Interface HasCellHoverHandlers

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CalendarView, CubeGrid, DateGrid, EditTree, ListGrid, ListPalette, Menu, MenuPalette, PickListMenu, RecordEditor, SelectionTreeMenu, TableView, TreeGrid, TreePalette

public interface HasCellHoverHandlers extends HasHandlers
  • Method Details

    • addCellHoverHandler

      HandlerRegistration addCellHoverHandler(CellHoverHandler handler)
      Called when the mouse hovers over a cell if this.canHover is true. To suppress the hover text from being shown if showHover is true for this or the field, cancel the CellHoverEvent. For example:
      grid.addCellHoverHandler(new CellHoverHandler() {
           public void onCellHover(CellHoverEvent event) {
               if (/* some condition for when to suppress the hover */) {
      handler - the cellHover handler
      HandlerRegistration used to remove this handler