public class DSRequest extends BaseRequest implements java.util.concurrent.Callable
When databound components need to load or persist data, they make Ajax background requests to the server. Those requests are decoded into DSRequest Java objects by SmartClient's server-side Java libraries.
You obtain a DSRequest by either:
method RPCManager
(generally in a servlet) and calling RPCManager.getDSRequest()
or RPCManager.getRequests()
. DSRequests can also be used entirely server-side. Your server-side Java code can create a DSRequest via "new DSRequest()" at any time, and call execute() on it in order to perform operations against DataSource
s. These requests are processed by SmartClient Server exactly as if they had come from the client.
If you are integrating SmartClient with a pre-existing Java data store, you can call various getters on the DSRequest, such as DSRequest.getCriteria()
, to retrieve request parameters that you can then use with your pre-existing data store. For example, when working with an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) system, a typical way of processing an "update" DSRequest is to:
to apply new properties to the object, based on the Java Beans naming convention See the QuickStart Guide for further details on all of the above approaches, and the server request processing lifecycle.
Built-in connectors: SQL, Hibernate and JPA
The SmartClient Server can also automatically process DSRequests from DataSources with serverType="sql", "hibernate" or "jpa". In this case, you can call DSRequest.execute()
to cause the default behavior to occur, which will return a DSResponse
populated with data supplied by JPA, Hibernate or SQL.
By modifying the DSRequest before you call execute() and by modifying the DSResponse you receive, you can combine SmartClient's built-in persistence engine support with custom processing.
For example, if you have a SQL table of records that are specific to each user, and there is a column containing the user's id, you could use DSRequest.setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
to ensure the DSRequest always contains the user's id. This would ensure that fetch, add, update and remove operations are always restricted to the user's own data.
See the QuickStart Guide for further details on modifying DSRequests and DSResponses to add custom behavior when using the built-in connectors.
, DSResponse
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static long | ENDROW_UNSET If endRow is set to this constant, then there is no set bound for the number of records the server should return for the current request. |
Constructor and Description |
DSRequest(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String operationType, RPCManager rpcManager) Creates an empty DSRequest bound to the named datasource with the specified operationType, and associated with the specified RPCManager. |
DSRequest(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String operationType, ValidationContext vc) Creates an empty DSRequest bound to the named datasource with the specified operationType. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(Criterion criterion) Adds a Criterion instance to this DSRequest's existing criteria. |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value) If the criteria is currently simple, this method just adds the provided fieldName and value as an extra key/value pair to this DSRequest's existing criteria. |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, OperatorBase operator, java.lang.Object value) Adds a criterion of the form { fieldName operator value } to this DSRequest's existing criteria. |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, OperatorBase operator, java.lang.Object[] value) Creates a SetCriterion with the passed parameters, then this SetCriterion is added to this DSRequest's existing criteria. This is a convenience method; it is equivalent to calling the DSRequest.addToCriteria(Criterion) , but passing criterion data as individual parameters. |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.Object value) Adds a criterion of the form { fieldName operator value } to this DSRequest's existing criteria. |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.Object[] value) Creates a SetCriterion with the provided values, then this SetCriterion is added to this DSRequest's existing criteria. |
DSRequest | addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object start, java.lang.Object end) Adds a criterion to this DSRequest's existing criteria. |
DSRequest | addToScriptContext(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value) If you're using any of the script-based, server-side request or response transformation features - transformRequestScript , transformResponseScript or fieldValueScript - you can make additional Java objects available to the script, for this request only, by calling this method. |
DSRequest | addToTemplateContext(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value) Same as the three-argument version , but the third argument (isSnippet) is always false. |
DSRequest | addToTemplateContext(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, boolean isSnippet) If you're using the Velocity-based SQL Templating, you can make additional Java objects available to the the template context for this request only by calling this method. |
DSResponse | call() Calls through to execute(). |
DSRequest | clearUploadedFiles() Clears any uploaded files from this DSRequest. |
void | convertRelativeDates() Converts any relative dates found in this requests criteria into absolute dates relative to when this method is run. |
DSResponse | execute() Executes this DSRequest and returns a DSResponse. |
DSRequest | freeAllResources() Frees all shared resources (for example, DataSource instances and database connections) used by this DSRequest. |
java.util.List | getAdditionalOutputs() Creates and returns a list of DSField s specified in this DSRequest's "additionalOutputs" property. |
AdvancedCriteria | getAdvancedCriteria() Returns the advanced criteria for this operation. |
java.lang.Object | getAttribute(java.lang.String key) Returns an Object that has previously been stored in this DSRequest's attribute map. |
java.util.Iterator | getAttributeNames() Returns an Iterator that can be used to obtain all the keys in the DSRequest's attribute map. |
java.util.Map | getClientSuppliedCriteria() Returns the criteria submitted by the client for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values. |
java.util.Map | getClientSuppliedValues() Returns the values that the client submitted for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values. |
java.lang.String | getComponentId() Optional componentId passed by the client. |
java.util.List | getConsolidatedOutputs() Returns the consolidated list of fields that will be returned to the client. |
java.util.Map | getCriteria() Returns the criteria for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values. |
java.util.List | getCriteriaSets() Returns the criteria in the request as a List, even if singular. |
java.lang.Object | getCriteriaValue(java.lang.Object fieldName) Returns the value provided in criteria for a particular fieldName. |
java.lang.String | getDataFormat() Returns data format for REST request. Possible values: "xml" and "json". |
DataSource | getDataSource() Returns an instance of class DataSource for this DSRequest. |
java.lang.String | getDataSourceName() Returns the dataSourceName for this DSRequest. |
java.util.List | getDroppedFields() Returns the list of fields that have been or will be dropped for this DSRequest as a result of applying field-level declarative security rules. |
long | getEndRow() Returns the index of the last requested record. |
boolean | getExportResults() Whether this request will result in an export, as opposed to a normal DSResponse. | | getExportTo() Returns the OuputStream we will use for data export. |
java.lang.Object | getFieldValue(java.lang.Object fieldName) Returns the value for a particular fieldName if it exists in the valueSet, otherwise checks if the value exists in the criteria via getCriteriaValue(fieldName) . |
