public class FieldPicker extends VLayout
. It allows for easy customization of the order in which the
fields of a DataBoundComponent
are displayed, and of which are visible. If so
configured, it also allows for convenient launching of the HiliteEditor, FormulaBuilder, and SummaryBuilder. A
FieldPicker instance runs in its own window, a FieldPickerWindow
config, configOnly, factoryCreated, factoryProperties, id, nativeObject, scClassName
Constructor and Description |
FieldPicker() |
FieldPicker( jsObj) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
Canvas defaults)
Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
FormItem defaults)
Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
protected |
create() |
java.lang.String |
The title displayed for the Add Custom Fields Button
ListGrid |
ListGrid showing the list of available fields. |
Canvas[] |
Provides a set of controls to appear as
header controls above the available fields grid. |
java.lang.String |
getAvailableFieldsTitle() |
java.lang.String |
The title displayed for the title property of the available fields
HLayout |
java.lang.String |
The title shown on the Cancel button
IButton |
An AutoChild
button that saves the current field-set and exits the Field
Picker. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Whether the current fields' filter row allows the sample value column to be filtered.
java.lang.String |
getConfirmText() |
ListGrid |
ListGrid showing the list of currently selected fields. |
java.lang.String |
getCurrentFieldsTitle() |
java.lang.String |
The title displayed for the title property of the current fields
Canvas |
The component whose fields should be edited.
DataSource |
An optional DataSource that is used to create a disposable
dataBoundComponent if none is provided. |
java.lang.String |
The hint shown when editing a field with no title defined.
java.lang.String |
getHilitesText() |
Label |
label displaying the text assigned as the FieldPicker's instructions . |
java.lang.String |
getInstructions() |
com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject |
Getter implementing the
LogicalStructure interface,
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. |
static FieldPicker |
getOrCreateRef( jsObj) |
java.lang.String |
The title shown on the 'Visible Fields' grid's context menu item, whose click handler puts the selected item back in the
'Available Fields' collection.
java.lang.String |
getRemoveText() |
Record |
If a
sampleRecord is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. |
DefaultSampleRecord |
If a
sampleRecord is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. |
java.lang.String |
The title displayed for the sample value property of the current fields
IButton |
An AutoChild
button that saves the current field-set and exits the Field
Picker. |
java.lang.String |
The title shown on the Save and Exit button
boolean |
When set to false, hides the right-most set of buttons, used for re-ordering fields in the Visible Fields list.
boolean |
Shows a "Highlights..." button that shows an interface for editing hilites in the attached DataBoundComponent.
void |
setAddCustomFieldsButtonTitle(java.lang.String addCustomFieldsButtonTitle)
The title displayed for the Add Custom Fields Button
void |
setAvailableFields(DataSourceField... newFields)
Provides a new set of available fields.
void |
setAvailableFieldsHeaderControls(Canvas... availableFieldsHeaderControls)
Provides a set of controls to appear as
header controls above the available fields grid. |
void |
setAvailableFieldsTitle(java.lang.String availableFieldsTitle) |
void |
setAvailableTitleTitle(java.lang.String availableTitleTitle)
The title displayed for the title property of the available fields
void |
setCallbackCustomizer(FieldPickerCallbackCustomizer customizer)
This method is called during rendering for all events in the visible range - those which
would be rendered by default.
void |
setCancelButtonTitle(java.lang.String cancelButtonTitle)
The title shown on the Cancel button
void |
setCanFilterSampleValue(java.lang.Boolean canFilterSampleValue)
Whether the current fields' filter row allows the sample value column to be filtered.
void |
setConfirmText(java.lang.String confirmText) |
void |
setCurrentFieldsTitle(java.lang.String currentFieldsTitle) |
void |
setCurrentTitleTitle(java.lang.String currentTitleTitle)
The title displayed for the title property of the current fields
void |
setDataBoundComponent(Canvas dataBoundComponent)
The component whose fields should be edited.
