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic addFolderDropHandler(FolderDropHandler handler)
Process a drop of one or more nodes on a TreeGrid folder.
Note: See TreeGridDrop
for an overview of TreeGrid drag and drop behavior. Add logic in your drop handler to perform custom drop behaviors;
to suppress the built-in behavior described below, use event.cancel()
The default behavior is to
simply delegate to the TreeGrid.transferNodes()
thus, the correct way to perform a programmatic folder drop, with all the built-in behaviors described below, is to
call transferNodes()
If this is a self-drop, nodes are simply reordered. An "update" operation will be
submitted to update the parentId
field of the moved
For a drop from another widget, TreeGrid.transferDragData()
is called which, depending on the dragDataAction
specified on the source widget, may either
remove the source nodes from the original list (dragDataAction:"move"
) or just provide a copy to this tree
In either case the new row(s) appear in the folder
at the
specified by the arguments of the same name.
If this grid is databound, the new nodes will be
added to the dataset by calling DataSource.addData()
. Further, if
the new nodes were dragged from another databound component, and addDropValues
is true, getDropValues
will be called for every item being dropped.
As a special case, if the sourceWidget
is also databound and a foreignKey
relationship is declared from the
's DataSource to this TreeGrid's DataSource, the interaction will be treated as a "drag
recategorization" use case such as files being placed in folders, employees being assigned to teams, etc. "update"
DSRequests will be submitted that change the foreignKey field in the dropped records to point to the tree folder that
was the target of the drop. In this case no change will be made to the Tree data as such, only to the dropped records.
For multi-record drops, Queuing is automatically used to combine all DSRequests into a single HTTP Request (see QuickStart Guide, Server Framework chapter). This allows the server to persist all changes caused by the drop in a single transaction (and this is automatically done when using the built-in server DataSources with Power Edition and above).
If these default persistence behaviors are undesirable, use event.cancel()
, then implement
your own behavior, typically by using grid.updateData() or addData() to add new records.
NOTE: the records
you receive in this event are the actual Records from the source component. Use DataSource.copyRecords()
to create a copy before modifying the records
or using them with updateData() or addData().
in interface HasFolderDropHandlers
- the folderDrop handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerpublic void openFolder(TreeNode node)
Executed when a folder node receives a 'doubleClick' event.
See the ListGrid Widget Class for inherited recordClick and recordDoubleClick events.
- node to opencloseFolder(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode)
public void openFolder(TreeNode node, java.lang.String path)
Executed when a folder node receives a 'doubleClick' event.
See the ListGrid Widget Class for inherited recordClick and recordDoubleClick events.
- node to openpath
- optional parameter containing the full path to the node. This is essential context
for a multi-link
, but is not required in ordinary treescloseFolder(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode)
public boolean recordDoubleClick(TreeGrid viewer, TreeNode record, int recordNum, TreeGridField field, int fieldNum, java.util.Map value, java.util.Map rawValue)
on it. If the node
is a leaf, calls openLeaf()
on it.viewer
- the treeGrid that contains doubleclick eventrecord
- the record that was double-clickedrecordNum
- number of the record clicked on in the current set of displayed records (starts with 0)field
- the field that was clicked on (field definition)fieldNum
- number of the field clicked on in the treeGrid.fields arrayvalue
- value of the cell (after valueMap, etc. applied)rawValue
- raw value of the cell (before valueMap, etc applied)RecordDoubleClickEvent
public void setOpenState(java.lang.String openState)
object passed in.getOpenState()
- Object describing the desired set of open folders.
See TreeGridOpenState
public void setSelectedPaths(java.lang.String selectedPaths)
object passed in.getSelectedPaths()
- Object describing the desired selection state of the grid.
See ListGridSelectedState
public void toggleFolder(TreeNode node)
- the node in question, or the the node's ID, or a
NodeLocator objectpublic void toggleFolder(java.lang.String node)
- the node in question, or the the node's ID, or a
NodeLocator objectpublic void toggleFolder(java.lang.Integer node)
- the node in question, or the the node's ID, or a
NodeLocator objectpublic void toggleFolder(NodeLocator node)
- the node in question, or the the node's ID, or a
NodeLocator objectpublic static void setDefaultProperties(TreeGrid treeGridProperties)
Note: This method is intended for setting default attributes only and will affect all instances of the underlying class (including those automatically generated in JavaScript). This method should not be used to apply standard EventHandlers or override methods for a class - use a custom subclass instead. Calling this method after instances have been created can result in undefined behavior, since it bypasses any setters and a class instance may have already examined a particular property and not be expecting any changes through this route.