java.lang.Boolean | getGenerateRelatedUpdates() Should related updates be generated in DSResponse . |
java.util.List | getGroupBy() List of fields to group results by. |
HttpServletRequest | getHttpServletRequest() Returns the HttpServletRequest associated with this DSRequest. |
boolean | getIncludeBinaryFields() |
boolean | getIsAdvancedCriteria() Check if current criteria is advanced. |
java.lang.String | getJsonPrefix() Returns prefix marker for JSON responses. |
java.lang.String | getJsonSuffix() Returns suffix marker for JSON responses. |
java.util.List | getMissingPrimaryKeysForAdd() Validates that this DSRequest has a value present for every non-generated primaryKey. |
java.util.Map | getOldValues() For an "update" or "remove" operation, returns the complete original record as it was delivered to the client, as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values. |
java.util.List | getOldValueSets() Returns the oldValues in the request as a List, even if singular. |
java.lang.String | getOperationId() Optional operationId passed by the client. |
java.lang.String | getOperationType() Returns the type of this DataSource operation. |
java.util.List | getOutputs() Returns the list of output fields requested by the client, or set manually by a server-side call to DSRequest.setOutputs(java.util.List) . |
boolean | getPendingAddFlag() Returns the pendingAdd flag associated with this DSRequest |
java.lang.Boolean | getProgressiveLoading() Returns true if progressive loading is enabled, false if it is disabled for this particular request or null if this was not explicitly set, meaning that OperationBinding- and DataSource-level settings will be respected and automatically switching to loading data progressively if DataSource.progressiveLoadingThreshold is exceeded would also work as expected. |
java.lang.Boolean | getRawREST() Returns true if it is a raw REST mode request. |
java.util.Map | getRawSummaryFunctions() Allows you to retrieve all summary functions requested by the client, even if they are not framework built-ins. |
RequestContext | getRequestContext() Deprecated. Please use BaseRequest.getContext() instead. |
java.lang.Boolean | getREST() Returns true if it is REST request. |
ServletContext | getServletContext() Returns the ServletContext associated with this DSRequest. |
java.lang.String | getSortBy() This is a convenience method to be used when you know only a single sortBy field has been specified. |
java.util.List | getSortByFields() The sortBy specification is only valid for the fetch operation since it specifies the sort order for the returned data. |
long | getStartRow() When components that are capable or showing multiple records at once are bound to datasources with large datasets, it becomes important to only send those records that are currently visible in the component (or can become visible with a typical user action). |
java.util.Map | getSummaryFunctions() A mapping from field names to summary functions to be applied to each field. |
java.lang.String | getTenantId() Returns the tenant ID associated with this DSRequest. |
java.lang.String | getTextMatchStyle() Returns the textMatchStyle in force for this DSRequest, or null if none is set. |
ISCFileItem | getUploadedFile(java.lang.String fieldName) |
java.util.List | getUploadedFiles() | | getUploadedFileStream(java.lang.String fieldName) |
java.util.List | getUploadedFileStreams() |
boolean | getValidated() Returns true if this DSRequest has been validated. |
java.lang.String | getValidationMode() Returns the validationMode associated with this DSRequest |
java.util.Map | getValues() Returns the values for this operation as a set of key-value pairs where the keys are field names and the values are field values. |
java.util.List | getValueSets() Returns the values in the request as a List, even if singular. |
java.lang.Boolean | getWrapJSONResponses() Returns true if JSON responses should be wrapped with markers. |
boolean | isAuditRequest() Returns true if this DSRequest is running as part of an automatic audit process. |
boolean | isAuditSkipped() Check if auditing must be skipped for this request. |
boolean | isCacheSyncSkipped() Check if cacheSync must be skipped for this request. |
boolean | isPaged() Returns true if the current request has is requesting partial set of data using startRow/endRow parameters. |
DSRequest | removeAttribute(java.lang.String key) Removes an Object that has previously been stored in this DSRequest's attribute map. |
DSRequest | removeFromScriptContext(java.lang.String name) Removes a variable from the script context |
DSRequest | setAdvancedCriteria(AdvancedCriteria advancedCriteria) Sets the criteria for this request to the provided AdvancedCriteria. |
DSRequest | setAllowArbitrarySubqueries(boolean newValue) Sets an internal flag for this DSRequest to determine whether arbitrary subqueries should be permitted for this DSRequest. |
DSRequest | setAllowMultiUpdate(boolean newValue) Sets an internal flag for this DSRequest to determine whether updates and deletes are allowed in the absence of primaryKey fields. |
DSRequest | setAttribute(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value) Stores an object in this DSRequest's attribute map, associated with the passed key. |
DSRequest | setBatchSize(long batchSize) If a batch size has been set it will be passed as a hint to the JDBC API using ResultSet.setFetchSize() and Statement.setFetchSize(). |
void | setCanSyncCache(boolean canSyncCache) See the client-side docs for OperationBinding.canSyncCache for a complete reference. |
DSRequest | setCriteria(java.lang.Object criteria) Sets the criteria for this DSRequest. |
DSRequest | setCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value) Sets the criteria for this DSRequest. |
java.lang.Object | setCriteriaValue(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value) Amends the request's criteria with the restriction that the indicated field equals the provided value. |
DSRequest | setDataFormat(java.lang.String dataFormat) Sets data format for REST request. |
DSRequest | setEndRow(long endRow) Sets the index of the last requested record. |
DSRequest | setExportAs(java.lang.String exportAs) The format in which to export data. |
DSRequest | setExportDelimiter(java.lang.String exportDelimiter) The delimiter to use for CSV-type exports |
DSRequest | setExportDisplay(java.lang.String exportDisplay) How should the exported data be displayed to the user? If not provided, the default is "window". |
DSRequest | setExportFields(java.util.List exportFields) The list of fields to export. |
DSRequest | setExportFieldTitles(java.util.Map exportFieldTitles) A map containing the titles to use for each field to be exported. |
DSRequest | setExportFilename(java.lang.String exportFilename) The name of the file to save the exported data into, if we are exporting to the server filesystem . |
DSRequest | setExportFooter(java.lang.String exportFooter) Optional text to appear at the bottom of the export file. |
DSRequest | setExportHeader(java.lang.String exportHeader) Optional text to appear at the top of the export file. |
DSRequest | setExportHeaderless(boolean exportHeaderless) This property allows omitting column names from CSV and Excel exports (no effect on JSON or XML exports). |
DSRequest | setExportPath(java.lang.String exportPath) Optional path to apply when saving exported data to the filesystem, relative to the base location specified in setting "export.location" |
DSRequest | setExportResults(java.lang.Boolean exportResults) Set the flag indicating whether the results of this request should be exported |
DSRequest | setExportTitleSeparatorChar(java.lang.String exportTitleSeparatorChar) The separator character to replace spaces with in XML field-titles. |
DSRequest | setExportTo( exportOutputStream) Sets the OuputStream we will use for data export (this means exports to CSV, XML, JSON and Excel formats; PDF exports are "content exports" and are different). |
