Interface CellStyleSuffixes

public interface CellStyleSuffixes
As with stateful canvases, grid cells support being styled to reflect the current state of the cell by generating a css styleName from the specified baseStyle, plus stateful suffixes.

There are six independent states, which are combined in the order given:

  1. "Disabled" : whether the cell is disabled; enable by setting the "enabled" flag on record returned by getCellRecord
  2. "Selected" : whether cell is selected; enable by passing a Selection object as "selection"
  3. "Over" : mouse is over this cell; enable with showRollovers
  4. Specified alternateRowSuffix ("Dark" by default) : alternating row color bands; enable with alternateRowStyles
  5. Specified alternateColumnSuffix ("AltCol" by default) : alternating column color bands; enable with alternateColumnStyles
  6. "Async" or "AsyncError" if the cell's value is being asynchronously computed, or an error occurred during the asynchronous computation; these are enabled with DataBoundComponent.showAsyncValues
This leads to the following set of standard style names:
CSS Class AppliedDescriptionExample
baseStyleDefault css style for the cell cell
baseStyle+alternateRowSuffix Suffix for alternating color bands when alternateRowStyles is true cellDark
baseStyle+alternateColumnSuffix Suffix for alternating color bands when alternateColumnStyles is true cellAltCol
baseStyle+Disabled Whether the cell is disabled; enable by setting the "enabled" flag on record returned by getCellRecord. cellDisabled
baseStyle+Selected Whether the cell is selected. Only applies if ListGrid.showSelectedStyle is true cellSelected
baseStyle+Over Mouse is over this record. Only applies if ListGrid.showRollOver is true cellOver
Combined styles
baseStyle+alternateRowSuffix+alternateColumnSuffix Disabled style applied to cells in both alternate row and column color bands. cellDarkAltCol
baseStyle+Disabled+alternateRowSuffix Disabled style applied to cells in alternate row color bands. cellDisabledDark
baseStyle+Disabled+alternateColumnSuffix Disabled style applied to cells in alternate column color bands. cellDisabledAltCol
baseStyle+Disabled++alternateRowSuffix+alternateColumnSuffix Disabled style applied to cells in both alternate column and row color bands. cellDisabledDarkAltCol
baseStyle+Selected+Over Style applied to selected cells as the mouse rolls over them. cellSelectedOver
baseStyle+Selected+alternateRowSuffix Selected style applied to cells in alternate row color bands. cellSelectedDark
baseStyle+Selected+alternateColumnSuffix Selected style applied to cells in alternate column color bands. cellSelectedAltCol
baseStyle+Selected+alternateRowSuffix+alternateColumnSuffix Selected style applied to cells in both alternate row and column color bands. cellSelectedDarkAltCol
baseStyle+Over+alternateRowSuffix Style applied to alternate row color band cells as the mouse rolls over them. cellOverDark
baseStyle+Over+alternateColumnSuffix Style applied to alternate column color band cells as the mouse rolls over them. cellOverAltCol
baseStyle+Over+alternateRowSuffix+alternateColumnSuffix Style applied to cells in both alternate row and column color bands as the mouse rolls over them. cellOverDarkAltCol
baseStyle+Selected+Over+alternateRowSuffix Style applied to selected, alternate row color band cells as the mouse rolls over them. cellSelectedOverDark
baseStyle+Selected+Over+alternateColumnSuffix Style applied to selected, alternate column color band cells as the mouse rolls over them. cellSelectedOverAltCol
baseStyle+Selected+Over+alternateRowSuffix+alternateColumnSuffix Style applied to selected, alternate row and column color band cells as the mouse rolls over them. cellSelectedOverDarkAltCol
.. to which may be added "Async" or "AsyncError" suffixes.