Class | Description |
ByIdentifier | This class is provided for backcompat with the Selenium v1 "identifier" locator strategy, which first does a lookup against IDs, and then if nothing is found, Names. |
ByScLocator | A custom implementation of By which understands SmartClient locator names findElements() is delegated to AutoTest.js |
SeleneseRunner | Selenese -> Java conversion and executor requires HTML parser from |
SmartClientChromeDriver | Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using Chrome. |
SmartClientFirefoxDriver | Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using FireFox. |
SmartClientIEDriver | Implementation of SmartClient specific WebDriver using IE. |
SmartClientRemoteWebDriver | Implementation of SmartClient specific Driver wrapping a RemoteWebDriver instance. |
SmartClientWebDriver | This is an enhancement of the default WebDriver interface providing SmartClient specific enhancements. |