Interface Server_properties

public interface Server_properties file

The file is a configuration file read by the Smart GWT server - see the file itself for more information and default or sample settings.

Note that this is a standard Java Properties file, except it allows variable substitution from other properties defined earlier in the file.

It's loaded from the CLASSPATH, so it can be anywhere in the CLASSPATH, but is typically either in the projects java "src" directory or in WEB-INF/classes.

Server side code can access and modify the properties specified in this file via the com.isomorphic.base.Config class.

When modifying developers should restart the servlet engine after changing this file to pick up changes.

The following settings are used by Smart GWT server features.
Note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list:

  • project.datasources specifies the location for server-backed DataSource configuration files (*.ds.xml files) as well as server-backed SimpleType declarations (*.type.xml files)
  • project.ui specifies the location for XML Screen definitions (*.ui.xml files)
  • project.project specifies the location for XML Project definitions (*.project.xml files)
  • project.apps specifies the location for Application declarations (*.app.xml files)
  • modulesDir specifies the location for modules files if using the loadISC or loadModules jsp tags.
  • isc.addVersionToLoadTags (boolean) May be set to false to disable the automatic versioning applied to URLs written out by loadISC or loadModules jsp tags.
  • isc.defaultVersionStyle specifies the default versionStyle for loadISC or loadModules jsp tags. Default value is "params".
  • isc.versionPathSegmentPrefix Specifies a standard path segment prefix written out by loadISC or loadModules jsp tags with versionStyle set to "pathSegment". The generated path segment will consist of this prefix combined with the current Smart GWT version. The default value is "isc_version.".
  • isc.stripVersionPathSegments (boolean) When set to true, any URL containing a path segment that starts with the isc.pathSegmentPrefix will be automatically stripped by the Smart GWT FileDownloadServlet, or the dedicated VersionedURLFilter when resolving the URL to a resource on the filesystem.
    This may be disabled if you want to use a different strategy such as using Apache mod_rewrite on a dedicated web server to resolve URLs including versioned path segments.
  • authentication.defaultRequired can be used to require authentication for all dataSources by default
  • authentication.superuserRole can be used to identify a user role as the super user role.
  • This file can contain DataBase configuration settings for SQL DataSources. Note that the Admin Console tool provides an interface for adding database configuration blocks to without the need to edit the file by hand.
  • This file can contain SQL Connection pooling settings for SQL DataSources.
  • This file can contain various configuration properties used for JpaIntegration
  • This file can contain SMTP configuration settings for the OperationBinding.mail feature.
  • This file can contain configuration settings for the optional RealTimeMessaging module.
  • enabledBuiltins can be used to configure access to methods provided by the server side BuiltInRPC class. (See server side JavaDoc for that class as well as the tools deployment overview for more information).
  • domainSync.disabled and domainSync.baseDomains can be used to configure domain synching behavior.
  • can be set to false to switch off automatic consumption of Byte Order Markers when importing UTF data (see the server Javadocs for the DataImport class for more details)
  • datasources.autoConvertRelativeDates can be used to change when relative dates are converted or to entirely disable the automatic conversion (see DataSource.autoConvertRelativeDates for more details)
  • sql.log.formatQueries can be set to true to enable the SQL queries formatting in server logs under com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDriver category
  • sql.log.compactFormatting can be set to true to make formatted SQL queries more compact
  • sql.log.maxLength can be set to an integer controlling the maximum length of formatted SQL queries
  • sql.log.queriesSlowerThan can be set to an integer controlling SQL query execution time threshold in milliseconds (defaults to 10000), which if exceeded query is identified as "slow" and may be logged under specific logging category. See DataSource.logSlowSQL for more details.
  • reflection.classCache specifies how (if enabled) Smartclient Reflection library caches loaded classes, availables values are "global", "classloader" (default), "jdk" and "off". See comment in for more details.
  • sql_comment_mdc_key if specified is used as a logging MDC key to get the configurable "log_correlation_id" third party tools, like Dynatrace, Graylog etc., use for the context. Smartclient picks that from the logging MDC and adds as a comment to the end of generated SQL queries, so those can be connected to the context.