DSRequest | setExportToClient(boolean exportToClient) If true, we download the exported data to the client. |
DSRequest | setExportToFilesystem(boolean exportToFilesystem) If true, we export the data to the file named by property exportFilename on the server filesystem. |
DSRequest | setFieldValue(java.lang.Object fieldName, java.lang.Object value) Sets the value for a particular fieldName, in criteria or values according to the operation type. |
DSRequest | setFreeOnExecute(boolean freeOnExecute) Ordinarily, this value is managed transparently by the RPCManager controlling the queue that the DSRequest is part of. |
DSRequest | setGroupBy(java.util.List groupBy) List of fields to group results by. |
DSRequest | setGroupBy(java.lang.String[] groupBy) For fetch operation group by fields can be set. |
DSRequest | setHashedFields(java.util.List hashedFields) A list of fields declared with storeWithHash that already contain hashed values in this request, and that therefore should not be rehashed. |
void | setIncludeBinaryFields(boolean includeBinaryFields) Allows to override default binary fields behavior for server-initiated DSRequests that target SQLDataSource . |
DSRequest | setJoinTransaction(java.lang.Boolean newValue) Sets the join transaction setting for this DSRequest. |
DSRequest | setJsonPrefix(java.lang.String jsonPrefix) Sets prefix marker for JSON responses. |
DSRequest | setJsonSuffix(java.lang.String jsonSuffix) Sets suffix marker for JSON responses. |
DSRequest | setLineBreakStyle(java.lang.String lineBreakStyle) The linebreak style in the exported data. |
DSRequest | setOldValues(java.util.Map oldValues) Sets the "old values" for this DSRequest (ie, the values as they were before the set of changes represented by this request). |
DSRequest | setOperationId(java.lang.String operationId) For server-initiated DSRequests, sets the operationId to control which operationBinding is used when fulfilling the requests. |
DSRequest | setOperationType(java.lang.String operationType) Sets the operation type. |
DSRequest | setOutputs(java.util.List outputs) Sets the list of output fields to be returned by this request. |
DSRequest | setPartOfTransaction(boolean newValue) Controls how success or failure is reported for a request that executes alongside an automatically handled transaction. |
DSRequest | setPendingAddFlag(boolean pendingAdd) Sets the pendingAdd flag associated with this DSRequest |
DSRequest | setProgressiveLoading(java.lang.Boolean progressiveLoading) Sets DataSource progressive loading mode for this particular request, overriding the OperationBinding- and DataSource-level settings. |
DSRequest | setRawREST(java.lang.Boolean isRawREST) Sets flag indicating whether it is a raw REST mode request. |
DSRequest | setRawSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map rawSummaryFunctions) Allows you to set all summary functions requested by the client, even if they are not framework built-ins. |
DSRequest | setRequestContext(RequestContext context) Deprecated. Please use BaseRequest.setContext(RequestContext) instead. |
DSRequest | setREST(java.lang.Boolean isREST) Sets flag indicating whether it is REST request. |
DSRequest | setSkipAudit(boolean skipAudit) Enable or disable auditing on this request. |
void | setSkipCacheSync(boolean skipCacheSync) Enable or disable cacheSync on this request. |
DSRequest | setSortBy(java.lang.Object sortBy) Sets the field or fields to sort by. |
DSRequest | setStartRow(long startRow) Sets the index of the first requested record. |
DSRequest | setStreamResults(boolean streamResults) If true, results will be streamed one record at a time; if false, we will read all records into memory at once |
DSRequest | setSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map summaryFunctions) A mapping from field names to summary functions to be applied to each field. |
DSRequest | setTenantId(java.lang.String tenantId) Sets the tenant ID associated with this DSRequest |
DSRequest | setTextMatchStyle(java.lang.String textMatchStyle) Sets the textMatchStyle in force for this DSRequest. |
DSRequest | setUserId(java.lang.String userId) Set the user ID associated with this request. |
DSRequest | setUserRoles(java.util.List userRoles) Set the user roles associated with this request. |
DSRequest | setUserRoles(java.lang.String rolesString) Set the user roles associated with this request. |
DSRequest | setUserRoles(java.lang.String[] roles) Set the user roles associated with this request. |
DSRequest | setValidated(boolean newValue) Sets the validated state of this DSRequest. |
DSRequest | setValidationMode(java.lang.String validationMode) Sets the validationMode associated with this DSRequest |
DSRequest | setValues(java.lang.Object values) Sets the values for this DSRequest. |
DSRequest | setWrapJSONResponses(java.lang.Boolean wrapJSONResponses) Sets flag should JSON responses be wrapped with markers. |
java.lang.Boolean | shouldJoinTransaction() Returns the join transaction setting for this DSRequest. |
boolean | shouldStreamResults() If true, results will be streamed one record at a time; if false, we will read all records into memory at once. |
ErrorReport | validate() Performs validation on the values in this DSRequest. |
getContext, getDsTransaction, getDSTransaction, getRPCManager, isClientRequest, setClientRequest, setContext, setDsTransaction, setDSTransaction, setRPCManager
public static final long ENDROW_UNSET
, Constant Field Valuespublic DSRequest(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String operationType, ValidationContext vc)
- name of the datasource for this requestoperationType
- operationType for this requestpublic DSRequest(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String operationType, RPCManager rpcManager)
- name of the datasource for this requestoperationType
- operationType for this requestrpcManager
- The RPCManager in use for this requestpublic boolean getValidated()
method has been called and did not return any errors, but see also DSRequest.setValidated(boolean)
.public DSRequest setValidated(boolean newValue)
method has been called and did not return any errors. You can use this API to directly set the validated state of a DSRequest.setValidated(false)
on the DSREquest then executes it, it will be validated again. This may be desirable if the DMI alters the DSRequest in some way/public DSRequest setPartOfTransaction(boolean newValue)
If you setPartOfTransaction(true)
and the automatically handled transaction fails, the status for your DSRequest will be reported as STATUS_TRANSACTION_FAILED, which is an indication to the client that the DSRequest did nothing.
Use this API if you have written custom Java code to handle a DSRequest, and:
in this case reflects the fact that your updates will be automatically rolled back along with other updates in the automatically managed transaction. public DSResponse myDMI(DSRequest req) { String str = req.getFieldValue("someField").toLowerCase(); // Do something with str here return req.execute(); }Here, by blindly calling a method without first checking for null, you introduce the possibility of this DMI crashing before the execute() call; the execute() call would have determined that this DSRequest should be part of the automatic transaction, meaning a failure of it would have rolled back the whole transaction. This early failure in DMI code leaves the DSRequest still separate from the transaction, so rollback would not happen.
What we do in a case like this is check if the DSRequest would have joined the automatic transaction if the DMI had been bypassed: if it would, the DSRequest is considered to be part of the transaction. So in this case, the overall transaction would be rolled back in the event of a NullPointerException
arising from the first line of the DMI method. That is correct and desirable failure behavior for this case and the majority of ordinary DMI usages on a built-in DataSource type, where the DMI is there to augment the built-in functionality, and dsRequest.execute() will ultimately be called.
