Interface OdataDataSource

public interface OdataDataSource

Server-side OData DataSource

ODataDataSource is a built-in server-side DataSource implementation that extends RestConnector to add functionality for REST webservices that follow the OData protocol. Everything that applies to RestConnector also applies to ODataDataSource - it is configured in the same way, provides the same support for pervasive Velocity templating, etc.

In addition to the regular RestConnector facilities, ODataDataSource adds the following support, specifically for REST services that follow the OData protocol

  • Generate an OData-compliant "$filter" query from standard Smart GWT criteria. Note, the generated filter query will convert textMatchStyle to the corresponding OData function ("substring" becomes "contains" and "startsWith" becomes "startswith"; other textMatchStyles just generate straight equality checks), but there is no current support for true AdvancedCriteria
  • Generate an OData "$orderby" parameter from the Smart GWT sortBy information
  • Generate an OData "$select" parameter from the Smart GWT "outputs" information
  • Derive "$skip" and "$top" attributes from the Smart GWT startRow and endRow
  • Derive and apply the necessary "maxpagesize" Prefer header to encourage the remote server to allow the page size we would like to use
  • Request the OData "$count" property and make use of it to populate totalRows.
  • Modify certain things to match the OData defaults, where that differs from the normal RestConnector defaults
  • Apply all these generated and derived properties to the REST call