Enum OperatorId

All Implemented Interfaces:
ValueEnum, Serializable, Comparable<OperatorId>, Constable

public enum OperatorId extends Enum<OperatorId> implements ValueEnum
An operator is used as part of a Criterion when specifying AdvancedCriteria.

This list of operators indicates the set of operators built into Smart GWT DataSources, which can be used for both client and server-side filtering. Some operators offer case-insensitive versions, prefixed with a lower-case i, such as iContains. Note that such operators are intended for text-based searches and are not available to numeric or date fields (integer/float/date/datetime and derivatives), where there is no use for case.

You can extend the list of operators with DataSource.addSearchOperator().

  • Enum Constant Details

    • EQUALS

      public static final OperatorId EQUALS
      exactly equal to

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "equals".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_EQUAL
      not equal to

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notEqual".


      public static final OperatorId IEQUALS
      exactly equal to, if case is disregarded

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iEquals".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_EQUAL
      not equal to, if case is disregarded

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotEqual".


      public static final OperatorId GREATER_THAN
      Greater than

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "greaterThan".


      public static final OperatorId LESS_THAN
      Less than. Note that null is treated as equivalent to an arbitrarily small value, so null field values will always be returned by lessThan / lessOrEqual filter operations by default.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "lessThan".


      public static final OperatorId GREATER_OR_EQUAL
      Greater than or equal to

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "greaterOrEqual".


      public static final OperatorId LESS_OR_EQUAL
      Less than or equal to

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "lessOrEqual".


      public static final OperatorId CONTAINS
      Contains as sub-string (match case)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "contains".


      public static final OperatorId STARTS_WITH
      Starts with (match case)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "startsWith".


      public static final OperatorId ENDS_WITH
      Ends with (match case)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "endsWith".


      public static final OperatorId ICONTAINS
      Contains as sub-string (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iContains".


      public static final OperatorId ISTARTS_WITH
      Starts with (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iStartsWith".


      public static final OperatorId IENDS_WITH
      Ends with (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iEndsWith".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_CONTAINS
      Does not contain as sub-string (match case)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notContains".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_STARTS_WITH
      Does not start with (match case)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notStartsWith".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_ENDS_WITH
      Does not end with (match case)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notEndsWith".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_CONTAINS
      Does not contain as sub-string (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotContains".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_STARTS_WITH
      Does not start with (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotStartsWith".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_ENDS_WITH
      Does not end with (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotEndsWith".


      public static final OperatorId IBETWEEN
      shortcut for "greaterThan" + "and" + "lessThan" (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iBetween".


      public static final OperatorId IBETWEEN_INCLUSIVE
      shortcut for "greaterOrEqual" + "and" + "lessOrEqual" (case insensitive)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iBetweenInclusive".


      public static final OperatorId MATCHES_PATTERN
      Basic GLOB matching using wildcards (see DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "matchesPattern".


      public static final OperatorId IMATCHES_PATTERN
      Basic GLOB matching using wildcards (case insensitive) (see DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iMatchesPattern".


      public static final OperatorId CONTAINS_PATTERN
      GLOB matching using wildcards. Value is considered to meet the criterion if it contains the pattern. See DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "containsPattern".


      public static final OperatorId STARTS_WITH_PATTERN
      GLOB matching using wildcards. Value is considered to meet the criterion if it starts with the pattern.See DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "startsWithPattern".


      public static final OperatorId ENDS_WITH_PATTERN
      GLOB matching using wildcards. Value is considered to meet the criterion if it starts with the pattern.See DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "endsWithPattern".


      public static final OperatorId ICONTAINS_PATTERN
      GLOB matching using wildcards. Value is considered to meet the criterion if it contains the pattern. Matching is case insensitive. See DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iContainsPattern".


      public static final OperatorId ISTARTS_WITH_PATTERN
      GLOB matching using wildcards. Value is considered to meet the criterion if it starts with the pattern. Matching is case insensitive.See DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iStartsWithPattern".


      public static final OperatorId IENDS_WITH_PATTERN
      GLOB matching using wildcards.Value is considered to meet the criterion if it ends with the pattern. Matching is case insensitive. See DataSource.translatePatternOperators for more information on available patterns)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iEndsWithPattern".