However, a DMI can do anything at all - there is no certainty that dsRequest.execute() will eventually be called. If the DMI described above did not make that call then the request would not have been part of the transaction regardless of success or failure, and our heuristic test - would the request have joined the transaction if the DMI had been bypassed? - would make the wrong decision. To prevent the possibility of this happening, you would either:
right at the top of your DMI method. This would handle transactional failure correctly without any further code to writeSQLTransaction.rollbackTransaction(dsRequest.getRPCManager());
public java.lang.String getTextMatchStyle()
public DSRequest setTextMatchStyle(java.lang.String textMatchStyle)
@Deprecated public RequestContext getRequestContext()
instead.public java.lang.String getOperationType()
public DSRequest setOperationType(java.lang.String operationType)
- the operation type - see above for valid values.public java.lang.String getOperationId()
The operationId is a means for client-side DataBound Components to request variants of the basic DataSource operations that the server may support, such as normal fetch
operations vs fetch
operations that use a single parameter and do full-text search. See the Client Reference for DSRequest.operationId for more information.
public DSRequest setOperationId(java.lang.String operationId)
- the operationId to useDSRequest.getOperationId()
public java.lang.String getComponentId()
For requests submitted by a SmartClient DataBoundComponent, this is the component ID.
public java.util.Map getCriteria()
If the operationType is "fetch", then the criteria specifies the search criteria.
If the operationType is "remove" or "update" then the criteria are the primary key/value pairs for the record to be updated or deleted. This set of fields is derived directly from the field specification in the dataSource for this operation - all fields marked as {primaryKey: true} are considered primary keys and their field names and values will be sent as part of the criteria in this case.
The criteria returned from this method are in simple Java Collections form (as they are sent over the network). Use DSRequest.getAdvancedCriteria()
to retrieve an AdvancedCriteria
which provides simple APIs for manipulating criteria. The modified criteria can be applied to the DSRequest via DSRequest.setAdvancedCriteria(com.isomorphic.criteria.AdvancedCriteria)
public AdvancedCriteria getAdvancedCriteria()
If criteria were passed as simple Criteria this method will convert them to the more general AdvancedCriteria format by turning them into an AND Criterion containing one or more "startWith" or "contains" Criteria according to dsRequest.textMatchStyle.
Note that AdvancedCriteria will only be able to be executed by the built-in server DataSources (JPA, Hibernate, SQL) in Power Edition and above.
public boolean getIsAdvancedCriteria()
AdvancedCriteria has "_constructor" parameter set to "AdvancedCriteria".
public DSRequest setAdvancedCriteria(AdvancedCriteria advancedCriteria)
Note: AdvancedCriteria will only be able to be executed by the built-in server DataSources (JPA, Hibernate, SQL) in Power Edition and above.
- the criteria to use for this DSRequestDSRequest.getCriteria()
public java.util.Map getClientSuppliedCriteria()
, because declarative security settings or custom server logic may have affected the latter. This method is provided so that your code can determine what the client actually sent, regardless of any server processing that has taken place.DSRequest.getCriteria()
, DSRequest.getClientSuppliedValues()
public java.util.List getCriteriaSets()
in the request as a List, even if singular. Custom client-side code for submitting "update"s or "remove"s can pass multiple sets of criteria
and values
and oldValues
as an alternative to using queuing (see the client-side API RPCManager.startQueue()). If you take this approach, calling getOldValueSets() is a convenience method for always retrieving sets of values as a List.
, DSRequest.getValueSets()
public DSRequest setCriteria(java.lang.Object criteria)
The criteria passed in this method are in simple Java Collections form (as they are sent over the network), but you can get use DSRequest.setAdvancedCriteria(AdvancedCriteria)
with AdvancedCriteria helper classes: AdvancedCriteria
exists to assist in modifying the criteria.
If AdvancedCriteria passed to this method DSRequest.setAdvancedCriteria(AdvancedCriteria)
method will be used.
- Map or List of Maps: the criteria to use for this DSRequestDSRequest.getCriteria()
public DSRequest setCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value)
- The field namevalue
- The criterion valueDSRequest.getCriteria()
public DSRequest clearUploadedFiles()
public ISCFileItem getUploadedFile(java.lang.String fieldName) throws java.lang.Exception
- Form field of type 'binary'.java.lang.Exception
public java.util.List getUploadedFiles()
public getUploadedFileStream(java.lang.String fieldName) throws java.lang.Exception
- Form field of type 'binary'.java.lang.Exception
public java.util.List getUploadedFileStreams()
public void setIncludeBinaryFields(boolean includeBinaryFields)
that target SQLDataSource
.By default binary fields are:
- false
to skip selecting binary fieldspublic boolean getIncludeBinaryFields()
public java.util.Map getValues()
If the operationType is "add" then the values are interpreted as a complete record to add. Note that a complete record at this stage may be missing primary keys that are expected to be auto-generated by the persistence layer.
If the operationType is "update", then the values represent the new values for the records matching the criteria specified on this request.
As a convenience, this method returns the criteria if this DSRequest is of type fetch or remove.
, DSRequest.getOldValues()
, DSRequest.getClientSuppliedValues()
public java.util.Map getClientSuppliedValues()
, because declarative security settings or custom server logic may have affected the latter. This method is provided so that your code can determine what the client actually sent, regardless of any server processing that has taken place. As a convenience, this method returns the criteria that the client submitted if this DSRequest is of type fetch or remove.
, DSRequest.getOldValues()
, DSRequest.getClientSuppliedValues()
public java.util.List getValueSets()
in the request as a List, even if singular. Custom client-side code for submitting "update"s or "remove"s can pass multiple sets of criteria
and values
and oldValues
as an alternative to using queuing (see the client-side API RPCManager.startQueue()). If you take this approach, calling getOldValueSets() is a convenience method for always retrieving sets of values as a List.
, DSRequest.getCriteriaSets()
public DSRequest setValues(java.lang.Object values)
- Map or List of Maps - the values to use for this DSRequestpublic java.util.Map getOldValues()
The server can compare the oldValues
to the most recent stored values in order to detect that the user was looking at stale values when the user submitted changes (NOTE: this means of detecting concurrent edit is sometimes called "long transactions").
Note that client logic must be written to pass oldValues
. SmartClient DataBound Components do so automatically, but manually submitted DSRequests may not.
public java.util.List getOldValueSets()
in the request as a List, even if singular. Custom client-side code for submitting "update"s or "remove"s can pass multiple sets of criteria
and values
and oldValues
as an alternative to using queuing (see the client-side API RPCManager.startQueue()). If you take this approach, calling getOldValueSets() is a convenience method for always retrieving sets of values as a List.
public DSRequest setOldValues(java.util.Map oldValues)
- Map - the old values to use for this DSRequestpublic java.lang.String getSortBy()
If you call this method on a DSRequest that has multiple sortBy fields specified, a warning will be logged and the first sortBy field will be returned.
public java.util.List getSortByFields()
This method signature is the generic method that returns all fields for which a sort has been requested. If the list contains more than one entry, then that means the data should be sorted by the first field in the list, then within that first sort data should be sorted by the next field in the list and so on. So the second sortBy field can only affect data that has the same value for the first sortBy field.
The returned value is a List of Strings that are the names of the fields to sort by. If the String is prefixed by a -
then that specifies descending order. Otherwise it's a request for an ascending sort on that field.
A concrete example of when a sortBy is sent by an ISC databound component: Let's say you have a ListGrid that has a partially loaded dataset (the dataset is too large to be on the client at once, so you're only showing, say, the first 100 rows). If you now click on one of the columns to sort by that column, the ListGrid will send a DSRequest to the server with a sortBy fieldName of the field that was clicked on. Since not all data is present on the client, the grid can't do the sort client-side (and still continue to display the first 100 matches to the current filter criteria).
public DSRequest setSortBy(java.lang.Object sortBy)
- String or List of Strings: field or list of fields to sort by. Note that a prefix of -
can be used to specify descending order sort.DSRequest.getSortByFields()
public java.util.List getGroupBy()
Valid only for an operation of type "fetch". See the Server Summaries overview in the client-side documentation for details and examples of usage.
NOTE: this feature is supported only in Power Edition or above, and only when using the built-in SQL, JPA or Hibernate connectors.
with field names to group by, or null if no grouping is configuredDSRequest.getSummaryFunctions()
, DSRequest.getRawSummaryFunctions()
public DSRequest setGroupBy(java.util.List groupBy)
Valid only for an operation of type "fetch". See the Server Summaries overview in the client-side documentation for details and examples of usage.
NOTE: this feature is supported only in Power Edition or above, and only when using the built-in SQL, JPA or Hibernate connectors.
- List
with field names to group by.DSRequest.setSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map)
, DSRequest.setRawSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map)
public DSRequest setGroupBy(java.lang.String[] groupBy)
operation group by fields can be set. In this case only fields that appear in this List
and in dsRequest.summaryFunctions
attribute will be fetched. groupBy
- String...
with field names to group by.DSRequest.setSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map)
, DSRequest.setRawSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map)
public java.util.Map getSummaryFunctions()
Valid only for an operation of type "fetch". See the Server Summaries overview in the client-side documentation for details and examples of usage.
NOTE: this feature is supported only in Power Edition or above, and only when using the built-in SQL, JPA or Hibernate connectors.
If you need to get all summary functions requested by the client, even if they are not framework built-ins, see DSRequest.getRawSummaryFunctions()
with field names as keys and summary functions as values.DSRequest.getGroupBy()
, DSRequest.getRawSummaryFunctions()
public DSRequest setSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map summaryFunctions)
Valid only for an operation of type "fetch". See the Server Summaries overview in the client-side documentation for details and examples of usage.
NOTE: this feature is supported only in Power Edition or above, and only when using the built-in SQL, JPA or Hibernate connectors.
- Map<String,SummaryFunctionType>
with field names as keys and summary functions as values.DSRequest.setGroupBy(java.util.List)
, DSRequest.setRawSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map)
public java.util.Map getRawSummaryFunctions()
will only return recognized, built-in summaryFunctions from the SummaryFunctionType
enum, so getRawSummaryFunctions()
is the only way to retrieve client-requested summary functions that are not built into the framework, so that you can perform custom aggregation. See the Server Summaries > Custom Aggregation example in the Showcase.
NOTE: this feature is supported only in Power Edition or above, and only when using the built-in SQL, JPA or Hibernate connectors.
with field names as keys and summary functions as values.DSRequest.getGroupBy()
, DSRequest.getSummaryFunctions()
public DSRequest setRawSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map rawSummaryFunctions)
will only return recognized, built-in summaryFunctions from the SummaryFunctionType
enum, so getRawSummaryFunctions()
is the only way to retrieve client-requested summary functions that are not built into the framework, so that you can perform custom aggregation. See the Server Summaries > Custom Aggregation example in the Showcase.
NOTE: this feature is supported only in Power Edition or above, and only when using the built-in SQL, JPA or Hibernate connectors.
- Map<String,SummaryFunctionType>
with field names as keys and summary functions as values.DSRequest.setGroupBy(java.util.List)
, DSRequest.setSummaryFunctions(java.util.Map)
public boolean isPaged()
public DSRequest setBatchSize(long batchSize)
The batch size will normally be based on DSRequest.endRow
if that has been set and batchSize will then be set to the number of rows to be returned, so they are all fetched at once.
For a request which does not have DSRequest.endRow
set you can call DSRequest.setBatchSize(long)
to try and influence the JDBC driver as a performance optimization. When using a Hibernate datasource criteria.setFetchSize will be called with this value.
The batch size can also be controlled from a config property through, namely, 'sql.defaultFetchBatchSize'. By default this property is unset but once set it configures the batchSize for any "fetch" dsRequest that does not have an endRow and has not had setBatchSize()
called explicitly If you use setBatchSize() to set a negative batch size, SmartClient Server will not call the JDBC setFetchSize() API at all, so you will get the default behavior of the JDBC driver / database.
- the size of the batch as a whole number.DSRequest.setStartRow(long)
, DSRequest.setEndRow(long)
public long getStartRow()
When multi-record capable components make requests to the server for data, they send the startRow and endRow parameters to indicate the slice of data they need to show to the user right now.
You can use the isPaged() method on this request to check if you need to respect startRow/endRow for this request.
Note that startRow and endRow are zero-based, inclusive at the beginning and exclusive at the end (like substring), so startRow: 0, endRow: 1 is a request for the first record.
, DSRequest.isPaged()
public DSRequest setStartRow(long startRow)
Note that startRow and endRow are zero-based, inclusive at the beginning and exclusive at the end (like substring), so startRow: 0, endRow: 1 is a request for the first record.
- the index of the first requested record (using zero-based numbering)public long getEndRow()
If getEndRow() returns DSRequest.ENDROW_UNSET (a negative value), that signifies a request for all records matching the current criteria.
Note that startRow and endRow are zero-based, inclusive at the beginning and exclusive at the end (like substring), so startRow: 0, endRow: 1 is a request for the first record.
public DSRequest setEndRow(long endRow)
Note that startRow and endRow are zero-based, inclusive at the beginning and exclusive at the end (like substring), so startRow: 0, endRow: 1 is a request for the first record.
- the index of the last requested record (using zero-based numbering)public java.lang.Boolean getProgressiveLoading()
if progressive loading is enabled, false
if it is disabled for this particular request or null
if this was not explicitly set, meaning that OperationBinding- and DataSource-level settings will be respected and automatically switching to loading data progressively if DataSource.progressiveLoadingThreshold is exceeded would also work as expected. Search for DataSource.progressiveLoading
and DataSource.progressiveLoadingThreshold
in SmartClient Reference for more details.Boolean
- progressive loading is explicitly enabled; false
- progressive loading is explicitly disabled; null
- default value to fall back to default behavior.public DSRequest setProgressiveLoading(java.lang.Boolean progressiveLoading)
is explicitly set to false
SmartClient won't automatically switch to loading data progressively even if DataSource.progressiveLoadingThreshold
is exceeded. Search for DataSource.progressiveLoading and DataSource.progressiveLoadingThreshold in SmartClient Reference for more details. Note that this setting applies only to fetch requests - it has no effect if specified on any other kind of request.
