Interface TitaniumIntegration
Integration with Titanium
Titanium provides an extensive Javascript API to access a native device's UI, phone, camera, geolocation, etc. Documentation, getting started, programming guides are here. Titanium provides a consistent API across devices including the ability to mix webviews with native controls.The Titanium sample application provides an example of accessing a device's Contacts db using Smart GWT. The application presents 2 tabs 'Customers' and 'Contacts' and allows the user to import Customer contacts into his/her contacts db resident on the device. Selecting a Customer's Contact address will show a map of the contact. Selecting a Customer's phone number will call the customer or prompt to import the contact into the user's contacts. The latter option is default behavior on the iPad. Calling the customer contact is default behavior for devices such as the iPhone or Android.
The Titanium Contact object holds the following properties:
- address
- birthday
- created
- date
- department
- firstName
- firstPhonetic
- fullName
- image
- instantMessage
- jobTitle
- kind
- lastName
- lastPhonetic
- middleName
- middlePhonetic
- modified
- nickname
- note
- organization
- phone
- prefix
- relatedNames
- suffix
The following Titanium API's are used:
- Titanium.App.addEventListener
- Titanium.App.fireEvent
- Titanium.Contacts.getAllPeople
- Titanium.Geolocation.forwardGeocoder
- Titanium.Map.STANDARD_TYPE,
- Titanium.Map.createView
- Titanium.UI.createTab
- Titanium.UI.createTabGroup
- Titanium.UI.createWebView
- Titanium.UI.createWindow
- Titanium.UI.setBackgroundColor
The following Smart GWT Components are used
- DataSource
- ListGrid
The following Smart GWT Resources are bundled in the Titanium application
- ISC_Containers.js
- ISC_Core.js
- ISC_DataBinding.js
- ISC_Foundation.js
- ISC_Grids.js
- load_skin.js
- skins/Mobile/images/black.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/blank.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/checked.png
- skins/Mobile/images/formula_menuItem.png
- skins/Mobile/images/grid.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/group_closed.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/group_opened.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/headerMenuButton_icon.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/loading.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/loadingSmall.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/opacity.png
- skins/Mobile/images/pinstripes.png
- skins/Mobile/images/row_collapsed.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/row_expanded.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/sort_ascending.gif
- skins/Mobile/images/sort_descending.gif
- skins/Mobile/skin_styles.css