- properties that should be used as new defaults when instances of this class are createdSGWTProperties
public void startEditingNew()
ListGrid API
is not supported by the
TreeGrid since adding a new tree node arbitrarily at the end of the tree is usually not useful. Instead, to add a new
tree node and begin editing it, use either of these two strategies: Tree.add
, then use startEditing
to begin editing this node. Note that if using
a DataSource, when the node is saved, an "update" operation will be used since adding a node directly to the client-side
effectively means a new node has been added server side. DataSource.addData
to immediately save a new node. Automatic cache
sync by the ResultTree
will cause the node to be integrated into the tree.
When the callback to addData() fires, locate the new node by matching primary key and call startEditing
to begin editing it. startEditingNew
in class ListGrid
Grid Editing
protected java.lang.String getNodeTitle(Record node, int recordNum, ListGridField field)
attribute, then the current node[]
is returned.
Otherwise, the result of calling Tree.getTitle(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.tree.TreeNode)
on the node is called.
- The node for which the title is being requested.recordNum
- The index of the node.field
- The field for which the title is being requested.protected java.lang.String getIcon(Record node, boolean defaultState)
By default icons are derived from folderIcon
and nodeIcon
Custom icons for individual nodes can be overridden by setting the customIconProperty
on a node.
If you want to suppress icons altogether, provide an override of this method that simply returns null.
Note that the full icon URL will be derived by applying Canvas.getImgURL(java.lang.String)
to the
value returned from this method.
Note: This is an override point
- tree node in questiondefaultState
- defaultStatepublic void setCustomNodeIcon(Record node, java.lang.String icon)
- the tree nodeicon
- path to the resourcepublic java.lang.String getExtraIcon(TreeNode node)
NOTE: If selectionAppearance
is "checkbox"
, this
method will NOT be called. Extra icons cannot be shown for that appearance.
Note: This is an override point
- tree node in questionTreeNode
public TreeNode getDropFolder()
public void setData(Tree data)
object containing of nested TreeNode
s to display as rows in this TreeGrid. The data
property will
typically not be explicitly specified for databound TreeGrids, where the data is returned from the server via databound
component methods such as fetchData()
object this TreeGrid will view and
- Tree to show. Default value is nullpublic Tree getData()
object containing of nested TreeNode
s to display as rows in this TreeGrid. The data
property will
typically not be explicitly specified for databound TreeGrids, where the data is returned from the server via databound
component methods such as fetchData()
public void setDataProperties(Tree resultTreeProperties)
object created for this grid when data is
Note : This is an advanced setting
Class overrides forResultTree
cannot be applied
to the grid using this API. Instead, consider setting the
in the file defining your DataSource
. Your class must
be registered for reflection
- the data propertiesDatabinding overview and related methods
public ListGridRecord[] getRecords()
. You should favor working with the underlying Tree
structure when working with a TreeGrid.getRecords
in class ListGrid
public void setInitialData(TreeNode[] initialData) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
-linked TreeNode
s in a format equivalent to
that documented on
or, for TreeGrids with dataFetchMode
set to "paged"
, on
. If you create a standalone Tree
or ResultTree
as the TreeGrid's data
then you may equivalently specify this initial set of tree nodes in that tree's data
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New initialData value. Default value is nulljava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdTreeNode
Initial Data & Load on Demand Examplepublic void fetchData()
to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. This method will create a
to manage tree data, which will subsequently be available as
. DataSource records returned by the "fetch" operation are linked into a tree
structure according to primaryKey
and foreignKey
declarations on DataSource fields. See the
topic for complete details.
By default, the created ResultTree will use folder-by-folder load on demand, asking the server for the children of each folder as the user opens it.
created by fetchData()
can be
customized by setting dataProperties
to an
Object containing properties and methods to apply to the created ResultTree. For example, the property that
determines whether a node is a folder (isFolderProperty
) can be customized, or level-by-level loading can be disabled via loadDataOnDemand
The callback passed to
will fire once, the first time that data is loaded from the server. If using
folder-by-folder load on demand, use the
notification to be
notified each time new nodes are loaded.
Note that, if criteria are passed to fetchData()
, they
will be passed every time a new "fetch" operation is sent to the server. This allows you to retrieve multiple
different tree structures from the same DataSource. However note that the server is expected to always respond
with an intact tree - returned nodes which do not have parents are dropped from the dataset and not displayed.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
public void fetchData(Criteria criteria)
to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. This method will create a
to manage tree data, which will subsequently be available as
. DataSource records returned by the "fetch" operation are linked into a tree
structure according to primaryKey
and foreignKey
declarations on DataSource fields. See the
topic for complete details.
By default, the created ResultTree will use folder-by-folder load on demand, asking the server for the children of each folder as the user opens it.
created by fetchData()
can be
customized by setting dataProperties
to an
Object containing properties and methods to apply to the created ResultTree. For example, the property that
determines whether a node is a folder (isFolderProperty
) can be customized, or level-by-level loading can be disabled via loadDataOnDemand
The callback passed to
will fire once, the first time that data is loaded from the server. If using
folder-by-folder load on demand, use the
notification to be
notified each time new nodes are loaded.
Note that, if criteria are passed to fetchData()
, they
will be passed every time a new "fetch" operation is sent to the server. This allows you to retrieve multiple
different tree structures from the same DataSource. However note that the server is expected to always respond
with an intact tree - returned nodes which do not have parents are dropped from the dataset and not displayed.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- Search criteria. If a DynamicForm
is passed in as this argument instead of a raw criteria object, will be
derived by calling DynamicForm.getValuesAsCriteria()
public void fetchData(Criteria criteria, DSCallback callback)
to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. This method will create a
to manage tree data, which will subsequently be available as
. DataSource records returned by the "fetch" operation are linked into a tree
structure according to primaryKey
and foreignKey
declarations on DataSource fields. See the
topic for complete details.
By default, the created ResultTree will use folder-by-folder load on demand, asking the server for the children of each folder as the user opens it.
created by fetchData()
can be
customized by setting dataProperties
to an
Object containing properties and methods to apply to the created ResultTree. For example, the property that
determines whether a node is a folder (isFolderProperty
) can be customized, or level-by-level loading can be disabled via loadDataOnDemand
The callback passed to
will fire once, the first time that data is loaded from the server. If using
folder-by-folder load on demand, use the
notification to be
notified each time new nodes are loaded.
Note that, if criteria are passed to fetchData()
, they
will be passed every time a new "fetch" operation is sent to the server. This allows you to retrieve multiple
different tree structures from the same DataSource. However note that the server is expected to always respond
with an intact tree - returned nodes which do not have parents are dropped from the dataset and not displayed.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- Search criteria. If a DynamicForm
is passed in as this argument instead of a raw criteria object, will be
derived by calling DynamicForm.getValuesAsCriteria()
- callback to invoke when a fetch is complete. Fires only
if server contact was requiredpublic void fetchData(Criteria criteria, DSCallback callback, DSRequest requestProperties)
to retrieve data that matches
the provided criteria, and displays the matching data in this component as a tree. This method will create a
to manage tree data, which will subsequently be available as
. DataSource records returned by the "fetch" operation are linked into a tree
structure according to primaryKey
and foreignKey
declarations on DataSource fields. See the
topic for complete details.
By default, the created ResultTree will use folder-by-folder load on demand, asking the server for the children of each folder as the user opens it.
created by fetchData()
can be
customized by setting dataProperties
to an
Object containing properties and methods to apply to the created ResultTree. For example, the property that
determines whether a node is a folder (isFolderProperty
) can be customized, or level-by-level loading can be disabled via loadDataOnDemand
The callback passed to
will fire once, the first time that data is loaded from the server. If using
folder-by-folder load on demand, use the
notification to be
notified each time new nodes are loaded.
Note that, if criteria are passed to fetchData()
, they
will be passed every time a new "fetch" operation is sent to the server. This allows you to retrieve multiple
different tree structures from the same DataSource. However note that the server is expected to always respond
with an intact tree - returned nodes which do not have parents are dropped from the dataset and not displayed.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- Search criteria. If a DynamicForm
is passed in as this argument instead of a raw criteria object,
will be derived by calling DynamicForm.getValuesAsCriteria()
- callback to invoke when a fetch is complete. Fires
only if server contact was requiredrequestProperties
- additional properties to set on the DSRequest
that will be issuedpublic void filterData(Criteria criteria)
method behaves exactly like fetchData()
except that textMatchStyle
is automatically set to "substring" so that
String-valued fields are matched by case-insensitive substring comparison.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- Search criteria. If a DynamicForm
is passed in as this argument instead of a raw criteria object, will be
derived by calling DynamicForm.getValuesAsCriteria()
public void filterData(Criteria criteria, DSCallback callback)
method behaves exactly like fetchData()
except that textMatchStyle
is automatically set to "substring" so that
String-valued fields are matched by case-insensitive substring comparison.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- Search criteria. If a DynamicForm
is passed in as this argument instead of a raw criteria object, will be
derived by calling DynamicForm.getValuesAsCriteria()
- callback to invoke when a fetch is complete. Fires only
if server contact was required; see DataBoundComponent.fetchData()
for detailspublic void filterData(Criteria criteria, DSCallback callback, DSRequest requestProperties)
method behaves exactly like fetchData()
except that textMatchStyle
is automatically set to "substring" so that
String-valued fields are matched by case-insensitive substring comparison.
