Class UserSummary

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UserSummary extends DataClass
An object representing a user-created summary.

ListGrids additionally allow the summary to be user-modifiable, with the summary created and edited with a SummaryBuilder, either directly or via the ListGrid.canAddSummaryFields behavior.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UserSummary

      public UserSummary()
    • UserSummary

      public UserSummary(JavaScriptObject jsObj)
    • UserSummary

      public UserSummary(String text)
    • UserSummary

      public UserSummary(String text, Map summaryVars)
  • Method Details

    • getOrCreateRef

      public static UserSummary getOrCreateRef(JavaScriptObject jsObj)
    • setSummaryVars

      public UserSummary setSummaryVars(Map summaryVars)
      Map from the single capital letters used as summary variables in the UserSummary String to the field names these variables should represent.

      When used in the context of grid or detail viewer fields, field names are evaluated against the record.

      Summaries built by a SummaryBuilder for a ListGrid will normally not define this property and the field names will be used directly, unless useSingleLetterKey is true. This property is also not used for summary mapping in FormItem.textFormula or ListGridField.editorTextFormula. Instead, field names are evaluated directly against the current rule context.

      summaryVars - New summaryVars value. Default value is null
      UserSummary instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getSummaryVars

      public Map getSummaryVars()
      Map from the single capital letters used as summary variables in the UserSummary String to the field names these variables should represent.

      When used in the context of grid or detail viewer fields, field names are evaluated against the record.

      Summaries built by a SummaryBuilder for a ListGrid will normally not define this property and the field names will be used directly, unless useSingleLetterKey is true. This property is also not used for summary mapping in FormItem.textFormula or ListGridField.editorTextFormula. Instead, field names are evaluated directly against the current rule context.

      Current summaryVars value. Default value is null
    • setText

      public UserSummary setText(String text)
      Summary to be evaluated.

      There are two contexts where a UserSummary is used: ListGridField.userSummary / DetailViewerField.userSummary and FormItem.textFormula or ListGridField.editorTextFormula. For the grid/detail viewer field summary, all variables used by the summary must be single capital letters surrounded by braces and escaped with a # sign (e.g. #{A}). These are derived from field values for the record in question - see summaryVars.

      In the context of forms and editing, variables are dot-separated (.) names representing the nested hierarchy path to the desired value within the rule context. No mapping with summaryVars is needed.

      This attribute is writable only in ListGrids. Applications must call either ListGrid.setUserSummary() or ListGrid.setUserSummaryText() to re-evaluate the summary.

      text - New text value. Default value is null
      UserSummary instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Summary to be evaluated.

      There are two contexts where a UserSummary is used: ListGridField.userSummary / DetailViewerField.userSummary and FormItem.textFormula or ListGridField.editorTextFormula. For the grid/detail viewer field summary, all variables used by the summary must be single capital letters surrounded by braces and escaped with a # sign (e.g. #{A}). These are derived from field values for the record in question - see summaryVars.

      In the context of forms and editing, variables are dot-separated (.) names representing the nested hierarchy path to the desired value within the rule context. No mapping with summaryVars is needed.

      This attribute is writable only in ListGrids. Applications must call either ListGrid.setUserSummary() or ListGrid.setUserSummaryText() to re-evaluate the summary.

      Current text value. Default value is null