Interface GwtFloatVsDouble

public interface GwtFloatVsDouble

Float vs Double

In GWT code, you should generally use Java Doubles rather than Java Float values.

In the current implementation of GWT, Float and Double types are both represented as JavaScript Number, so there is no storage or performance advantage to using Float over Double, and double provides higher precision.

In addition, because GWT uses true Java Floats in development mode but uses higher precision JavaScript Number values in compiled mode, math operations on Float can differ between development mode vs compiled mode.

The SmartGWT field type "float" is represented as a JavaScript Number, the same storage GWT uses for Doubles, so in any code that accesses or manipulates values stored in a field of type "float", use Record.getAttributeAsDouble(), DoubleItem.getValueAsDouble(), and similar APIs to avoid being tripped up by GWT's different behavior in development mode.

See Also: