Interface JavaModuleDependencies
Java Module Dependencies
Note that if you are using GWT, GWT itself also has an Apache 2.0 license, however tools and test environments that you may use during development have different license (such as Eclipse - Eclipse Public License). Also, specific GWT widgets, not required by Smart GWT, have licenses different from core GWT (such as JFreeChart's LGPL license). See Google's summary of terms for details. If you are using server
with the Javascript language, dependencies are JVM-specific. Java versions earlier
than 6 do not include JSR223 support at all, so server scripting is not an option with those
JVMs. Versions of the Oracle and OpenJDK JVMs from 6 to 14 inclusive include a JS engine by
default - Rhino in Java 6 and 7, and Nashorn from 8 to 14 - so Javascript server scripting
works out of the box with no dependencies with those versions. Oracle and OpenJDK JVMs from
version 15 onwards do not include JS support automatically. However, we ship the standalone
OpenJDK implementation of Nashorn with Smart GWT, so Javascript scripting still works out of
the box as long as you leave that dependency in place. You can also leave that dependency in
place with JDK versions from 8 to 14 - the OpenJDK implementation will mask the built-in
Oracle implementation, but you should not notice any difference. See the Server Scripting
documentation for more details of your options with this.
users should generally refer to the POMs bundled
with the SDK, and installed for them by the official Isomorphic plugin for
Maven. For others, the following is a short description of the functionality contained in
each Smart GWT server JAR, and a link to the documentation listing its dependencies. Please
refer to that documentation for more detail on the dependency graph, including version
numbers, transitive dependencies, and licensing.
isomorphic_core_rpc |
This is the core Smart GWT module. It provides the RPC, DMI, and DataSource support.
Please note that both commons-collections-3.x and commons-collections4-4.x are required
and safe to include side by side in the CLASSPATH (different third party libs rely on
one or the other). The same is true of commons-lang and commons-lang3. Optional Dependencies
isomorphic_contentexport |
Provides support for PDF Export. Optional Dependencies
isomorphic_tools | Contains back-end logic for the "Admin Console" tool visible in the Developer Console, and also standalone from the SDK home page. Also contains the various data importers and exporters, and the server-side components of the BatchUploader. |
isomorphic_cdi | Support for DMI dispatches to Spring beans (via ServerObject.lookupStyle : "cdi").
isomorphic_spring | Support for
DMI dispatches to Spring beans (via ServerObject.lookupStyle :
"spring"). |
isomorphic_spring_hibernate3 |
Support for Spring + Hibernate 3, see the Compatibility section of SpringIntegration for more details. |
isomorphic_realtime_messaging | Server support required for the Smart GWT
Realtime Messaging Module. Install this if you're using this 'push' technology. For more
information, see Messaging . |
isomorphic_hibernate |
Contains support for Hibernate DataSources as described here: HibernateIntegration . |
isomorphic_jpa |
Contains support for JPA DataSources as described here |
isomorphic_sql | The Smart GWT SQLDataSource. |
isomorphic_autotest | Support
for automated testing and Continuous
Integration Optional Dependencies
isomorphic_js_parser | A parser capable of reading a JSON byte stream and creating an in-memory Java object structure to match. Used by any mechanism that relies on JSON-style configuration. Examples include FileAssembly definitions in JSON format, any use of the rulesFile with a URIRegexFilter (Java Servlet) or subclass. |
isomorphic_compression | This is a part of the Network Performance Module. The isomorphic_compression
module is required for dynamic and static compression of various assets delivered to the
browser. For more information, see: Compression . |
isomorphic_assembly | This
is part of the Network Performance Module. The isomorphic_assembly module is required for
file assembly and stripping. For more information, see: FileAssembly . |
isomorphic_scheduler | Server-side libraries providing DataSource adapters for the Quartz API. |
isomorphic_m2pluginextras | A small collection of tools / utilities for use by Maven builds, Ant Scripts, and command line invocation. |
isomorphic_spring_hibernate4 |
Support for Spring + Hibernate 4, see the Compatibility section of SpringIntegration for more details. |