void |
setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
An optional DataSource that is used to create a disposable
dataBoundComponent if none is provided. |
static void |
setDefaultProperties(FieldPicker fieldPickerProperties)
Class level method to set the default properties of this class.
void |
setEmptyTitleHint(java.lang.String emptyTitleHint)
The hint shown when editing a field with no title defined.
void |
setHilitesText(java.lang.String hilitesText) |
void |
setInstructions(java.lang.String instructions) |
com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject |
setLogicalStructure(com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.widgets.FieldPickerLogicalStructure s)
Setter implementing the
LogicalStructure interface,
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. |
void |
setRemoveItemTitle(java.lang.String removeItemTitle)
The title shown on the 'Visible Fields' grid's context menu item, whose click handler puts the selected item back in the
'Available Fields' collection.
void |
setRemoveText(java.lang.String removeText) |
void |
setSampleRecord(DefaultSampleRecord sampleRecord)
If a
sampleRecord is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. |
void |
setSampleRecord(Record sampleRecord)
If a
sampleRecord is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. |
void |
setSampleValueTitle(java.lang.String sampleValueTitle)
The title displayed for the sample value property of the current fields
void |
setSaveAndExitButtonTitle(java.lang.String saveAndExitButtonTitle)
The title shown on the Save and Exit button
void |
setShowFieldOrderButtons(boolean showFieldOrderButtons)
When set to false, hides the right-most set of buttons, used for re-ordering fields in the Visible Fields list.
void |
setShowHilitesButton(boolean showHilitesButton)
Shows a "Highlights..." button that shows an interface for editing hilites in the attached DataBoundComponent.
setDefaultProperties, setLogicalStructure
addMember, addMember, addMember, addMember, addMemberPostCreate, addMemberPostCreate, addMemberPreCreate, addMemberPreCreate, addMembers, addMembers, addMembersChangedHandler, getAnimateMembers, getAnimateMemberTime, getCanDropComponents, getChildTabPosition, getDefaultResizeBars, getDropComponent, getDropLine, getDropLineThickness, getDropPosition, getEditProxyConstructor, getEnforcePolicy, getHPolicy, getLayoutBottomMargin, getLayoutEndMargin, getLayoutLeftMargin, getLayoutMargin, getLayoutRightMargin, getLayoutStartMargin, getLayoutTopMargin, getLeaveScrollbarGap, getLocateMembersBy, getLocateMembersType, getManagePercentBreadth, getMember, getMember, getMemberDefaultBreadth, getMemberNumber, getMemberNumber, getMemberOverlap, getMembers, getMembersLength, getMembersMargin, getMinMemberLength, getMinMemberSize, getOverflow, getPaddingAsLayoutMargin, getResizeBar, getResizeBarClass, getResizeBarSize, getReverseOrder, getShowDragPlaceHolder, getShowDropLines, getStackZIndex, getVertical, getVPolicy, hasMember, hideDropLine, hideMember, hideMember, layoutIsDirty, onInit_Layout, onInit, reflow, reflow, reflowNow, removeMember, removeMembers, removeMembers, reorderMember, reorderMembers, revealChild, revealChild, setAlign, setAlign, setAnimateMembers, setAnimateMemberTime, setCanDropComponents, setDefaultLayoutAlign, setDefaultLayoutAlign, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultResizeBars, setDropLineProperties, setDropLineThickness, setEditProxyConstructor, setEnforcePolicy, setHPolicy, setLayoutBottomMargin, setLayoutEndMargin, setLayoutLeftMargin, setLayoutMargin, setLayoutRightMargin, setLayoutStartMargin, setLayoutTopMargin, setLeaveScrollbarGap, setLocateMembersBy, setLocateMembersType, setLogicalStructure, setManagePercentBreadth, setMemberOverlap, setMembers, setMembersMargin, setMinBreadthMember, setMinBreadthMember, setMinBreadthMember, setMinMemberLength, setMinMemberSize, setOverflow, setPaddingAsLayoutMargin, setPlaceHolderDefaults, setPlaceHolderProperties, setResizeBarClass, setResizeBarSize, setReverseOrder, setShowDragPlaceHolder, setShowDropLines, setStackZIndex, setVertical, setVisibleMember, setVPolicy, showMember, showMember
addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addClearHandler, addClickHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addDragMoveHandler, addDragRepositionMoveHandler, addDragRepositionStartHandler, addDragRepositionStopHandler, addDragResizeMoveHandler, addDragResizeStartHandler, addDragResizeStopHandler, addDragStartHandler, addDragStopHandler, addDropHandler, addDropMoveHandler, addDropOutHandler, addDropOverHandler, addFocusChangedHandler, addHoverHandler, addHoverHiddenHandler, addKeyDownHandler, addKeyPressHandler, addMouseDownHandler, addMouseMoveHandler, addMouseOutHandler, addMouseOverHandler, addMouseStillDownHandler, addMouseUpHandler, addMouseWheelHandler, addMovedHandler, addParentMovedHandler, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addResizedHandler, addRightMouseDownHandler, addRuleContextChangedHandler, addScrolledHandler, addShowContextMenuHandler, addSnapAlignCandidate, addStyleName, addVisibilityChangedHandler, adjustForContent, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, asSGWTComponent, blur, bringToFront, clear, clearExplicitTabIndex, clickMaskUp, clickMaskUp, contains, contains, containsEvent, containsFocus, containsPoint, containsPoint, deparent, depeer, disable, enable, encloses, focus, focusAfterGroup, focusAtEnd, focusInNextTabElement, focusInPreviousTabElement, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getAccessKey, getAdaptiveHeightPriority, getAdaptiveWidthPriority, getAlwaysShowScrollbars, getAnimateAcceleration, getAnimateFadeTime, getAnimateHideAcceleration, getAnimateHideEffect, getAnimateHideTime, getAnimateMoveAcceleration, getAnimateMoveTime, getAnimateRectAcceleration, getAnimateRectTime, getAnimateResizeAcceleration, getAnimateResizeTime, getAnimateScrollAcceleration, getAnimateScrollTime, getAnimateShowAcceleration, getAnimateShowEffect, getAnimateShowTime, getAnimateTime, getAppImgDir, getAriaRole, getAutoDraw, getAutoMaskComponents, getAutoParent, getAutoShowParent, getBackgroundColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundPosition, getBackgroundRepeat, getBorder, getBottom, getById, getByJSObject, getByLocalId, getCanAcceptDrop, getCanAdaptHeight, getCanAdaptWidth, getCanDrag, getCanDragReposition, getCanDragResize, getCanDragScroll, getCanDrop, getCanDropBefore, getCanFocus, getCanHover, getCanSelectText, getCanvasAutoChild, getCanvasItem, getChildren, getChildrenResizeSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapCenterAlign, getChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, getChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, getChildrenSnapToGrid, getClassName, getComponentMask, getComponentMaskDefaults, getContentElement, getContents, getContextMenu, getCorrectZoomOverflow, getCursor, getDataPath, getDefaultHeight, getDefaultWidth, getDestroyed, getDestroying, getDisabled, getDisabledCursor, getDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, getDoubleClickDelay, getDragAppearance, getDragIntersectStyle, getDragMaskType, getDragMaxHeight, getDragMaxWidth, getDragMinHeight, getDragMinWidth, getDragOpacity, getDragRepositionAppearance, getDragRepositionCursor, getDragResizeAppearance, getDragScrollDelay, getDragStartDistance, getDragTarget, getDragType, getDropTypes, getDropTypesAsString, getDynamicContents, getEdgeBackgroundColor, getEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, getEdgeImage, getEdgeMarginSize, getEdgeOffset, getEdgeOpacity, getEdgeShowCenter, getEdgeSize, getEditNode, getEditProxy, getElement, getElement, getEnableWhen, getEndLine, getEventEdge, getEventEdge, getExtraSpace, getFacetId, getFormItemAutoChild, getFullDataPath, getGroupBorderCSS, getGroupLabelBackgroundColor, getGroupLabelStyleName, getGroupTitle, getHeight, getHeightAsString, getHideUsingDisplayNone, getHoverAlign, getHoverAutoDestroy, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidthAsString, getHoverAutoFitWidth, getHoverComponent, getHoverDelay, getHoverHeight, getHoverHTML, getHoverMoveWithMouse, getHoverOpacity, getHoverStyle, getHoverVAlign, getHoverWidth, getHoverWrap, getHSnapOrigin, getHSnapOrigin, getHSnapPosition, getHSnapPosition, getHtmlElement, getHtmlPosition, getImage, getImgURL, getImgURL, getInnerContentHeight, getInnerContentWidth, getInnerHeight, getInnerWidth, getIsGroup, getIsPrinting, getIsRuleScope, getIsSnapAlignCandidate, getKeepInParentRect, getLayoutAlign, getLeavePageSpace, getLeft, getLeftAsString, getLocalId, getLocateChildrenBy, getLocateChildrenType, getLocatePeersBy, getLocatePeersType, getMargin, getMasterCanvas, getMasterElement, getMatchElement, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMaxZoomOverflowError, getMenuConstructor, getMinHeight, getMinNonEdgeSize, getMinWidth, getMomentumScrollMinSpeed, getMouseStillDownDelay, getMouseStillDownInitialDelay, getNextZIndex, getNoDoubleClicks, getNoDropCursor, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getOffsetX, getOffsetY, getOpacity, getOuterElement, getPadding, getPageBottom, getPageLeft, getPageRect, getPageRight, getPageTop, getPaletteDefaults, getPanelContainer, getParentCanvas, getParentElement, getPeers, getPercentBox, getPercentSource, getPosition, getPrefix, getPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, getPrintHTML, getPrintHTML, getPrompt, getProportionalResizeModifiers, getProportionalResizing, getRect, getRedrawOnResize, getResizeBarTarget, getResizeFrom, getRight, getRuleContext, getRuleContext, getRuleScope, getScrollbarSize, getScrollBottom, getScrollHeight, getScrollLeft, getScrollRight, getScrollTop, getScrollWidth, getShadowColor, getShadowDepth, getShadowHOffset, getShadowImage, getShadowOffset, getShadowSoftness, getShadowSpread, getShadowVOffset, getShouldPrint, getShowCustomScrollbars, getShowDragShadow, getShowEdges, getShowHover, getShowHoverComponents, getShowResizeBar, getShowShadow, getShowSnapGrid, getShrinkElementOnHide, getSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, getSkinImgDir, getSnapAlignCandidates, getSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, getSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, getSnapAxis, getSnapEdge, getSnapHDirection, getSnapHGap, getSnapOffsetLeft, getSnapOffsetTop, getSnapOnDrop, getSnapPosition, getSnapPosition, getSnapResizeToAlign, getSnapResizeToGrid, getSnapTo, getSnapToAlign, getSnapToCenterAlign, getSnapToEdgeAlign, getSnapToGrid, getSnapVDirection, getSnapVGap, getStartLine, getStyleName, getTabIndex, getTestInstance, getTitle, getTooltip, getTop, getTopAsString, getTopElement, getUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, getUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, getUseBackMask, getUseCSSShadow, getUseDragMask, getUseImageForSVG, getUseNativeDrag, getUseOpacityFilter, getUseTouchScrolling, getValuesManager, getValuesManagerAsString, getViewportHeight, getViewportWidth, getVisibility, getVisibleHeight, getVisibleWhen, getVisibleWidth, getVSnapOrigin, getVSnapOrigin, getVSnapPosition, getVSnapPosition, getWidth, getWidthAsString, getZIndex, getZIndex, handleHover, hide, hideClickMask, hideClickMask, hideComponentMask, hideComponentMask, hideContextMenu, imgHTML, imgHTML, imgHTML, intersects, isDirty, isDisabled, isFocused, isVisible, keyUp, layoutChildren, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, markForDestroy, markForRedraw, markForRedraw, moveAbove, moveBelow, moveBy, moveTo, onAttach, onDetach, pageScrollDown, pageScrollUp, parentResized, placeNear, placeNear, placeNear, printComponents, provideRuleContext, provideRuleContext, redraw, redraw, removeChild, removeChild, removePeer, removePeer, removeSnapAlignCandidate, resizeAutoChildAttributes, resizeBy, resizeControls, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeIcons, resizeTo, resizeTo, scrollBy, scrollByPercent, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollToBottom, scrollToLeft, scrollToPercent, scrollToRight, scrollToTop, sendToBack, setAccessKey, setAdaptHeightByCustomizer, setAdaptiveHeightPriority, setAdaptiveWidthPriority, setAdaptWidthByCustomizer, setAllowExternalFilters, setAlwaysShowScrollbars, setAnimateAcceleration, setAnimateFadeTime, setAnimateHideAcceleration, setAnimateHideEffect, setAnimateHideTime, setAnimateMoveAcceleration, setAnimateMoveTime, setAnimateRectAcceleration, setAnimateRectTime, setAnimateResizeAcceleration, setAnimateResizeTime, setAnimateScrollAcceleration, setAnimateScrollTime, setAnimateShowAcceleration, setAnimateShowEffect, setAnimateShowTime, setAnimateTime, setAppImgDir, setAriaRole, setAriaState, setAutoChildConstructor, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildVisibility, setAutoDraw, setAutoHeight, setAutoMaskComponents, setAutoParent, setAutoResizeAutoChildAttributes, setAutoResizeIcons, setAutoShowParent, setAutoWidth, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundPosition, setBackgroundRepeat, setBorder, setBottom, setCanAcceptDrop, setCanAdaptHeight, setCanAdaptWidth, setCanDrag, setCanDragReposition, setCanDragResize, setCanDragScroll, setCanDrop, setCanDropBefore, setCanFocus, setCanHover, setCanSelectText, setChildren, setChildrenResizeSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapCenterAlign, setChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, setChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, setChildrenSnapToGrid, setComponentMaskDefaults, setContents, setContextMenu, setCorrectZoomOverflow, setCursor, setDataPath, setDefaultHeight, setDefaultPageSpace, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultWidth, setDisabled, setDisabledCursor, setDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, setDoubleClickDelay, setDragAppearance, setDragIntersectStyle, setDragMaskType, setDragMaxHeight, setDragMaxWidth, setDragMinHeight, setDragMinWidth, setDragOpacity, setDragRepositionAppearance, setDragRepositionCursor, setDragResizeAppearance, setDragScrollDelay, setDragStartDistance, setDragTarget, setDragType, setDropTypes, setDropTypes, setDynamicContents, setEdgeBackgroundColor, setEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, setEdgeImage, setEdgeMarginSize, setEdgeOffset, setEdgeOpacity, setEdgeShowCenter, setEdgeSize, setEditMode, setEditMode, setEditMode, setElement, setEnableWhen, setEndLine, setExtraSpace, setFacetId, setGroupBorderCSS, setGroupLabelBackgroundColor, setGroupLabelStyleName, setGroupTitle, setHeight, setHeight, setHeight, setHeight100, setHideUsingDisplayNone, setHoverAlign, setHoverAutoDestroy, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitWidth, setHoverDelay, setHoverHeight, setHoverMoveWithMouse, setHoverOpacity, setHoverStyle, setHoverVAlign, setHoverWidth, setHoverWrap, setHtmlElement, setHtmlPosition, setImage, setImage, setInitHandler, setIsGroup, setIsRuleScope, setIsSnapAlignCandidate, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setLayoutAlign, setLayoutAlign, setLeavePageSpace, setLeft, setLeft, setLocateChildrenBy, setLocateChildrenType, setLocatePeersBy, setLocatePeersType, setLogicalStructure, setMargin, setMatchElement, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMaxZoomOverflowError, setMenuConstructor, setMinHeight, setMinNonEdgeSize, setMinWidth, setMomentumScrollMinSpeed, setMouseStillDownDelay, setMouseStillDownInitialDelay, setNeverUseFilters, setNoDoubleClicks, setNoDropCursor, setOpacity, setPadding, setPageLeft, setPageTop, setPanelContainer, setParentCanvas, setParentElement, setPeers, setPercentBox, setPercentSource, setPosition, setPrefix, setPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, setPrompt, setProportionalResizeModifiers, setProportionalResizing, setRect, setRect, setRedrawOnResize, setRelativeTabPosition, setResizeBarTarget, setResizeFrom, setResizeFrom, setRight, setRuleScope, setScrollbarConstructor, setScrollbarSize, setShadowColor, setShadowDepth, setShadowHOffset, setShadowImage, setShadowOffset, setShadowSoftness, setShadowSpread, setShadowVOffset, setShouldPrint, setShowCustomScrollbars, setShowDragShadow, setShowEdges, setShowHover, setShowHoverComponents, setShowResizeBar, setShowShadow, setShowSnapGrid, setShrinkElementOnHide, setSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, setSkinImgDir, setSmoothFade, setSnapAlignCandidates, setSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, setSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, setSnapAxis, setSnapEdge, setSnapHDirection, setSnapHGap, setSnapOffsetLeft, setSnapOffsetTop, setSnapOnDrop, setSnapResizeToAlign, setSnapResizeToGrid, setSnapTo, setSnapToAlign, setSnapToCenterAlign, setSnapToEdgeAlign, setSnapToGrid, setSnapVDirection, setSnapVGap, setStartLine, setStyleName, setTabIndex, setTitle, setTooltip, setTop, setTop, setUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, setUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, setUseBackMask, setUseCSSShadow, setUseDragMask, setUseImageForSVG, setUseNativeDrag, setUseOpacityFilter, setUseTouchScrolling, setValuesManager, setValuesManager, setVisibility, setVisible, setVisibleWhen, setWidth, setWidth, setWidth, setWidth100, setZIndex, shouldDragScroll, show, showClickMask, showComponentMask, showComponentMask, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showRecursively, updateChildTabPosition, updateChildTabPositions, updateEditNode, updateHover, updateHover, updateShadow, updateTabPositionForDraw, visibleAtPoint, willAcceptDrop
addDrawHandler, applyFactoryProperties, completeCreation, destroy, doAddHandler, doInit, doOnRender, draw, equals, error, errorIfNotCreated, getAttribute, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsDate, getAttributeAsDateArray, getAttributeAsDouble, getAttributeAsElement, getAttributeAsFloat, getAttributeAsFloatArray, getAttributeAsInt, getAttributeAsIntArray, getAttributeAsJavaScriptObject, getAttributeAsMap, getAttributeAsRecord, getAttributeAsString, getAttributeAsStringArray, getConfig, getDOM, getHandlerCount, getID, getInnerHTML, getJsObj, getOrCreateJsObj, getRef, getScClassName, hasAutoAssignedID, hashCode, initNativeObject, internalSetID, internalSetID, isConfigOnly, isCreated, isDrawn, isFactoryCreated, onBind, onDestroy, onDraw, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setConfig, setConfigOnly, setDefaultProperties, setDragTracker, setFactoryCreated, setID, setJavaScriptObject, setLogicalStructure, setLogicalStructure, setNullProperty, setPosition, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setScClassName, toString
addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, fireEvent, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, isOrWasAttached, onBrowserEvent, onLoad, onUnload, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
addStyleDependentName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, isVisible, onEnsureDebugId, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, resolvePotentialElement, setElement, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setStylePrimaryName, setVisible, sinkBitlessEvent
public FieldPicker()
public FieldPicker( jsObj)
public static FieldPicker getOrCreateRef( jsObj)
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, Canvas defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- Canvas defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, FormItem defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- FormItem defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
protected create()
public void setAddCustomFieldsButtonTitle(java.lang.String addCustomFieldsButtonTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New addCustomFieldsButtonTitle value. Default value is "Add Custom Fields"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getAddCustomFieldsButtonTitle()
public ListGrid getAvailableFieldsGrid() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
showing the list of available fields.
