Patch & Development Builds - SmartClient/SmartGWT

Available builds of SmartClient and SmartGWT include:
  1. Patch Builds: a "patch" build contains bugfixes, documentation updates and locale updates only - no new features. Patch builds should generally be used for development; do not use the original release builds or you will encounter already-fixed bugs. The letter "p" in a version (e.g. "9.0p") indicates a patch build.
  2. Development Builds: a development build includes progress toward a future release. The letter "d" in a version (e.g. "9.1d") indicates a development build, moving towards the release of the specified version (for example, 9.1d would indicate progress towards a future 9.1 release).
Builds are available for each edition of the product, labeled as follows:
  1. LGPL: free (LGPL) versions
  2. Eval: evaluations of the commercial product. These have a quicker expiration than general releases (2 weeks instead of 2 months), but you can always download a new one.
  3. Pro, PowerEdition, Enterprise: licensed versions (paying customers only): use your licensed to log in after clicking the appropriate link below

Development Builds, Bugs and Support

Please understand the nature of development ("d") builds. While development builds are subjected to a huge suite of automated tests, it is possible that your application will be broken in an obvious way when running on a development build, if you just happen to hit a case where we do not (yet) have automated tests. So:

Development builds are automatically created nightly and will generally appear by 6am Pacific time (San Francisco).

Support for Development Builds

If you have a support contract with Isomorphic, you can get support services for development builds. Bugs in development builds will be treated similarly to bugs in generally released builds, except that:

  1. Issues in development builds must be reproduced by you against the latest development build or the issue is considered invalid. Be sure to proactively mention that you have tested with the latest development build and mention the exact version, otherwise, you will just be asked to re-test with the latest build.
  2. Development builds are always ineligible for the patches or hotfixes included with Enterprise support or better. Fixes are delivered by having them simply appear in the latest build, where it is possible that the fix comes along with unrelated regressions - this is simply the nature of working with bleeding-edge builds.
  3. Development builds are not eligible for issue escalation.

If you are uncomfortable with obtaining fixes by deploying new development builds, either avoid deploying development builds in production environments, or obtain a commitment from Isomorphic indicating that a specific development build is supported for a specific deployment scenario (this service is available as an add-on to standard support packages).


  15.0d [Dev Build]  15.0d [Dev Build]
  14.1p [Stable Build]  14.1p [Stable Build]
  14.0p [Stable Build]  14.0p [Stable Build]
  13.1p [Stable Build]  13.1p [Stable Build]
  13.0p [Stable Build]  13.0p [Stable Build]
  12.1p [Stable Build]  12.1p [Stable Build]
  12.0p [Stable Build]  12.0p [Stable Build]
  6.1p [Stable Build]  11.1p [Stable Build]
  6.0p [Stable Build]  11.0p [Stable Build]
  5.1p [Stable Build]  10.1p [Stable Build]