in interface DataBoundComponent
in class ListGrid
- Search criteria. If a DynamicForm
is passed in as this argument instead of a raw criteria object,
will be derived by calling DynamicForm.getValuesAsCriteria()
- callback to invoke when a fetch is complete. Fires
only if server contact was required; see
for detailsrequestProperties
- for databound components only - optional additional
properties to set on the DSRequest that will be issuedpublic TreeNode getSelectedRecord()
is "single"
, or if you only care about the first selected record in a multiple-record selection. To access all selected records, use ListGrid.getSelection()
in class ListGrid
Databound remove Examplepublic TreeNode getRecord(int recordNum)
in class ListGrid
- row index of record to
public void setTreeRootValue(java.lang.String treeRootValue) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
for this component's generated data object. This property allows you to have a particular component navigate a tree starting from any given node as the root.
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New treeRootValue value. Default value is nulljava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdDatabinding overview and related methods
public void setTreeRootValue(java.lang.Integer treeRootValue) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
for this component's generated data object. This property allows you to have a particular component navigate a tree starting from any given node as the root.
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New treeRootValue value. Default value is nulljava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdDatabinding overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getTreeRootValue()
for this component's generated data object. This property allows you to have a particular component navigate a tree starting from any given node as the root.
Databinding overview and related methods
public Alignment getCellAlign(ListGridRecord record, int rowNum, int colNum)
[or right-align if the page is in RTL mode] -
otherwise will return cellAlign
if specified,
otherwise align
- this cell's recordrowNum
- row number for the cellcolNum
- column number of the cellpublic void setCellValueHoverFormatter(CellValueHoverFormatter formatter)
ListGrid.cellValueHoverHTML(ListGridRecord, int, int, String)
The CellValueHoverFormatter
should return the HTML to display in the hover canvas
that is displayed by default if a registered CellValueHoverHandler
does not cancel a CellValueHoverEvent
The formatter can return null or an empty string to cancel the hover.
in class ListGrid
- the cell value hover formatterpublic java.lang.Boolean willAcceptDrop()
and works as follows: ListGrid.willAcceptDrop()
(the superclass definition) is consulted. If it
returns false, then this method returns false immediately.canReorderRecords
is truecanAcceptDroppedRecords
is true and the
dragTarget gives us a valid set of records to drop into place.canAcceptDrop:false
set to false
is true, and the user is dragging a node
from one folder to another, this method will return true to allow the change of parent folder.willAcceptDrop
in class ListGrid
public void transferNodes(TreeNode[] nodes, TreeNode folder, java.lang.Integer index, Canvas sourceWidget, TransferNodesCallback callback)
s from another component (does not have to be a databound
component) into this TreeGrid.
This method implements the automatic drag-copy and drag-move behavior and calling it is equivalent to completing a drag and drop
of the nodes (the default folder drop behavior is simply to call transferNodes()
, passing in the dropped nodes)
Note that this method is asynchronous - it may need to perform server turnarounds to prevent
duplicates in the target component's data. If you wish to be notified when the transfer
process has completed, you can either pass a non-null callback to this method or add a
to this component.
See also transferSelectedData()
- Nodes to transfer to this componentfolder
- The target folder (eg, of a drop interaction), for contextindex
- (Insert point within the target folder data for the transferred nodessourceWidget
- The databound or non-databound component from which the nodes
are to be transferred.callback
- optional TransferNodesCallback to be fired when the transfer process has
completed (pass null if your code does not need to be called back).
The callback will be passed the list of nodes actually transferred
to this componentpublic addRecordDropHandler(RecordDropHandler handler) throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
in interface HasRecordDropHandlers
in class ListGrid
- the onRecordDrop handlerHandlerRegistration
used to remove this handlerjava.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
public com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject setLogicalStructure(com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.widgets.tree.TreeGridLogicalStructure s)
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.public com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject getLogicalStructure()
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.getLogicalStructure
in interface LogicalStructure
in class ListGrid