Interface RelativeDateShortcut

public interface RelativeDateShortcut
A RelativeDateShortcut is a special string that represents a shortcut to a date phrase that can be automatically mapped to a RelativeDateString for use in widgets that leverage relative-dates, such as the RelativeDateItem.

Note that some shortcuts indicate a time period but do not directly indicate whether the value refers to the start or end of the time period in question. This ambiguity can be resolved by specifying an explicit RelativeDateRangePosition when calling APIs that convert from RelativeDates to absolute date values. This is the case for $today, $tomorrow, $yesterday, $weekAgo, $weekFromNow, $monthAgo and $monthFromNow. If a range position is not explicitly passed, these will all default to the start of the day in question.

Builtin options include

  • $now - this moment
  • $today - the current day. By default this resolves to the start of the current day though an explicit RelativeDateRangePosition may be used to specify the end of the current day.
  • $startOfToday - the start of today
  • $endOfToday - the end of today (one millisecond before the $startOfTomorrow)
  • $yesterday - the previous day.
  • $startOfYesterday - the start of yesterday
  • $endOfYesterday - the end of yesterday (one millisecond before the $startOfToday)
  • $tomorrow - the following day
  • $startOfTomorrow - the start of tomorrow
  • $endOfTomorrow - the end of tomorrow
  • $weekAgo - the current day of the previous week
  • $weekFromNow - the current day of the next week
  • $startOfWeek - the start of the current week
  • $endOfWeek - the end of the current week
  • $monthAgo - the current day of the previous month
  • $monthFromNow - the current day of the following month
  • $startOfMonth - the start of the current month
  • $endOfMonth - the end of the current month
  • $startOfYear - the start of the current year
  • $endOfYear - the end of the current year