Isomorphic Software Logo SmartClient™ SDK Release Notes
Version v13.1p_2025-02-15/AllModules Deployment (2025-02-15)


SmartClient provides an open DHTML/Ajax client engine, rich user interface components, and metadata-driven client-server databinding systems, for rich GUI, zero-install web applications. Whether you are upgrading from an earlier release, or exploring SmartClient for the first time, these notes will help you to install and use this release more quickly and effectively. Please take a few minutes to review this file.
Please see the Isomorphic Blog for an overview of the latest set of features introduced by this release.

See the change log for a more extensive list of changes.

Quick Start

The SmartClient SDK distribution includes an embedded application server and database engine for rapid, stand-alone development and evaluation. To get started quickly:
  1. Download and install the Java 2 Runtime (JRE or SDK) 1.5+ if necessary.
  2. Start the embedded server by running start_embedded_server.bat (Windows), .command (MacOSX), or .sh (*nix).
  3. Open the open_ISC_SDK_from_server shortcut (Windows/MacOS) or open a web browser and browse to http://localhost:8080/ (all systems).
  4. Create a bookmark or favorite in your web browser to the URL javascript:isc.showLog(), for easy access to the SmartClient Developer Console and integrated SmartClient Reference.

The SmartClient Quick Start Guide (PDF format) is your best starting point for an overview of the SmartClient SDK, system, and capabilities. This guide also covers common installation and configuration issues.

The SmartClient Reference is the central reference and usage documentation for SmartClient developers.

Supported Clients

SmartClient 13.1 applications run in the following standard web browsers:
As well as the following mobile device web browsers:
As new browser versions are released, Isomorphic evaluates the stability of the new browser and may announce official support, sometimes with patches or special settings required to work around browser flaws.

Support is available for earlier browser versions for customers with support contracts. Please contact Isomorphic for details.

Supported Servers

SmartClient 13.1 server-side components require a Java Servlets 2.3 compatible server (complete list here).

SmartClient .zip and .tar.gz packages include an embedded Tomcat server for rapid stand-alone development, but SmartClient is also tested and supported on BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Oracle iAS, Sun AS, Caucho Resin, Mortbay Jetty, and JBoss servers. SmartClient .war and .ear packages without Tomcat are provided for deployment in existing server environments. See the Server Installation Notes for server-specific configuration and tested versions.

The SmartClient SDK includes an embedded HSQL database for rapid prototyping and evaluation using the SmartClient object-relational connector. This connector is also tested against DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Firebird databases. See the Server Installation Notes for database-specific configuration and tested versions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or requests, please feel free to contact the SmartClient product team: We welcome your feedback, and thank you for choosing SmartClient.

©2013 and beyond Isomorphic Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Your use of this software is subject to the License Agreement. Isomorphic Software, SmartClient, and all Isomorphic-based names and logos that appear herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Isomorphic Software, Inc. All other product or company names that appear herein may be claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( This product includes Hypersonic SQL.