Interface PercentSizing
Canvas Percentage sizing
and height
may be set to a percentage value or
rather than an explicit pixel value. This indicates to the framework that
these widgets should be sized dynamically. Percentage sizes are resolved to pixel values as follows:
- If a canvas has a specified
, sizing will be a percentage of the size of that widget (see alsoCanvas.percentBox
). - Otherwise, if a
canvas has a
master canvas
, andsnapTo
is set for the widget, sizing will be a percentage of the size of that widget (see alsoCanvas.percentBox
). - Otherwise if
this is a child of some other canvas, percentages will be based on the inner size of the
parent canvas
's viewport. This is the available space inside the parent, taking border, scrollbars etc into account.
If the parent has overflow set to "visible", percentage sizes are based on the inner specified size of the parent rather than the overflowed size. - Otherwise, for top level widgets, sizing is calculated as a percentage of page size.
may specially interpret percentage sizes on
their children, and also allow "*" as a size. See the Layout class documentation for more
information. Minimums and maximums for dynamic sizing:
Note that if a Canvas.maxWidth
or Canvas.minWidth
are specified (or Canvas.maxHeight
/ Canvas.minHeight
for heights), these
properties act as explicit pixel limits on the canvas' size. For example, a canvas with Canvas.maxWidth
set to 500
, and
width specified as "100%" will not render larger than 500 pixels in width even if there is
more space available in the parent canvas or percentSource.
Percent sizing within
overflow:"visible" parents:
If a canvas is a child
of another canvas with Canvas.overflow
set to "visible", percentage
sizes are based on the specified size of the parent, not the drawn size. In other words - if
the parent's content, or the size and position of some other child cause it to render larger
than its specified size, a "100%"-sized child will not expand to fill the larger, rendered
size of the parent.
The framework avoids sizing percent sized children to fit the
overflowed size of their parents, as the child itself contributes to the overflowed
size of the parent. If a child both drives and is driven by its parent's overflowed size
unintended behaviors become very likely.
It becomes much more likely to see runaway sizing
and infinite loops with this kind of pattern and, while a parent holding a child sized to its
overflowed inner height or width could grow (for example, expanding its overflow to accommodate
another, taller child), it would never dynamically reduce its overflow, as the percent sized
child would always completely fill the drawn area.
Note that a developer could explicitly
set the Canvas.percentSource
attribute of some canvas to its parent, but this isn't recommended for the reasons described
above. If you are trying to make a canvas fit to the (overflowed) viewport of its parent, it is
probably appropriate to instead match the size of the sibling causing it to overflow. This
could be achieved by setting percentSource
to that sibling and setting an
appropriate percentBox value. You could also consider whether a master/peer relationship
is appropriate.
Also note
that the Layout
class supports expanding all members
to match the drawn size of some minimum breadth member
Developers wishing to implement some other dynamic sizing paradigm for a component based on the
drawn size of other component(s) can also add custom handling to the resized notification