    • REGEXP

      public static final OperatorId REGEXP
      Regular expression match - built-in SQL only, JPA and Hibernate do not support regexp operator. Additionally, when using PostgreSQL, it is supported only starting from PostgreSQL version 9.3.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "regexp".


      public static final OperatorId IREGEXP
      Regular expression match (case insensitive) - regexp operator limitations apply.

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iregexp".

    • IS_BLANK

      public static final OperatorId IS_BLANK
      value is either null or the empty string. For numeric fields it behaves as isNull

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "isBlank".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_BLANK
      value is neither null nor the empty string. For numeric fields it behaves as notNull

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notBlank".

    • IS_NULL

      public static final OperatorId IS_NULL
      value is null

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "isNull".

    • NOT_NULL

      public static final OperatorId NOT_NULL
      value is non-null. Note empty string ("") is non-null

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notNull".

    • IN_SET

      public static final OperatorId IN_SET
      value is in a set of values. Specify criterion.value as an Array

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "inSet".

    • NOT_IN_SET

      public static final OperatorId NOT_IN_SET
      value is not in a set of values. Specify criterion.value as an Array

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notInSet".


      public static final OperatorId EQUALS_FIELD
      matches another field (match case, specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "equalsField".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_EQUAL_FIELD
      does not match another field (match case, specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notEqualField".


      public static final OperatorId IEQUALS_FIELD
      matches another field (case insensitive, specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iEqualsField".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_EQUAL_FIELD
      does not match another field (case insensitive, specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotEqualField".


      public static final OperatorId GREATER_THAN_FIELD
      Greater than another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "greaterThanField".


      public static final OperatorId LESS_THAN_FIELD
      Less than another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "lessThanField".


      public static final OperatorId GREATER_OR_EQUAL_FIELD
      Greater than or equal to another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "greaterOrEqualField".


      public static final OperatorId LESS_OR_EQUAL_FIELD
      Less than or equal to another field (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "lessOrEqualField".


      public static final OperatorId CONTAINS_FIELD
      Contains as sub-string (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "containsField".


      public static final OperatorId STARTS_WITH_FIELD
      Starts with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "startsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId ENDS_WITH_FIELD
      Ends with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "endsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId ICONTAINS_FIELD
      Contains as sub-string (case insensitive) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iContainsField".


      public static final OperatorId ISTARTS_WITH_FIELD
      Starts with (case insensitive) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iStartsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId IENDS_WITH_FIELD
      Ends with (case insensitive) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iEndsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_CONTAINS_FIELD
      Does not contain as sub-string (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notContainsField".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_STARTS_WITH_FIELD
      Does not start with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notStartsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId NOT_ENDS_WITH_FIELD
      Does not end with (match case) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "notEndsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_CONTAINS_FIELD
      Does not contain as sub-string (case insensitive) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotContainsField".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_STARTS_WITH_FIELD
      Does not start with (case insensitive) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotStartsWithField".


      public static final OperatorId INOT_ENDS_WITH_FIELD
      Does not end with (case insensitive) another field value (specify fieldName as criterion.value)

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "iNotEndsWithField".

    • AND

      public static final OperatorId AND
      all subcriteria (criterion.criteria) are true

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "and".

    • NOT

      public static final OperatorId NOT
      all subcriteria (criterion.criteria) are false

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "not".

    • OR

      public static final OperatorId OR
      at least one subcriteria (criterion.criteria) is true

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "or".


      public static final OperatorId BETWEEN
      shortcut for "greaterThan" + "lessThan" + "and". Specify criterion.start and criterion.end

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "between".


      public static final OperatorId BETWEEN_INCLUSIVE
      shortcut for "greaterOrEqual" + "lessOrEqual" + "and". Specify criterion.start and criterion.end

      If this enumerated value is used in a Component XML file or server-side DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), use the value "betweenInclusive".

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static OperatorId[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static OperatorId valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getValue

      public String getValue()
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ValueEnum