- boolean
- progressive loading will be enabled; false
- progressive loading will be disabled.public java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.Object fieldName)
. This method treats the DSRequest as a single record. If the valueSet contains a value for the requested fieldName, it is returned. If not, the criteria is checked for the requested fieldName. If a value exists there, it is returned. Otherwise null is returned. This is a convenience method. For any given operation, a particular fieldName will usually appear in either the valueSet or criteria.
- the fieldName whose value you want to look uppublic java.lang.Object getCriteriaValue(java.lang.Object fieldName)
If AdvancedCriteria
were passed, getCriteriaValue finds the first value provided for the fieldName anywhere in the AdvancedCriteria structure, by depth-first search.
- the fieldName whose criteria value you want to look uppublic java.lang.Object setCriteriaValue(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value)
, setCriteriaValue
will create a Criterion
based on the current textMatchStyle
of the DSRequest
, and combine it with the existing AdvancedCriteria
with an AndCriterion
. Existing Criteria
referencing the indicated fieldName are not modified. Otherwise, setCriteriaValue
updates the existing criteria Map. Any existing criterion for the indicated fieldName
is overwritten.fieldName
- indicated field of criterionvalue
- required value the field must equalfieldName
is already referenced in the criteria, then the overwritten criterion value; otherwise nullpublic DSRequest setFieldValue(java.lang.Object fieldName, java.lang.Object value)
Generally, this method treats the criteria and values on the DSRequest as a single record: for "add" and "update" operations, the field value becomes part of the values to save. Otherwise ("fetch", "remove") the value is added to the criteria as though DSRequest.setCriteriaValue(String,Object)
were called. For "update" operations, you set criteria values with the DSRequest.setCriteria(Object)
or DSRequest.setCriteriaValue(String, Object)
APIs. However, this distinction only applies for regular update-via-primaryKey, where allowMultiUpdate
is not in force. Multi-update DSRequests must place the entire state of the update, both criteria and values, in the DSRequest values.
- the fieldName whose value you want to setvalue
- the value to set for the fieldpublic java.lang.String getDataSourceName()
public DataSource getDataSource() throws java.lang.Exception
, DSRequest.getDataSourceName()
public java.lang.String getTenantId()
public DSRequest setTenantId(java.lang.String tenantId)
public java.lang.String getValidationMode()
public DSRequest setValidationMode(java.lang.String validationMode)
public boolean getPendingAddFlag()
public DSRequest setPendingAddFlag(boolean pendingAdd)
public ErrorReport validate() throws java.lang.Exception
If validation is successful for all fields, this method returns null. Otherwise it returns an ErrorReport for the first record that encountered a validation error.
, ErrorMessage
public java.lang.Boolean getGenerateRelatedUpdates()
. Related updates issue additional requests to database thus reducing performance. By default (if value set to null
) related updates will be generated only for "add" and "update" operations because related objects are loaded anyway and performance impact is minimal. Related updates for "remove" operation will not be generated by default (if value set to null
). Related updates generation loads related objects from database while simple "remove" operation does not. Depending on database structure performance impact can be significant if value set to true
- related updates will be generated; false
- related updates will not be generated; null
- related updates will be generated only for "add" and "update" operations, related updates will not be generated for "remove" operation.public void convertRelativeDates()
Note: This conversion happens internally and the criteria on this request will be modified.
public DSResponse call() throws java.lang.Exception
, DSRequest.execute()
public DSResponse execute() throws java.lang.Exception
in class BaseRequest
public DSRequest addToTemplateContext(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
three-argument version
, but the third argument (isSnippet) is always
- the name of the new object as it should appear in the Velocity namespacevalue
- arbitrary Java objectpublic DSRequest addToTemplateContext(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, boolean isSnippet)
If you would like to add Java objects to all Velocity templates, you can do so via the Velocity Tools mechanism described here: Just add the velocity tools jars to your deployment and place your tools.xml configuration file in the CLASSPATH (typically WEB-INF/classes).
The isSnippet
parameter controls whether the framework treats the context object as a regular context variable, or a user-defined snippet of text. If isSnippet
is true, the context object will be evaluated through Velocity immediately prior to the main Velocity evaluation taking place. This means that you can create context variables that themselves contain variable references, and those references will be correctly resolved in the final output. Read the "User-defined snippets" section of the "customQuerying" article in the client-side docs for more details.
- the name of the new object as it should appear in the Velocity namespacevalue
- arbitrary Java objectisSnippet
- Is the context object a user-defined snippet?public DSRequest addToScriptContext(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
, transformResponseScript
or fieldValueScript - you can make additional Java objects available to the script, for this request only, by calling this method. To make objects available to every request in a queue, see DSTransaction.addToScriptContext()
For example, set up a string in Java code:
dsRequest.addToScriptContext("mySimpleString", "This is a test");
and then use that string in your transformation script:
<DataSource ID="myDS">
<transformResponseScript language="groovy">
// Add a property to the response object
responseObject["testingTransform"] = mySimpleString;
. . .
. . .
- the name of the new object as it should be made available to the scriptvalue
- arbitrary Java objectpublic DSRequest removeFromScriptContext(java.lang.String name)
- the name of the object to removeDSRequest.addToScriptContext(String, Object)
public DSRequest setAllowMultiUpdate(boolean newValue)
Note that DSRequests with allowMultiUpdate
in force, either because this method has been called or because of the operationBinding
setting, must include the entire state of the update - both the values and the criteria - in the DSRequest values
as discussed here
Note that if not set, or set to null
this is controlled by dataSource.defaultMultiUpdatePolicy
, see client docs for details.
- true to allow multi-updates; false to restrict updates so that they can affect just one single record, identified by primaryKey values in the record providedpublic DSRequest setAllowArbitrarySubqueries(boolean newValue)
setting in a subquery Limiting server-initiated DSRequest
s by default is a safety measure: by ensuring that you have to explicitly allow arbitrary subqueries, we hope to encourage careful consideration of the potential security implications. For example, a server-initiated DSRequest
could take untrusted criteria from a client request and use it in a subquery to access something like a protected Stored Procedure that is accessible as a customized "fetch" operationBinding. This would only be allowed if allowArbitrarySubqueries
is explicitly set on
- true to allow arbitrary subqueries (anyDSRequest property is allowed in a subquery); false to restrict subqueries so that they are only allowed to specify proeprties that are allowed for an ordinary client requestpublic java.util.List getOutputs()
. Will return null if the client did not send a list of outputs and no manual server-side call to setOutputs() has been made. Note that this is not the definitive list of fields to be returned to the client - for that, see DSRequest.getConsolidatedOutputs()
public DSRequest setOutputs(java.util.List outputs)
This method is called during DSRequest construction to set the list of output fields requested by the client. Therefore, you can call this method from a DMI, custom DataSource or other custom server side code to override the output fields requested by the client. Note that this is not the definitive list of fields to be returned to the client - for that, see DSRequest.getConsolidatedOutputs()
- the list of requested outputs as a List of String, or nullDSRequest.getConsolidatedOutputs()
public java.util.List getAdditionalOutputs()
s specified in this DSRequest's "additionalOutputs" property. "additionalOutputs" is a comma separated String
of requested fields not defined in the dataSource directly. The field is defined in the form of "fieldName:includeFrom".List
of DSField
s specified in the DSRequest's "additionalOutputs" property.public boolean getExportResults()
public DSRequest setExportResults(java.lang.Boolean exportResults)
- true if results are to be exportedpublic DSRequest setExportAs(java.lang.String exportAs)
- one of "csv", "xml", "json", "xls"public DSRequest setExportDelimiter(java.lang.String exportDelimiter)
- the character to use as a delimiter in CSV exportspublic DSRequest setExportTitleSeparatorChar(java.lang.String exportTitleSeparatorChar)
- the character to replace spaces with in XML field-titles.public DSRequest setExportFilename(java.lang.String exportFilename)
exporting to the server filesystem
. This is also used to name the downloaded file if we are exporting to the client
, but only if the
flag RPCManager.downloadsRelyOnFilenameInURL
is set false. The default value of true for that flag means that the server will always use the name that the client requested for the downloaded file, so a call to this method will have no effect (the reason for this default is that it gives the most predictably correct results when dealing with filenames expressed in non-Latin character sets). When no filename is provided, the default is "Results".
- the name of the file to save the exported data intopublic DSRequest setExportPath(java.lang.String exportPath)
- Path to applypublic DSRequest setExportDisplay(java.lang.String exportDisplay)
- one of "window" or "download"public DSRequest setLineBreakStyle(java.lang.String lineBreakStyle)
- the linebreak style to use in the exported datapublic DSRequest setExportFields(java.util.List exportFields)
- the list of field-names to exportpublic DSRequest setExportFieldTitles(java.util.Map exportFieldTitles)
- the list of field-names to exportpublic DSRequest setHashedFields(java.util.List hashedFields)
that already contain hashed values in this request, and that therefore should not be rehashed. The common case is where those values have been copied from an existing (already hashed) record.hashedFields
- the list of field names that already have hashed contentpublic DSRequest setExportHeader(java.lang.String exportHeader)
- Optional text to appear above the datapublic DSRequest setExportHeaderless(boolean exportHeaderless)
- If true, the column names will be omitted from CSV and Excel exports.public DSRequest setExportFooter(java.lang.String exportFooter)
- Optional text to appear below the datapublic DSRequest setStreamResults(boolean streamResults)
- true to cause data to be streamedpublic boolean shouldStreamResults()
public DSRequest setExportToFilesystem(boolean exportToFilesystem)
on the server filesystem. See also DSRequest.setExportToClient(boolean)
Note this is automatically set to true
if DSRequest.setExportTo(
is called.
- true to cause the export data to be written to the server filesystempublic DSRequest setExportToClient(boolean exportToClient)
is also set, we will both download the exported data and write it to a filesystem file on the server. If neither of these is set, the export operation no-ops.exportToClient
- true to cause the exported data to be downloaded to the clientpublic getExportTo()
API, it will be null.public DSRequest setExportTo( exportOutputStream)
Also note that we perform the export synchronously as part of the DSRequest's execute flow when a user-provided OutputStream is in place. This allows you to make use of the OutputStream immediately after executing the request from a DMI, like this:
OutputStream myStream = new MyOutputStream(); dsRequest.setExportTo(myStream); DSResponse resp = dsRequest.execute(); // Do something with "myStream" here
- An OutputStream to use for the exportDSRequest.setExportToFilesystem(boolean)
public java.lang.Boolean getREST()
if it is REST request.Boolean
- REST request.public DSRequest setREST(java.lang.Boolean isREST)
- Boolean
- REST request.public java.lang.Boolean getRawREST()
if it is a raw REST mode request.Boolean
- raw REST request.public DSRequest setRawREST(java.lang.Boolean isRawREST)
- Boolean
- raw REST request.public java.lang.String getDataFormat()
REST request data format.public DSRequest setDataFormat(java.lang.String dataFormat)
- String
REST request data format. Accepted values: 'xml' or 'json'.public java.lang.Boolean getWrapJSONResponses()
if JSON responses should be wrapped with markers.Boolean
- JSON responses will be wrapped with markers; false
- JSON responses will contain plain objects.public DSRequest setWrapJSONResponses(java.lang.Boolean wrapJSONResponses)
- boolean
- JSON responses will be wrapped with markers; false
- JSON responses will contain plain objects.public java.lang.String getJsonPrefix()
JSON prefix marker.public DSRequest setJsonPrefix(java.lang.String jsonPrefix)
- String
JSON prefix marker.public java.lang.String getJsonSuffix()
JSON suffix marker.public DSRequest setJsonSuffix(java.lang.String jsonSuffix)
- String
JSON suffix marker.public DSRequest setUserRoles(java.lang.String rolesString)
- A comma-separated String containing the user roles to set for this requestpublic DSRequest setUserRoles(java.lang.String[] roles)
- the user roles to set for this request.public DSRequest setUserRoles(java.util.List userRoles)
These roles are compared against when declarative security runs against this request. If this method is called this request will also be marked as a client request which in turn enables declarative security checks for it.
- the user roles to set for this request.public DSRequest setUserId(java.lang.String userId)
This value will be used by the framework to populate fields of types "creator" and "modifier". This API is intended for use when you are a using some custom authentication scheme - it is unnecessary if you are using the Servlet API for authentication, because we will default to using the value returned by HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()
If this method is called this request will also be marked as a client request which in turn enables declarative security checks for it.
- the user id to set for this request.public HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest()
public ServletContext getServletContext()
@Deprecated public DSRequest setRequestContext(RequestContext context)
instead.public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String key)
- The key of the object in the DSRequest's attribute mapRPCManager.getAttribute(String)
public java.util.Iterator getAttributeNames()
public DSRequest setAttribute(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
Attributes set on the DSRequest are not serialized and sent to the browser. Custom attributes exist solely for passing extra information between different server-side subsystems that might process the DSRequest. For example: Java logic in a DMI might set attributes on a DSRequest to cause differences in processing by a custom DataSource that checks for those attributes.