This component is an AutoChild named "availableFieldsGrid". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.public void setAvailableFieldsHeaderControls(Canvas... availableFieldsHeaderControls) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
header controls
above the available fields grid.availableFieldsHeaderControls
- New availableFieldsHeaderControls value. Default value is nulljava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic Canvas[] getAvailableFieldsHeaderControls()
header controls
above the available fields grid.public void setAvailableFieldsTitle(java.lang.String availableFieldsTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New availableFieldsTitle value. Default value is "Available Fields"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getAvailableFieldsTitle()
public void setAvailableTitleTitle(java.lang.String availableTitleTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New availableTitleTitle value. Default value is "Name"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getAvailableTitleTitle()
public HLayout getButtonLayout() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
horizontal layout
used to show the Save
and Cancel
This component is an AutoChild named "buttonLayout". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.public void setCancelButtonTitle(java.lang.String cancelButtonTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New cancelButtonTitle value. Default value is "Cancel"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getCancelButtonTitle()
public IButton getCancelChangesButton() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
that saves the current field-set and exits the Field
This component is an AutoChild named "cancelChangesButton". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.public void setCanFilterSampleValue(java.lang.Boolean canFilterSampleValue) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New canFilterSampleValue value. Default value is falsejava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdsetSampleValueTitle(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.Boolean getCanFilterSampleValue()
public void setConfirmText(java.lang.String confirmText) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New confirmText value. Default value is "Must save pending changes to proceed. OK?"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getConfirmText()
public ListGrid getCurrentFieldsGrid() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
showing the list of currently selected fields.
This component is an AutoChild named "currentFieldsGrid". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.public void setCurrentFieldsTitle(java.lang.String currentFieldsTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New currentFieldsTitle value. Default value is "Visible Fields"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getCurrentFieldsTitle()
public void setCurrentTitleTitle(java.lang.String currentTitleTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New currentTitleTitle value. Default value is "Field Title"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getCurrentTitleTitle()
public void setDataBoundComponent(Canvas dataBoundComponent) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note that if DataBoundComponent.useAllDataSourceFields
set on the component, it will be cleared when the FieldPicker applies the requested ordering since that setting imposes
a fixed ordering on the fields.
- New dataBoundComponent value. Default value is nulljava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic Canvas getDataBoundComponent()
Note that if DataBoundComponent.useAllDataSourceFields
set on the component, it will be cleared when the FieldPicker applies the requested ordering since that setting imposes
a fixed ordering on the fields.
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
if none is provided. Has no effect if
a dataBoundComponent
is specified.dataSource
- New dataSource value. Default value is nulljava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic DataSource getDataSource()
if none is provided. Has no effect if
a dataBoundComponent
is specified.public void setEmptyTitleHint(java.lang.String emptyTitleHint) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New emptyTitleHint value. Default value is "[No title specified]"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getEmptyTitleHint()
public void setHilitesText(java.lang.String hilitesText) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New hilitesText value. Default value is "Highlights..."java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getHilitesText()
public Label getInstructionLabel() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
displaying the text assigned as the FieldPicker's instructions
. Shown across the top of the widget.
