Package com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form
package com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form
ClassDescriptionThe ColorPicker widget allows the user to select a color from anywhere in the color spectrum.The DynamicForm manages a collection of FormItems which represent user input controls.A form that allows the user to input advanced search criteria, including operators on field values such as "less than", and sub-clauses using "AND" and "OR" operators.A horizontal, Layout-based widget that allows a user to input a single criterion based on one field and one operator.Formatter to customize the error message of a FormItemA class containing details for mouse events occurring over a FormItem.If defined, this method should return the HTML to display in a hover canvas when the user holds the mousepointer over this item.
subclass used, by default, by FormItems which implement PickList to display a flat list of selectable options.A FormItem for use with theFilterBuilder
, allows the user to pick from a set of pre-configured search criteria such as specific ranges in numeric or date data, and provide user friendly titles for such criteria, such as "within the next two weeks" or "High (0.75 - 0.99)".Allows the user to pick from pre-set date ranges or choose a custom date range via aDateRangeDialog
.Editor with a minimalist appearance, tuned for editing large numbers of properties in a constrained space.A SearchForm is a DynamicForm specialized for a user to enter search criteria.FormItem Value Icon mapper that allows the developer to specify the image source for an icon to be displayed for the current form item value.The ValuesManager manages data from multiple member forms.