- The key of the object in the DSRequest's attribute mapvalue
- The object to storeRPCManager.setAttribute(String,Object)
public DSRequest removeAttribute(java.lang.String key)
- The key of the object in the DSRequest's attribute mapRPCManager.removeAttribute(String)
public boolean isAuditRequest()
public java.lang.Boolean shouldJoinTransaction()
, which overrides any setting derived from configuration. This method is only applicable to DSRequests for a DataSource that supports transaction management. SmartClient's built-in SQL and Hibernate DataSources both have transaction support. If you intend to write a DataSource that supports transactions, you should call this method to determine if user code has overridden configuration settings for this DSRequest.
See the client-side documentation for details of configuring automatic transaction support.
public DSRequest setJoinTransaction(java.lang.Boolean newValue) throws DSRequestAlreadyStartedException
For a manually created dsRequest (one not sent by the client), in order to participate in the current automatic transaction, DSRequest.setRPCManager(RPCManager)
must be called. Then, the dsRequest will automatically participate in the current automatic transaction (if there is one) without the need to call this method.
This method is only applicable to DSRequests for a DataSource that supports transaction management. SmartClient's built-in SQL and Hibernate DataSources both have transaction support.
Note that this method can only be called on a DSRequest that has not yet started processing; it will fail with an exception if it is called on a request that has already started.
See the client-side documentation for details of configuring automatic transaction support.
- Set true to force this DSRequest's update to start or join a transaction; false to force this DSRequest's update to be auto-committed independently of any other update in the queue; null to revert to configuration settings (this is the default if this method is never called)DSRequestAlreadyStartedException
- if this DSRequest has already started processingDSRequest.shouldJoinTransaction()
public DSRequest freeAllResources()
Typically, there is no need to call freeAllResources
because it is automatically handled by the framework. You only need to call this API when all of the following apply:
on the request, ANDsetFreeOnExecute(false)
on the DSRequest, or the default setting of freeOnExecute
is false for this type of request.setRPCManager()
or setDSTransaction()
on server-created DSRequests because this is required in order to participate in automatically managed transactions. Regarding 3), any DSRequest that targets a SQLDataSource and retrieves data from a binary column (CLOB) is freeOnExecute:false
by default, since otherwise most JDBC drivers will close the InputStream used to read binary data.
Also, any DSRequest targeting HibernateDataSource or JPADataSource is freeOnExecute:false
by default in order to allow traversing lazy entity associations.
Note that the resources freed by this API are made immediately available to other threads: do not cache DataSource instances or other resources and attempt to reuse them after calling this API. In general, use this API only if you are sure you have to (because you have a DSRequest like the one described above), and even then use it with care; ideally, call it as the last thing you do immediately before your DMI method ends.
in class BaseRequest
public DSRequest setFreeOnExecute(boolean freeOnExecute)
If you pass true to this method, it causes resources used by the DSRequest (including the DataSource object and implementation-specific resources such as database connections) to be freed early - as soon as the DSRequest has finished executing. If you pass false, it causes those resource to be freed late - during final cleanup by the RPCManager if setRPCManager()
has been called, otherwise, when your code manually calls freeAllResources()
, otherwise, by the DSRequest's finalizer when garbage collection occurs.
Generally, you should use freeOnExecute(true)
- the default - as this is the most efficient thing to do. However, there are times when you need the resources to be retained - for example, if you have a server-side DSRequest that streams its results.
See freeAllResources()
for a further discussion of scenarios where immediate cleanup is not desirable.
- as described abovepublic java.util.List getConsolidatedOutputs()
, DSRequest.getDroppedFields()
public java.util.List getDroppedFields()
Note, the list returned by this method is a copy, and thus should be considered read-only.
public DSRequest addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value) throws java.lang.Exception
If the criteria is already Advanced and either:
Note that this is the only version of addToCriteria()
that attempts to automatically preserve simple criteria semantics as described above. If you do not want this behavior, use one of the other signatures of this method.
- The field name to use in the criteriavalue
- The filter value to applyjava.lang.Exception
public DSRequest addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.Object value) throws java.lang.Exception
, but passing criterion data as individual parameters.fieldName
- The field name to use in the criteriaoperator
- The operatorId to usevalue
- The filter value to applyjava.lang.Exception
public DSRequest addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.Object[] value) throws java.lang.Exception
, but passing criterion data as individual parameters.fieldName
- The field name to use in the criteriaoperator
- The operatorId to usevalue
- An array of valuesjava.lang.Exception
public DSRequest addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, OperatorBase operator, java.lang.Object value) throws java.lang.Exception
, but passing criterion data as individual parameters. Note that this method uses OperatorBase parameter as operator ID to avoid typos.fieldName
- The field name to use in the criteriaoperator
- The operatorBase to usevalue
- The filter value to applyjava.lang.Exception
public DSRequest addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, OperatorBase operator, java.lang.Object[] value) throws java.lang.Exception
, but passing criterion data as individual parameters. Note that this method uses OperatorBase parameter as operator ID to avoid typos.fieldName
- The field name to use in the criteriaoperator
- The operatorBase to usevalue
- An array of valuesjava.lang.Exception
public DSRequest addToCriteria(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object start, java.lang.Object end) throws java.lang.Exception
, but passing criterion data as individual parameters.fieldName
- The field name to use in the criteriaoperator
- The operatorId to usevalue
- The filter value to apply, for comparison operators like "contains"start
- The range-start value to apply, for range operators like "between"end
- The range-end value to apply, for range operators like "between"java.lang.Exception
public DSRequest addToCriteria(Criterion criterion) throws java.lang.Exception
two argument signature
of this method. If the DSRequest's criteria is simple, the simple criteria is converted to an equivalent AdvancedCriteria and then processed as if the criteria had been Advanced all along, which is to amend the criteria as follows:
- The criterion to use in the criteriajava.lang.Exception
public java.util.List getMissingPrimaryKeysForAdd() throws java.lang.Exception
In a completely custom DataSource (ie, one that extends BasicDataSource
), you should add a call to this method if you want the protection it provides against null key values. The simplest thing to do is what the built-in DataSources do - throw an UpdateWithoutPKException
if this method returns a non-empty List.
Note that this method honors the operationBinding setting "allowMultiUpdate" - if that property is set for the operation this DSRequest is running, this method always returns an empty List. Also, it is possible to switch off key checking for "add" operations altogether by setting the property validate.primaryKeys.for.add
to false
in your
file. Finally, be aware that primaryKey fields that declare a customInsertExpression
are never considered to have "missing values", because it is assumed that the custom expression will cause a value to appear at SQL generation or execution time.
public void setSkipCacheSync(boolean skipCacheSync)
- true
if cacheSync must be skipped, false
if it must be performed.public boolean isCacheSyncSkipped()
if cacheSync must be skipped, false
if it must be performed.public DSRequest setSkipAudit(boolean skipAudit)
- true
if auditing must be skipped, false
if it must be performed.public boolean isAuditSkipped()
if auditing must be skipped, false
if it must be performed.public void setCanSyncCache(boolean canSyncCache)