This component is an AutoChild named "instructionLabel". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.public void setInstructions(java.lang.String instructions) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New instructions value. Default value is "Drag and drop or use arrows to move fields. Drag reorder to change field order."java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdHTMLString
public java.lang.String getInstructions()
public void setRemoveItemTitle(java.lang.String removeItemTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New removeItemTitle value. Default value is "Remove"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getRemoveItemTitle()
public void setRemoveText(java.lang.String removeText) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New removeText value. Default value is "You are about to remove the field. Are you sure?"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getRemoveText()
public void setSampleRecord(Record sampleRecord) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. dataBoundComponent
is a TreeGrid
, you can specify "firstOpenLeaf" to use the
first open leaf as the sampleRecord (this is often desirable in trees where the first record may be a folder that's used
for organizational purposes only and hence would have no actual data for columns other than the tree column).sampleRecord
- New sampleRecord value. Default value is "first"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic Record getSampleRecord()
is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. dataBoundComponent
is a TreeGrid
, you can specify "firstOpenLeaf" to use the
first open leaf as the sampleRecord (this is often desirable in trees where the first record may be a folder that's used
for organizational purposes only and hence would have no actual data for columns other than the tree column).public void setSampleRecord(DefaultSampleRecord sampleRecord) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. dataBoundComponent
is a TreeGrid
, you can specify "firstOpenLeaf" to use the
first open leaf as the sampleRecord (this is often desirable in trees where the first record may be a folder that's used
for organizational purposes only and hence would have no actual data for columns other than the tree column).sampleRecord
- New sampleRecord value. Default value is "first"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic DefaultSampleRecord getSampleRecordAsDefaultSampleRecord()
is provided, the FieldPicker will show a second column in the Current Fields dialog
showing the cell value that will appear for that field given the provided sample record. dataBoundComponent
is a TreeGrid
, you can specify "firstOpenLeaf" to use the
first open leaf as the sampleRecord (this is often desirable in trees where the first record may be a folder that's used
for organizational purposes only and hence would have no actual data for columns other than the tree column).public void setSampleValueTitle(java.lang.String sampleValueTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New sampleValueTitle value. Default value is "Sample Value"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getSampleValueTitle()
public IButton getSaveAndExitButton() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
that saves the current field-set and exits the Field
This component is an AutoChild named "saveAndExitButton". For an overview of how to use and
configure AutoChildren, see Using AutoChildren
- if this widget has not yet been rendered.public void setSaveAndExitButtonTitle(java.lang.String saveAndExitButtonTitle) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New saveAndExitButtonTitle value. Default value is "Apply"java.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.String getSaveAndExitButtonTitle()
public void setShowFieldOrderButtons(boolean showFieldOrderButtons) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New showFieldOrderButtons value. Default value is truejava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic boolean getShowFieldOrderButtons()
public void setShowHilitesButton(boolean showHilitesButton) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New showHilitesButton value. Default value is truejava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic boolean getShowHilitesButton()
public void setAvailableFields(DataSourceField... newFields)
- public static void setDefaultProperties(FieldPicker fieldPickerProperties)
Note: This method is intended for setting default attributes only and will affect all instances of the underlying class (including those automatically generated in JavaScript). This method should not be used to apply standard EventHandlers or override methods for a class - use a custom subclass instead. Calling this method after instances have been created can result in undefined behavior, since it bypasses any setters and a class instance may have already examined a particular property and not be expecting any changes through this route.
- properties that should be used as new defaults when instances of this class are createdSGWTProperties
public void setCallbackCustomizer(FieldPickerCallbackCustomizer customizer)
- the customizer to execute.public com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject setLogicalStructure(com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.widgets.FieldPickerLogicalStructure s)
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.public com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject getLogicalStructure()
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.getLogicalStructure
in interface LogicalStructure
in class VLayout